statistics : disease prevention : agriculture : build configuration : urban architecture : structural engineering > birthrate
No. 1
  One country or region during a certain period (usually one year) the number of live births within the same period the ratio of the average population. Generally based on average per thousand. Formula of live births during the year, the birth rate (‰) = average number of infant population × 1000 ‰
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chū shēng lǜ
  A number of residents in the frequency of birth. Usually every 1,000 residents each year births to calculate the number of
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No. 3
  In specific areas and specific period of time the total number and ratio of birth, usually by the total number of births per thousand, a few or several years that
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No. 4
  Number of babies born each year in the proportion of the total population, usually expressed in parts per thousand.
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No. 5
  National birth rate (2006 NATO statistics) birthrate
  Birth rate birth rate, natality
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  birth rate
    每 1000人口的全年活产婴儿数。其公式为:□/□×1000‰。式中□为全年活产婴儿数,不论妊娠期长短,婴儿脱离母体时,有呼吸、心跳、脐带搏动、肯定的随意肌收缩等生命现象者称为活产。 □为全年总人口活过的人年数,即平均人数,常以年中人口数替代。出生率受人口的年龄、性别构成的影响,只能大致反映一地的生育水平,所以亦称粗出生率或总出生率
English Expression
  1. :  ratio of births in one year to every thousand people,  birth rate,  fertility
  2. n.:  birthrate,  natality
French Expression
  1. n.  natalité
Containing Phrases
crude birth ratefertilityfact birthrate
most birthrateinversion birthratebiology birthrate
Population Total birthratea declining birth-rate