n.: bc, era, hegira, nehemiah, porch, zhou, Alexander the Great, before Christ, seven sages (=Seven Wise Men of Greece), the twelve tables, Venus of Medici, Venus of Savignaro
French Expression
n. avant notre ère, avant J. -C.
Related Phrases
historical figures
foreign [home] mission
history Bear on/upon People
before century
Containing Phrases
era the year before last
era the year before last
era the year before last
era the year before last
era the year before last
era the year before last
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era the year before last
era the year before last
self bc
at bc
from bc
to bc
era the year before last
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era the year before last
era the year before last
era the year before last
bc ten thousand years; all ages; eternity
in (a past time) bc
big hippocrates
the bc
at Bc sequence
pending bc
bc ten thousand years; all ages; eternity
agree from bc
Bc six century
Century To bc
Zhaoguozai bc
bc three century
So at bc
Chronicle self bc
Bc Wujiu eight years
Bc Sijiu quadrennium
Bc Liuba pentad
Bc Liusan triennium
Bc Liuwu twelvemonth
Bc Siba'ernian
Bc era the first year of a reign
Uncle writing be bc
bc bicycle college
Uncle writing also bc
Gaius Iulius Caesar Bc bc
Egypt antoinette bc bc
Cailun Bc word head
Bc Liusan'ernian april
At bc sequence four The abbot of Misrule
Bc era the first year of a reign
hongkong Economic history Bc About public the first year of a reign
hongkong Economic history Bc About public the first year of a reign