n.: spark, a bit; a little, a trait of, an element of, a nail's breadth, whoop, whit, whiff, wee, trait, tithe, straw, (conj.) spot, soupcon, smidgeon, smidgen, skerrick, scantling, pinpoint, nibble, molecule, jot, hoot
adj.: little
be difficult to get one like this, can be counted on the fingers of one hand, moribund, one in a thousand, beggary, as sparse as the morning stars, A little is better than none., Few, Page rise, Kongmo belong, crumb, couple, shred, trifle, scatter, hair
too many to be enumerated, people like those are not lacking; quite a few such people, their name is legion, too many to be counted; innumerable, an army 500, 000 strong numerous, be too numerous to list, Raise the eyes Are all, Accumulate as (if) Mountain, lie in a heap, emerge one after another appear frequently, Layers of Diego see, Layer stack up, see, occur frequently, About Chart History, Left Right Book, a large private collecetion of books, Hengsha, hengshashu, Heng Hesha, (as)numberless as the sands [stars], thousands uponthousands, hundreds upon thousands, hundreds upon thousands, finger Be lost in bend, By extension, rice gauze studded with, spread all over the place be dotted like stars in the sky and scattered like the pieces on a chessboard, Rice gauze Acer cloth, Than the house can be closed, Bibi alike, enough books to make the ox carrying them sweat or to fill a house to the rafters— an immense number of books, Hao, such as be huge voluminous as a vast sea of fog, be all over the sky all over the plains, Man Shan all over the plains, Toothpick 10000 axis, Bouquet cent-fleurs Blooming, Tens of thousands of, Chen Doors City, Blossom everywhere, Gate and courtyard as (if) City, bamboo shoots after a spring rain, If You Long Ma, Malone Car water
Containing Phrases
but little
in driblets, ie a little at a time
Ok spot
Anything point
flower spot
not enough to swear by
approach spot
advancement spot
Zhi'ai spot
progress spot
Chita spot
not a blind(bit of)
very faint, slight amount or trace of sth
drink sth in small amounts
Days Health spot
Days improve spot
Days urge spot
Days adultness spot
Days amusement spot
Days triumph spot
Academy confound spot
days progress spot
Days Duozuo spot
more Love congratulate spot
Apiece Zhicuo spot
Spot blob Karma Karma
Days comeliness spot
a mere pittance
I'll trouble you to again Affability spot
a bit
Beggar And Capitalist Jiucha spot
Zhixu Alter congratulate spot
I'll trouble you to again Affability spot
USA Writing the faculty of science Anything point a different, special, completely new or fashionable type or trend
Exactly congratulate Be acquisitive of spot shucks
Why care That ace point gentle
Days progress spot regarding Nous burgeon Dege Consult narrative
USA Writing the faculty of science Anything point a different, special, completely new or fashionable type or trend
Babylon Moneybags Triumph Exactly Proportion Other person class spot
Narrative money That's about it. Spot Zuande
alter Spot Were not Ailing living habit
Days comeliness Spot better Brain better comeliness