idiom : Reduplication > cautious and conscientious
Cautious and conscientious
  Explanation: Jing Jing: careful look; industry trade: fear frightened. Described as careful, earnest
  Usage: Joint type; as object, adverbial; with a compliment
  Source: "Book of Songs, Daya Wan Hon": "As early as only very large, they can not push. Hard, such as Ting thunder."
  Examples: Ning Fu Feng's so powerful in human knowledge, since all - not dare to seek temporary ease. (Qing Cao Xueqin, "Dream of Red Mansions" Fourteenth back)
No. 2
  Jing Jing: describe carefully; industry trade: fear of the appearance. Described the work carefully, diligent.
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jīng jīng yè yè
  Described the work carefully, hardworking, conscientious and responsible
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Outlook cautious JIE JU
  Cautious JIE JU appearance. "The book Gao Yao mo": "hard, a few million on the 2nd day." Hole Biography: "Jing Jing, They came; industry industry apprehensive." "Han Emperor Yuan Ji": "Today I was Paul Ancestral hard, bandit dare solution relent. "Reappraisal Note:" Jing Jing, Shinya; industry sector, the crisis also. "" Jingshitongyan old disciple III gratitude ":" Kogon official hard, holding the egg cross the bridge, the supervisors also looking to take advantage of him. "Sun Li" Baiyangdian Chronicle stone monkey ":" working group meeting just down the land, it is hard, I'm afraid to make mistakes, out of favor. "
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Diligent seriously
  Diligent seriously. "Dream of Red Mansions," the 14th back: "So Huining Prefecture in Feng's interest to know talent, since each went hard, can not live secure and safe." Tech Industries "Defend Yan'an" Chapter VI: "Commander Peng's leaders, is powerful, quiet, dedicated, high efficiency. "
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兢兢业业 jīng jīng yè yè
  【解 释】 兢兢:小心谨慎的样子;业业:担心害怕的样子。形容小心谨慎,认真踏实。
  【出 处】 《诗经·大雅·云汉》:“早既大甚,则不可推。兢兢业业,如霆如雷。”
  【用 法】 联合式;作宾语、状语;含褒义; 指人处世认真。
  【示 例】 1、清·曹雪芹《红楼梦》第14回:“于是宁府中人才知凤姐利害,自此俱各~,不敢偷安。” 2、我们应切勿骄躁,兢兢业业,上下一心,达成每一个具体任务。 ★邓小平《创建巩固的大别山根据地》
  【近义词】 脚踏实地
  【反义词】 敷衍了事、敷衍塞责
  【故 事】 东晋时期荆州官吏陶侃,他勤于政事,处理政务从不拖延,对下属的赌博及贪小便宜的行为严惩不贷。他主张勤俭节约,经常将造船的木屑留作冬天雪地吸潮用,将造船剩下的竹屑、竹枝制成钉子再造船,对待工作真是兢兢业业
English Expression
  1. n.:  Cautious and conscientious,  with caution and fear
French Expression
  1. adv.  avec diligence
pull sb's chestnut out of the fire, beard the lion in his den, Jaws of death as the tiger's mouth Seize food, feel like standing upon the edge of an abyss, tread on delicate ground, jitter
have plenty of guts, effortlessly; as easy as to blow away the dust; with the slightest effort, just a small effort, Nothing be afraid of, Wusuo scruple, not care a bean (s), Just full of bile, audacious in the extreme; with reckless daring, Daringness Bao Shen, Bold, such as bucket, rush in where angels fear to tread
Containing Phrases
Cautious and conscientious Out_set_ luxury indulge