idiom > Happen unexpectedly
Happen unexpectedly
  Explanation: Did not think so but even so.
  Usage: Complex sentence; as predicate, adverbial; do not want that could be so described
  Source: Ming Gao Qi "Viagra On Love": "function or to have to end in love honest people who work there are increasingly things happen unexpectedly to visit. Why Viagra is indeed!"
  Examples: We have such a peace of mind, so they all responded to ~.
No. 2
  Do not hope so but even so. Ming Gao Qi, "Wei Love": the "love sincere people who have to end on, the tendency to go to power things have happen unexpectedly. Why Gateway to Zai!" Qing Shen Fu, "Lin Yutang boudoir recorded music": " Yun or sit on, see I to, will move his body to stand side; I would rather, and Yan. we are both not feel it is exactly those who, before that ashamed, following into happen unexpectedly. "Qu" Hungry Country and Records "Four:" I am the fifth high school students in Jiangsu Province, Yangzhou Yixing P. W. Wu Ren brother and all and I am equally of the environment, we happen unexpectedly while 'Celebrity of'. "also save as" unexpected natural " "unexpectedly." Qing Wu Jian "<muddled world> order": "line of both the long, extravagant However, with wind. Sceneries between the red counties outside the Mainland, not to far not to second, unexpected natural." King Tongzhao "Ji Dream" : "But his eyes always unexpected natural Huo Junsu to shoot to the seat." Qin Mu "Yihaishibei shrimp Fun": "After that time, the draw for the shrimp Qi, unexpectedly improve a little appreciation. "
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No. 3
  词 目 不期然而然
  发 音 bù qī rán ér rán
  释 义 没有想到是这样而竟然是这样。
  出 处 宋·郑樵《与景韦兄投宇文枢密书》:“盖磁石取铁,以气相合,固有不期然而然者。”
  示 例 大家有了这样的一个安心,所以~的便全部响应了。
  语 法 复句式;作谓语、状语;形容不希望如此竟然如此
  bù qī rán ér rán
English Expression
  1. v.:  Happen unexpectedly,  turn out contrary to one's expectations
By chance Ing, up_set_, unexpectedly, Out its take at advantage, against expectation, s unpreparedness, The enemy accident