math, physics, and chemistry : cameo : Biology : finance and economics : finance and accounting : Administration for Industry and Commerce : metallurgy : If Chaoshan : Cantonese > artificiality
rén gōng
  : Artificial; artificial
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No. 2
  Artificial lake
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No. 3
  : Human, manual (with the mechanical force relative)
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No. 4
  Artificial rainfall
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No. 5
  : Unit of workload that a person working one day. Such as: setting up the pipeline to 60 man-
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No. 6
  Helpers; workers; labor. Jin Tao Qian "drinking" Poem 15: "The Poor Habitat lack of labor, shortage of more than bush house." "Three Kingdoms" Seventh eight back: "Cao was overjoyed, of turning to the man he cut." Sen "Preface business plan" : "Cover To use the macro scale of wartime machinery, and complete organization of labor."
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No. 7
  Refers to the order of human and "natural" relative. "Second moment of surprises," Volume 19: "The other end one at the beginning of peony flowers full, lush, man did not come." Guo "Book History of Ancient China," Chapter II: "After repeated exploration, they are may have learned the technology of artificial make fire. "
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No. 8
  Human, human to do of workmanship. And "mechanical" relative. Such as: water pump is broken, a temporary car with artificial water. Such as: artificial manufacturing; artificial wells.
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No. 9
  Workload of the unit. Means a person working one day. Such as: estimating the number of artificial Xu Yong.
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No. 10
  ① people; people do. And "Nature", "natural" relative: artificial rainfall | man make fire | root to be robust, lush, How can it be done manually out.
   ② Human; with human to do the work. And "mechanical" relative: artificial opening into the channel | tractor too late to transport, have to manually pick.
   ③ labor; helpers: send man into the mountain cutting | poor home lack of labor, shortage of more than bush house.
   ④ quantifiers. The amount of work one day: Make a desk to use the three manual | to count how many artificial playing wells.
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No. 11
  rén ɡōnɡ
No. 12
  拼音:rén gōnɡ
  1. [man-made]∶人造的;人为的
  2. [artificial]∶人力,手工(与机械力相对)
  3. [man-day]∶工作量的计算单位,即一个人做工一天。如:架设这条管线需要60个人工
  1. 佣工;民工;劳工。
  晋 陶潜 《饮酒》诗之十五:“贫居乏人工,灌木荒余宅。”《三国演义》第七八回:“ 操 大喜,即令人工到彼砍伐。”孙中山 《实业计划自序》:“盖欲利用战时宏大规模之机器,及完全组织之人工。”
  2. 指人力所为的,与“天然”相对。
  《二刻拍案惊奇》卷十九:“另结一枝开头牡丹,花朵丰满,枝叶繁茂,人工做不来的。” 郭沫若 《中国史稿》第一章第二节:“经过反复的摸索,他们很可能已经学会了人工取火的技术。”
  3. 人力,人力做的工。与“机械力”相对。如:抽水机坏了,暂时用人工车水。如:人工制造;人工打井。
  4. 工作量的计算单位。指一个人做工一天。如:估计一下需用多少人工
English Expression
  1. :  Labour,  labor
  2. n.:  artificiality,  tinned air,  man-day,  salary,  human labor
  3. adj.:  man-made,  artificial
  4. adv.:  artificially
French Expression
  1. adj.  artificiel; à la main
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