adj.: classic, eternal, deathless, immortal, imperishable, indefectible, monumental, undying, unfading, enduring, living for ever, not mortal
immortal, abiding, eternal aeonian, buminde, that will last for a long time or for ever chronic, chronic, longitudinal, longevous, _set_tled, regular, stock, ageless, amaranthine, well-established
Containing Phrases
Classic Love
imperishable glory
a niche in the temple of fame
deathless fame
classic guardianship
classic diversifolious poplar
classic guard
classic mali
immortalisation on the point of
classic master piece
classic Sergeant
classic medal
classic combatant
immortalisation of legend
classic a great musical composition
immortalisation the very life and soul of
classic amplify
Classic Renyule
the immortal Shakespeare
a monumental production
a (bridge, mountain, statue, etc.) Classic monument
a poet of enduring greatness
Nikopol immortalisation in the confidence of
legend Right away be [become, fall] a prey to Eternal glory to of poem
Imperishable glory Second China-Japan the annals of war