idiom > not less than high heaven and deep sea
Nothing more than poles apart
  Explanation: As good: no different. Yuan: pit. Tantamount to the pit from the sky above the bottom. Very different metaphor.
  Usage: Verb-object type; for the predicate; analogy very different
  Source: Qing Li Yu, "Xian Qing Ou Ji fourth Spoken": "Wu Wu sound has, the more the more language, quite different as good as poles apart."
  Examples: Revolution than that, straight ~ separated by it. (Caidong Fan, Xu hut Father "Romance of the Republic of the popular" Back to the twenty-eighth)
No. 2
  词 目 不啻天渊
  发 音 bù chì tiān yuān
  释 义 不啻:无异于。渊:深潭。无异于从云天之上到深潭之底。比喻差别极大。
  近义词 天壤之别
  出 处 清·李渔《闲情偶寄·宾白第四》:“吴有吴音,越有越语,相去不啻天渊。”
  示 例 比那辛亥革命,直~远隔呢。(蔡东藩、许廑父《民国通俗演义》第二十八回)
  成语名称 不啻天渊 汉语拼音 bù chì tiān yuān 成语释义 不啻:无异于。渊:深潭。无异于从云天之上到深潭之底。比喻差别极大。 成语出处 清·李渔《闲情偶寄·宾白第四》:“吴有吴音,越有越语,相去不啻天渊。” 使用例句 比那辛亥革命,直不啻天渊远隔呢。