music > exquisite
English Expression
  1. adj.:  light,  finely or skilfully made or done,  extremely beautiful or delicate,  thoroughbred,  silken,  proper,  pretty,  polished,  neatly,  magnificent,  exquisite,  gracious,  graceful,  goodly,  free,  elegant,  dulcet,  delicate,  concinnous,  airy
Thesaurus Group
subtle, exquisite, cabinet, courtly, Fabricate Delicacy of, curious, not plain or ordinary, junoesque, costly, cultured, deluxe, stately
amiable, polite and friendly, good-tempered, amicable, cordial, accommodating, cordial, fraternal, fraternal, affable, agreeable, compliant, matey, conversant, gentle, quiet, no vulgar, genteel, clubbable, sociable, docile, amiable Conquer of, tractable
Containing Phrases
gracelessExquisite threadmelody
a fine poisetunefulupstanding
pretty musicsweet tonemelodious
slinkyan admirable performancegracile
having or showing beautiful natural scenerya graceful leapa beautiful love-song
classicality keyexquisite helmetexquisite consumed
exquisite bightclassicality delineateexquisite stream
exquisite compositionexquisite a view of somebody's backexquisite greave
exquisite gloveexquisite communicationexquisite a dancer's movements and postures
classicality of likenessleggy(the) most Exquisite prose
(the) most a fine poiseExquisite Type affectby a very great amount exquisite stream
callipygianciceronianpastel shade
melodizea scenic wonderlanda fine solo performance on the flute
shapelyfluent movements, ie ones that are flowing and gracefulExquisite under exist
Exquisite purify mailmanufacture exquisite communicationstylist
Exquisite prime leisurely corpusclean Classicality Dewuqian literalwonderful
melodiousstatuesquea scenic highway
Globally (the) most Exquisite fableglobally (the) most Exquisite proseShishangzui Exquisite Violoncello Cameo Elite copy