Sleep dormancy: insects in the growth process, due to direct stimulation induced by environmental conditions or the emergence of a temporary stop development physiological phenomenon, commonly referred to as "dormant, also known as wintering or summering directly by adverse environmental conditions. caused by adverse environmental conditions when removed, will return to growth and development such as the Oriental migratory locust eggs to overwinter, beet armyworm pupae overwinter belong winter dormancy. insect cold hardiness of winter dormancy generally poor.
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When using sleep mode, you can turn off the computer, and make sure all the work back when (including not enough time to save or close the program and documentation) will be fully restored to exactly the state left off. The contents of memory are saved on disk, monitor and hard drive will shut down, but also saves energy, reduces the loss of the computer. In general, make the time to lift the computer time required for hibernation state needed to wait longer than the lift, but consumes less power sleep state. If you work frequently interrupted, as some secretarial career, often while you want to have to answer the call while the computer processing, etc., you can consider to _set_ the computer after a specified number of minutes after entering the automatic sleep mode. Sleep mode will save all the contents of memory to the hard drive, turn off the monitor and hard drive, and then turn off the computer.
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Windows XP: Start -> Turn Off Computer -> press and hold the Shift (this time the standby becomes dormant) -> Sleep
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System Requirements
System disk (usually drive C) must have enough space to accommodate the data in the dormant memory. When the system enters hibernation, will generate "hiberfil.sys" file in the root directory of C, this document and computer memory size considerably.
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Open the sleep function
Go to "Control Panel", double-click "Power Options", click on "sleep" tab, Tick "Enable Hibernation", can be determined.
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Several possibilities can not enable hibernation
Some virtual drive software installed will cause the system to not enable the hibernation feature, disassemble the software, or use other software. When you enable hibernation, the system prompts "Energy Policy Manager unable to retain Enable Hibernation", "Access Denied." Workaround: Remove hiberfil.sys file C root directory, and then re-enabled. (_Delete_: In the "Start" - "Search" - "files and folders" - Enter the "All or part of the file name" box "hiberfil.sys" in the "Look in" box, _select_ "c. disk "and click" Search Tools "If you do not find the file, then." "-" Folder Options "-" View "- the" Hide protected operating system files "option in front of the box in the "√" removed, then re-search, no accident, then, should be able to find the "hiberfil.sys") 6 End sleep function Re-enter the system and boot as: power, start, but the system started soon.
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What is the difference between sleep and standby
In Windows XP features include power "sleep" and "standby." "Sleep" to save a copy of your desktop and all open files and document image, and then turn off the computer. When power is turned on, according to the original file and the document will look like when left open on the desktop. "Standby" function of the hardware components used in cutting power, thereby reducing the power consumption of the computer. "Standby" to cut off peripheral devices, monitors and even the hard drive's power, but it will keep your computer's memory power, so as not to lose work data. When your computer into hibernation, the contents of memory will be saved to the hard disk. When you wake the computer, all programs and open documents before entering hibernation are restored to the desktop. This allows greatly improved startup and shutdown speed.
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How to go to sleep
For Windows, Automatically goes to sleep (1) After opening the computer's sleep function, in the "Power Options" and "Power Schemes" tab, you can _set_ the "system sleep" time, such as "20 minutes", the computer without a keyboard or mouse operation , and no hard disk read and write operations after 20 minutes, the system automatically enters sleep mode, and then turn the computer off. (2) In the "Start" → "Run" command line input at 8:10 rundll32 powrprof.dll, _Set_SuspendState Attention to the case, and then press the "OK" button. You can let the computer timing of sleep (ie 8:10 into hibernation). Manually into hibernation (1) In the "Power Options" and "Advanced" tab, you can _set_ "when you press the power button on the computer," what action, choose "sleep", then press the power button on the computer, then put the computer into hibernation state. Or "computer sleep when you press the button" _select_ "sleep", at this point press "SLEEP" key on the keyboard, but also allows the computer to sleep. (2) may also be in the "Start" → "Off Your Computer" (or "closed system"), _select_ the "sleep", you can also put the computer into hibernation. If the shutdown dialog is only a "standby", press the Shift key to make it into a "dormant." (3) In the "Start" → "Run" dialog write: rundll32 powrprof.dll, _Set_SuspendState or shutdown / h Attention to the case, press the "OK" button. (4) or create a batch file, enter the command above that line. Then create a shortcut on the desktop, double-click the shortcut icon for each so you can put the computer into hibernation. For Linux, Sleep software installation: # apt-get install hibernate Start hibernation: # hibernate-disk