idiom > give counsel
  Explanation: Seeking: Trick; program: planning. Development of plot strategy. That human ideas
  Usage: Joint type; as predicate; that man think of a way, ideas
  Source: Ming Feng Meng, "Eastern Zhou Zhi": "Ru according to violate the meantime wait and see, does not see the surprise picture strategy, nothing more than Yinrenchengshi."
  Examples: The others, even the old He included, also ~, each contribution. ★ hole Jue "new Heroic resume" Chapter IX
chū móu huà cè
  The ideas, but the derogatory
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No. 3
  Other ideas and suggestions for the phone
Translated by Google
Ideas, solutions
  Ideas, solutions. "Xing Tang Chuan trouble Lantern": "secretly helped to make plans just one brother, scheduling Wǔ of Greenwood were public." Kong Jue "new Heroic Resume" Chapter IX: "The rest, even in the old HE , the also make plans, each contribution. "Chen Dengke" Chilong and Danfeng "Part 8:" Song Ran in the village was originally a puppet, doing all by Li rash behind his ideas and suggestions. "
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No. 5
  出谋划策 ( chū móu huà cè )
  解 释 谋:计谋;划:筹划。制定计谋策略。指为人出主意
  出 处 明·冯梦龙《东周列国志》:“汝依违观望其间,并不见出奇画策,无非因人成事。”
  用 法 联合式;作谓语;指为人想办法,出主意
  示 例 孔厥《新儿女英雄续传》第九章:“其余的人,连老贺在内,也都~,各有贡献。”
  近义词 运筹帷幄
  英 文 give counsel
  成语名称 出谋划策 汉语拼音 chū móu huà cè 成语释义 谋:计谋;划:筹划。制定计谋策略。指为人出主意。 成语出处 明·冯梦龙《东周列国志》:“汝依违观望其间,并不见出奇画策,无非因人成事。” 使用例句 其余的人,连老贺在内,也都出谋划策,各有贡献。
English Expression
  1. :  give counsel? suggest,  give counsel suggest
  2. n.:  give counsel
French Expression
  1. v.  donner des conseils à qn, souffler des stratagèmes à qn
general's battle, bind tightly army tent, Sit raise army tent, Emotion initiate, Wochou Fabric painting, Operational decision-making, bind tightly bed-curtain, Bind tightly Zhangyi
Containing Phrases
brainmastermindDraw out policy plan give counsel
Draw out policy plan give counsel