idiom > dilapidated
  Explanation: Refers to the unsteady gait, Shenbuyouzhu. Also described the object tilt errors.
  Usage: Joint type; as the predicate attribute, complement; containing derogatory
  Source: Yuan Xiao Dexiang "Young women kill a dog to persuade her husband": "his two children to swallow the light, straight drunk, eat upside down."
  Examples: Resistance of the bodyguard of the son. Xiong Yi Liao hand a pull, guards ~, two in diameter Rudian. (Ming Feng Meng, "Eastern Zhou Chi," the eighty-third back)
  Results: Two drunken sleep; tumbler sitting carts; dilapidated temple of Buddha
  Postscript: Two drunken sleep; tumbler sitting carts; dilapidated temple of Buddha
No. 2
  ① described as walking, sitting immediately skew or body rocking in appearance. ② describe objects intricately bent or fall look.
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dōng dǎo xī wāi
  Here sometimes backward, sometimes backward over there. Described as walking or standing or sitting, postural instability, involuntarily
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No. 4
  Describe their own volition lopsided. Yuan Anonymous "Xiao Sun Tu" 19th Man play out: "Zhu stick around, who left behind, Shouchanzensheng take? Moved, I Zensheng promoted?" "Poem to Awaken the common saying Nobleman Lu Imperial College": "family members do not know the levels were scared moved, female children cry cry, never ran a while." "The Scholars" 11th back: "He's there, willing to depend on drunk upside down." Yang Mo "Song of Youth" Part I Chapter VII: "In time midnight, the wheels spinning rhythmic sound of the carriage of passengers to sleep the most rickety."
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No. 5
  Some fall, some distortion. Described the dilapidated building, etc. are not strong. "Journey to the West," the 80th back: "Step one step before pulling the elders saw that the door moved, dished." Qing Yuan Mei, "as parks Poetry" Volume 12: "Observation of Lu Yu, sexual Cuhao the house is small, Department of the door, saying: 'two rickety house, a northern and southern people'. "
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No. 6
  注音 dōng dǎo xī wāi
  解释 ①形容身不由己,倾斜不稳。②有的倒,有的歪。也形容物体倾斜不牢固, 建筑物等破旧不牢固。。
  出处 元·曾瑞卿《留鞋记》第二折:“哎,却原来醉醺醺东倒西歪。”元·萧德祥《杨氏女杀狗劝夫》:“他两个把盏儿吞,直喝得醉醺醺的,吃得东倒西歪。”
  用法 联合式;作谓语、定语、补语;含贬义 指不整齐
  示例 明·冯梦龙《东周列国志》第八十三回:“子期使侍卫阻之。熊宜僚用手一拉,侍卫东倒西歪,二人径入殿中。”杨沫《青春之歌》第一部第七章:“时过午夜,在车轮有节奏的飞转声中,车厢里的旅客多半~地睡去了。”
  近义词 杂乱无章、一团乱麻
  反义词 井井有条、有条不紊
  歇后语 不倒翁;缠脚妇女走道;二醉汉睡觉;不倒翁坐大车;破庙的菩萨
  成语名称 东倒西歪 汉语拼音 dōng dǎo xī wāi 成语释义 指行走不稳,身不由主。也形容物体倾斜不正。 成语出处 元·曾瑞卿《留鞋记》第二折:“哎,却原来醉醺醺东倒西歪。” 使用例句 子期使侍卫阻之。熊宜僚用手一拉,侍卫东倒西歪,二人径入殿中。
English Expression
  1. n.:  dilapidated,  out of line,  falling
rock, Former co- hypsokinesis, rock
Towering tower, Stand up
Containing Phrases
groggilylurchlose one's legs
three sheets in the windlurchingtoddle
fall [be knocked] over like (a lot of)ninepinsAn old fellow like me son dilapidateddilapidated small Rat
Duduxionghe Dilapidated small RatBaby Qiuhe Dilapidated small RatFatty Leprechaun of Cabala Du du Xionghe Dilapidated small Rat