Explanation: Come without the effort required to describe Usage: Partial official; as predicate; much easier to describe Source: Qing Li, Green Park "Qiludeng" 38 back: "the capital of, not on the 2032 reading, Chuishou fame is derived." Examples: If the past does not cost the Japanese a little less energy ~ Eastern provinces, and now after a bloody battle can not be occupied for non-Chinese land. (Mao Zedong "and the British journalist Bertrand talk")
No. 2
Vertical: hang. Hand can be fixed. Described as effortless.
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No. 3
【示例】:如果说过去日寇差不多不费一点气力~东四省,现在就非经过血战不能占领中国的土地了。 ◎毛泽东《和英国记者贝特兰的谈话》
【拼音】:chuí shǒu ér dé
成语名称 垂手而得 汉语拼音 chuí shǒu ér dé 成语释义 垂:垂下。手不动就能得到。形容毫不费力。 成语出处 清·李绿园《歧路灯》第三十八回:“那个姿性,读不上三二年,功名是可以垂手而得的。” 使用例句 如果说过去日寇差不多不费一点气力垂手而得东四省,现在就非经过血战不能占领中国的土地了。
Common, wont, a hand's turn, horn Accessibility, Saliva hand Accessibility, not rare, nothing to write home about, Fameng oscillator off, Fire on Ice Alley, Huisihuatu, Raise one's hand Every move she makes, downwind blow the fire
larruping, ember reburn, (of a dead person's soul)find reincarnation in another's corpse— — (of sth.evil)revive in a new guise, with a special pattern, in a novel way, found a new school of thought, Do a flag tree, antic, open or find a new path or snap course, grotesquerie, oddity, Egregious homeliness, Different forces suddenly appear on the horizon, new force suddenly coming to the fore, fantasticality, have originality, Receive different standards of new