Foreign Name Carreiras Directed by: Domingos de Oliveira Screenplay: Domingos de Oliveira .... writer Starring: Paulo Carvalho Domingos de Oliveira Jorge Jerônimo dos Santos Producer Produced by: Renata Paschoal .... producer Original Music Original Music: Joaquim Assis Photography Cinematography: Dib Lutfi Clip Film Editing: Natara Ney Art and Design Art Direction by: Ronald Teixeira Genre: Drama Length: Brazil: 72 min Country / Region: Brazil Release 2005 Dialogue Language: Portuguese Color: Color Level: Brazil: 18 Production Company: Teatro Ilustre Produções Cinematográficas
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English Expression
n.: follow the banner of, plant, business, pleasure and social activities of the world, personal achievement, individual fulfilment, facilities, floodtide, hoe another row, cast (in) one's lot with [throw in one's lot with], wash its face, join the banner of, adventure, join the banner, follow the banner, undertaking, thing, proposition, project, enterprise, cause, career
French Expression
n. cause, entreprise;
career, occupation business, Industry Category, employment, employment, hire, serve, type of activity or business, take, Leasing, industry, enterprise, manufacture or production, charge, For rent, department of activity, way of earning a living, speciality, ministration, abet, thing to which one gives one's time, energy, etc, business, bureau, tissue, event, paid job, craft adventure Community