vegetation : diet > bloom
No. 1
  ① strong thickly overgrown wooded. ② cause of prosperity; merit  remarkable business Mao Sheng | merit flourish.
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mào shèng
  Describe the dense vegetation grows lush
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No. 3
  Lush grass
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No. 4
  Dense and strong. Is used to describe the virtues and prosperity or distinguished. "Zhou Nan Ge Shi Qin", "Victoria leaves lush" Biography of Mao: "lush, lush appearance." "Han Wei Yin Chuan": "Saint of the industry into the Wang 2, ritual music, merit flourish. "Jin Yuan Hong," Han Ji Xiandi century after a ":" Emperor Xiaowen, Xiao Wu, Xiao-Xuan merit are lush, as were not destroyed. "Wei Yang and the" Longhua Temple in Luoyang ":" garden flourish Mo s and strife. "Ba Jin" Reunion ":" many people, road width, and housing increased, and trees flourish of. "
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No. 5
  茂盛: [ mào shèng ]
  en:>>(adj) lush
  指植物生长得好,枝叶繁茂,亦用以形容事业兴旺或德行卓著。《诗·周南·葛覃》“维叶萋萋” 毛 传:“萋萋,茂盛貌。”《汉书·韦贤传》:“ 成王 成二圣之业,制礼作乐,功德茂盛。” 晋 袁宏 《后汉纪·献帝纪一》:“ 孝文帝 、 孝武帝 、 孝宣帝 皆功德茂盛,为宗不毁。” 北魏 杨炫之 《洛阳伽蓝记·龙华寺》:“园林茂盛,莫之与争。” 巴金 《团圆》:“人多了,路宽了,房屋增加了,树木也茂盛了。”
  1. 这一带山区是很好的牧羊场,羊吃了茂盛的青草会长得肥肥的。
  the hilly areas make good sheep pasture; sheep will batten on the lush grass.
  2. 这种花在温暖的气候中长得茂盛.
  this species of flower flourishes in a warm climate.
  3. 葱翠的有或以茂盛植被为特征的
  having or characterized by luxuriant vegetation.
  4. 没有水植物就不会长得茂盛
  plants will not flourish without water.
English Expression
  1. n.:  carnival,  exuberance,  flush,  luxuriance,  speed,  exuberant; flourishing; lush; luxuriant
  2. v.:  flourish,  prosper
  3. vi.:  bloom,  luxuriate
French Expression
  1. adj.  exubérant, abondant, prospère, luxuriant, florissant
begin to grow rapidly, activity, amenity, healthy and strong, ebullience, Haleness but also activity, grow healthily, abundance
prosperity, bloom, prosperity, glory, adultness, mature, triumph, explode, thrive, Fanrong Village
bloom Community
Maocheng Village
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