idiom > Robinson is not the heart
Robinson is not the heart
  Explanation: No minister: no Shou Chen child's part, feudal society, not loyalty. Does not mean the idea of loyalty. Guilty of rebellion after that ambition.
  Source: "The Three Kingdoms II Gongsun Tao Wei Shu four pass" when the operation is overcast with no minister of the heart, bad country has a long main, outside the care of justice to refuse to answer. "" Book of Jin Zhou Biography "Chen Wen heart of London has not, to visit constant gear. London against the plan while pregnant, it is a non-final visit to the world but dare not."
  Examples: Results after care Chaogui, then Renxian Guan, President Western State ranks million, often ~. ★ Ming Luo, "Three Kingdoms" the third time
No. 2
  不臣之心 (bù chén zhī xīn)
  示例:后又结托朝贵,遂任显官,统西州大军二十万,常有~。 ★明·罗贯中《三国演义》第三回
  成语名称 不臣之心 汉语拼音 bù chén zhī xīn 成语释义 不臣:不守臣子的本分,封建社会中不忠君。意指不忠君的思想。后也指犯上作乱的野心。 成语出处 《三国志·魏书·二公孙陶四张传》:“是时术阴有不臣之心,不利国家有长主,外托公义以答拒之。”《晋书·周处传》:“闻敦有不臣之心,访恆切齿。敦虽怀逆谋,故终访之世未敢为非。” 使用例句 后又结托朝贵,遂任显官,统西州大军二十万,常有不臣之心