idiom > (as) open as the day
  Explanation: Leila: Xindiguangming confess. Mind frank, fair and square.
  Usage: Joint type; as predicate, attributive, adverbial; with compliment
  Source: Song Xi "ZHUAIYULE" Volume 74: "For example, the end is a good man who honorably, Hunmei dark end of it not good fans."
  Examples: He was ~, high prestige among the masses.
  Results: Crystal to build a house
  Postscript: Crystal to build a house
  Riddle: Stone shower
No. 2
  Describe not selfish, mind frankly.
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guāng míng lěi luò
  Honest and frank description of human behavior, there is no ambiguity hidden between privacy
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No. 4
  Every revolutionary workers, not all should have the same sun and honorable mind? - A "sun shining"
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No. 5
  Describe the mind frankly. "ZHUAIYULE" VII 4: "For example, the end is a good man who honorably, Hunmei fan base is a bad dark man." Qing Wang Fu-chih, "Reading Chronicle Emperor Gao of Han 10": "the forgotten body in order to extend chih , frank, calm and straight profile control center addiction in male suspect before the Son of Heaven. "Feng" My Life "the second of five chapters: the" Ma Fubo so open and above board, power in the country, Liang Yijun actually can not escape the hand. "
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No. 6
  【发音】:guāng míng lěi luò
  【同义】:襟怀坦白 光明正大
  【反义】:居心叵测 鬼鬼祟祟
  【歇后语】:水晶石盖房子-- 光明磊落
  【德文】:offen und unverhohlen
  【俄文】:кристáльно чéстный
  成语名称 光明磊落 汉语拼音 guāng míng lěi luò 成语释义 磊落:心地光明坦白。胸怀坦白,正大光明。 成语出处 《晋书·右勒载记下》:“大丈夫行事,当礌(磊)落落,如日月皎然。”宋·朱熹《朱子语类》卷七十四:“譬如人光明磊落底便是好人,昏昧迷暗底便不是好人。” 使用例句 公子光明磊落,为天人所钦瞩。
English Expression
  1. n.:  (as) open as the day,  open as the day,  fair dinkum,  straightforward,  straightforward and upright
play the game, Row Cannot but pathway, Row Defiance pathway, act in a fair or honourable way
Antonym Group
a Judas kiss, stupid, talk sweetly while harboring evil thought, mean ill (to sb. [by sb.]), heretical sect, thin and bony, With an eye to Ghost, Daftness Rulv, heretical sect, gentleman on the beam, burglar thief, crooked ways, contagion, abhor, Shougu left alone without help, skinny, Guibian quick, tricky, behaving stealthily like a thief, Zeitou rat brain, Zeimeishuyan, crooked means, Xiemowaidao, underplot, malicious intrigues, Ghost meter quick, Jiminggoudao, Shuqiegoutou, Shuqiegoudao
Related Phrases
Containing Phrases
no (as) open as the dayplay square