n.: advantage, dominant, position,etc that gives sb superiority or advantage, advantage preponderance, keep the weather (of), hand it to sb., the upper hand, the upper hand, vantage, prevalence, prepotency, preponderance, predomination, predominance, overweight, odds, mastery, edge, dominance, coverage, bulge, ascendent, ascendency, ascendant, ascendancy, ascendance
adj.: superior, central
French Expression
n. supériorité, atouts
dominance, account, virtue, profit, account, thing that one is thankful for, incunabulum Sth Compete Time, Profit, increase in wealth, Welfare, commercialize, positive quality, net, profit, abet, serve, utility, consequence, practicality, utility, avail, Fuli Village position
Related Phrases
phoenix effect
snowball--(of a plan, problem, etc.) to grow bigger on an increasing rate