city district : China > Shandong province > Zibo > Zichuan District
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Basic Overview
  Zichuan District of Zibo City, is one of the area, located in the central city environment. Qingzhou, east, west Zhangqiu, south Boshan, North and ZHOUCUN, Zhangdian, Linzi District border. 48 km from east to west, north to south 42 km, with a total area of ​​1,000 square kilometers. Jurisdiction over 16 towns, 3 townships, three district offices, 457 administrative villages. Zichuan located in the north temperate zone, is a moderate continental climate, the average temperature 12.9-13.1 ℃, annual average rainfall of 500-800 mm. High altitude region V, plains, hills and low mountains and white, urban and rural staggered, Danube, Xiao Fu River, Fan Yang River, north to south, favorable natural conditions.
  Zichuan built in the Western Han Dynasty, has a long history and splendid culture. Queen megalithic culture zichuan mountain territory discovered Neolithic relics, which indicates Neolithic ancestors would Fanyan earning in zichuan areas. Zichuan in the summer, Shang took Qingzhou area, like the early Western Han Dynasty established the County. Qinghe County in Northern and Southern Dynasties home like Yangcheng, Kaihuang sixteen years (596 years) _set_ zichuan. Tian Tang Dynasty (742) zichuan as zichuan County, Yuan Yuan Dynasty (1264) Zi Zi states promoted state road, like Rd. Since the Western Han Jian County, after two thousand years, to revoke zichuan County formed in 1955, into a zone.
  Zichuan historically produced many famous people, famous Qing Dynasty writer Pu Songling, known as the king of short stories of the world, doing his lifelong effort to collect folklore, by the ghost demon 喻人世, pour passion in his writings, book into " Strange ", a queer masterpiece in world history, has been translated into many languages ​​in the world published. Ming and Qing Dynasties, doctors Zhai good, noble quality, does not figure wealth, Kan village for people to lift patients, was praised as "geniuses." Qing Dynasty, Sun Naikun committed lectures, writings, each pass Shaanxi, Gansu, Henan, Shandong and other provinces, for the generation of Confucianism celebrities.
  Zichuan historical sites throughout the region, rich in tourism resources. Provincial key cultural relics protection units former residence of Pu Songling, Ma'anshan anti-Japanese revolutionary sites, municipal key cultural relics protection units have large sheet of ancient sites, magnetic ancient kiln village, Hao ancient sites, ancient kiln west slope, Liu Dexin Uprising " Han de main "government sites, too River massacre memorial ─ ─ Diaoyutai, Yang Chai Guta, Su phase tomb. In addition, Liao park, leaving Fairy Lake Amusement Park and zichuan, Kui Shing Park, Azusa bare hill scenic, cultural and other new Mountain scenic areas (spots), attracts thousands of tourists come to visit to watch.
  Zichuan industrial strength, more than 6,400 industrial enterprises in the region's existing major industry categories and building materials, textiles, machinery, chemicals, metallurgy, coal, etc., there is a group in the province, the city occupies an important position in the corporate and product. In recent years, Zichuan conscientiously implement the structural optimization, drive strengths, economic globalization and the four strategic areas of science and education, increasing investment, deepening reform and accelerating technological innovation, promote structural adjustment and promote the region's economic development. 2000 industrial output value of 13.48 billion yuan, the added value of industrial enterprises above the limit 2.36 billion yuan, total profit of 504 million yuan.
  Zichuan agriculture is relatively weak, the region's per capita less than half an acre of land, two-thirds of upland hill. In response to this reality, zichuan developed a "speed up the adjustment of agricultural structure, develop agriculture, accelerate the industrialization process," the work of thinking, after years of efforts, Zichuan agriculture continues to develop, in 2000, the region's total grain production was 112,900 tons, irrigation area of ​​11.8 acres, the total production of 15,088 tons of fruit, the total output of 18,080 tons of meat, eggs, vegetables, total capacity 76,542 tons.
  Zibo City Zichuan is important commodity distributing center and trade center, the construction of clothing city, city building, the new Asian malls, commercial buildings and other oriental than 30 large-scale professional market, commercial outlets and dozens of Commercial Street, and formed a Clothing City as the leading city living materials and building materials as the leading production system. In 2000, the region's development into all kinds of bazaars 85, of which 26 urban, markets turnover reached 11.3 billion yuan.
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Physical Geography
  Zichuan District of Zibo City, located in the middle. Located in east longitude 117 ° 41 '~ 118 ° 14', latitude 36 ° 22 '~ 36 ° 45'. Boshan south, west Zhangqiu, North and zhoucun, Zhangdian, Linzi three areas are connected, along the East Qingzhou, southeast and Qu, Yiyuan County border.
  Zichuan District of Zibo in the central basin, the east side, in the southeast, the southwest side of the low mountains, local depressions and valleys to mountain terrain, north, northwest gradually transition to the low mountains, hills and plains. Black Shizhaishan peak, located in the eastern Mindanao after the purple Township Village, 923 meters above sea level, the lowest point in the north Yang Zhaizhen altitude of 48 meters. The terrain is divided into plains, hills, mountains categories. Plain area of ​​93.175 square kilometers of which, both in ground elevation below 100 meters, with an average ground slope of 1/200. Hilly area of ​​345.321 square kilometers, about the height of 150 meters. In addition to the plains, hills, the rest are in the low mountains, the majority of the height of 500 meters above the mountain.
  Zichuan undulating hills, criss-cross, a total of large and small hill 1945, in which an elevation of 800 meters above the 17, 500 meters, 499 to 800, 300 to 500 meters of the 623, and the remaining 300 meters. The main hills are:
  Black Shizhaishan: 923 meters above sea level, is located in the eastern part of Mindanao after Violet Township Village, the highest mountain in the region.
  Three Taishan: Kunlun located 5 km northwest across the Kunlun Mountains, adjacent to the magnetic north Phoenix Mountain village community. Gentle slopes, more round bald, generally tilted 35 ~ 50 °, peak elevation of 360 meters Santaishan.
  Hon Hill: Located five kilometers northeast of the city of Zibo, across the stockade, rout, two Town boundaries, its mountains of NE to gradually reduce from south to north, peak elevation of 320.25 meters, underground mineral-rich, Sanyo has Zheng public (Kang) College, Sanin has Gui (sub)-dong, is the history of the region famous.
  Zichuan territory from east to west has four crossing rivers are among the Xiaoqing River, originates in the North Slope region of Thailand Yishan low mountains, from south to north through the exit area alone, import Xiaoqing.
  Danube originates in Laiwu City Luzhou Lushan top line (with the Yi River Danube watershed), north through the Boshan, Zichuan, Linzi, Shouguang import Xiaoqing. A total length of 122.55 km, which flows through the territory of 33 km Zichuan, local watershed area 385.8 square kilometers. Too River Reservoir is located on the territory of the Danube region, 1182 meters long dam, the capacity of 123 million cubic meters, more than a drainage area of ​​780 km2 reservoir control.
  Xiaofuhe River
  Yu Wang Xiao Fu River originates in the mountains Boshan, bluestone off, Yueyang mountain line low mountains, flows through Boshan, Zichuan, Zhangdian, the horse is still with Fan Yang River confluence, and then import Huantai Xiaoqing. Which flows through the territory of 26.5 km Zichuan, interval watershed area 396.8 square kilometers. Fanjia built nest, Zi city, Jia village three dam on the river. Xiaofuhe River tributaries like the river, Kam Rivera, Three Mile River, Seven Mile River in more than 10 Zichuan.
  Fan Yang River
  Fan Yang River points south, west two, originated in the territory of the South Branch of Baoshan District, five springs, Boshan Qinglongwan line; west branch originated in Changbai Mountain in Zouping County, Baiyun Mountain, Paomaling area. Two tributaries converge in Meng Mountain Reservoir, the horse is still to Zhangdian River confluence with Xiaofuhe. South branch within the 17.5 km long, 16 km west branch length, drainage area 199.9 square kilometers.
  Yang Qing River
  Boshan Populus River originates in the low double-stack line mountain mountain ridge flows through the western edge of the town, after Zhangqiu import Xiaoqing. Length of 7.3 km in the region, the basin area 16.55 square kilometers.
  Zichuan rivers mountain river, springs out more, surface water and groundwater recharge and transforming each other more frequently, so the river continues a long time, a larger amount of water. Due to a substantial increase in mining and industrial and agricultural drainage water, combined with soil erosion in mountainous, most dry springs, river runoff is reduced.
  Zichuan rich in mineral resources, associated, multi-Ore mineral resources portfolio is good, big coal, refractories, purple, clay, bauxite, limestone, iron ore, quartz and other reserves, widely distributed. Recoverable reserves of 15 million tons of coal, refractory clay reserves of 841 million tons of red clay and shale (purple) reserves of 10 million tons, reserves of 10 million tons of granite, limestone reserves of 2 trillion tons, 600,000 tons of iron ore reserves , reserves of 15 million tons of quartz sand.
  Zichuan region to the mountains, hills, a total area of ​​149.9 hectares, of which 35 acres of arable land, accounting for 23.36% of the total area of ​​23.6 acres of woodland, 15.77% of the total area of ​​42.2 acres of unused land, 28.15% of the total area of ​​the region diverse landforms, for the development of agriculture and various crops have provided favorable conditions.
  Zichuan terrain, rich in biological resources. Forest resources, there are species of 40 families, 78 genera and 146 species of native trees have catalpa, Sophora japonica, arborvitae, etc., introduced species are poplar, paulownia and other economic trees are pear, apricot, apple, pepper, persimmon, soft jujube, hawthorn, cedar, etc., where the pool board pears, seedless arguta known. Animal resources, livestock cattle, horses, donkeys, mules; carnivorous animals are pigs, sheep, rabbits; poultry chicken, duck, goose. Forage, fodder rich in resources, with the conditions for the development of animal husbandry. Mammals have foxes, badgers, weasels, hedgehogs. Birds doves, magpies, crows, woodpeckers, owls. Fish, carp, carp, catfish, shrimp, turtle and so on. Insects silkworms, bees, scorpions and other mountains. Chinese herbal medicine resources throughout the region, there are skullcap, Breit, Nepeta, wind, herb, salvia, earth element, such as more than 100 kinds.
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  Zichuan because Zi River flows through the territory named. 1956 Zichuan said.
  Danube originates in Laiwu City Luzhou Lushan top line (with the Yi River Danube watershed), north through the Boshan, Zichuan, Linzi, Shouguang import Xiaoqing. A total length of 122.55 km, which flows through the territory of 33 km Zichuan, local watershed area 385.8 square kilometers. Too River Reservoir is located on the territory of the Danube region, 1182 meters long dam, the capacity of 123 million cubic meters, more than a drainage area of ​​780 km2 reservoir control.
  Qingzhou of Xia and Shang domain, Qin Qi Jun genus. Originally built as the Western Han County, located as a result of the legacy of shuiyang named.
  Song Yuanjia five years (AD 428 years) as middens County. Kaihuang eighteen years (AD 598) was zichuan County Tang Dynasty _set_ zichuan County.
  Song is _set_ zichuan Jingdong County Road. Yuan _set_ up like Rd, where the rule zichuan city. Let Banyang early Ming government, Hongwu years (1376) l zichuan County zichuan states, Hongwu years (1377) was changed to zichuan County, is Jinan government. Qing Ming system along.
  After the Revolution, the government _set_ up the waste Road, Jinan Road zichuan county. In 17 years (1928) to withdraw Road, in 20 years (1931) to nine county jurisdiction Ten Road area.
  March 1948, the liberation of the whole territory zichuan County jurisdiction 11 areas. April 1955, the county system zichuan revoked, the former county established Yang Village, Hongshan, Kunlun three areas.
  February 1956, the revocation of the Kunlun Mountains, Yang Chai two areas, located Zichuan. April 1958, Hongshan District revoked, owned Zichuan.
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Local conditions
  Old, Zibo domestic residents for funeral, the use of wooden coffin burial rituals quite cumbersome.
  Shroud, commonly known as "old clothes." After the death of people, clothe their children, the dead were men, usually by a son and daughter to the cuisine, the deceased was a woman, her daughter and daughter come from food. Fur and silk shroud generally do not do, for fear of the afterlife became mammals and Duanzaijuesun, the use made of cotton, silk, take "nostalgic", "nostalgia" means. Number underwear, avoid double happiness alone. Boshan residents generally have to make the shroud for the dead "five-neck three waist," that five tops, three culottes. Whenever death, have to cotton-based.
  End of life
  After death, the family mourned the deceased moved into the main house door welcoming spirit bed. Spirit of bed some with ready-made wooden beds, some with doors or barricaded reed foil on the bench, as well as the temporary use adobe built up, spread sheets or a mattress made. Yellow sheet of paper covered the dead face, mouth with coins (also with pearl and the like). Ling bed front altar, put "according corpse light" to prevent dogs and cats come in, _set_ up incense tablets, and for a small bowl of rice, one pair of chopsticks on the _insert_, called the "fell down meal." Children take turns Guardian, called "wake."
  Family, neighbors help handle the funeral, send obituaries, told relatives, to help those who led the funeral called "big total." At the same time every day for breakfast, before dinner three times to the Earth Temple "send Whey" Whey and more a mixture of raw water, flour, millet made, installed in the pot, the pot just installed some water, also known as Whey . Rolling paper cars, paper horses, black poker face "dog cakes", "kind of stick," intended to take the long way away to the west, another vicious dog highway, once encountered fierce dogs can hit them with a stick, while the fight Dogs pie thrown out the dogs, so take the opportunity to get out. After a "guiding", the eldest son of the deceased standing on the bench, hand-held pole, face west and called appellation of the dead, after saying "the road on the western pilgrims," ​​Lianhan four times, burning paper car paper horses, sending dead soon died.
  Date obituary prescribed by family and friends, before the opening of the tomb burial to condole. Hospital offers Lingpeng, Li tablets, filial linen clothes of mourning, forward to condole the relatives, neighbors and bowed in gratitude. General neighbors paid only funeral (Cash) called "pay favors." Loved ones are prepaid funeral offering, offerings will be placed before the Spirit, to worship the souls, libations 3 cup (Zhangdian 4 cup), burst into tears, called "worship."
  That of the deceased coffin "Departures." Coffin called "coffin" and more poplar, willow, elm, locust and other hardwood made, honest people are using cedar. Some poor people only a thin coffin, reed mat a collar. Shop in the coffin before the first coffin incense table mattress, and then by the relatives of children with facial cotton dipped in alcohol to clean the surface of the deceased, after the coffin. Put incense on the table beside the dead, ash and deceased loved things, draw a seal, a funeral was completed. Since then, three times a day to cry burning paper offerings.
  Usually people dead or fifth day after the third day of the funeral, we are also well-off on the seventh day, aged 29, 29 and even funeral persons. During some games, please make Buddhist monk altar, chanting salvation. First, if the deceased spouse of the deceased, funeral mourning the main subject in the evening before their spirits greet day concelebrated.
  Funeral generally have burned kang (also called warm tomb), from the spiritual, funeral, Lu Ji, buried into the grave and other procedures. Spirit from before (Linzi is from the Spirit of the previous day), usually first dead relatives (mostly the women) went to the tomb ignition combustion, called "burning kang", Boshan, Linzi mostly gently cake called on the grave site "Warm tomb." Linzi before a meal dumplings from the spirit as well as in spirit shed the habit, that the "reunion dinner," and tells us to fill, "offering food cans."
  After that, the jobs destroyed in front of the Spirit, from the Spirit of more than ten people carry the coffin, the eldest son of the top dozen watts coffin, this time with family and friends cried send the Spirit to the door Tingling drink offering. When the funeral, the eldest son or grandson playing white streamers, nephew lead casket flower streamers prior to the grave, women Xiao Jia usually sit in the coffin crying, not with to the grave. Funeral procession to the village (Street) head to pause, carried Lu Ji. Tables and chairs in front of the Spirit gracefully, offerings, relatives and friends one by one worship. After the coffin to the cemetery, the first elegiac burning paper offerings (Linzi residents but also to "offer food cans" into the grave), to be Xiao Jia see the tomb, the burial party fill, _insert_ banner buildings (who also _insert_ed Shujie) in Top grave, bringing the building into a new grave. Return, each Xiao Jia shared a chopped bread, tofu and other items.
  After the funeral the next day at dawn, the children and grandchildren of the deceased who wore mourning to condole the family thanks, generally just in front shouting "thank-you", the owner heard that echo "hear", which means that a known ritual.
  After the funeral the third day (also next person) with the mourning relatives of the deceased to the cemetery for the festival, turn three laps around the grave, throw corn grain, add new soil, that the "circle grave." Thirty-fifth day after the death of people called "Seven", one hundred days called the "Hundred Days", when Xiao Jia must go to the grave worship, usually do "Seven", when the "Hundred Days" grave, the former advance The latter delay, that the "long-short fifty-seven Hundred Days." Zhoucun mostly in the middle of the night grave worship. When the "Five Seven grave", relatives of the deceased to the mountains with gold and silver, cash cow, cornucopia and other paper offerings and sacrificial offerings.
  Support services
  Also known to eat clothes. After the burial, mourning wear mourning families of the deceased, that the "support services." Holding period clothing, children 3 years and grandnephew generation of one year, during which children generally do not Barber, do not care.
  Thirty or forty years, some of the village generally has "old will" (also called "filial cap will", "shelf" and other). Families of the elderly persons who may participate, in case the funeral, friends raising mutual assistance, money money, money out of people, to have been a funeral each enrollee, this organization shall be dissolved. After the founding of the organization for the elderly will soon disappear. Funeral ceremony also gradually reform the old, _set_ up the altar salvation, sent Whey, guiding and other things with the basic eradicate feudal superstition. In case of a funeral, the deceased only wear a shroud, the coffin into the mortuary, relatives and friends to send funeral, kowtow worship, rushed to the cemetery burial, mourning and other support services.
  After 60 years, in addition to Muslims, the urban and rural areas began to implement cremation system, establish urn storage room, wearing black armbands or Takaaki relatives, neighbors flowers circle, harness hanging scroll mourning, but there are many people in rural areas will remain ashes burial. "Three days", "Seven", "Hundred Days" festival remains to table the meaning of grief.
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Economic Overview
  Zichuan GDP 13.54 billion yuan, an increase of 17.7% over the previous year, of which 383 million yuan to complete the first industry, secondary industry completed 8.298 billion yuan, 4.858 billion yuan to complete the tertiary industry, respectively, an increase of 8.1%, 18.1% and 18.0%, total fixed as_set_ investment of 4.2 billion yuan, 4.25 billion yuan of total retail sales of social consumer goods, the annual local revenue of 390.86 million yuan, urban residents per capita disposable income of 7,960 yuan, farmers The per capita net income of 4,215 yuan, the region's balance of 11.654 billion yuan of deposits, the loan balance of 5.897 billion yuan.
  2003 agricultural output value 645 million yuan, an increase of 12 percent over the previous year. Year-end area of ​​17,063 hectares of arable land, 45.01 acres of crop acreage, crop acreage which 37.72 acres, 7.29 acres sown crops. The total production of 85,600 tons of grain, the average yield of 227 kg. Grains are output ratio of 5:5. Pigs, cattle, sheep year population 145,500 (only). Production of 10,930 tons of meat, eggs, 13,609 tons, 1,694 tons of milk production. Total output of 00,970 tons of aquatic products. In 2002, the area was included in the National Agricultural zichuan Comprehensive Development Zone.
  Total industrial output value of 23.904 billion yuan, 300 industrial enterprises above designated size achieved sales revenue of 14.92 billion yuan, profits and taxes 1.92 billion yuan, total profit of 1.132 billion yuan.
  Transport, Post and Telecommunications
  956.25 km of highways, new construction, renovation total length 49.3 km, 15.91 million tons of cargo, passenger 13,540,000 passengers. Postal services 24,601,100 yuan. City then 188,200, mainline penetration rate of 25.60 lines / one hundred people.
  Trade and Tourism
  End of the region registered commodity trading market 64, which had 4 billion market, commodity turnover of 11.499 billion yuan. Export value of $ 326,070,000. 69.51 million U.S. dollars of contracted foreign capital actually utilized foreign capital $ 32,169,000, a new batch of 11 foreign-funded enterprises, the increase of 5.
  Urban construction and environmental protection
  Built-up area of ​​the region covering an area of ​​about 6,961,300 square meters, green coverage of 36%, green rate of 30.8%, per capita public green area of ​​8.09 m2.
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Administrative divisions
  Zīchuān Qū
  District People's Government of the resident Code 255100.
  Zichuan District exempted four streets, 14 towns, 3 townships: Rd-like streets, street Songling Road, Mall Road Street, Bell Street, south of the town, Kunlun town, magnetic villages, the town Ridge, merchants town, double Yang Zhen, Wang Zhen black, Zi Town, East Town, West Town, Longquan Town, Walled Town, Luo village, Hongshan Town, too Township, Township of Mindanao, Zhang Township.
  Like street Rd
  Jurisdiction of a city, town two, sun, like a dragon, like the sun, apricot, East, kaihe later, kiln 10 neighborhood communities.
  Songling Road street
  Jurisdiction North relations, vegetable gardens, urban Zhang, Stephen Long, Zhu, the city three, three, Li, Zhao, Willow 10 neighborhood communities.
  Mall Road street
  Jurisdiction West off one, two West relations, justice, Mu Wang, general heads, two years, West, Xiyuan eight community committees.
  Belfry street
  Jurisdiction belfry, former Bangladesh, the Bangladesh, on five, the next five strokes village, Jia Village, spiritual marsh, Miao nest, Huang shop, sub shop, Chow, Wells River, hope your mother ditch, Tan East and West Tan, xiazhuang, Xinzhuang, Dongshan, Xishan, South Sioux, North Sioux, Baimiao, Shuangquan, Zhang Shan, long-term, Feng, Tosho, east fork, Wang, large Xing Hao 33 neighborhood communities.
  South of the town
  Jurisdiction fanjia nest, spur head, Su Wang, Xinglong, Seven Mile Shops, South Valley, West, North Valley, Jia officer, Kung, Shek Mun, Charles Wang, river swamp village, came 14 village committees.
  Kunlun town of jurisdiction Kunlun, Kunshan two community committees; small Kunlun, Kunlun, whirl village, Nie village, west Lishan, Dong Li Shan, East Long Point, Xi corner, Kui a, Kui two, Kui three, Kui four, Song Fang , Conga dock, guozhuang, Xu 16 village committees.
  Dual YangZhen
  Jurisdiction pagoda, Shuangfeng two community committees; Yang Zhai, slope sub Zhuang, Dong, Zhao W, legalism, Kinmen and Matsu, Yuezhuang, Yinjialin, Datun, Xiaotun, Peng, Niu, Yuan Chuang, Ka Geng home, Guo, East River, River, Temple head, Zhao, shilipu, Bangladesh, small village, Mu village, Yang Lan, Phoenix, Hua dock, South shops, small zhaozhuang, Shuang, white sand, Xinzhuang, Western sheets Shuang'gou, xindongzhang, possession Azusa 36 village committees.
  Merchant Town
  Jurisdiction shop, a small history, seven rivers, ground floor, the White House, military family, the rule of the West, the rule of the East, Hosea, before too, the Western Pacific, East Pacific, Red Star, West providers, lijiazhuang, official, red, through transit, Hu home, Yang A, Dai, Double Mountain, West Malaysia, West Fork 24 village committees.
  Zi Town
  Jurisdiction over the Danube, Shuangquan, shuangjing, Yang, the Qi, happiness, pavilion cliff, Yongquan, South Unit, Hang Sang, Chen wells, pools board, West Unit, Dongpo, East, etc., before pregnant, East Shimen, After Maling, Sun Village, the former fragrant valley, the valley incense, Xishimen, North Town, after Southtown, Chengzi, Bay Head, Beiyue overcast, overcast Nanyue, poly peak, a small village verbal 30.
  Luo village
  Jurisdiction rout neighborhood; rout, Liang Chuang, tile village, Chen, warm, Nie village, a large bridge, Lu family, historians, Xiao Quan Son, crossing, east Liu Yanli, before the river, Mou, small drawbridge, thousands of valley, mountain weeks at home, peace, Xingjia former home, the king, East official, the official West, South Korea, North Korea, east, lying son, the yellow, yellow 32 next village.
  Hongshan Town
  Jurisdiction Northern Engineering, North Stream, Hongshan, South workers, street, neighborhood communities Taihe 6; Jia Shi, Shandong Province, Western Province, ten village, valley soil, small grange, car home, car Song, Dong W, Xie Zhuang Jian North, Ma Du slope, north worker, North Yang, Po home Donggong, Hongwei 18 village committees.
  Too Township
  Jurisdiction with the ancient East, with the ancient floor, the valley, Song, Cao Guo Jia Zhuang, Li, Montenegro, Zhao Chuang, North Red Deer, deer South West with the ancient, Yang Jiaquan, Linquan, village, south of books, old valley , after a small ditch, North next book, Prince Hill, East next book, after the village, East Valley, East River, too, Dongya, Nanyang, Southeast Mou, Westpac River, north Mou, Southwest Mou, Fang Shan, Double Mountain, East surplus, surplus 34 West Village.
  Ridge of the town
  Jurisdiction Baoshan neighborhood communities, Ling son, Gong home, on the southern slope, Shen, songjiazhuang small Wang, Zhu, small mouth, big mouth, Hao, Longquan, oak forest, Zhang, the shop next store, Division home, Liu home, Xiahe, Zhao floor, were home, Yang shops, river swamp, Taiwan Cliff, Huang, Lin Yu, Li Li, Northern Rock 27 village committees.
  West Town
  Jurisdiction River neighborhood communities; ren, longwan valley, Majiazhuang, North yellow cliff, the yellow cliff, south yellow cliffs, Dongpo, a medium slope, west slope, Dunren, Ani, Hebei, Sea Temple, Henan, Dongling , Xinzhuang, Xue Jiayu 17 village committees.
  Longquan Town
  Jurisdiction Wei two wide through two community committees; dragon, alum field, spring head, Wei a, circle, station head, Ryuji, Long three, four dragons, Han Sheng, and Zhuang, shangzhuang big Tsuchiya, South Korea Zhuang, Lu Village, North wang 16 village committees.
  East Town
  Jurisdiction small Dongping, Xiping, Xiaolaowa, Huayu ditch, ditch jigger, Water Valley, large Dongping, after corner, bend, south valley, the hills, Baoquan, came to power, the Dragon platform, Dongzhuang, a small village east Shanxi, under the meaning of households, empty cave valley, retaining Baoquan, eggplant valley section, Changxing, Daan, walnut valley 24 village committees.
  Walled Town
  Jurisdiction zhaili community committees; zhaili, South Dover, North Dover, South cents, north cents Yu River, earth mountain valley, south yellow, north yellow, Zou, hills, large sheets, Alex, Curcuma Zhuang, Yuan, liberation South Shen, Shen North, Eastern Zhou Dynasty, the Western Zhou, Xiao Zhou, Dong 22 village committees.
  Zhang Township
  Jurisdiction Zhangzhuang, double-stranded valley, large Maling, North Cliff, Grange, small Maling, on Tashan, under Tashan, Nanping, north Ping, Yao Yu, Yu Huai East and West Huai valley, diverted, Lu Chuang Zhai Jiaya, Miao Yu, bandy valley, pear yukou East Zhuangzi, East Valley 21 village committees.
  Black Wang Zhen
  Jurisdiction over the western slope community committees; Polygonum dock, soil Bay, gourd station, West yatou, black-wang, dongjingzi, Nishii, Oasis, south valley, Zhao Jialing, oak slope, soil solitary heap, Gushan, West Cliff, double-wook, Miao Kou, Zhu inlets, pheasant ridge 18 village committees.
  Magnetic towns
  Jurisdiction magnetic Village, Shek port, a small village north, 4D, the Oasis, a large one hundred tin, tin hundred small river clip, mazhuang, Xiao Xing, three, slope son, Liu W, Zhang Li, East High, West High , large range, small range, stables, Dripping Springs, car yukou, river stone dock, North Temple 23 village committees.
  Mindanao Township
  Jurisdiction Mindanao village, Hill Bridge, Yangjiazhuang on bird valley, under the bird valley, the purple valley, before the ditch, the ditch, Shamao, Wangjiazhuang, bandy, Qinjiazhuang, ring spring, the soil springs, Lau Fa West East Valley , East Valley, the upper disabilities, the lower end of disabilities, ten acres of land on the island of Ping, Ping next island, West Island Ping, Dongpo village, cypress, Sun Ping, gully, stone Ann valley, East Stone, son of Lu Yu, the West Stone 31 village committees.
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English Expression
  1. n.:  Zichuan District
Related Phrases
Zichuan chiefly Middle SchoolSalt companiesSaltSalt Bureau
Containing Phrases
Zichuan District HospitalZichuan District Salt Bureau
Zichuan District People's CourtZibo city Zichuan District Hospital
Zichuan District City regulate Administration Enforce the law BureauZibo city Zichuan District hygiene preventorium
Zibo city Zichuan District Traditional Chinese Medicine HospitalZibo city Zichuan district women and children Health care Station
Zibo city Zichuan district nova HotelZibo city Zichuan district secondly guesthouse
Zibo city Zichuan district secondly chemical worksZibo city Zichuan district Black city All the way Liangyou Trading company guesthouse
service company Xianle guesthouseZibo city Zichuan district Black city Taoyuan Hotel
Zibo city Zichuan district Big mountain Liangyou Trading company Hongliang Hotelcentralis Agriculture broadcast television school Shandong province Zibo city Zichuan District Branch School
Shandong province Zibo city Zichuan District Textile industry Company provide CompanyZibo city Zichuan district Black city Zhenwenyingxiaosha service depot
Zibo city Zichuan District Textile industry stuff Company
Classification details
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ExpandKunlun TownExpandLingzi TownExpandHeiwang TownExpandZhaili Town
ExpandTaihe townshipExpandEzhuang townshipExpandSonglinglu SubdistrictExpandChengna Town
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ExpandShangjia TownExpandZhangzhuang townshipExpandShangchenglu SubdistrictExpandCicun Town
ExpandDongping TownExpandYangzhai TownExpandZhonglou SubdistrictExpandHuangjiapu Town
Ma'anshan Scenic AreaKui Shing Garden Scenic Area