vegetation : philosophies of Chinese minorities : metallurgy > cloud and mist
yún wù
  Cloud and fog, and more metaphors obscure or what obstacles
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No. 2
  Clouds and fog. "Han Fei difficult situation": "dragon by clouds, fog Teng snake swim, I do not care for snakes to not have a tendency in the clouds." Tang Wang Bo "other people" Poem 2: "Wind and Smoke integrated river, mountain quiet clouds and more. "Yuan Anonymous" war gratitude "second off:" Can Can faint cloud buried, Start Over assassination assassination of the storm section of. "Ba Jin" Yu-lane road built Miscellanies ":" car to the mountain top, all surrounded by clouds ... ... down the mountain, looked up hill diffuse clouds. "
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Analogy annoying things
  Analogy disturbing things. Data Series Modern Chinese History, "Record of the Taiping army times" cited flood □ □ "open days Yanfang Yong Fu encyclical on Poetry" three: "mist net only for the chest, natural body out in Phoenix TV." Ba Jin "in the fall, spring "Second:" smile on her face, the same as the flower. cloud has dissipated. "
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Shading fabrics are cloudy
  A cloudy shade of fabric. Tandoori just "farewell trip to send to the Qing Jin Feng Yu Yi Dragon Boat Festival on top of all": "cloud into the royal tailor clothing, Bai Gui celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival closed question." Qiu Zhao Ao Note: The "cloud, that the text of clothes on the organization."
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The paper refers to a cloudy Shading
  Means a cloudy shade of paper. Song Sushun QIN Su-Shun Yuan "wating couplet,": "document dumping paper clouds river, sighed, Tao Yao Chung Tianye package."
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No. 6
No. 7
  拼音:yún wù
  [cloud and mist]云和雾,多比喻遮蔽或障碍的东西
  1. 云和雾。
  《韩非子·难势》:“飞龙乘云,腾蛇游雾,吾不以龙蛇为不托於云雾之势也。” 唐 王勃 《别人》诗之二:“江上风烟积,山幽云雾多。” 元 无名氏 《争报恩》第二折:“昏惨惨云雾埋,疎剌剌的风雨节。” 巴金 《旅途杂记·筑渝道上》:“车到山顶,四周全是云雾……下了山,抬头一望,山头云雾弥漫。”
  2. 比喻令人烦恼之事。中国近代史资料丛刊《太平天囯·军次实录》引 洪□□ 《谕复敞天燕方永年诗》之三:“只为胸中云雾净,自然身列 凤凰台 。” 巴金 《春天里的秋天》二:“她的脸上带着微笑,像开花一样。云雾已经消散了。”
  3. 有云雾状底纹的织物。
  唐 杜甫 《惜别行送向卿进奉端午御衣之上都》:“裁缝云雾成御衣,拜跪题封贺端午。” 仇兆鳌 注:“云雾,谓衣上织文。”
  4. 指有云雾状底纹的纸张。
  宋 苏舜钦 苏舜元 《瓦亭联句》:“笔倾江河纸云雾,叹颂天业包 陶 姚 。”
English Expression
  1. n.:  cloud and mist
French Expression
  1. n.  nuée, brume
  2. n.  nuée / brume
Yunwu Village
Yunwu Town
yunwu Township
yunwu Township
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