idiom > All things
All things
  Explanation: The universe of all things.
  Source: "Manuscripts" I have the Buddha set the volume, from the ground so empty, the palace floor, pool view of current Chinese tree, all the land of all things, tailor-limitless treasure of heavenly hybrid of synthetic fragrance, strictly decorative wonderful, super-Zhu one day. "
  Examples: Wisdom has it's own probably know too that he has Wisdom. Ten million people, ~, no not the truth. ★ "ZHUAIYULE" Volume hundred and 16
No. 2
  The universe of all things. "Manuscripts" volume: "I have to set the Buddha, on the ground so empty, the palace floor, pool view of current Chinese tree, all the land of all things, tailor-limitless treasure of heavenly hybrid of synthetic fragrance, strictly decorative wonderful Super Morohito days. "" ZHUAIYULE "Volume 16:" Wisdom home there is probably know too that he has Wisdom. ten million people, of all things, no not the truth. "
Translated by Google
No. 3
  成语词条: 一切万物
  成语发音: yī qiē wàn wù
  成语释疑: 宇宙间所有的事物。
  成语出处: 《无量寿经》卷上:“设我得佛,自地上以至于虚空,宫殿楼观池流华树,国土所有一切万物,皆以无量杂宝百千种香而共合成,严饰奇妙,超诸人天。”
  成语示例: 自家有这仁义礼智,便知得他也有仁义礼智。十人万人,~,无不是这道理。
  【一切万物】 (术语)与一切万法同。无量寿经下曰:“于一切万物,随意自在。”
Containing Phrases
All things Jiegui caducityAll things Jiegui caducity