idiom > truss up tightly
Tied up
  Explanation: Trap with a rope neck first, then around to the back tied into the way the arms tied behind their backs.
  Source: Li Ji, "Wang Gui and Li Xiang Xiang," the second bundle to the second sideways tied down, tied him hanging in the second beam. "
  Examples: Between the moment that he had been ~ up. Thick bar with immediate pressure off his legs. ★ Ke Yan "singular beauty of the pursuer Letters"
wǔ huā dà bǎng
五花大绑 wǔ huā dà bǎng
五花大绑 wǔ huā dà bǎng
五花大绑 wǔ huā dà bǎng
五花大绑 wǔ huā dà bǎng
五花大绑 wǔ huā dà bǎng
五花大绑 wǔ huā dà bǎng
  Entangle the neck with a rope and tied both arms behind his back Fanjian way people
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Ropes neck first, then went around to the arms of the bind people behind Fanjian way
五花大绑 先用绳索套住脖子,又绕到背后反剪两臂的绑人方式
五花大绑 先用绳索套住脖子,又绕到背后反剪两臂的绑人方式
  Ropes neck first, then went around to the arms of the bind people behind Fanjian way. Li Ji, "Wang Gui and Li Xiangxiang" The second part two: "tied down to sideways tie, tied him up and hanging in the second beam." Ke Rock "Letters singular pursuit by the United States": "moment eyes, he has been tied up up. thick thick stick immediate pressure off his legs. "
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Brief introduction
五花大绑 简介
五花大绑 简介
五花大绑 简介
五花大绑 简介
五花大绑 简介
  Divided into small and large tied tied tied. The so-called small-tied, but specifically tied hands and other body parts vain rope. One escort Tie (also known as hemp shirt to wear small) is the opposite: from the neck to the shoulder of prisoners were tied to the boom, arm and hands are not tied alone, big arms are tied back tightly, and with the neck, shoulders upper body fixed and can not be active, arm and hands there is a certain range of motion. This is to allow prisoners under escort that no full freedom, can barely take care of themselves (such as eating, drinking, etc.), otherwise called execution-style. In addition to the big tie is tied wrists, the arms or tie, or tie the body, even the chest, back, neck, arms and other parts are all tied with a rope.
  As to why is it called streaky, many say, are numerous: some say is the first tied by rope to make five _set_s (flower), who were caught were tied neck and arms, and then tighten the rope bundle; There is a saying that means from the front there are five who are tied there Shengsuo Le tied (a throat, arms around each two); was also noted that the so-called streaky refers rope tied behind was ¥ like: ¥ shape that points out the five rope end, the two rope ends resting on the shoulders top is tied around the chest or cross back along the axillary tied. Two middle rope end is tied hand arm, and the bottom is the person's wrists are tied Diaozhu. Another ingenious understand: This streaky "flower", which is the "knot" means, meaning five kinds of pattern tie clip. First of all, to take the back of the neck when there is a rope with a double ring wear, "buckle", with the arm around the wrist when, one on each wrist in two single-ring "buckle", which has three "tricks" buckle the (left wrist buckle virtually the same). Hands tied behind their backs and then in the wrist, together with a rope wrapped around a few times resort to a tie clip. (This Stopper is critical, will be playing a bad break), this deduction is often the same as a paper clip also make a "buckle", because finally the rope through the back of the neck tie clip up taut, So here to make a buckle is also insurance. This is already the fourth "spend" the. Finally, the rope through the rope behind the neck wear Shengkou reserved his hand down the rope in one hand and push up tied in the back of his hands were tied, the tension in the wear Shengkou marked at the end to complete the "tied up." Then just five flowers (knots). It was also stressed by being tied to a rope, whether there should be a cross between sketched above chest or chest. Not only is the back of streaky streaky, but also highlight the large front tie! Just call it tied up. Of course there are other claims, but they are similar.
  Tied up is called provenance difficult test to find, even older version of the dictionary are finding out the word sea, but in the "Chivalric Heroes" This has been documented late Qing fiction, probably starting from the private sector. Nevertheless, tied him to a long multi-tied law. Because the iron shackles shackles handcuffed flail other production complex, especially inconvenient to carry, but it is most likely to get a rope and carry, a natural constraint on the election of prisoners armed with, our people are still catching the 1950s and more strapped. Because only a small bundle tied to the wrist, other parts of the body, especially the prisoners arms are free, can be tied to the hands from side stuck, try to observe the tying status and tied off, as long as a strong stick may also be struggling to make tying loose; body flexibility were even able hands from behind by the hips and legs tied turn off the front, so it must be great to tie. Undoubtedly the most familiar of the white gate captured Riboud, who will fly is to be invincible rope tied heap, indicating that at least in the Eastern Han Dynasty, a large complex tied tied law on the formation of (this section is historical fact, Luo was not coined).
  The most obvious feature tied up, is the start of prisoners tied neck, it has been tied to the South also nicknamed "wearing hemp Linggua" bundle "two dragons arm." Dictionary, tied stated: a way to tie people, with a rope caught around his neck and his arms tied behind their backs behind. It only took a brief introduction to the ratio, we can see that Japanese law to start tying the hands or chest can not be considered the beginning of tied. We can say that all countries have tied specifically tied to a particular method called tied up is China unique is our cultural legacy, many people call "country tied," is very much justified. And some people prattle about what Japanese or Western tied up tied up, is not objective.
  Tied up simple and clean, with only a rope can handle, tied fast, and extremely difficult to break, and therefore very useful! Compared could not move after being tied to the Japanese and Western tie method (described as transfixed), tied up after being tied by stretching can twist in a limited space, even more lovely. Review the following three kinds of tied up styles.
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Tied up mode
  First, the traditional shape tied up: (type of positive and negative type categories)
  Positive type:
  1, first tying (seven meters or so) to make a small fold loops (no circle also).
  2, resting on the ropes after the neck.
  3, the rope along the shoulders are pulled forward, hanging on his chest.
  4, respectively, wearing the rope to the back (wiping shoulder) from both armpits.
  5, on the arm wound two or three times, lower arm in a circle, each knot is required to prevent the decline perimeter.
  6, the both sides of the rope back to back, the neck of the lead after the upward loops.
  7, to complete the following styles:
  The loops of rope through the neck forced to pull down, while the prisoner's wrists cross, with the pull rope firmly tied down, then up through the ropes were more than the next lap 勒绳 arm, back through the Most other big arm on the lap 勒绳, forced tension after put, are summarized in the back of small loops. (This is a vertical tie)
  Opposite type:
  1, first tying (seven meters or so) Fold to make a larger loops.
  2, loops in front, from the prisoner's head cover, front to back trapping prisoners throat.
  3, the rope loops, respectively, after two inmates to wear to the front from armpit.
  4, in the upper arm wrapped two or three times, lower arm in a circle, each perimeter shall be knotted to prevent decline.
  The following steps with the same official, mostly vertical tie.
  Second, the improved shape tied up:
  Traditional tied the most widely popular and longest. But its disadvantages are also obvious. Especially positive type bundle Law wipe shoulder, in the case of lax monitoring, easy off tie. Prisoners if they can find something like the tip of prominent harder Shucha, railings tip, even the doors, windows and other objects the upper corners, will be able to wipe the shoulder behind the ropes to pick, so tying loose. And because the whole tying is one, as long as a loose, after struggling, will become loose and eventually make prisoners prolapse Shengkou. The opposite of the traditional style although no tied up this drawbacks, but tying long to tighten the throat, can cause a variety of accidents who are tied. Thus, there was improvement tied up, tied this method compared to traditional methods tied to only one change, the fourth step is to wipe the shoulder into the chest of small cross, that is the first ride in the back of the neck of the rope in front of the chest Cross then through two armpit arm wound, the other steps and traditions tied to the same law. Thus, throughout the tying twine stretch, easy to pull off, as long as the real fastened, it is difficult to take off the tie.
  Due to the long cultural isolation, Hong Kong and Taiwan with the mainland appeared improved a little tied up the difference: the rope lashings neck rope cited two forward, that is, not through the armpit, nor cross, but the cross in front of the throat twisted into one , has been twisted down to his chest, and then again after the separation Chanfu arm, after the program basically the same as with the mainland.
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Idiom Dictionary
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五花大绑 成语词典
五花大绑 成语词典
五花大绑 成语词典
五花大绑 成语词典
五花大绑 成语词典
五花大绑 成语词典
  Idiom name tied Pinyin wǔ huā dà bǎng idiom interpretation first trap neck with a rope, his arms tied behind their backs and went around the back way into the tie. Idiom Li Ji, "Wang Gui and Li Xiang Xiang" the second two:. "Sideways along the bundle to be tied, tied up hanging in the second beam" used between sentences moment, he had been tied up. Thick thick stick immediate pressure off his legs.
  ★ Keyan "bizarre Letters · America suitors."
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English Expression
  1. n.:  truss up tightly,  bind the criminal hand and foot with ropes
Related Phrases
traditional culturescolligatefolk consuetudeHunsu phrase