Buddhist glossary : Buddhism temple Tower : scenic spots in China : Shanxi [Show all] : China > Shanxi > Taiyuan City > Temple Towers
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  National Tourism complaints Temple Tel :010-65275315 Twin Towers Twin Towers ticket price 20 yuan Temple festivals are lunar June 18 will climb the tower, said to ward off evil. Beginning of summer for the peony flower. Temple towers towers open 8:30 to 17:30 19 Temple Road traffic stop after the clothing market, go to the southeast, from a distance, about 1000 meters, recommended ride. Temple towers play tourist and take a
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  An anti-China thousands of years of temple building faces south and the traditions and customs, while the extension built for the terrain, condescending, look northward. Can be described as too pro back line peaks, overlooking fenshui surface area. The ground, relying on the old tower, can be widely bird's-eye picture of the ancient city of Taiyuan, Jinzhong basin of the fields and one thousand domains.
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   华池县双塔寺遗址及双塔简介:双塔寺遗址和石造像塔位于华池县林镇乡张岔村双塔沟和豹子川河交汇处的台地上,寺院和两座石造像塔始建于金正隆至大定年间(11561189),筹建人有寺院主持僧普恩、德敬和保义校尉,华池寨主李世雄等人,当时名为石塔院,后于大安年间又更名为兴教院。这是一处佛教寺院。寺院历元、明至清乾隆年间废弃。 现存寺院遗址主要有三圣殿、三门殿、伽蓝殿、双音阁、钟楼等建筑的残墙与基础及两座造像塔。造像塔通体遍雕佛、菩萨、弟子、供养人,伎乐天等造像,还有涅??等本生故事,全塔造像多达3600余身;二号塔造像较少,全塔615身,塔高13层11.98米。双塔造型秀丽,结构严谨,雕凿细腻,充分显示了我国古代无名工匠精湛的工艺技巧和完善的艺术造型,凝聚了古代劳动人民智慧和艺术的结晶,具有很高的历史,科学和艺术价值。 2000年5月至7月间对寺院遗址进行了抢救性发掘,出土了石碑、经幢、陶石建筑构件等文物370多件,标本267件,尤其是许多珍贵的文字铭刻,记录了寺院的名称、始建年代和筹建人等。1963年2月、1981年9月两次经省人民政府审定,公布为省级文物保护单位。
Containing Phrases
Temple Towers StreetShuangdɑ Si Villagewillow stand Temple Towers
Huachi Temple Towersthe Northern Song Dynasty (960-1127) Temple TowersTemple towers Pair Tower
Liulin County Temple Towersswim South Temple TowersHuachi Temple Towers Site
Huachi county Temple Towers SiteAnnounce City Temple towers Horticulture fieldAnnounce city Temple towers Horticulture field inside
Xuanzhou district King pavilion mountain Office Temple Towers