Mansion dǐ 【Name】 (Phonetic. From Yap, Di (dǐ) sound. Original meaning: Warring States Period, when the princes, or appear before the emperor's residence in the capital. Refers to official work or live in the premises) 〗 〖Guildhall with the original meaning Di, also the country of homes. - "Said the text" Yan Di homes. - "Han Chuan Lu string together." Note: "Princes and Zhu Jun North Korea places the museum, who called the mansion in the capital." Another example: Di City (ancient in the capital as a vassal or Outlying Prefectures gun built by the monarch daily pilgrimage town) Senior officials, the nobility or place of work〗 〖residenceofahighofficial. Such as: residence; Di Ge (hoarding rations place); Di concept (Di homes and floor view); Di Hospital (pavilion); Sidi 〗 〖Hotel shops. Such as: Di stores (both ancient stack, shops, guest houses nature of the shop) Only to 〖till; to〗 Di gourd from the mouth of the drainage of Shanxi. - "Historical Records canals book" Di Fang Xi Lin Yu car. - "River of Chu Yuan" Di Bao dǐbào 〗 〖Courtbulletin also called "Di copy", "Di notes." Copy made in ancient China the emperor decree, court officials memorials and copy of political intelligence. Song from a similar development into a hand-written newspaper publications, began to issue type version of the late Ming to the Qing Dynasty called "Beijing News" Pavilion dǐzhái 〗 〖Mansion residence; mansion
Di (phonetic. From Yap, Di sound. The original meaning of the Warring States Period princes or appear before the emperor's residence in the capital. Refers to the premises of official work or living) with the original meaning of Di, is also the country of homes. - "Said the text" homes Yan Di. - "Han Chuan Lu string together." Note Princes and Zhu Jun North Korea places the museum, who called the mansion in the capital. "Another example Di City (ancient in the capital for the princes, or Outlying Prefectures gun built by the monarch daily pilgrimage town) senior officials, the nobility or place of work shops only, to the residence of the gourd from the mouth of the drainage of Shanxi. - Di dǐ ① refers to the residence of senior officials of the old official ~. ② name.
邸 di
部首 阝 部首笔画 03 总笔画 07
邸 mansion; the residence of a high official;
邸 dǐ
同本义 [guild hall]
高级官员、贵族办事或居住的地方 [residence of a high official]。如官邸;邸阁(屯积军粮的场所);邸观(邸舍与楼观);邸院(邸宅);私邸 (5)
店铺 [hotel]。如邸店(古代兼具堆栈、商店、客舍性质的店铺)
止,到 [till;to]
[court bulletin] 也叫邸抄”、邸钞”。中国古代抄发皇帝谕旨、臣僚奏议和有关政治情报的抄本。宋代起发展成一种手抄的类似报纸的出版物,明末开始发行活字版本,到清代称京报”
[mansion] 官邸;府第
邸 dǐ ㄉㄧˇ
Di di Radical Radical Fu 03 total strokes 07 strokes Mansion mansion; the residence of a high official; Mansion dǐ (1) (Phonetic. From Yap, Di (dǐ) sound. The original meaning of the Warring States Period princes or appear before the emperor's residence in the capital. Refers to official work or live in the premises) (2) With the original meaning of [guild hall] Di, also the country of homes. - "Said the text" Yan Di homes. - "Han Chuan Lu string together." Note Princes and Zhu Jun North Korea places the museum, who called the mansion in the capital. " (3) Another example Di City (ancient in the capital for the princes, or Outlying Prefectures gun built by the monarch pilgrimage town living) (4) Senior officials, the nobility or place of work [residence of a high official]. If the residence; Di Ge (hoarding rations place); Di concept (Di homes and floor view); Di Hospital (pavilion); Sidi (5) Shop [hotel]. If Di stores (both ancient stack, shops, guest houses nature of the shop) (6) Only, to [till; to] Di gourd from the mouth of the drainage of Shanxi. - "Historical Records canals book" Di Fang Xi Lin Yu car. - "River of Chu Yuan" Di Bao dǐbào [Court bulletin], also known as Di copy ", Di notes." Copy made in ancient China the emperor decree, court officials memorials and copy of political intelligence. Song from a similar development into a hand-written newspaper publications, began to issue type version of the late Ming to the Qing Dynasty in Beijing said the report " Pavilion dǐzhái [Mansion] residence; mansion Mansion dǐ ㄉ ㄧ (1) Senior officials of the home (now used for diplomatic occasions) Officer ~. Government ~. Private ~. (2) Boarding passengers ~. ~ Shop. (3) ~ Car park. (4) Screen. (5) Name. Zheng code rhsy, u90b8, gbkdba1 7 number of strokes, radical Fu, Stroke No. 3515452
酉集下 Under the unitary _set_ 【唐韻】都禮切【集韻】【韻會】【正韻】典禮切,????音底。【說文】屬國舍也。【徐曰】諸侯來朝,所舍曰邸,有根柢也,根本所在也。【前漢·文帝紀】至邸而議之。【註】郡國朝宿之舍,在京師者率名邸。邸,至也,言所歸至也。今人因謂逆旅皆曰邸舍。 又凡物之底皆曰邸。【爾雅·釋器】邸謂之柢。【註】根柢皆物之邸。邸卽底,通語也。 又圭之本亦曰邸。【周禮·春官·典瑞】四圭有邸,以祀天,旅上帝。【註】圭本著于璧,圭末四出也。 又屛風也。【周禮·天官·掌次】王大旅上帝,則張氊案,設皇邸。【註】張氊案,以氊爲牀,于幄中設皇邸,謂以板爲屛風,染羽象鳳凰羽色以爲之,王座所置也。 又【正韻】至也。與抵通。【史記·河渠書】西邸瓠口。 又觸也。【宋玉·風賦】邸萼葉而振氣。【註】邸與抵同。 又姓。【集韻】漢上郡太守邸柱。 又【韻會】【正韻】????????知切,音池。【周禮·冬官考工記】絲三邸。 【廣韻】俗作????。亦作䣌。
Tang Yun】 【are cut 【Ji Yun Li Yun will】 【】 【】 Rhymes cutting ceremony, ???? sound at the end. Wen said the country of homes】 【also. Xu said】 【princes to North Korea, said the residence of homes have a foundation in also, which is also fundamental. 【】 To the former residence of Ji Han Emperor of the meeting. 【Note】 gun toward the places of the house, in the capital who rate 名邸. Di, to also, to have made the return. People today because of the so-called Inner Challenge Jieyue Di homes. And where the material of the end of Jieyue Di. Di】 【Mailyard that the analysis device. 【Note】 a foundation in both the DI material. Calipering Di bottom line can pass. But also of the Yi Yue Gui Di. Zhou Chun 【】 four official Swiss Code Di Guyana has to Sitian, travel God. 【Note】 spirit of the Bi Gui, Gui last go around too. Also 屛 wind. 【Times】 Zhou Tian Guan Wang brigade palm of God, then the case of Zhang Zhan, Huang Di _set_. 【Note】 Zhang Zhan case to Zhan for the bed, Huang Di in the tent in the _set_, that the board as 屛 wind, dyed feather feather color as that of the Phoenix, the throne of the home also. Rhymes and 【】 to have. And arrived through. Historical books】 【West Di gourd canals mouth. And touch as well. Wind Di Song Yu FU】 【calyx lobe and vibration gas. 【Note】 Di and arrived the same. Another name. 】 【Ji Yun Han Kamigori Prefecture Di column. And rhyme will 【】 【】 ???? ???? know is cutting rhyme, sound pool. Zhou Dong 【】 Kaogongji official residence of silk III. Popular for ???? Guangyun】 【. Have also been 䣌.
编号:3992 ID: 3992 屬國舍。从邑氐聲。 都禮切
Vassal homes. Di sound from Yap. Are cutting ceremony