Titan Zhilv > classic
English Expression
  1. adj.:  classic,  eternal,  deathless,  immortal,  imperishable,  indefectible,  monumental,  undying,  unfading,  enduring,  living for ever,  not mortal
immortal, abiding, eternal
aeonian, buminde, that will last for a long time or for ever
chronic, chronic, longitudinal, longevous, _set_tled, regular, stock, ageless, amaranthine, well-established
Containing Phrases
Classic Loveimmortalimperishable glory
a niche in the temple of fameimmortalityimmortality
monumentperpetuatordeathless fame
classic guardianshipclassic diversifolious poplarclassic guard
classic maliimmortalisation on the point ofclassic master piece
classic Sergeantclassic medalclassic combatant
immortalisation of legendclassic a great musical compositionimmortalisation the very life and soul of
classic amplifyimmortalClassic Renyule
the immortal Shakespearea monumental productiona (bridge, mountain, statue, etc.) Classic monument
a poet of enduring greatnessNikopol immortalisation in the confidence oflegend Right away be [become, fall] a prey to Eternal glory to of poem
Imperishable glory Second China-Japan the annals of war