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shān xī
山西 shān xī
山西 shān xī
山西 shān xī
  Provinces in northern China, referred to as "Jin." The old order in the Taihang Mountains west of the name. An area of 156,000 square km, population 25.3 million, the provincial capital Taiyuan. Province in the Loess Plateau, the country's total coal reserves of 1 / 3, aluminum, copper, are also abundance. Coal mining, mining of copper, aluminum, steel, electric power for the province's pillar industries. Jinnan for the grain producing areas, the railway transport development, there are two more than 1000 km total length
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Hill's western slope
山西 山的西坡
  Hill's western slope. "Ya Release Mountain": "Shanxi said, sunset, sunrise, Shandong say." Shao Jinhan justice: "Twilight is the view of Shanxi day, twenty years before the sunset, Shandong see on the DPRK is, twenty years before sunrise."
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Qin the Warring States ﹑ ﹑ ﹑ Han Hua, said west of Xiaoshan
山西 战国﹑秦﹑汉时称崤山﹑华山以西地区
山西 战国﹑秦﹑汉时称崤山﹑华山以西地区
  Warring States, Qin, Han said in Xiaoshan, Mountain West region. Also known as Kansai. "Records of the Historian Sima Qian Preface": "Xiao He filled ask Shanxi." Zhang feast of justice: "that the Mountain of the West also." Song Su Che, "the six countries": the "strange world of feudal lords steal in order to place five times, ten times the the public excited, west, thousands of miles to attack Qin Shanxi, not from extinction. "
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称 太行山 以西 黄河 以东地区
山西 称 太行山 以西 黄河 以东地区
山西 称 太行山 以西 黄河 以东地区
山西 称 太行山 以西 黄河 以东地区
  Said the area east of the Taihang Mountains west of the Yellow River. Sui Chi Dong demote and promote discussion of Shanxi catch Ambassador, Yuan Chi Dong Tournament to the Secretary of Shanxi Road, Ming Chi Shanxi executive secretariat, are all clear so far Shanxi Province.
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山西 旅游
山西 旅游
山西 旅游
山西 旅游
山西 旅游
山西 旅游
山西 旅游
  Shanxi Travel complaints Tel: Shanxi Provincial Tourism complaints Tel :0351 -7,325,012
  Best Travel Time :5-10 months.
  Shanxi Folk Festivals: The annual arrival of spring in time, from Shanxi to hold a grand social all the fire festivals
  Lunar Lantern Festival Lantern Festival Lantern Festival is the most popular folk Jinzhong festival, also known as the downtown "fire", on this day every household will be in the yard, the stone base up and fire at them, to pray for the lives of booming year fire. There will also be held including a lion dance, playing the dragon, walking on stilts, is zoned Han Chuan, rattle playing, dancing, point lanterns, fireworks, for the god and other civic activities, great excitement.
  "Long payable to" section of the lunar calendar two days of February the day had the custom of eating pancakes, the people pray for a year as peace.
  Yu Lan Festival, also known as the Lunar July 15, "Halloween," every family ancestors graves on this day.
  Chung Yeung Festival Double Ninth Lunar climb Shangju September, and eat soft rice Yougao special.
  Shanxi famous delicacies "head", noodle, fish aside, Orecchiette, You face Kaolao, Wenxi cake. In the condiments, the Vinegar Qingxu, on behalf of the county's pepper, Yanbei the sesame oil and garlic should be the county's Purple are very famous.
  Shanxi pasta is particularly well known variety, eat unique, different flavor, tough or soft products or gluten, all sliding profits and refreshing, lingering finish. The most surprising is the feast of Shanxi noodles can become, and will not be the same from start to finish.
  Shanxi native
  Walnut Fenzhou
  Shanxi Fenzhou walnut has a long history, the nucleolus taste sweet, fat and protein-rich, whether raw or made into candy, cakes, are delicious fragrance. Puzzle or a brain food, energy qi, blood, moistening phlegm, Zhifei intestines, and the sweet flat for the "warm kidney and lung, Dingchuan phlegm" have a certain effect.
  Shanxi Fen
  Produced in the county of Shanxi Fen Fen Yang Heng Fa Chuen wineries.
  According to legend, Heng Fa Chuen in the fifth century began to wine, dating back more than fourteen hundred years of history. Fen has been known in the Tang Dynasty poet Du Mu's "Qingming" wrote: "Tomb Sweeping Festival rain have, pedestrians Deep Sorrow; ask a restaurant where there? Cowboy Yao Zhi Heng Fa Chuen."
  Fen Fen liquor is a typical representative of China, with pure fragrance, mellow soft, sweet of Clean characteristics. Although a high of 60 degrees Fen wine, but no strong irritant.
  Lingqiu oat noodles
  Shanxi Lingqiu weather is cold, frost-free period is short, for growing naked oats. Oat After washing, drying in the sun, fry, made of surface grinding, it is called "You-face."
  You-face way of eating patterns is very large, have pushed Wowo (ie copy lao lao), rub a roll, pushing plane residue, rub the fish, the pressure He branded ... ... and so on. You-face cold, must be "three-cooked" before eating. That is first fried naked oats, ground surface; then You-cooked noodles with boiling water poured, and a good future, make all kinds of tricks steamed (about 15 minutes.) Eating food can be divided into two kinds of hot and cold: cold dish is the roasted eggplant, mixed with cucumber, radish water, which together with salt, soy oil hot pepper soup, mixed vegetables and You-side up, fresh and delicious; hot smell of urine is the lamb, collocation mushrooms, You-face after opening the cage and mutton dipped mushroom soup, but also smell the smell of the United States can not be made.
  Yuncheng lake salt
  Produced in Shanxi Yuncheng. Salt lake resources is the main sodium sulfate, sodium chloride, magnesium sulfate, total reserves of mineral resources over 83.7 million tons. Bromine, calcium, iodine, potassium, boron and lithium, planing, strontium, gallium, rubidium, and other rare elements of the reserves are also very rich. There is also a symbiotic nitrate and salt plates, white sodium magnesium sulfate, the main ingredient is sodium sulfate, magnesium sulfate double salt, the thickness of 2-4 meters, storage is more than sixteen million tons ore outcrops. This is the result of thousands of annual output of the previous formation of a unique salt and valuable resources.
  Yellow River carp
  Shanxi vinegar
  Shanxi to mention, most can not forget the vinegar, vinegar has a long history of Shanxi, the main points vinegar and vinegar, respectively, Chongqing and Taiyuan, Yi-Yuan Qingxu Vinegar most famous Shanxi vinegar and unique Qinxiang A long aftertaste, can justifiably claim to China's best vinegar.
  Trimeresurus wine
  Shanxi Trimeresurus wine, the wine is good for the end Fen, together with the wide wood, sandalwood incense, public cloves, guaiac, and Angelica, Amomum more than ten kinds of rare medicinal herbs, and made of bamboo soaked. With blood, Shu Qi, and stomach, Yipi, digestion and other effects. After the liberation, was named the national wine, and get gold medal.
  Jishan board date
  Jishan board date to date of the first top ten in Shanxi, mainly in the Chengguan Jishan County, of the valley, the next song three towns.
  Jujube fruit plate thin, flesh, core a small, meat and sweet, round to flat, slightly wider at the state, hence the name plate dates, mature black red, white and green flesh, dried well after the date, skin without wrinkles, plump and flexible, light red meat, can still be recovered even if the squash can be pulled out 30-60 cm Jinhuang Liang wire. 31.33% sugar content, acid content of 0.1%, per 100 grams of fruit containing vitamin c499 mg, also contains potassium, sodium, calcium, manganese, zinc, iron and other trace elements, for advanced supplements, medicinal value very high. First county fair in 1982 the highest award.
  Board Pictures
  Features: The entire production process, both the painting process, there are carving and printing techniques. Posters were very rich and varied content, there are fairy tales, folk legends, historical figures, dramatic scenes, and human customs, flowers animals and so on.
  Calamus wine
  Story: Royal dynasties are considered rare nectar, nourishing Yu Ye. The Ming Dynasty, every "Dragon Boat Festival" this day, the emperor in addition to their drinking, but also gave the minister with the taste of the Court ladies, and to wear "clothing Wudu Yi Buzi python", held a grand ritual of drinking.
  Efficacy: This wine has a refreshing, phlegm, clear head and eyesight, strong bones are light power. Changyin can Bunao puzzle, longevity. Song written by physicians Huai hidden "Tai Ping Sheng Hui Fang," a book containing: "Iris wine, the main wind-second, blood, cure thin as a skeleton chlorosis, doctors who are dead." Ming Dynasty physician Li's "Compendium of Materia Medica" in the also recorded: "Iris wine, governance thirty-six wind, twelve Bi, blood, treatment of bone atrophy, Jiufu smart eyes and ears ... ...." Indicates the iris and the wine does have anti-aging effect physical health.
  Iris choice of materials of fine wine and the brewing process of the small, unusual. A _select_ion of skilled workers one day only three to five jin nine iris; wine with peas, peas to be from the sizes of the largest screened; sorghum, shall each and are broken into six, eight, ten valve only; fermentation is deep soil in the conduct of ground tank; the wine is in the daily early morning before the cock, brew wine still sealed up, stored underground for several years before drinking use.
  Jade River wine
  Produced in Shanxi Hongdong. Song, folk to Huoshan Quan Yulu liquor brewing water to cool its mellow elegance of style, renowned Yanjing net. Ming Dynasty Hongwu years, a large move under the acacia trees Hongtong people, ordinary people have to bid farewell to their loved ones Yulu liquor. Ching Tak Ming years, the legend Su and Wang Jinglong To thank Xiechong Gong Road End, and authorized civil wine division in the spring on the basis of Yulu processed into Jade River wine, six hundred years has been circulating in the private sector.
  Jade River wine with its delicate fragrance, mellow, cool net, aftertaste comfortable, long lingering fragrance features. Physical illnesses have to drink, drink not the top of the unique style.
  Qinzhouhuang millet
  Qinxian County produced in Shanxi Province (Gu Cheng Qin state) of a millet. The rice quality, unique, fresh sweet loose, very tasty, because of its high nutritional value, known as "King of millet." Is one of China's four famous meters.
  Datong pot
  Produced in Datong City, Shanxi Province, Datong copper pot not only heating, but also can be used as eating utensils, Tatung form a particularly large number of copper pot, is a unique arts and crafts, which consists of the chassis, fire blocks, pot body, lid, fire extinguishers and small cover and other parts of the composition 6.
  Beiqi wine
  Produced in Shanxi Province on behalf of the County. Beiqi wine dating back over a thousand years of history. Celebrities rites Zhaobing Wen Jin (No. blazing old), in its "state of the book on behalf of things" in the "Jinbo Yanmen intoxicated state, side with human fall in June," the poem describes the generation of the state wine. At that time the wine, but the primary rice wine, small scale production, part of the family brewing.
  On behalf of the North County wine with typical production process, the locally produced hot dip Radix Astragali become Beiqi blending wine aging, characterized by Ze golden, clear and transparent, sweet taste, delicious. With Bu Zhong Yi Qi, fitness and blood circulation, refreshing warm medicinal properties, the effect of Pinggan Shu Qi, also commonly used for medical drug cited, but also good for cooking materials, regular consumption can prolong life.
  Jinci rice
  Jinci rice produced in Shanxi Province, Taiyuan tour attractions of the land - Jinci area, Jinci large and full of rice grain, quality and color is slightly brown and transparent, even the steam cooking times, are still clear capsules, and do not adhesion, to eat up oil fragrant and delicious. Jinci rice has become famous, in addition to the local soil is good, and contains alkali components, the main unit is Jinci three springs gush from the bottom, known as Jin water; addition to natural conditions, but also the implementation of scientific management.
  Pingyao Beef
  Long food help the stomach and spleen, both young and old, tourism, gifts to friends and relatives to share.
  Wenxi cooked cake
  Department of Shanxi Traditional point of the eight names, one of a long history, technology skills, history has offered as a tribute into the imperial palace, called the absolute state-style pastry production. The blend of the traditional crafts production methods and modern cake processing technology, high-quality wheat flour, honey, sesame seeds, sesame oil, sugar and other superior raw materials.
  Ingredients: rich in protein, vegetable fats, carbohydrates and calcium, phosphorus, iron and other minerals, is a tonic effect of high nutrition food fitness.
  Taigu Huping date
  The main producing areas of the United States Zhuang Gu county, Yuci, Pingyao, Jiaocheng, Qingxu also cultivated. Huping legend in the Spring and Autumn period had date cultivation, fruit, the shape of "pot" like the name. Peel thin, flesh crisp, sweet and sour moderate.
  37.8% sugar with fresh dates refraction, total sugar 30.35, 0.57% acid, sugar acid ratio 52.92:1. Per 100 grams of fresh dates with vitamin c493.2 mg. 71.38% of dry jujube sugar, acid 3.15%, sugar acid ratio of 22.66:1. Per 100 grams of dried dates vitamin c30.13 mg.
  Jujube sweet and delicious, nutritious, high-value health care, people have "daily fresh three dates, life does not look old," saying, long-term consumption of an important role in promoting human health. Its leaves, branches, nuclear, branch bark and roots can be medicine, attending confidants evil, there is Qi, blood, stomach, soothe the nerves of the power, all the weakness of the disease where the body, Jiufu Qingshenjianfei sickness, Kennedy Zhiqiang force.
  Liuweizhai Sauce
  Produced in Taiyuan. Liuweizhai most famous product is Jiangzhou Zi, is the tribute in the Qing period, the Empress Dowager Cixi was often eat Jiang Zhouzi, especially given the elbow were sent to a palace Yaopai sauce, take this "special pass" for straight palace do not report it.
  Features: Look for the sauce from the appearance and color, red or reddish-brown, with a knife cut, the internal organization of the pink cotton bad taste liqueur, fat but not greasy, thin rather than wood, especially the skin Ruannen. In the tradition of Liuweizhai process, the original soup sauce Sauce Stewed purely brewed by the residues from, do not add anything. Sauce elbow spent in 1982 by the former Ministry of Commerce as quality products, cooked meat products enjoy the highest local honor, 1984, 1988 consecutive re-evaluation qualified. In 1988, Sauce has been rated as superior product. Since 1981, Sauce, the sauce has been named the Xingyouchanpin elbow flowers, in addition there are rows Shengyouchanpin fork, butter Zhu Tourou, excellent products are ranked city forks, sauce pork liver, pork belly sauce, sauce head meat.
  Shanxi vinegar
  Produced in Linfen, Shanxi Province. Sorghum as raw material quality, and fast song as glycosylated koji yeast, alcohol and acetic acid by fermentation, obtained blank into Cigang vinegar, the lid. External use of fire smoked 5-6 days, and then by aging blending. Bright reddish brown color, the concentration of the appropriate, vinegar fruity, fragrant pure ester, cotton acid taste, and contains a variety of organic acids, amino acids, reducing sugars, alcohols, esters and so on.
  Yuncheng relative dates
  Date Yuncheng phase phase mainly in the town of the North Island Place, Station Town, Chi Wang, Xi Zhang Su village along the River area.
  According to legend, there are more than 70 years BC, cultivation, for the emperors of the Queen, also known as Gong date. According to legend, Joe Cheng Yang Village, a can of nature's great-grandfather saved the phase date, after 170 years after the unsealing, shape intact. Jujube fruit relative to large, fruit shape correct, the color purple, thin flesh, core a small sweet.
  Nutrient-rich relative to date, according to laboratory tests, 25.21% sugar content of fresh dates, the amount of 0.3406% acid per 100 grams of fruit containing vitamin c474 mg; dried dates 73.46% sugar content, acid content 0.84%, but also rich protein, fat and calcium, phosphorus, iron and other minerals. Run with heart and lung, nourishing the nerves, cough, high blood pressure treatment efficacy.
  Shangdang donkey meat sausages
  Shanxi donkey Shangdang specialty sausages, originated in the reign of Emperor Qianlong. The product is made fresh donkey, accompanied by pepper, aniseed, clove, cassia twig, cinnamon, more than 20 kinds of Chinese herbal medicine, using traditional technology, vacuum packaging, high-pressure sterilization refining.
  Shanxi Shopping: Shopping in Taiyuan of Shanxi travel the most convenient shopping centers are mainly located in the city Yingze East Main Street, Wuyi Road, Jiefang Road, construction of South Road, Jiancaoping other regions, both for customers everywhere around the city viewing, _select_ion of merchandise large and medium-sized supermarkets, but also _set_ the acquisition, the amount of the body, production in one of the garment processing market.
  Specialty in Shanxi Fen, Trimeresurus most famous. In addition, there Qingxu Vinegar, Wutai Mountain, "Taiwan mushroom", Datong yellow, Hengshan Astragalus, Jishan board date, flat land lily, Puzhou Green persimmons, kiwi Yuanqu, clear grape, on the party "Codonopsis" Jincheng red fruits, Pepper on behalf of the county, "states Huang Qin," millet, rice Jinci, Hongdong turtles, Yuncheng Yellow River carp, Cao Bang silk, Pingyang wood paintings, lacquer Pingyao with a push and so on. Shanxi Traffic: Shanxi has basically formed a railway, highway-based, supplemented by air transport operators network.
  Province, Taiyuan, Datong, Wutai Mountain, Changzhi have airports, Taiyuan Airport has direct flights to Beijing, Guangzhou, Shanghai, Tianjin, Haikou, more than 30 cities, Datong to Beijing, Xi'an and other major cities have direct flights.
  Province are from Datong to Fenglingdu the Tongpu line south to north and another stone so lines, Beijing envelope, Beijing, the original lines, so coke lines, Han and other long-term railway line from the province passed to large domestic Mastery some cities.
  June 25, 1996, 144 km-long expressway Completed too old, not the end of the Shanxi Expressway history. Too old now up to speed out of the province, Shijiazhuang, Taiyuan formation of a new highway. In addition, there is the original level within the main highway to Taiyuan, Datong to Beijing's high-speed road, Yuncheng to Fenglingdu highway, the highway Jincheng to the Yangcheng. Over 30,000 km of existing highways, the basic built in Taiyuan, Datong, Changzhi, Linfen, Houma and other places as the center of the road network, the National Road through the province are: 108,109,207,208,209,307,309 and so on, were up to Gansu, Ningxia, Hebei, Beijing, Inner Mongolia and other provinces.
  Shanxi Accommodation: not very well developed tourism industry in Shanxi province-star hotel less than 40, mostly located in Datong, Taiyuan and other cities. The Shanxi attractions and more in remote areas, may not satisfy the habits of friends star hotel accommodation needs. But most of the local government guest house under too bad, is safe, reasonably priced, double standard room with toilet, the price is 40 yuan to 50 yuan. Entertainment Shanxi: Shanxi folk tradition many interesting recreational activities, in particular, a wide variety of local opera and Wal Shanxi Far Eastern percussion.
  Shanxi, Shanxi folk art percussion a member of the family. It is lively rhythm, sound sonorous, magnificent, magnificent image, showing the descendants of the Loess Plateau, the simple strength of character and style.
  Short: Jin
  Capital City: Taiyuan
  Location: west of Shanxi Province, North China Plain, the mountain is located in the Loess Plateau, the provincial territory of four weeks most of the surrounding mountains and rivers, the East and South East Forest Taihang Mountains, and Hebei, Henan provinces to the west and southwest across the Yellow River in Shaanxi, Henan sea, north to The Great Wall is connected with the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. Flat profile across the province seems to northeast diagonal from the southwest of the parallelogram. North and south between latitude 34 ° 34.8 '- 40 ° 43.4' between, about 550 km, the maximum distance of 615 km; something between the east longitude 110 ° 14.6 '- 114 ° 33.4' between.
  Area: 156,300 square kilometers.
  Population: 33,350,700.
  Administrative Division: 5 District has jurisdiction over 17 cities and 89 counties.
  Shanxi Province in North China located in the western Loess Plateau, East Wing, state profile showed slightly southwest from the northeast oblique parallelogram. East towering Taihang Mountain as a natural barrier, and is adjacent to Hebei Province, west and south of the Yellow River to begin with Taotao cutting, Shaanxi Province and Henan Province, the sea, rain in the north across the Great Wall, and the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region adjacent. Shanxi is the birthplace of one of the earliest Chinese nation. Ruicheng River culture and the degree of belonging to the same period in Yunnan Yuanmou Man, that 250 million years ago, Shanxi has been the earliest hominids. Total Paleolithic sites in Shanxi than 200 new Neolithic site 500 spots, archaeological data show that about 10 million years ago, and now in the Fen River Datong, Shuozhou area, there have been relatively concentrated among the original and villages. About 28,000 years ago, the original communist economic system characterized by matriarchal commune have been established. In ancient literature, there are many legends about the primitive, tribal alliance Yao, Shun and Yu have been built in Shanxi are "Yao Pingyang (now Linfen City), both Po Shun Sakamoto (now Yongji County) , Yu Duan Yi (summer county) "and now there Yaomiao Linfen south, east hills with Yao, Shun and Wang Ping Qinshui south of there. "Yu Gong," said Yu flood control, "the stone river guide, The Dragon," also known as Yumenkou goal, in the northwest county of Shanxi and Shaanxi Han Hejin County Northeast. Spring and Autumn Period, in Shanxi, the country is a major vassal letters "Jin." 453 BC battle occurred in Jinyang, Zhao, Wei, Han Chi's three joint destroyed, three Jin, known as "the three sub-Jin", so Shanxi, also known as "Shanxi." Sui, Sui Ren Wei Han Fu Dong Road, Taiyuan, Li Yuan duties left behind, in that his son Li Shimin, and Jinyang Liu Wenjing such as planning, from the Taiyuan revolted 30,000 anti-Sui, the establishment of the Tang Dynasty, the city as the North are Jinyang. Shanxi is one of the cradles of Chinese civilization, Spring and Autumn Period to the Jin Dynasty and it is referred to Jin. Long history of this, many of the cultural heritage, coupled with complex topography, streams form the natural landscape, rich in tourism resources. Existing ancient buildings in Shanxi ranks first in the country, as 50 state protection, provincial level than 400. Mount Wutai, one of the four major Buddhist shrines, temple complex _set_ of thousands of extracts. Among them, the oldest of the existing wood construction Nanzenji. Northern Wei Zhiqing behalf of a variety of construction _set_s as one of the Buddhist Temple and was through Temple, the most famous stupa Tayuan; Monastery was built in Northern Wei Heng cliffs hanging above the strange adventure known; Taiyuan is diverse Jinci blend of ancient architecture tour of the resort; ancient city of Pingyao Ancient City is the one of the existing three, has been listed as world cultural heritage; Ruicheng Yongle Palace is typical of the Yuan Dynasty Taoist buildings, palace mural painting art treasures in China ; Yongji universalist Temple is "The West Chamber." "Biography of Yingying" story takes place; solution state is the largest temple Mo Temple; Yungang Grottoes is one of the three largest Buddhist grottoes, imposing. Fine carving; Ying County Wooden Pagoda was built in text generation, high 67.31 meters, is China's tallest ancient wooden structure building; for film "Raise the Red Lantern", known Qixian Qiao Family Courtyard, Courtyard with Qixian Drainage . Began with Wang's Grand Courtyard, Taigu more than three together, together form the compound Jinzhong folk culture. Shanxi mountains and rivers in a naturally beautiful view. Hengshan mountain is one of the Five Sacred Mountains, national scenic area; Mianshan climate, has always been a summer resort, between the push to bring home Jin Ming Chen was burnt to death in this mountain; North Wudang Mountain Spirit Air, Guancen Mountain characteristics; Yellow River Hukou Waterfall is second only to the country's second largest Huangguoshu waterfall waterfall scenic area: Shanxi also has Pangquangou, Luyashan, Li Shan, Mang River Nature Reserve, beautiful scenery. Views vary, there are old trees, rare animals come and go, brown-eared pheasant is the rare animals. Shanxi is the old revolutionary base areas, revolutionary activities and revolutionary heritage sites throughout the province. Site of the famous Eighth Route Army headquarters, the Eighth Route Army arsenal Licheng Huang Yadong, Wen-Shui Liu Hulan Memorial Hall. Shanxi, a wide variety of native products. Heng Fa Chuen fen famous ancient history in China, such as crystal jade color, fragrance pure, delicious infinite, selling domestic and foreign; Shanxi Vinegar cotton sour sweet fragrance, is not only a good flavor, but also digestion, beauty and sterilization; Huang Qin state shaped like a pearl millet is the royal tribute; Pingyao beef color, smell, and taste; Qingxu grapes, walnuts Fenyang. Willow tree dates. With Pyrus. Taiyuan is the mind and other native Cuisines different flavor, food for thought.
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Shanxi Overview
  Shanxi (English: Shanxi) is located west of the Taihang Mountains, east of the Yellow River. Shanxi Province in the name, because home is named after the west of the Taihang Mountains. Since ancient times, called "table mountains and rivers." Spring and Autumn Period, most of all for the Jin, it referred to as "Jin"; early Warring States Period, Han, Zhao, and Wei Jin three points, which also known as "Shanxi." The total area of 156,579 square kilometers across the province, the total population of 3410 million in 2008, dominates Taiyuan, Datong, Shuozhou, Yangquan, Changzhi, Xinzhou, Luliang, Jinzhong, Linfen, Yuncheng and Jincheng in 11 prefecture-level cities, 85 counties, 11 county-level cities, 23 municipal districts.
  The provincial capital of Taiyuan, the provincial government in Taiyuan City Government Street.
  】 【Population
  The end of 2006, the province's total population of 3,374.55 million. Born in 2006, the province's population of 38.63 million people, the birth rate was 11.48 ‰. In 2006 the province's population of 19.28 million people died, the mortality rate was 5.73 ‰. In 2006 the province's total population, males 1,725.49 million, 51.13% of the total population; women 1,649.06 million, 48.87% of the total population, sex ratio was 104.63. Natural growth rate of 5.75 ‰
  Municipal area and population data in Shanxi Province (the end of 2007) zoning Name Area (km ²) household population of the resident population of Taiyuan in Shanxi Province 156,804.8133,925,80033,923,444 Datong 14,176.013,159,7003,094,247 6,959.963,457,1003,553,142 Yangquan 4,451.911,313,7001,282,378 Jincheng, Changzhi City 13,864.843,269,3003,237,526 9,484.432,223,3002,147,768 Shuozhou 10,6621,526,5001,528,954 Jinzhong 16,408.343,109,3003,138,842 Games City 14,106.665,046,0004,972,112 Xinzhou City 25,1803,072,6002,998,134 Linfen City 20,589.114,172,2004,269,126 Luliang City 21,143.713,576,1003,701,215
  【World Heritage】
  Pingyao Ancient City, the Yungang Grottoes, Mount Wutai, the emergence of a number of scenic _select_ed Chinese Association of World Records world record.
  】 【Historical and cultural city in China
  Datong (the first), Pingyao (second batch), Qi County, xinjiang, on behalf of the county (third)
  【】 Chinese historical and cultural town
  Lingshi County, Shanxi Province, static or town (first batch), Shanxi Linxian moraine (second batch), Xiangfen County, Shanxi Fen towns (third), Shanxi Pingding Niangziguan town (the third batch)
  【】 Chinese history and culture village
  Lin County, Shanxi Province, Sai Wan Town moraine (the first), leaving the town of Yangcheng County, Imperial Village (second batch), Longfeng County, Shanxi Province, Zhang wall Jiexiu Village (second batch), Shanxi Province, Qin water, fertile soil the county town of Western Village (second batch), Pingyao County, Shanxi Province, Yue Wall Township Liangcun (third), the original Village Gaoping City of Shanxi Province village of good family (third), Shanxi Yangcheng Guo Village as the town of North County to stay (third), suburb of Yangquan City, Shanxi Yijing small Kawamura (third)
  【】 Key national scenic spots
  Mount Wutai, Hengshan, the Yellow River Hukou Waterfall, North Wudang Mountain, Wulaofeng
  】 【National cultural heritage
  Six batches of 271
  】 【National Nature Reserve
  Alexander, Jiaocheng Pangquangou, Ningwu Luyashan, Yangcheng Mang River, Wulushan
  】 【National Geological Park
  Yellow River Hukou Waterfall, Ningwu ice cave thousands of years, Wutai Mountain, Taihang Grand Canyon Huguan, Datong Volcano Group
  【First batch of national key protection units of ancient list】
  Library of Shanxi Province, Shanxi Museum
  】 【Native
  Shanxi, a wide variety of native products. Heng Fa Chuen Fen is famous ancient Chinese history, such as crystal jade color, fragrance pure, delicious infinite, selling domestic and foreign; Shanxi Vinegar cotton sour sweet fragrance, is not only a good flavor, but also digestion, beauty and sterilization; Huang Qin state shaped like a pearl millet is the royal tribute; Pingyao beef color, smell, and taste; Qingxu grapes, Fenyang walnut, willow trees dates, sea buckthorn and Jiaocheng Lizao Luliang region and Chun dates. Taiyuan is the mind and other native Cuisines different flavor, food for thought. In addition, there Liuweizhai Sauce, double synthetic cakes, pushing lacquer, Jinci rice, Xi County gold pears. The emergence of a number of specialties _select_ed Chinese Association of World Records world record.
  】 【Specialties
  The oil pig meat fondue Dingxiang Zhengrou wuzhai chowder black sheep meat stewed pig's blood sausage Zuoyun pink lamb dumplings (Fort Miriam Yeung) youyu Haggis
  】 【Snacks
  "Three hands down" allocation of hard surface lump fish bowl of steamed Baldor Ma on behalf of the county red bean curd sheet cake noodle cake sorghum Fanshi scar face Kojic fish porridge Guangling Yellow River dried bean curd cake Awayama steamed mutton cannabis Jinnan state solution Mito fermented glutinous rice noodles Shuozhou Jinzhong You Gao You Gao cut large Huicai
  Jin Meng-old son Orecchiette cannabis hemp cover sheet cakes, Pingyao Pingyao beef bowl care Ge lump buckwheat buckwheat sausage dumpling face Kao Lao lao Jiaocheng You-rub the tip of the bowl is not bad bald child stew noodles Lao Doufu
  Strom Twisted Empress Imperial bubble bread lamb cake Gu Taiyuan head cook pea cake surface Wenxi
  Crispy Haggis Fentang Xinzhou tile offal of sheep, goat chowder soup pot Drum Haggis meat cut of meat Yanggao Yangcheng apricot smooth curve should be the state of Yangquan floating oil paste angle sirloin
  You-frying oil surface sub-surface of San Pier You-You-side surface of the original Lantern Wo Wo Ping Guokui Yuci enema pig blood porridge enema pearl
  Specialty】 【
  Baldor oil sludge date Yan Cheng bang the glass slightly yellow Datong Datong County on behalf of paper-cutting art of porcelain push on behalf of the county section of acres of lacquer antique iron Fen Yan Fanshi Astragalus
  Guangling millet bend of the Yellow River carp in Red Dragon Hengshan Astragalus Jinci rice stick of wood products, glass figurines Jinzhong cutting push lacquer wooden bowls Pingyao
  Houma Shadow Youyu Qingxu seabuckthorn oil grape Shuozhou Hu Ying County of Shanxi Mature Vinegar Shujin Purple Garlic Powder Codonopsis Taiwan Taiwan Taiwan Yan mushroom hot pot with Pyrus push lacquer copper wool silk carpets were the original flat pear Trimeresurus Yungang
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Administrative Division
山西 行政区划
山西 行政区划
山西 行政区划
  End of 2009, within the jurisdiction of Shanxi Province 11 prefecture-level cities, 120 counties, cities and districts.
  Taiyuan, Shanxi Administrative Region Figure: Xinghualingqu Yingze District Xiaodian Wanbailin District Jiancaoping District Gujiao City Jinyuan District, County Loufan County Yangqu Qingxu County
  Datong: Yungang district level the Eastern District Yu Quan District, Port Wing area Yanggao County town of County Guangling days Lingqiu County Hunyuan County Zuoyun Datong County
  Yangquan City: City outskirts Pingding Yuxian Mining
  Changzhi City: City outskirts of Changzhi County Lucheng Xiangyuan County County huguan Tunliu County Magistrate Li Ping Shunxian sub-county Qinyuan Qinxian County Wuxiang County
  Jincheng: City Zezhou Gaoping Qinshui County Yangcheng County Lingchuan County
  Shuozhou City: Shuo Lu Ping District City County Youyu County Shanyin should Huairen
  Jinzhong City: Yuci Qixian Taigu Jiexiu City of Pingyao County Xiyang County Shouyang County Lingshi Zuoquan Yushe County Heshun County
  Win City: Yan Huqu Yongji Hejin Wanrong County, Linyi County Ruicheng County, Xinjiang County Xiaxian Wenxi Jishan County Pinglu County Yuanqu County Jiangxian
  Xinzhou City: Xin House District Yuanping Dingxiang County on behalf of five county Jingle County Fanshi Shenchi Ningwu County County County County Kelan Xian bend county Wuzhai Pianguan Baode County
  Linfen City: Houma City Yaodu Huozhou Xiangfen County Quwo Yicheng County, Ancient County Anze Hongdong Kyrgyzstan Fushan County Puxian Daning county Yonghe County Fenxi County Xi County
  Luliang City: Lishi Wen, Xiaoyi City Fenyang County Water Xingxian Linxian County intersection Lan County Liulin County, Fangshan County Stone House County AC
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Physical Geography
山西 自然地理
山西 自然地理
  Twin Towers Temple, Chinese Fu Shan Park, located west of North China Jinci garden Loess Plateau of Shanxi Province, East Wing. Geographic coordinates of latitude 34 ° 34 '~ 40 ° 43', longitude 110 ° 14 '~ 114 ° 33'. West width of 290 kilometers, about 550 km north-south, the province's total area of 156,300 square kilometers, accounting for 1.6% of the total area. Shanxi topography is more complex, the territory of mountains, hills, plateaus, basins, and other landforms. Mountainous, hilly two-thirds of the total area, most at an altitude between 1000-2000 meters. The highest point platform leaf hopper North Mountain peak, 3,058 meters above sea level, the lowest point in Yuanqu County Sun River into the Yellow River at the west elevation of only 180 meters. Slightly oblique northeast boundary contour southwest parallelogram. East towering Taihang Mountain as a natural barrier, and is adjacent to Hebei Province; west, south to the surging Yellow River cutting, and Shaanxi Province, Henan Province, the sea; rain in the north, the Great Wall, and the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region adjacent. Shanxi is a Jia Zhi in the middle Yellow River valley and the highlands between the Taihang Mountains. The total area of the province's mountainous areas account for 70% or more. Shanxi plane map to see is a diagonal rectangular, diagonal from northeast to southwest, west width of 290 kilometers, about 550 km north-south. From the topography of view, is a mountain range consisting of many complex high platform.
  Shanxi, the mountains a lot. Stretches of rolling mountains, undulating hills, ravines horizon, towering male risk. Mostly mountains and hills. Taihang Mountain in the east, west Luliangshan, North Wataru Hengshan mountain, Mount Wutai, Song of the South Hill section, neutral Taiyue. Mountain peak elevation of 3,058 meters peak leaf hopper, the highest peak in North China. Central distribution from north to south of Datong, Xinzhou, Taiyuan, Linfen, Yuncheng Changzhi and other basins. Many rivers in Shanxi Province, the territory of more than 1,000 rivers and streams, including drainage area greater than 100 square kilometers, more than 150 km long river are 240, more than 4000 square kilometers, more than 150 km long river are Fen, Qinhe, Su River, three Rivera, Xin River, Sanggan, Hutuo, Zhanghe and so on. Fen up to a total length of 659 km. Into the Yellow river has Qinhe, Su River, Fen. Fen River runs through the province. The province's major rivers, which originate in Ningwu County, length of 761 km. The Yellow River is second only to the second largest tributary of the Weihe River. Sanggan, Hutuohe, Zhang also originated in Shanxi Province, to import the Haihe River. Mother River of the Yellow River, the North since the entry Pianguan laoniuwan, waterfalls, blew out, and arrived off the East Fenglingdu Ruicheng County, south to exit Yuanqu Nianpan ditch, through 560 villages in 19 counties, process 965 km . Yellow River flows through Shanxi, Shaanxi and valleys, along the river in a sudden drop Ji Hukou 15-20 meters, water Zhixie, forming spectacular Hukou Waterfall.
  There are six basins in Shanxi Province. The Datong, Xinzhou, too Hou, Linfen, Yuncheng, Changzhi Basin In addition, the east is also dotted with Yangquan, Shouyang, Xiangyuan, Licheng, Jincheng and other small basins.
  Shanxi is located in the mainland east coast inland. Around the outer edge of a mountain. Therefore difficult to influence by the sea, forming a relatively strong continental climate. The same time, the winter cold air mass due to the attacks of Inner Mongolia, northern colder, thus forming the climatic characteristics of Shanxi Province; winter long and cold and dry; short and hot, rainy summer; spring, large diurnal temperature range, sand and more; fall short and mild climate. Shanxi Province, is in the temperate and warm temperate monsoon climate zone, that is temperate continental climate. The average precipitation is 400-650 mm. Shanxi complex terrain, is located in the mid-latitudes, is a warm, temperate continental climate, warm summer and cold winter, four seasons, the vertical North-South differences and quite different. Shanxi diverse terrain, elevation and the poor, and thus both latitudes, climate, there is an obvious vertical change. Shanxi is located in the mid-latitude, not far from the sea, but the mountains block, little effect on the summer monsoon, is a temperate continental monsoon climate. Annual average temperature of 3 ~ 14 ℃, the temperature difference between day and night, north and south temperature difference is also large. West of the Yellow River valley, most of Taiyuan basin and southeastern regions, the average temperature between 8 ~ 10 ℃. Linfen, Yuncheng basin average annual temperature of 12 ~ 14 ℃. Winter temperatures were below 0 ℃, the province, the province generally hot in summer, in July the temperature range between 21 ~ 26 ℃. Long north south Shanxi short frost-free period, Hirakawa long mountain short. Datong basin is 110 ~ 140 days, Mountain only 85 days, the Xinzhou basin north and east of the mountain 135 ~ 155 days, Linfen, Yuncheng Basin is up to 200 to 220 days. The province's annual precipitation of 400 ~ 650 mm, but seasonal distribution is uneven, from 6 months to August in summer precipitation and a high concentration of heavy rainstorms, rainfall throughout the year about 60% or more. Influenced by the topography of precipitation across the province, more mountainous areas, the basin less. There are three wet areas in Shanxi, one in the southeastern section of Taihang mountain area and the second is Mountain area and the third is Luliang area.
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Shanxi History
  Shanxi is one of the birthplaces of the Chinese nation. In this land, 10 million years ago, human beings have lives and breeds, the West Village, Hou degree of culture and cultural sites that the small early Paleolithic humans had been thriving here. Zhou dynasty, Shanxi is on Tang's territory. Xie Tang Shu Yu was the son of the Father on Tang linjin water, changing the country for Jin. Spring and Autumn Period, Shanxi is one of the Five Hegemons Jin. Warring States period, divided up the state of Jin Han, Zhao, Wei Sanguo, and Qin, Chu, Qi, Yan and known as the Seven Warring States. Qin Shi Huang unified China, Taiyuan in Shanxi has, on the party, east, Yanmen, Dai Jun and other Gogun. To Sui, Taiyuan is second only to Chang'an and Luoyang Yellow River's third largest city. Sui, Li Yuan and his son raised an army in Taiyuan, capital of Chang'an, put the Taiyuan respect for the "Northern Capital", which means "do not have." Five Dynasties, Later Tang, Later Jin, Later Han and Northern Han were started as a base in Shanxi. During the feudal society in China, Shanxi holds an important position, and because of its special geographical location, the more chaos the more important, and who has the Shanxi, and anyone can rule the roost in the world. Therefore, the Qing Gu Zuyu in the "Summary of Reading History Fang Yu," pointed out: the world situation, there must be taken in Shanxi. Jin and Yuan Dynasties, Shanxi's economy and culture in northern China a leading position. Ming Dynasty, located in Taiyuan, Shanxi executive secretariat, administrative commissioner's office was later changed to Cheng Xuan, unified management of five prefectures in Shanxi. Qing Dynasty, began as Shanxi.
  Shanxi has a long history, cultural blend, with rich historical and cultural heritage. So far there is written history of three thousand years, known as "the museum of ancient Chinese culture," the name, also known as the "cradle of Chinese civilization." "Jingwei", "Sky Goddess" of the legend took place in Shanxi. The three emperors of ancient China, the era of Yao, Shun and Yu are in the southern capital of Shanxi, is "Yao Pingyang (now Linfen City)", "Po Shun Sakamoto are (now Yongji)", "Yu Duan Yi ( County this summer). " Spring and Autumn Period, Duke Wen of Jin Five Hegemons Chong is one of the Spring and Autumn. Northern Wei Dynasty, Datong (then known as Pingcheng) has re-name as the temporary capital of the Northern Wei Dynasty. Sui dynasty, Li Yuan and his son raised an army Jinyang (now Taiyuan) and then win Chang'an, the establishment of the Tang Dynasty, Taiyuan, as after the Tang Empire of the North are. Yuan and Ming, the Central Plains successive years of war, famine frequent, especially in southern Shanxi Shanxi area, economic prosperity, population density, as in the early Ming the main areas of emigration. In half a century of time, emigration has been more than ten times in Shanxi. Ash Hongdong County was one of the main immigration station. Spread in many places nationwide, "asked where my ancestors, Shanxi Hongtong Ash," that is resulting. Ming and Qing dynasties, Shanxi and Shanxi Draft rise, known abroad.
  Legend of Zu Huangdi in the beginning of the Chinese nation, Chi, Yan (human c progenitor), as have the activities of the main areas of Shanxi. China's three great prehistoric Yao, Shun and Yu, Ye have capital in Shanxi. History of China's first slavery regime also established the Xia Dynasty in southern Shanxi. Shang dynasty, Shanxi is a major rule in business areas. Zhou, Jin, one of the Spring and Autumn Five Hegemons rise in Shanxi. Qin, Han, Wei and Jin periods, Shanxi, whether in the political, military, economic, and cultural aspects, plays an important role. Northern and Southern Dynasties, Shanxi is the heart of Northern domination, and the Northern Wei Zeng Yi Ping Cheng (now Harmony) for all, after the Eastern Wei, Northern Qi has to Jinyang (now Taiyuan) is "not all", "provisional capital", which promote Shanxi played an active role. Li Shimin uprising, Taiyuan, established the Tang dynasty, which, Shanxi Tai Zong as "Xing" place, has been to Shanxi as the Tang Empire waist and dirty areas, closure of Taiyuan to the Tang Dynasty "North Capital" and "Beijing" . The Tang Dynasty, Shanxi has been developed for its special status and the economic, cultural, say with the world. To the Five Dynasties and Ten States, northern China's Shanxi Province are still on the political and military situation, play a decisive role. During the Song, Liao, Shanxi to further prosperity in north China economic, cultural and major developed regions. Yuan, a total of 11 provinces, Shanxi and Shandong, Hebei, and known as the Yuan Dynasty "hinterland", Datong, Binh Duong (now Linfen), Taiyuan City, three famous Yellow River has become the city. Shanxi commerce was developed, the economic prosperity and cultural flourishing, has been traveling to China was the great Italian traveler Marco Polo praised •. Ming Dynasty, the rapid development of business in Shanxi, who took the country first.
  After China entered the semi-feudal society, Shanxi's economic and cultural development has been severely damaged. However, the Shanxi People's heroically against a foreign enemy aggression. Especially during the Sino-Japanese War and the liberation war, Shanxi People were more tenacious struggle, the land in the Shanxi and write the story of countless heroic epic, Pingxingguan victory, Hundred Regiments, Shangdang campaign go down in history. April 1949, the province's liberation. September, established the People's Government of Shanxi Province, Shanxi Province opened from the socialist revolution and construction, a new chapter in history. For decades, Shanxi people to make the country's socialist construction as a significant contribution.
  Yellow River flows through Shanxi, gave birth to countless heroes, people with lofty ideals. Various historical periods in China, Shanxi has emerged a number of politicians, strategists, scientists, writers, historians. The most famous are the Spring and Autumn Period of Duke Wen of Jin Chong dominant, with the only female emperor, Empress Wu Tang outstanding statesman, a Chinese "Wu Sheng", famous Three Kingdoms period, Guan Yu, Zhang Liao, a Tang Dynasty were compared Di Renjie, Pei Du, a fight against the Huns and a famous star Weiqing Han, Huo, a creation of "drawing six-Style" Map of the Western Jin Pei scientists show, one of four famous ancient Chinese "Three Kingdoms" author Luo Guanzhong, there the famous Tang Dynasty poet Bai, Wang Bo, Wang Zhihuan, Wang Wei, Wang Changling, the famous Tang Dynasty writer, philosopher and political reformer Liu, a renowned politician Sima Guang Song, with Jin Zhaowen scientist, poet Yuan, there are Yuan Four three famous opera house in Guan Hanqing, White Pu, Zheng Guangzu, a seventeenth century thinker, writer, physician, painter Shan, Qing Dynasty, one of the Reformists Liujunzi Yang Xiu and so deep. Shanxi, old times, on behalf of the lack of people. Merchants of the footprint of which is travels to China, world-renowned.
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Shen Family
山西 申氏家族
  Qing entry, bring a good result is that all border minority areas have included, hidden in Mongolia, Xinjiang, Tibet and other places of great business opportunities to be released. In the northern border areas paved with gold, prairie herdsmen tent alone in the mountains of mink, is a valuable commodity in the Mainland of luxury items. And back to these things, then just need to iron, salt, tea, these seem to be common in the mainland, but the items. Tide in this wave of entrepreneurship, how many out of Shangdang Merchants? Due to limited historical data, so far unknown. However, in the Shanxi Merchants in the Late Qing Dynasty there a place. Conkey Field "by Jin Search Strategy," contains: "Jia Taiyuan winding far south more clothes." That is, the proportion of people on the business and the wealthy extent, was better than the North or South Shanxi Province. Today, the Courtyard from the application of existing physical and information is easy to see, is started by the application's salt and iron, the trafficking of salt started in the Ming Zhengde, when the applicant family will be food, iron products and other goods by mule pack animals to Binh Duong, selling to buy after the accumulation of salt and then shipped back, resale to Muqi Li Yun. Village of the three iron ore from the existing one, and Tiepu homes, shops and other relics can be seen Xiema, the applicant home at the time the iron industry has formed a mining, smelting and sales of the model train. In addition, at the time the North China's largest iron goods market - Changzhi County Yam town, the applicant also owns half of the strength of the family of iron goods trade shop "Fushun forever." In addition to metal working industry, the silk industry is a pillar industry in house applications. Created in the Ming Dynasty's "Golden Lotus" Lu in 17 references to silk, while the other great work of "Awaken the common saying" too many references to Lu silk. According to Junji "Luan Fu Zhi" contains: "Hongwu dynasty, Luzhou six counties have more than 8 strains of mulberry, looms more than 9,000 sheets", described as "express check-ming who, Xi Chi thousands." Demonstration of Merchants Operating brilliant silk industry. In addition, the applicant is also concurrently pawn shop at home, inn, shop, Wine Shop, vinegar Square, leather, etc., in which pawnshops influential at that time, the number reached 32, Xi'an, Linfen, Henan, Hebei has branches. There are existing good shop in Handan City, Hebei Henan Shexian "big application store." Qing dynasty years (ie 1830) Shen Jiashen Mingyuan Handan peak has moved to a special eight-mining town, a local prominent family in the first eight, wealthy, prosperous offspring, but also celebrity men apply for home, the former defense Minister's wife Shenge Jun Yang Dezhi, founding Major General Shen Yong, vice governor of Shanxi Province, Shen Lianbin, Shen Jilan, deputy director of the Standing Committee of Changzhi City, Taiyuan Municipal Committee Problems to Be Solved by the security Handan Hua Shen Hengchang contemporary hospital diabetes, are same generation applications Talented Shen Caifeng Family. Courtyard of the research from the application can be seen, the applicant's representative, as Merchants, Merchants witnessed the rise and fall. As in the Merchants Merchants Merchants Merchants in as one of the first fortune from the "rich and powerful big Jia heaven" to "Flowers fall out", leaving us with a profound revelation.
  First, adjust the industrial structure to choose the right products. Merchants made tough on trafficking of salt, the salt monopoly by merchants after the turn Merchants iron and silk. Junji "Luan Fu Zhi" contains: "Habitat million Shangdang mountains, business Guhan to, poor people and barren soil, produced by the same, even a person of their running, iron and silk ear alone." It says this Shangdang high mountains and steep slope areas, businessmen rarely involved, and barren land, the people poor, the production of not a few could get shot, if any, that is, iron and silk. Although at the time of iron industry has developed to the "shadow of the city thousands of miles" to reach more than 1,000 million taels of silver in transaction size, but after heavy iron goods, compared to Jinzhong "exchange world," the drafts to, there is not easy to transport and carry drawbacks. Although the light silk, but does not depend on the development of Lu silk market leverage leveraging up, but by "the DPRK was" developed - but for the emperor's son Zhu model 21 government office in the Luan to the court in Shanxi the establishment of weaving, dyeing Council (head of the Royal School for the silk-made Lu), Lu silk and will not flourish. After all, soil is not suitable for mulberry planting Lu. Mulberry sky everywhere that year, and the subsequent large-scale cultivation of Paulownia, left trees today? Of course there are official weight tax exploitation factor. But who violate the law of nature, nature to punish whom. Who can not be changed, including the Prince Zhu mode.
  Secondly, economic development, environment, short term and long-term look at culture. Official standard more concentrated, more light commercial flavor. Shen clan started by the salt and iron, is only a surface phenomenon, the real problem is that officials and business culture. From the applicant's family tree can be seen, apply salt at home trafficking activities began Ming Zheng period (AD 1506-1521), here, at home out of an official application. Shen Gong Village day the descendants of four sons at home - Hebei Yongnian County, Shen Chin-lun transferred from the Taiyuan Pinglu County County, Luzhou promoted to know the state, apply to this relationship at home will begin in the salt trafficking. This is also the salt traders was the essence of the business changed hands merchants. Merchants rely on intelligence to conquer the world, conquer the world through relations Merchants. Shen Jiaxing Sheng Si-Shen Jiazi period is the time to cement. Finally, a real power house application palm application by the well-being of the government officials. Application by the well-being, according to the tombstone _set_, Qianlong six years (AD 1741), Application by the well-being also in Guangdong Danzhou term of office. Jiaqing Dynasty (AD 1814) began to decline applications at home, the reason is self-evident. Due to the terrain, the partisan official worship since ancient times, light commercial, official face of the occupying power, they are not heard in a silent group, did not speak right, not on the big income-generating livelihoods, a little money to look down, the only way to fortune is the official reading. So hierarchy, official position in the party has a large market. Two classes of businessmen and scholars has not become an independent class, and therefore, the lack of cultural support of Merchants will lose the "longevity" of the Source of Life.
  Third, out of the basin, to find the Yangtze River to the sea. How much the world, there is much potential for economic development. Merchants Taihang block line of sight of the old, coal iron shackles of the new pace of Merchants. Merchants achievements of resources, but also ruined Merchants. By Lai Taijiang of resources and handicrafts, small tech is bigger Merchants not the root cause of the end. The Taihang Mountains, the largest Shangdang basin, but also more than 1100 square kilometers large. Since closed, so the thinking conservative. Because a single line of thinking, so the lack of a break to take ah ah spirit, sense of innovation, lack of times thinking. In fact, from the sea, but five hours by car, advocating flows, competition, and open ocean culture is waving to us. Shanxi to join the Bohai Rim Economic Circle of ideas, Henan Zhongyuan Economic Zone building initiatives, for us, is a challenge, but an opportunity. Today, through the thick application Courtyard, Merchants re-search the history, "repair the old as old, authentic," the purpose and over-exploitation, man-made landscape of dislocation, of cultural, spiritual tourism economy led to the lack of stamina inadequate Mishap; of ancestral industry prospered behind the desecration of the happiness index of future generations will certainly have a positive future development of Changzhi and far-reaching impact. Historical sites
  As early as 180 million years ago, the ancestor of the Chinese City in Shanxi Nan Rui (Yellow) River, a corner place called West Hou degrees, lit with a true sense of the history of mankind's first fire, since then, long history of a great nation opened the splendid civilization. The same in the South of Shanxi's Xiangfen, the same has a long history: "small village" sites, Xia Taosi ruins, the famous! Site of the Spring and Autumn Jincheng Houma, showing the Jin capital of the glorious spring grand overlord. In addition Shangyou Han Kuo is too late Ministry of the Yellow Turban army stationed themselves white Hopea; and Shiwei Jin Village buildings, "Pu Jing Temple", the small village of Ming and Qing residential construction and other valuable artifacts.
  Shanxi is a heavy one of the main representative of the Yellow River culture. Site of ancient human cultures, ancient empire, Temple pagoda in a temple, cave stele, sculpture, murals, ancient tower tombs, Buddhist shrines, with big risks and revolutionary relics Fort, heritage, etc., from north to south, the province beads, ancient and modern forms of Shanxi both, rich cultural landscape. At present, well-preserved Song, ancient buildings on the ground before the more than 70% of the territory in the province, with the precious value of the 119 national key protected cultural relics have many. Well-known tourist attractions are: the Yungang Grottoes in Datong tourist area, the Monastery and the Five Sacred Mountains of China, one of the Hengshan mountain; Shuozhou Ying County Wooden Pagoda in tourist areas, Chong Temple; Xinzhou Mountain tourist area, Luya, on behalf of the County Yangs old haunt; Taiyuan Jinci tourist areas, days Longshan Grottoes, Douda Fu Temple, Xuan in the Temple, Gua Mountain and Tianning, the days of the temple culture of water; Jinzhong of the ancient city of Pingyao, Shanxi old big mansion Hospital; Linfen Tourist Zone Yao Temple, a large locust tree Hongdong County, Guangsheng, Ji Yellow River Hukou Waterfall, the site of Jin Houma; Yuncheng tourism temple state solution, Ruicheng Yongle Palace Mural, Sima Guang Xiaxian tomb, Yongji Yellow tractor, Yingying Yongji universalist Temple and tower, and so on. One ancient city of Pingyao, the Yungang Grottoes, Mount has been included in world heritage.
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Economic Development
山西 经济发展
  "Fifth" period, the provincial government to adhere to Deng Xiaoping Theory and "Three Represents" as guidance to the scientific development concept, focusing on the development of top priority, concentrate on construction and development, the province's economic construction and social development has made new achievements. 2008 the province's GDP achieved 693.873 billion yuan, calculated according to projected population, per capita GDP reached 20,300 yuan, twenty thousand yuan mark for the first time, approved by National Bureau of Statistics average exchange rate in 2008 per capita GDP over 2900 U.S. dollars. Total fiscal revenue 突破千亿元 mark, reaching 120 billion yuan, an increase of 38.20%, the growth rate in the provinces and municipalities Lieshou Wei; per capita disposable income of urban residents was 11,565 yuan, an increase of 15.3%; rural per capita net income is above 3,000 yuan, reached 3,665.7 yuan, an increase of 15.2%.
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  Shanxi Province is located in central China, near Beijing, Tianjin, Zhengzhou, Luoyang, Xi'an, Xianyang and industrial center, Shanghai, Shenyang, Wuhan and other cities gathered not far from coal, the short distance transmission. There Tongpu, Beijing package, Qin, Shi too, too coke, and other important gods yellow lines intersect, the traffic location is very important. Has been formed to railway, highway-based, supplemented by air transportation network in North China and the country became an important transportation hub.
  Shanxi Province will be - remarkable achievements in Taiyuan road construction, to achieve the speed and structure, quality and coordinated development. In 2003, the province completed a total investment of 13.07 billion yuan road. The end of 2003, the province's highway mileage to 63,122 km, two or more high-grade highways to 11,399 kilometers, 18% of the total mileage; Highway to 1210 km, the provincial capital to 10 cities to achieve a "three-hour high-speed accessible"; 94.4% of the province through the oil towns, 96.2% of administrative villages by road, 61.5% of administrative villages in the cement road.
  Province, Taiyuan, Datong, Yuncheng, Changzhi have airports, Taiyuan International Airport has direct flights to places in Beijing, Guangzhou, Shanghai, Tianjin, Haikou, more than 30 cities, from Datong to Beijing, Guangzhou, Shanghai, Xi'an, Wuhan, Zhengzhou , Haikou seven cities and the province also has direct flights to Changzhi Changzhi to Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Chengdu, Xi'an and has direct flights to the province's Datong, a southeastern regional aviation center.
  Fenglingdu from Datong to the province with the Tongpu line from north to south and another line of Shi-Tai, Beijing envelope, the original line in Beijing, too focal line, Datong-Qinhuangdao Handan long lines, yellow lines, and railway lines of God from the province enacted, accessible most of the domestic large and medium cities.
  License plate
  Taiyuan (Shanxi A) Datong (Shanxi B) Yangquan (Shanxi C) Changzhi (Shanxi D) Jincheng (Shanxi E) Shuozhou City (Jin F) Xinzhou City (Jin H) Luliang City (Jin J) Jin in the City (Jin K) Linfen (Shanxi L) Yuncheng (Shanxi M) Police Department Chief Car (Jin O)
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Natural Resources
山西 自然资源
  553,876 acres of existing farmland in Shanxi Province, the main crops are wheat, sorghum, maize, beans and potato; cash crops are cotton, tobacco, sugar beet, flax, rapeseed. Datong, Taiyuan, Xinzhou, such as Linfen and Yuncheng Basin is the main farming areas of Shanxi Province. In recent years, eco-farming livestock outside Yanmenguan also developed rapidly, mainly to dairy farming.
  Shanxi Province is rich in mineral resources, including coal, bauxite and iron are the most important. Unique coal resources, located in the province more than 90 counties (cities, districts) within the. Industry to energy, metallurgy-based, light is relatively weak.
  Shanxi Province has rich tourism resources, historical sites, scenic more. There were famous Yungang Grottoes, Mount Temple group, Jinci, Ying County Wooden Pagoda, Yongle Palace, Monastery, Hukou Waterfall, the solution state temple, Hongtong Ash and so on.
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City Guide
山西 城市手册
  Zip major cities and telephone area code:
  Taiyuan, Datong 0370000352 0300000351
  Yangquan 0450000353 0306000354 Jinzhong
  Jincheng, Changzhi 0460000355 0480000356
  Linfen City, Luliang 0330000358 0410000357
  Win the city of Xinzhou City 0340000350 0440000359
  Shuozhou 0360000349
  Gujiao Jiexiu 0320000354 0302000351
  Lucheng 0475000355 0484000356 Gaoping
  Huozhou Houma 0430000357 0314000357
  Fenyang Xiaoyi 0323000358 0322000358
  Hejin 0433000359 0445000359 Yongji
  Yuanping 0341000350
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Shanxi Celebrity
  Shanxi king list
  Spring dominant Duke Wen of Jin Chong
  King Wuling of Zhao Hu Fu Archery
  Jane Zhao Jianzi Xiang Gong Lie
  Jianxianggonglie Zhao Xiangzi
  Tuoba Xianbei proud Emperor Xiaowen Wang
  Han emperor Liu Yuan States
  Han emperor Liu Cong States
  Zhao emperor Liu Yao ago
  Later Zhao emperor Shi Le
  After the Emperor Shi Hu Zhao
  The only female Emperor Wu of China
  Rick used after the Tang Taizu
  Later Tang Dynasty Zhuangzong of Latter Li Cunxu
  Li Siyuan, after Tang Mingzong
  After Jingao Zu Shi Jingtang
  Later Jin Dynasty stone out of your weight
  After the Han emperor Liu Zhiyuan
  North Han emperor Liu Tsung-
  North Han Emperor Liu Ji Yuan
  Historical figures
  Guan Yu, Zhang Liao, Yuchi Gong, Di Renjie, Pei Du, Wei Qing, Huo, Pei Xiu, Luo Guanzhong, Wang Bo, Wang Zhihuan, Wang Wei, Wang Changling, Liu, Yuan, Guan Hanqing, White Pu, Zheng Guangzu, Fu Shan and so on.
  Prehistoric (3): Yao, Shun and Yu
  Pre (27): Fu, Shu Yu, Jinwu Gong, Xun, Chong Er (Duke Wen of Jin), Hu Yan, Jie, Qi Xi, Zhao Dun, Dong Hu, Cheng Ying, Han Jue, who beggar, Wei et (Zi Wei), Shi Kuang, Yang She giggle, director of content with, Yin Duo, Zhao Yang, Zhi Bo, Yu Rang, Zhao Wu-shirts, Yi Dayton, dead Jiao, Xun (Xunzi), Zhao Yong, Li Bing
  Han (19): Zhi Du, Wei Qing, Huo, Huo Guang, classes Jie Yu, Wen sequence, Guo Tai, Guo Tai, Wei covet, Wang Lie, Guan Yu, Zhang Liao, Jia Kui, Wu Qiu Jian, Le Long, Wang Chang, Wang Shen, Pei Xiu, Diao Chan
  Jin Sixteen Kingdoms (22): Jia Chong Sun Chu, Wang Hun, Wang Ji, Pei Wei, Janan wind, Guo Pu, Tang Yau, Wen Qiao, Lu Sheng, Wei Shuo (Mrs. David), Sun Sheng, Sun Chuo Guo Cheng of Hui Yuan, Fa Xian, Liu Yuan, Liu Cong, Liu Yao, Schleswig, tigers, Murong Yong
  Northern and Southern Dynasties (18): The week continued, Pei Song, Wang Xuan Mo, Pei Yin, Liu Yun, Pei Ye, Wang Sengbian, 拓跋珪, Tuoba Shou, Tuoba Wang, Wang Huilong, Wang compliance industry, Er Zhurong, Heba Yue, Tan Luan, Gao Huan, Gao Yang, Hulv light, Jun Wang, Pei to the Tang Yong
  Sui (57): Xuedao Heng, Wang Tong, Xue Shixiong, Xue Ju, Liu biàn (four tones) {font: the "clever" under the "words"}, Pei Yun, Pei Ji, Liu Wuzhou, WANG Shao, Pei Ju, Wen Daya, Wang Gui, Pei Shiqing, samurai Yue, Wang Ji, Yuchi Gong, Wang Fang-wing, Wang Bo, Kui Ji, Pei Xingjian, Xue Rengui, PEI Yan, Wu Chengsi, Di Renjie, Wu, Wu Sansi, Song Zhiwen, Ji Xue Xue Yao Xue Lane, Chang Shou-Gui, Wang Zhihuan, Peiyao Qing, Wang Han, Hong Wang, Feng Chang Qing, Wang Wei, Wang Changling, Xuesong, Wang Jin, Lu Lun, Lu Wen, Liu, white line of Jane, Wang broadcast, Wang Ya, PEI degrees, Zhang Yan Yuan, Lu Yan, Liu Mian, Wen, Nie Yi in Tangyan Qian, the Comments
  Five (15): Rick use, Transformation by, Jing Hao, Guo Chongtao, Licun Xu, An Zhong Hui, Li Siyuan, Shi Kuang Han, Shi Jingtang, Wu Zhang, Liu Zhiyuan, Liu Tsung, Liu Chengjun, Li Jun, Wu Chao-American
  Song, Liao (32): Wang Quanbin, party Jin, Wang Pu, Xing Bao Pu, Yang industry, Yang Hongxin, Liu Ji Yuan, Hu Yanzan, Bi Shian, Wen Yanbo, Guo Ruoxu, Yangyan Zhao, Yang Wenguang, high Keming, Di Qing, SUN Fu Liu Xi Minds, and Antonio pool, Secretary Malcolm, King of digging, Wang Nakai, Wang Shen, Wang Yan, Ma Yuan a, Xiao Zhao, Bio of Yang stored in the
  Jin and Yuan (41): Xu held the country, Hao Ting, Xu Ding, Zili high Ru, Yang Yun-wing, stereotypes, Lei Yuan, Feng Ting Deng, Feng Miaozhen, Sun Wei, Songde Fang, Liu Qi, Liu Yu, Yuan, Duan self-denial , Duan himself, Ma Ge, LI Jun-Min, ZHANG Cun-Hui, Zhang Dehui, Chen Geng, Hao Jing, Xue Jing Shi, Xu Guozhen, Xu Yi, Guan Hanqing, Yao Tianfu, Sun Arch, White Pu, Pu light, high-Ke Gong, Cha Han, with the excuse Liu To, Georgie, Garro, Lvsi Cheng, Shi Chun Po, Sa thorns, Deng Guangzu
  Ming (29): Gao Wei, Hou Jin, Luo, Xue Xuan, Chang Lun, Korean, Chen Qing, Qiao Yu, Wang Qiong, Li Han, Zhou Fu, Ren Wan, Yang Bo, Kong Tianyin, WANG Chong Gu, Zhang Siwei , the realm of light, Chu Fu, Liu Dong Xing, Wang Ping, Zhang Yang Meng, Ma expensive, Zhang Quan, Cao Yu Bian, Zhang Fengyi, Sun Chuanting, Han Huang, Pao Cheng first, Zhang cautious
  Qing (48): White Yin Qian, Jia Han Fu, Cheng Chong, Zhu Jun, Shan, in the Jackie Chan, the associate, Dai Ting Shi, Yan if Qu, Wu Wen, Wu Tian, Tai-pay, Fan Hao Ding, Rhythm of the Fifth, fields from the Code, Li Yuxiu, Pei curtain at front of carriage degree, Liu Zhang, he was held, Sun Jiagan, Songting Kui, Xu Kun, Song Jian, and Song in poetry, Zhang Peifang, Conkey Field, Song and Lee Luen-Xuan, An Qing Qiao, Zhang Dunren, Cao Shun, Li Yu-United States, Qi Gong with Bu, Zhang Mu, Rong Li, economic, Qi Shi Long, Yang Shangwen, Xu Jiyu, Qiao years, FOREIGN AFFAIRS
  Modern Masters
  Older generation of revolutionaries: Gao Junyu, Xu Fanting, Bo Yibo, Peng Zhen, Fu Tso-yi, Hua Guofeng, Li Xuefeng, Ji Chaozhu, Ji Dengkui, Ji Pengfei, Cheng Zihua, Chai Zemin, Chang Chi Ching ......
  Jin Ji founding general: (Marshal 1): Xu Xiangqian (Gen. 2): Zhao Lu, Dong Qiwu (will be 1): Normally universe (Major 43): Wang, Wang Zhan, Wang Lanlin, Qingsheng, car Min See, cattle wise, the history into the top, Spence, class, white clouds, Lu Yishan, Liu Su, Liu Ren, Liu Jinghai, Xu Fen, Li A, Li Mao of, Yangwen An, WU Xiao Min, Gu Jingsheng, Zhang Zheng, Zhang Zizhen, Tzu-Ming Chang, Zhang example, Zhang Zhou , Zhang Shizhen, Zhangting Zhen, Zhang Yingming, Zhangzhu Guo, Zhang Zi Zhen, Zhang Xiankui, Fan Toyama, Hushang Li, Hu Ronggui, RU husband of a Duan Shi Kai, Chai Qikun, high Dessie, Yan Jie III, Liang Zhongyu, intellectual Sheng-Yuan, Xue Kezhong, HE Ming, Feng Zi.
  Jin Ji generals: (Retired Army Major General or above are more than 100 people) Fu, Xu Yan, Zhang Gong, Zhang Zhijian Pei Huailiang, Xingyong Ning, Xu Chunyang, Wang Zuoyi, Zhang Qinsheng, Guo Guirong, Wang Jitang, Li bought Fu, Wang Wei, LIU Ya-Hong , Ji company, Huo Ling ......
  Political celebrity: Ren Jianxin, Bo, Wang Qishan, Liu Yunshan, the scheme, Li Yizhong, Hu Fuguo, Linghu, Wang Jun, Kang, Liu Jing, ZHAO Qin, Gao, Jiao Huancheng, Huo Shilian ......
  The scientific community: Fan Shoushan, any of the Gong, Jing-Hai Li ......
  Social sector: Ma, Hunai Wu, Li Yinhe, Li Fanggui .......
  A famous writer: Zhao, Chai Yong, Shi Ping Mei, Ma Feng, Li Jian, Zhao Yu, Zhang Ping, Zhaobing Yu, Zheng Yuanjie, Li Rui, Yang bell, Caonai Qian, Ge Wang Hanxing level of 80 writers ......
  Famous Director: Jia Zhangke, Zhang steel, beef, Chaoyang, Ning Hao, Zhang Yong hand ......
  Famous actors: Zhao Ziyue, Zhang hands, Xingjia Dong, into Thai Son, Sylvia ......
  Famous singer: Zhao Yan, Guo Lanying, Ma Yutao, Guan Guimin, Nie Jianhua, Yu Shuqin, single Xiurong, Yan Weiwen, Tan Jing, Lu Xiumei, cattle Po Lam, and Shan ......
  Musician: Zhang Yadong, Guo Feng, Zhao Yan ......
  Singer: Wang Rong, Zhao Yan, Bao, Zhao Ying, Li Weiwei, Zhang Lin, all intellectual culture, Wang Xinping, Tao Yanqing ......
  Business celebrities: Terry Gou (native Jincheng), Li, Li Haicang, Sun Hongbin, Chen Feng, Su Jing Shi, Qin Xiao, Sun Yulin., Zhai Jun, Zhang Yuejin .....
  Sport celebrities: Zhou Xiaolan, Jiang Zhujiu, Song Ligang, Zhang Jinsong, Ye Jiangchuan (Shanxi grew up), Tao ......
  IT celebrity: Li, Ya-Qin Zhang ......
  CCTV celebrity: Xing Zhibin (native Xiyang), Li Xiuping, Chai Jing, Ren Zhihong, Li Wenjing, sister moon, Wei Chen Xia, Zhang Lei, Zhang Tengyue ......
  Other celebrities: Kung, Yen, Cheng Zhiqiang, Song Yueqiang, Chen Baoguo ......
  Olympic celebrities: Zhao Yan (China's first ambassador for the Olympic torch), Xi Yan Ting ......
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Shanxi Education
  Shanxi University:
  With the 2009 general higher education entrance qualification education colleges and universities
  Undergraduate (17)
  Shanxi University
  Shanxi Datong University
  Taiyuan University of Technology
  North University
  Taiyuan University of Technology
  Shanxi Agricultural University
  Shanxi Medical University
  Shanxi Normal University
  Shanxi University of Finance
  Changzhi College
  Taiyuan University
  Changzhi Medical College
  Shanxi Traditional Chinese Medicine
  Taiyuan Teachers College
  Xinzhou Teachers
  Specialist (46)
  Taiyuan Electric Power College
  Luliang College
  Shanxi Province to Tax Reform
  Shanxi Police Academy
  Child Care Teachers College Yuncheng
  Taiyuan University
  Changzhi Vocational and Technical College
  Shanxi Vocational College of Art
  Jincheng Vocational and Technical College
  Institute of Construction Technology
  Shanxi Institute of Biological Applied Technology
  Shanxi Engineering Vocational College
  Shanxi Vocational and Technical College
  Vocational College of Shanxi Xinghua
  Datong Coal Technology College
  Shanxi Institute of Electrical and Mechanical Technology
  Shanxi Vocational College of Drama
  TRADE Shanxi Vocational and Technical College
  Shanxi Vocational College of Forestry
  Vocational and Technical College of Water Resources
  Yangquan Vocational and Technical College
  Linfen Vocational and Technical College
  Shanxi Integrated Vocational and Technical College
  Vocational and Technical College of Coal
  Shanxi Vocational College of Finance
  Taiyuan City Vocational College
  Shanxi Institute of Information Technology
  Shanxi Vocational College of Commerce and Industry
  Shanxi Vocational College Sports
  Shanxi Vocational College of Police
  Shanxi Vocational College of International Business
  Luan Vocational and Technical College
  Taiyuan Tourism College
  Shanxi Tourism College
  Shanxi Management College
  Shanxi Vocational and Technical College
  Vocational and Technical College Xinzhou
  Shanxi Vocational College of Foreign Languages with the text
  Vocational and Technical College Jinzhong
  Shanxi Vocational College of Commerce Epoch
  Yuncheng, Shanxi Agricultural Science and Technology
  Shanxi Vocational and Technical College old area
  Shanxi Province Economic and Trade Vocational College
  Vocational and Technical College Shuozhou
  Yuncheng Vocational and Technical College
  Shanxi Vocational College of Light Industry
  Independent Colleges three institutions (8)
  Business College of Shanxi University
  Modern Science and Technology Taiyuan University of Technology
  University Institute of Shanxi Agricultural Information
  Shanxi Normal University Institute of Contemporary Arts
  North University Business School Information
  Taiyuan University of Technology Chinese Academy of Sciences
  Shanxi Medical College Jinci
  Shanxi University of Finance and Chinese Business Institute
  Campus School Locations
  Institute of Radio, Film and Television Administration
  Shanxi Medical College
  Institute of Coal Management
  YOUTH Institute
  Shanxi Law
  Key middle schools in Shanxi Province:
  Cheng Cheng secondary schools, secondary schools into the mountains, Taiyuan V, the provincial Experimental High School, second, the Experimental High School (formerly the first secondary school children in Taiyuan Railway), fifth, the eighth in
  Foreign Language School, High School Affiliated to Shanxi University, forty-eighth in Taiyuan Normal University Affiliated High School (Teachers College High School), Yu Ying Secondary School, TISCO one;
  Large the same in Datong II, Datong Locomotive secondary schools, one with coal, Datong III, Datong High School in one of Datong Railway
  Yangquan City:
  Yangquan one, Yinying School
  Changzhi City:
  One of Changzhi Changzhi II, Taihang School
  One of Jincheng, Yangcheng one
  Shuozhou City:
  A new moon in the city, one in Shuozhou, one Huairen
  Xinzhou City:
  Xinzhou one
  Luliang City: Ho Cheung Secondary School, Xiaoyi School
  Jinzhong City:
  Yuci one, Pingyao Middle School, Taigu School
  Linfen City:
  Linfen, the Linfen III, Shanxi Normal University Experimental High School
  Yuncheng City:
  Kang Jie School, Yuncheng Middle School
  Shanxi Province, two key middle schools:
  Thirty in Taiyuan City, the second High School in the third experiment, high school, nineteenth, the twentieth, the twenty-first middle school in Taiyuan,
  Twenty-seven, the Western Hills High School, construction of two schools, one in the ancient cross, Qingxu schools, Xu ditch school, one store
  Fourth Datong, Datong Fifth, hunyuan School, Shenyang high school, with coal, II, III with the coal,
  Experimental High School with the coal, with coal Fourth, Datong School Zone
  Yangquan City:
  Yangquan II, the Eleventh Yangquan Yangquan XV, put down one, one Yuxian
  Changzhi City:
  One Qinxian County, Tunliu one, in Changzhi County
  Second Jincheng, Jincheng Experimental High School, one of Cao Bang, one Zezhou
  Shuozhou City:
  Shall County Middle School, Moon City II, Fourth Shuozhou
  Xinzhou City:
  Dingxiang secondary schools, secondary schools Fanting
  Luliang City:
  Fenyang School, Jiaocheng secondary schools, one in the sun, water, school culture, Xiaoyi II, Xiaoyi III, Xiaoyi Fourth, Fifth Xiaoyi
  Jinzhong City:
  Xiyang School, Yuci II, Taigu II (air flying base), Jiexiu School, began with high school
  Linfen City:
  Quwo School, Xiangfen secondary schools, one in Houma, Hongdong one, Yicheng School
  Yuncheng City:
  Xinjiang School, Fenglingdu School, Kawazu School, Yongji School, linjin Middle School, Linyi School, Wanrong secondary schools, secondary schools Ruicheng
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The most Shanxi
  Soil with water down the world's technology into the highest earth dam project in June 1961 for completion of the Fen River Reservoir
  China's first self-produced tractor in December 1950 in Shanxi Province Machines imitate a successful trial the United States Korean War Clark tractor crawler No. 25 horsepower tractors.
  China's first steel furnace in September 1952, Taiyuan Iron and Steel Company of New China, the third out of the first steel plant furnace smelting of stainless steel.
  China's first textile machinery manufacturing enterprises put into operation in 1954, Jingwei Textile Machinery
  The country's first wheel plant June 2, 1958 started the production of Taiyuan Railway Bureau Wheel Factory
  The first generation of national Red Tractor 1966 East Eighth National Machinery Industry Ministry to design the first generation of domestic DFH-type tractor 30 trial fixed to Shanxi, Shanxi Province, the first successful trial in 1969 on behalf of the East and through the ministry identified the red tractor.
  3000 the country's first gas turbine powered car in December 1969, Shanxi Province, Datong Locomotive Works, the country's first successful trial, "the Long March-type" 3000 horsepower gas turbine car, rail traction power for the Chinese to create a new path of innovation.
  The country's largest vinegar company town created in 1976, the second Cuchang Qingxu County of Shanxi Province, with an annual output of 5,000 tons of vinegar, is the largest and most productive professional Cuchang township and village enterprises.
  In 1977 the country's first excavator, Taiyuan Heavy Machinery for the development of the first 10 cubic meters of excavators in China.
  The first _set_ of high-speed wire rod finishing mill 2 August 1982, Taiyuan, China Mining Machinery Plant was successfully manufactured the first _set_ of high-speed wire rod rolling mill, roll technology for the China Metallurgical fills a void.
  The first two-lane country electrified railway September 29, 1982, when he was secretary of Shanxi Provincial Committee and Vice Minister Li WANG Ke-wen Senmao electrified double line of stone and the opening ribbon-cutting too.
  Asia's largest alumina plant July 1, 1983 started production in Shanxi Aluminum Plant
  Asia's largest manufacturing plant gravure plate-making factory in Shanxi Yuncheng Prefecture
  China's first "plug the vas deferens can be re-blocking of the injection method," In 1984, the Shanxi Provincial People's Hospital, vice president Zhao was so complete, "the vas deferens can be re-blocking method of injection bolts" research projects for domestic initiative. Identification of the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences expert committee: the international advanced level
  Wanjiazhai Dam Project May 22, 1993, the largest water conservancy project in Shanxi Province, Shanxi Yellow River Diversion Project into the foundation. This is a handful of large-scale water conservancy project in the world.
  The country's largest opencast coal mine in Shanxi Sino-foreign joint ventures Antaibao opencast mine
  The country's first large coal mine December 6th, 1984, China's first large annual output of 500 tons of Datong coal mine was started four coal mine construction.
  The longest double-track electrified railway country December 30, 1984, China's longest double-track electrified railway of a Beijing Fengtai Shacheng to Datong, Shanxi, Hebei by the railway opened to traffic. The line length of 379 km, is an important channel Sinotrans Shanxi coal.
  Reflect the country's first museum of folk customs of Han Nationality in Xiangfen County South of the small village 5 kilometers Folk Museum was built in 1985, the same year on November 10 was completed and opened officially, is a reflection of China's first established customs of the Han Nationality thematic museums.
  The country's largest production base of liquor in January 1986, a Shanxi Fen Wine Factory Heng Fa Chuen expansion project completed, making it the largest production base in the name of liquor.
  The country's largest cable span bridge of the Yellow River July 28, 1986, the Yellow River in China's largest cable span bridge, flat land in Shanxi and Henan County, South Village Mianchi County whitecaps on the Yellow River between the villages _set_ up successfully.
  National Coal Museum, the first professional museum China's first coal Coal Museum October 1st, 1989 built opened in Taiyuan.
  Inheritance of nutritional quality of millet research July 23, 1990, Shanxi Academy of Agricultural Sciences Crop Genetics and the capture of the "millet grains against blighted by technology" through the identification of Agriculture Science and Technology Commission, to fill the founder of the theory on the Chinese Millet Cultivation a blank.
  The largest series of milk, feed, packaging enterprise group established in 1991, the ancient city of dairy enterprise groups Sanin
  The highest national soybean yield in March 1993, Shanxi Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Institute of Crop Genetics Research Liting Quan, who completed a new soybean variety "Jindou 11."
  The world's largest anthracite coal burning power plant in Shanxi Yangcheng Power Plant
  The world's largest bridge crane, "Technology Daily" _set_: After the founding of New China, China to design, built the first heavy machinery plant of Taiyuan Heavy Industry Co., Ltd. (too heavy) for the Three Gorges Project in China developed the world's largest hydropower station, the quality of the Well, overall technical performance of the most advanced two 1200/125t bridge crane (2001) August 20 in the heavy test a success.
  The country's largest poplar gene pool July 8, 1994, Huairen Golden Sands built the largest poplar gene pool. The poplar genome is Shanxi Bureau and the German Technical Cooperation Co., Ltd. poplar breeding carried out in cooperation projects implemented in 1984, has collected more than 900 fine strains of poplar, including the world's representative poplar.
  Asia's largest textile machinery manufacturers August 18, 1995, Asia's largest textile machinery manufacturer Jingwei Textile Machinery Co., Ltd. established. It is the textile machinery industry in Shanxi Province and the country's first issued H shares in Hong Kong-listed companies.
  Dates the country's largest production base for the development of Shanxi Province dates Linxian county people out of poverty as a pillar industry of well-off task. In 1995, the county dates Zongchandadao 65 million kg, becoming the country's largest production base of the county dates, alone, the county per capita income of 260 yuan.
  The country's largest special steel production base in Taiyuan Iron and Steel Group Co., Ltd. (TISCO), is one of China's large iron and steel, is the largest special steel production base, the country's largest stainless steel manufacturer and the only production electric iron manufacturers.
  Origin of the country's largest coking coal production base in the country's largest coking coal Xishan Mining Bureau, Shanxi Province. The mine is located 15 kilometers west of Taiyuan, the proven reserves of 18.14 billion tons
  The first expressway in Shanxi too old highway, the provincial capital Taiyuan west, east and Hebei Province, adjacent to the old provincial boundaries off, crossing the line too, the construction extremely difficult and, at June 15, 1996 opened on a total length of 144 km It is open the first door east of Shanxi modern traffic.
  Shanxi Province, north-south highway through the Grand Canal Highway, north of Datong, Yuncheng south length of 666 km, runs through Shanxi province, in October 2003 opened across the board, which is the framework of Shanxi Province, vein-type layout of the primary productivity pulse and backbone.
  The country's largest anthracite anthracite producing the largest production base of Shanxi Province Yangquan Mining Bureau. The Bureau of Mines is the first national recognition of the large enterprise and the country's 500 largest industrial companies.
  The country's largest private enterprises in the steel plant in Shanxi Province, Shanxi Province, the territory of Wenxi Township Haixin Iron Iron & Steel Group Co., Ltd., is the country's largest steel mill village and township enterprises. Annual output of 2.6 million tons of iron, 260 tons of steel, 2.2 million tons material.
  The country's largest high-quality thermal coal producing Shanxi Province, Datong Mining Bureau is the largest high-quality thermal coal production base, known as the "sea of coal." Reserves of 37.58 billion tons of coal, coal supply of the nation produced more than 1,500 enterprises, more than 3,700 users, and sold overseas.
  The country's largest copper mines in the country's largest copper mine, Shanxi Province Zhongtiaoshan Nonferrous Metals Company. The company is located in Shanxi Province in the southern section of Yuanqu County, mountain hinterland. The mine is rich in resources, contains 46 kinds of minerals, underground mining is the largest copper mine.
  Shanxi Province is the largest province in China mine disaster occurred, at least 200 children each year never see their father.
  Diversion tunnel of the world's first Wanjiazhai Yellow River Diversion Project in the southern dry hole # 7 (single hole) length 43.5 km, more than Norway, "Lunda Si" project diversion tunnel (28.5 km) long, 15 km than the English Channel Underground Tunnel (36 km) long, 7.5 km, rated the world's first water hole.
  National "Plan" God first bend of large projects three projects August 20, 2002, the state "west to east," the North Channel of God was started three projects in the first bend.
  Shanxi Cultural Relics exclusive eight highest in the country. Verification of immovable heritage in Shanxi Province in 2006 completed, the results show that the existing ground Shanxi 3.5 million at the immovable cultural relics, cultural resources, has eight highest in the country. Shanxi has announced a total of 6781 units of cultural relics, including the national key cultural relics protection units of 119, which ranked first in the country.
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Shanxi specialty
  Jinci Rice: Taiyuan Jinci produced in the town area, the rice, grain length, bigger in size, shape crystal clear and full, translucent, beige, brown slightly, to make the rice to grain is clear, fragrant. Ingest, taste sweet, toughness, viscosity, there are cusps. Jinci so good quality rice, is due to water relationship. Production of the rice paddy fields, irrigated with Jinci difficult Fountain, this water, the water temperature is low, with alum and other minerals, together with nearby villages Jinci fertile black soil is conducive to rice growing.
  Vinegar: famous Shanxi vinegar, vinegar in Shanxi mature vinegar is a treasure.
  According to legend, the Zhou Dynasty, in the Shanxi Province began production of vinegar, and Vinegar, in the Spring and Autumn Period, there are a number of workshops of ancient Jinyang started brewing. The first official launch of "Shanxi Mature Vinegar" brand name, is the king of producer welfare. Wang Qing Shunzhi years to come Fu Qingyuan (now Qingxu County), the use of abundant local raw materials, water quality, offering excellent conditions Square vinegar, white vinegar for the vinegar aging change. In fact, the old vinegar brewing much earlier than the king to blessing.
  Shanxi vinegar variety, representative of the staple for the old vinegar. There are other vinegar, vinegar & P, double vinegar, special vinegar, Montrose vinegar, pure taste, and many other varieties. Such as the distinction between the raw materials from the production of vinegar, there are sorghum vinegar, corn vinegar, little vinegar, persimmon vinegar, fruit vinegar, lees vinegar, vinegar powder residue, a variety of sweet potato vinegar. Vinegar, vinegar acid and alcohol in general, strong flavor, taste and long, also has a fragrance, cotton, non-precipitation features. In addition, the longer the storage time Vinegar Hong acid delicious twist of taste. Moreover, the summer does not mildew, winter ice-free, dark orange, the Shanxi Vinegar a unique, fine texture of the best.
  Taiyuan Iron Antique: Antique Taiyuan Taiyuan Iron is of ancient inheritance and development of metallurgical technology. Song name Jinci Taiyuan Iron and foreign news, Taiyuan is the best of ancient metallurgical history of highly skilled witness. In recent years, north of Taiyuan City Metal Craft Factory quality pig iron as raw materials, production of stone-iron after another. Their wide variety of products, employment fine, exactly like the original product image, such as "Ma Chaolong bird" and "Ming Holly", "Yungang Buddha's head," "Jinci Iron Man" and so vivid, an air of ease, and the original display one, all can be spurious.
  Glass products: glass rich area of Taiyuan and Jiaocheng products. As early as Tang Dynasty, had been "glazed tile according to Zhu Meng castle." Ming and Qing dynasties, the glazed tiles have been exported to other provinces. Taiyuan Mazhuangshan Su homemade glass, reportedly began in Tang Dynasty, the glass products, decorate a large number of ancient artifacts in Shanxi, ancient architecture, is still shining bright. Jiaocheng glass culture is famous nationwide, the famous glass slightly bang produced Jiaocheng Tan Village. Jiaocheng was also named as the hometown of Chinese glass culture.
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Shanxi folk customs
  Marriage Shuozhou people marry, as elsewhere, generally by Meishuozhiyan, parents life. Despite changing times, with people, but generally remain along the old habits, especially in rural areas, important rituals programs, innovative, has not changed, generally are subject to blind date, engagement, marriage, four steps back to the door.
  Dear: propose marriage for men and women matchmaker, introducing the two sides of the situation, such as age, zodiac, birthday, character, appearance, and family economic status and parental human and so on. Both weigh the conditions, _set_ all discussion, the intention to marry those men to women at home compared with the matchmaker to see. The two sides agreed that some time, and then invited the woman to groom phase of view, Italian man who will stay in the house for dinner, silent Yunke business marriage, which means the phase did not look away.
  Engagement: The matchmaker between the two men repeatedly Yuehe, OK bride price and dowry, women and children to exchange birthday horoscopes, auspicious day _select_ion line _set_ the wedding, the man to give a "food containers" and part of the bride price to the woman, and hosted a dinner to celebrate. Banquet the next day the woman invited the man. After the _select_ion date to receive a marriage certificate, and some travel, into marriage, men and women give each other some clothes, called for the summer or for winter. ,
  Marriage: Jan-line before the bride price to marry, commonly known as "the next tea", the man to a matchmaker to "bride" wore in the employ of clothing (underwear) and "Water Ceremony" (rice, flour, meat), to women at home, and notice to marry period. After the respective male and female side of your loved ones future groom, the bride home to eat, that the "head hi eat rice." The day before a marriage, family and friends come in, commonly known as "others", some of you "Slang" add to the fun, so also known as "security drum," men and women each night to eat in their own "stand up cake."
  Married Japanese men and women home early in the morning to eat fried Yougao, saying "hi eat cake." After breakfast, the man played the drums, carrying the sedan chair (some with a horse or mule pack car, now largely used cars) to married women at home. Usually by the man uncle, Jinzi get married. To give the bride and groom to bring a red belt, the name: "married"; bring a bottle, the bottle plug one onion, that the "root after the execution"; with five ribs, pork or lamb one, called "the meat from the Mother," "Five Fangxi Qing", get married come back, the man should bring back one of the two ribs that married couples live, it is called: "bones not leave." Let the woman tea, candy, married persons and pastries served. The man put on a dress the bride (usually red cotton clothing, cotton trousers), the parents take leave, by the sister Chanfu sedan chair (vehicle). Colleagues have sent a new, open box, after " HE Hall "(also known as round rice) were accompanied, according to pre-_select_ a good hour into the groom's family. To the groom, the bride who mix cited by the pro-mix, riding "Hongzhan" into the new house, and "He Tang" by "making tea" and eat "meals door." Noon groom, the bride preparing for the wedding, Libi began to feast , the name: "agent." during which the bride and groom toast to the guests, salute, recognize size. Hosted by the groom's brother in law at the ceremony the bridal chamber, commonly known as "reverse treasure pot," so that the bride and groom say tongue twisters, riddles, jokes and teasing, after the couple across the rice to eat, late-night party complete. The next morning, the bride and groom bow to the relatives and friends, said: "thanks man" (in some places, after preparing for the wedding was held in), by money, by the worship ceremony, congratulated the parties.
  Back door: the day after the wedding in general, women sent home and car, the pro-bride and groom invited back door, hosted a dinner for the bride and groom and the woman's family and friends, dinner, a toast to the guests, salute, recognize the size of the night or two days to return. The fourth day after marriage, women with mothering-law, known as "living on the Moon" or "live forty-six."
  In recent years, with social progress and development of the times, the wedding customs of Shuozhou great changes have taken place, from simple courtesy.
  Shuozhou the funeral rites of ancient burial is extremely complicated procedures may generally be divided into small convergence, grabbing, burning paper, sending light, speech spirit, funeral, complex second.
  After the death of people with a shroud, breaking a hole in the windows of paper, supporting families on the door, after stopping in Hangzhou, kill "and fell down chicken", the first under the burning paper, lighting, incense memorial service, the children wail aloud, this is a small convergence. Then paste the "calamity-like" and hanging "Message-day paper" on the street outside the village obituary. Younger Pimadaixiao, dutiful son to take charge of wearing Zhongxiao (deceased next of kin) family Jishou obituary notice. The next day the corpse Ruguan night shift, commonly known as "convergence into the" body mask of red cloth, unlatched lid, stop bier in the main room, home offerings, too long and light, day and night lay. Relatives, clan members, neighbors, before the burning paper to the spirit of condolence.
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The principal leaders of the current
  Shanxi Provincial Party Secretary: Zhang Baoshun
  Shanxi Length: Wang Jun
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English Expression
  1. n.:  Shanxi,  Shanxi (Shansi) province,  Shanxi Province
French Expression
  1. n.  Shanxi (province)
Shanxi Province, advance, Mountain in Henan Mountain, Kansai
Shanxi Village
Sơn Tây
Mountain west Community, Shanxi Juweihui
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