waterpower : build > the dominical year
No. 1
  A lunar calendar, is now internationally accepted calendar. 365 days a year, divided into twelve months, one, three, five, seven, eight, ten, in December for the big monthly, 31 days, four, six, nine, in November for the ozuki, each 30 days in February is 28 days. Because the Earth actually orbits the Sun once in 36
  5.24219 (solar year), so every 400 years, 97 leap year, leap year plus one day in the second end of the year is 366 days. Leap year calculation is the year the number of years in 4 addition to have to do is leap year (eg 1960), 100 addition may make the average year (eg 1900), 100 addition was doing with the 400 also inter have to do is leap year ( such as 2000). Age is counting from the legend of Jesus Birth. Also known as the Gregorian calendar, known as the Gregorian calendar.
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gōng lì
  International universal calendar now. 365 days a year, divided into twelve months. Every four years in 97 leap year, leap year plus one day two at the end of the year is 366 days. Called the "Gregorian"
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No. 3
  Now, most common calendar, known as the Gregorian calendar, also known as the Gregorian calendar. 365 days a year, divided into twelve months, a large month (one, three, five, seven, eight, 10, 12) 31 days, catching colors (four, six, nine, 11) thirty days,二月 28 days. Because of the Earth around the sun actually is 365.24219 days a week (solar year), so every four years a leap year in 97; leap year plus one day late in the second full year is 366 days. Leap year calculation is: the year the number of years divisible by 4 are leap years, but of every one hundred years, only a leap year is divisible by 400. Era is counting from the legend of Jesus Birth.
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No. 4
  因二分点(春分点秋分点)每年沿黄道向西逆行约五十秒,故回归年较恒星年之时间为短,相差二十分二十三秒,谓之“岁差”。 此三种年之时间不同,欲使每年之节气寒暑不变,故取回归年为制历之年。
  无闰日这年,谓之“平年”,平年三百六十五日,闰年三百六十六日。 但四年之闰余,仅二十三时十五分四秒,今闰一日,未免过多,超过之四十四分五十六秒,积至二十五闰,为十七时五十八分二十四秒,约合一日之四分之三,故每满百年废一闰,至第四百年又不废。如是每四年置一闰,每四百年减三闰,计超过二小时五十三分二十秒,须八个四百年后,即三千二百年后,始补足此一日之差。
  由于地球绕太阳运行周期为365天5小时48分46秒(合365.24219天)即一回归年,公历把一年定为365天。所余下的时间约为四年累计一天,加在二月里,所以平常年份每年365天,二月为28天,闰年为366天,二月为29天。因此,每400年中有97个闰年,闰年在2月末增加一天,闰年366天。 闰年的计算方法:公元纪年的年数可以被四整除,即为闰年;被100整除为平年;被100整除也可被400整除的为闰年。纪元是从传说的耶稣诞生那年算起。 公历每月有月大、月小和月平的说法,月大为31天,月小为30天,月平只有2月,为28天(闰年29天)。 公历一年中每月天数:月份1月2月3月4月5月6月7月8月9月10月11月12月天数3128
  Gregorian calendar
  目前全世界通用的历法,又称格雷果里历,实质上是一种阳历。它是罗马教皇格雷果里(一译格利哥里)十三世对原来的儒略历进行修订后于1582年颁行的。由于儒略历的年长度是365.25日,同回归年长度365.2422日相差0.0078日,从实施儒略历到十六世纪后期,累差已约10天。为了消除这个差数,格雷果里十三世把儒略历1582年10月 4日(星期四)的下一天定为格雷果里历10月15日,中间销去10天,这样使春分日又恢复到3月21日。同时还修改了儒略历置闰的法则,公元年数被4除尽的仍为闰年,但对世纪年(如1600,1700,……),只有能被400除尽的才为闰年。这样,在400年中只有97个闰年,比儒略历减少3个,即历年的平均长度为365.2425日,与回归年长度365.2422日更为接近。
English Expression
  1. n.:  the dominical year,  Gregorian calendar
French Expression
  1. n.  calendrier grégorien
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