Buddhist glossary : idiom : riddle > speciosity
Pinyin: sì shì ér fēi

Usage: 复句式;作谓语、定语、状语;含贬义

Explanation: 似:象;是:对;非:不对。好象是对的,实际上不对。

Source: 先秦·孔子《孟子·尽心下》:“孔子曰:‘恶似而非者。’”

No. 2
sì shì ér fēi
  The face of it seems, in fact not the case
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No. 4
  World more paradoxical, hypocritical class really. - Han Wang, "Lun Heng dead puppet"
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No. 5
  "Mencius dedication under the": "Confucius said: 'evil who may not.'" After the "plausible" means something like true and false reality, or the like right and really wrong. Kingship as a "pseudo Lun Heng Dead": "World and more paradoxical, hypocritical class really, so Du Bo, Zhuang Ziyi of language, often the deposit." Jin Ge Hong, "Baopuzi on Popular": "or difficult to say: Supernatural books, specious. "Jin Ge Hong" Bao Pu Wu loss ":" Cardiff quality fish dragons, specious, were water-hi, see Rex is sad. "Sushi Song" shichangpu praise ":" I do not know back of that is for the calamus Chang Yang Ye, suppression, stating that his paradoxical, not cited in too. "Qing Wei," Mo Gu six articles under the rule ":" seems to promise is strong and Guaxin, and more artistes but few seem able to effect ... ... This person is also specious. "summer hideaway respect tao" Oncidium "2:" Students of the talks, some plausible, some just ridiculously wrong. "
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  作 者: 冯华 著
  出 版 社: 江苏文艺出版社
  出版日期: 2007-4-1
  字 数: 190000
  页 数: 226
  开 本: 32
  纸 张: 胶版纸
  I S B N : 9787539924816
  包 装: 平装
  所属分类: 图书 >> 小说 >> 侦探/悬疑/推理
English Expression
  1. n.:  speciosity,  specious; be apparently true but really wrong,  seemingly correct but really incorrect,  having the semblance of what it is not
French Expression
  1. adj.  spécieux, captieux, trompeur, vrai en apparence faux en réalité
cannot be laid down as rule, Insufficient law, misnomer, Likelihood Seems fake
another's good quality, or suggestion, whereby one can remedy one's own defects, lesson from the failure of one’ s predecessor, take warning from, extenuating circumstances, Satisfied When you, give no cause for much criticism, beyond challenge, The hiring of foreign talent, be not altogether inexcusable, Chu before hiring, great person given an important post by another country, Pernicious, iota not well, when wate flows,a channel is formed
Containing Phrases
glossyspecious reasoningfalse analogy
speciousspeciosity sequence quarterSpeciosity Who transpire
affiliate Aerial speciosity