idiom > (literally) A single glance takes inall--a panoramic view
  Explanation: See table; I left. At first sight, all saw the whole scene. Did not describe the structure of the building twists and turns, or poetic content might, without any aftertaste.
  Usage: Contraction type; as predicate, adverbial; describe the broad field of vision
  Source: Southern Song Liu Yiqing "Shi words" Esa to promote, as in China, subject the article is played smooth, then the list of the best, so Yu Yu perverting, if unpredictable. "
  Examples: Shore in water are bare; thanks to the lake dotted with five sub-continents, or we would have ~ a. ★ qing "Nanjing"
  Riddle: Tourism; glance
No. 2
  Southern Song Liu Yiqing "Shi speech": "Esa to promote, as in China, subject the article is played smooth, then the list of the best, so Yu Yu perverting, if unpredictable." After the "glance" that the 1 can all see. "Jin Ping Mei," the sixth of a return: "The symptoms of hot air Deficiency, glance." Qing "Nanking": "shore in water are bare, thanks to the lake dotted with five sub-continents, or we would have sweeping views of the . "Liu Fu Road," South Lake month ":" Li Lu stood the factory's gate, sweeping the whole factory. "
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No. 3
  词 目 一览无余
  发 音 yī lǎn wú yú
  释 义 览:看;余:剩余。一眼看去,所有的景物全看见了。形容建筑物的结构没有曲折变化,或诗文内容平淡,没有回味。
  出 处 南朝·宋·刘义庆《世说新语·言语》:“江左地促,不如中国,若使阡陌条畅,则一览而尽,故纡余委曲,若不可测。”
  示 例 水中岸上都光光的;亏得湖里有五个洲子点缀着,不然便~了。(朱自清《南京》)
  用 法 作谓语、状语;形容视野开阔
  近义词 一目了然、一览而尽、尽收眼底
  反义词 一鳞半爪、目不暇接、管中窥豹
  成语名称 一览无余 汉语拼音 yī lǎi wú yú 成语释义 览:看;余:剩余。一眼看去,所有的景物全看见了。形容建筑物的结构没有曲折变化,或诗文内容平淡,没有回味。 成语出处 南朝宋·刘义庆《世说新语·言语》:“江左地促,不如中国,若使阡陌条畅,则一览而尽,故纡余委曲,若不可测。” 使用例句 水中岸上都光光的;亏得湖里有五个洲子点缀着,不然便一览无余了。
English Expression
  1. n.:  (literally) A single glance takes inall--a panoramic view
in total darkness, tell its own story [tale], The murder is out., The cat is out of the bag., be thoroughly exposed, The plot is exposed, with the lid off, condemned oneself out of one's own mouth; make a confession of one's own accord, Confessed, faithfully, see through a trick, Insight into their evil, as clearly as a blazing fire, Penetrating, (as) clear as day, to be exposed, Quiet observation micro-hole, as bright as looking at a fire, As bright as a palm, The back of its hand, The outsider sees the best of the game., adherence credulousness, look up at view, faith await, a clear view, conspectus at a draft, Jinshou the fundus of eyes, It's written all over his face., Constatation Absolutely shattered
extremely puzzled; be completely confused, Such as sitting cloud and mist, all at sea, intangibility, not know why it is so, obliquity constatation, hide from public notice, manufacture case in which sb.has been wronged, arrow shot from hidding wound, perplex, flatly contradict, flatly disavow, mystery of mysteries— — extremely mysterious and abstruse, cannot distinguish whether it's genuine or fake,true or false, Puzzling, Figure it out, loom, standing all alone, Ruocunruowang, partly hidden and partly visible, Ruoyouruowu, Stab in the human, extinction go into hiding, fathomless, Out at large, to steal, overt and covert attack, Up on things vain, Touch door vain, Couldn't find north