Health : Physical Education (PE) : prose in the classical literary style : common saying > catch the ball before the bound
  Explanation: When the opponent is not ready the first hands-on, the status of the initiative.
  Usage: Complex sentence; for predicate clause; with commendatory
  Source: "Sui Shu-yuan helmet Biography" Horses learned his family property, a pre-emptive, event will go. "
  Examples: This said, no. From it ~. "Moreover, this is my original. ★ Ming Ling Meng-chu," half an hour of surprises "Volume 17
That the action before others can get advantage
  That the action before others can get advantage. A phrase from the "History of the Sui Yuan helmet Biography": "Horses learned that his family property, a pre-emptive, event will go." Yuan Guan Hanqing "will single-handedly," the second break: "I arrived on the wall of hidden Jiashi, Qin Zhu Kuan Kung, then a pair of wings but also fly to the river, when I first foot in the door. "" Journey to the West, "the eighth one back:" No, Chen Cishi start with him, and also how long is' pre-emptive strong, will suffer after the start with '! "Ma Feng Xi Rong" Luliang Heroes "Article back:" no matter on March 7 21, pre-emptive! "
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No. 3
  先下手为强 ( xiān xià shǒu wéi qiáng )
  解 释 指先于别人行动,可以取得优势。
  出 处 《隋书·元胄传》:“兵马悉他家物,一先下手,大事便去。”
  用 法 复句式;作谓语、分句;含褒义
  示 例 马烽《吕梁英雄传》第20回:“不管他三七二十一,~!”
  近义词 先发制人
  成语名称 先下手为强 汉语拼音 xiān xià shǒu wéi qiáng 成语释义 在对手没有准备好的时候首先动手,取得主动地位。 成语出处 《隋书·元胄传》:“兵马悉他家物,一先下手,大事便去。” 使用例句 这个说不得。从来说“先下手为强”。况且原该是我的。
English Expression
  1. n.:  catch the ball before the bound,  draw the first blood
steal sb.'s thunder, forestall
The defensive to the offensive, Qu seek to extend, attack as a means of defence, Yiroukegang, Concessions in order to attack, To retreat, gain mastery by striking only after the enemy has struck
Containing Phrases
Catch the ball before the bound After Underling pest on sb.Catch the ball before the bound After Underling pest on sb.