n.: entire body, en bloc, in a body, the whole body, the whole [kit and] caboodle, each and all, in mass, every mother's son, all of, whole person, all Muslims, all the Muslim world (, whole body, the whole unit, everybody, plenary (assembly), all and singular, wholeness, totality, ministry, lot, entirety, entireness, all and sundry, ensemble, constabulary, congregation, collectivity, caboodle, boiling
complement, belong, all, all junction, junction, linkage, interlink, concatenate, fusion, colligate, synthesis, Merger, merger, mixture, form a mixture, abutment, alliance, alliance, link, consortium, closeness, along, together, make a companion of, confederacy, alliance, bond, strengthen, meeting, communication, commerce, contact, delegate power to the lower levels; shift of power to the grassroots, Unloading, bother, together, ganging, action of forming a federation, incorporate, embody, invade, infest, barge, disturbance, invade, with armed forces in order to attack, damage or occupy it, interfere, irrupt, cohere, collude, league, be Cause (sb/sth) to be in a certain condition show a sign of, connote, probably, constrain, obtrusion, likelihood, likelihood, potentiality, possibility, affiliation, so, characterize, show, escort, concomitance, cover, comprehend, to along, lot, entire, impose, a room capable of 20 people, violate, blaspheme, defile, Breach, announce, total, whole, Lianhe Village, Lianmeng Village islam