idiom > pinch and scrape
  Explanation: East that the West 1:00 to put together bits and pieces
  Usage: Joint type; as predicate, object, adverbial; containing derogatory
  Source: Qing Cao Xueqin's "Dream of Red Mansions": "marriage is the result of a son off, saying not a patchwork, respectfully closed Zhi Jian Li twenty-four ounces."
  Examples: When he was half way up already ~, Minato was three thousand talents of silver, the RBI for monitoring purposes. ★ Qing Li Baojia "Bureaucrats" back to the twenty-eighth
  Riddle: Beat
dōng pīn xī còu
  Difficulty or in irregular way many things to a whole spectrum with sporadic
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No. 3
  Lobbied for the tax money had to scrape together
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With the "East Norway West Minato"
  With the "East Norway West Minato." "Dream of Red Mansions" Diba Hui: "As the son of the marriage is off, that may not patchwork, respectfully closed twenty 42 Zhi Jian Li, with a nose liked to on behalf of the Confucian to Meet." " Officialdom "second eight back:" When he was half-way, long patchwork, silver was able to come 3000, the RBI for monitoring purposes. "
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Isolated from the things that puts together multi-
  That from the multi-piece together the scattered things. Lao She's "Dragon Beard Ditch" The first act: "the yard is not only the ground-breaking four rickety house. Windows and doors are a patchwork of." Ba Jin "on" Spring> ":" I am my sisters and cousins who saw their their shadow, shadow I change the patchwork to a living person. "
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No. 6
  Metaphor sprawling to piece together.
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No. 7
  拼 音 dōng pīn xī còu
  释 义 东一点、西一点零零碎碎地拼凑起来。
  出 处 清·曹雪芹《红楼梦》:“因是儿子的终身大事所关,说不得东拼西凑,恭恭敬敬封了二十四两贽见礼。”
  示例:当他在半路上,早已~,凑得三千银子,专为监中打点之用。 ★清·李宝嘉《官场现形记》第二十八回
  同义词 七拼八凑、东挪西借
  成语名称 东拼西凑 汉语拼音 dōng pīn xī còu 成语释义 比喻零乱地加以拼凑。 成语出处 清·曹雪芹《红楼梦》第八回:“因是儿子的终身大事所关,说不得东拼西凑,恭恭敬敬封了二十四两贽见礼,带了秦钟到代儒家来拜见。” 使用例句 当他在半路上,早已东拼西凑,凑得三千银子,专为监中打点之用。
English Expression
  1. n.:  pinch and scrape,  scramble,  knock together,  borrow a bit here and a bit there
French Expression
  1.   amasser, faire un assemblage disparate de pièces et de morceaux
Rambling, borrow all around, scrape together, Dongnuexijie, discriminately appoint affectionate couple
Containing Phrases
not of the same quality throughoutlive by shift(s)