near (approaching) will not
A "walking worm" of known
  A "beetle" and commonly known. Is the natural enemies of crop pests. Song Shen, including the "Meng Xi Bi Tan Magazine": "Yuanfeng in Gyeongju world party worms have children, the harm side to Akita, suddenly there is a worm, like a dog scorpion soil, the Hui have pliers, do cover, the case of sub- Fang insects, Zeyi clamp Fought, noted in two. mid-day side are doing, the age of large Rang. the worm had the old, the natives called the 'Pong would not'. "
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No. 2
  步行虫 是一个大家庭(Carabidae) 通常和普遍甲虫。
  家庭是在最大动物王国之中, 以大约40,000 个种类和可观的变异在他们之中。共同的特点包括一次一般黑暗的出现, 可能呈虹彩, 大头和下颚骨, 一个发出音的少量的土坎在pronotum, 和上条纹elytra 。大小范围从0.7 毫米(0.03 英寸) 66 毫米(2.6 英寸) 。
  步行虫被发现在所有栖所和在5,300 m (17,400 ft) 在喜马拉雅山。多数是夜的掠食性动物和净化剂, 但一些, 譬如老虎甲虫是活跃的自白天, 使用他们的眼力夺取小节肢动物。
  几类型步行虫, 特别是投炸弹者甲虫, 是著名的为能喷热的foul-smelling 液体喷气机从他们的腹部。