| | 【名称】书呆子
【拼音】shū dāi zi
【解释】泛指如下几类人: 1、死读书,教条主义 2、书生气很浓,不谙事故。应该是只读书而不会用书上的知识变通的人。 | | - n.: bookworm, egghead, pedant, smug, bookful blockhead, glutton of books, ignorantly read fellow
| | - n. pédant, rat de bibliothèque
| | Book to stay, pedant | | bookish | Bookworm catch up | Bookworm Catch chicken | Bookworm Qide | a bookish way of thinking | professor | Bookworm Yuhua fox | Bookworm Heluodede archive | beware of a man of one book | |