idiom > perturbation lose one's head
  Explanation: Panic: hurry, hurry. Hurry hurry, know what to do.
  Usage: Joint type; as predicate; refers to scenes of panic hectic
  Source: Sung-mao "wild card Kuai Tong Wei-off series": "not to defeat the rapid change things said before, to keep the mind is of course, vary almost panic-stricken, rapid change is also the former speaker."
  Examples: Yi is more than blood, has been absolutely awhile, woman ~. ★ Qing Pu "Liao Jin chromophore"
No. 2
  成语 仓皇失措
  发音 cāng huáng shī cuò
  解释 急迫慌张,不知如何是好。仓皇:匆忙而慌张。措:措置。
  出处 宋·洪迈《夷坚志·铁塔神》:“僧仓皇失措,不暇走,兵已大掠。”
  示例 (1)血溢不止,少顷已绝,妪~。 清·蒲松龄《聊斋志异·金生色》。
  反义词:沉着冷静 从容不迫 镇定自若
  同义词:惊慌失措 张皇失措
  注意 “措”不要写成“错”
  成语名称 仓皇失措 汉语拼音 cāng huáng shī cuò 成语释义 仓皇:匆忙,慌张。匆忙慌张,不知所措。 成语出处 宋·洪迈《夷坚志·铁塔神》:“僧仓皇失措,不暇走,兵已大掠。” 使用例句 血溢不止,少顷已绝,妪仓皇失措
the unruly; desperado, unprincipled fellow; law-breaker, despair belie, to seem Amount to to lose, Escape from the net Zhiyu, Knitted brows tears, be frightened out of one's life; be scared of one's wits; in panic; be battered out of one's senses, anxious be in a desperate situation, become terror-stricken of the news, Frightened, the bird that has been injured by the bow, prostrate with fear, vacancy, be homeless dog; be thrown out like disowned dogs; feel lost like a stray dog, desperado, escape from the net Fish, In a daze Regret it, be agitated, turn pale at the mere mention of a tiger or sth. terrible, have a lingering fear; have terror in one's heart; with unforgotten trepidition, be out of one's wits, Despondent Regret it, to look blank
To whom Italy, glory, Suspicion Health dark ghost, Humaihuyang, Airs, Complacence Jile, In body Jishi, complacence, narcissism, lay a flattering unction to one's soul, hug oneself at, go off at half cock
Containing Phrases