idiom > A small V low
A small playful
  Explanation: Described as humble, curry favor with flattery.
  Usage: Joint type; as predicate, attributive; containing derogatory
  Source: Yuan Anonymous "Mang Fei row Pomegranate" First off you just filled a small playful, if you have to take a break then choose from the air. "
  Examples: If the call to Xiu to-steps to be it, Liu Bei Anken ~. ★ Ming Luo Guanzhong's "Romance of Three Kingdoms" Sixty-back
  Humble. Yuan Bai Pu "wall sign" fourth fold: "to persuade him to do small-V low aromatic spiritus, fuzzy cup full of drunk." Yuan Anonymous "slave children of God," Wedge: "I'm not mistaken room to bump into you, I'll I say so, a small V low. "
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That kept the people under
  That kept the people under. "Journey to the West," the 80th back: "Today Tuoque natural disaster, a small V low, and you made a disciple."
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No. 4
  词目 做小伏低
  发音 zuò xiǎo fú dī
  释义 形容卑躬屈膝,委曲求全。
  出处 元·无名氏《莽张飞大闹石榴园》第一折:“你只是装着做小伏低,你若是得空偷闲便择离。”
  用法 联合式;作谓语、定语;含贬义;指甘居人下。
  近义词 低声下气
  示例 若召到蜀中,以部曲待之,刘备安肯~。(明·罗贯中《三国演义》第六十回)
  成语名称 做小伏低 汉语拼音 zuò xiǎo fú dī 成语释义 形容低声下气,巴结奉承。 成语出处 元·无名氏《莽张飞大闹石榴园》第一折:“你只是装着做小伏低,你若是得空偷闲便择离。” 使用例句 若召到蜀中,以部曲待之,刘备安肯做小伏低
not claim credit for oneself, Deep Do not reveal, Tom it, V low in small, crawl flatter, courtesy modesty, Frequently Into the ceremony
Antonym Group
handsel cutting edge, begin to show one's ability, I still childishness, make a casual demonstration of one's capability, fore, Bang Bao Huai fans, needless waste of energy, Multiply Not dry, emerge