Buddhist glossary : idiom > collapse at the first blow
  Explanation: Unbearable: can not stand. Described as weak, vulnerable to attack. Also described the argument does not close, can not stand to refute.
  Usage: Verb-object type; as predicate, attributive, complement; containing derogatory to describe the weak can not resist
  Source: Wang Anyi's "Symphony of Destiny": "I'm so loud, but my mind was the loud shout: your thoughts are too vulnerable to it!"
  Examples: This article argument does not close, ~.
  Results: Papered drum; tofu store things; glass shop's belongings
  Postscript: Papered drum; tofu store things; glass shop's belongings
  Riddle: Half a dozen; paper tiger
bù kān yī jī
  Kansas: bear. Can not withstand the blow, beat the all can not stand. Described as very vulnerable
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No. 3
  In Defeat, when tyrants how weak, they become vulnerable to the papered the Kingdom of the things. - Ba Jin's "Open Letter to Western writers"
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Can not afford to blow
  Can not withstand the blow. Described as fragile. Mao Zedong, "the Soviet Union the same interests and the interests of humanity": "This Government is a very incompetent government, more than 1.5 million troops, vulnerable, just two weeks time, they ruined their country . "
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No. 5
  不堪一击 ( bù kān yī jī )
  解 释 不堪:经不起。击:击打,也用作精神上的打击。形容力量薄弱,经不起一次打击。也形容文章论点不严密,经不起反驳。
  出 处 王安忆《命运交响曲》:“我太响,心里却在大声地嚷:你的想法太不堪一击了!
  用 法 动宾式;作谓语、定语、补语;含贬义,形容力量薄弱不能抵挡
  示 例 毛泽东《苏联利益与人类利益的一致》:“一百五十万以上的大军,~,仅仅在两个星期的时间中,就葬送了自己的国家。
  近义词 势单力薄、一触即溃
  反义词 坚不可摧、无懈可击、固若金汤
  歇后语 纸糊的大鼓;豆腐店里的东西;玻璃铺的家当
  灯 谜 半打;纸老虎
  bù kān yī jī
English Expression
  1. n.:  collapse at the first blow,  cannot withstand a single blow
  2. v.:  too weak to stand competition or attack
collapse at the first encounter, dying, bare-handed, bare-handed, go into battle stripped to the waist, Bare hands enter the field, on one's last legs, No hand-inch blade, strong in appearance but weak in reality, Defeated, flee at the mere sight of the oncoming force, while life shall last, A chance, a flash of hope, Death may come (to a person) any minute, dying, flee at the mere sight of the oncoming force, Linger
all troubles end when the main trouble ends, When one of the 100, A labor Kyuitsu, once for ado, write off at one stroke, throughout the world invincibility, throughout the world be without equal, come to a successful end, be vividly portrayed, Hear what people as reflected in its, the turn of a hair, triumph in every battle and succeed in, Fair and softly go far in a day., be vivid and dramatic, vivid, truth to nature [life], lifelike, The living God come alive, mettlesome, Start to write Interesting, alive and kicking, Give the whole hundred million, Baijubaijie, never-losing, gain every battle, peerless invincibility, mean and distasteful language or conduct, Qiongxingjizhuang, be in an invincible position;remain invincible, full of zip, Lifelike