County : China > Shandong province > Zibo > Huantai County
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  Huantai Cuisine: Northern Lake County, rich in aquatic products. Generations of people living in Lake, Lake in the cooking product of repeated practice, the focus of collective wisdom, skills excellence, product-based materials Huantai Lake Cuisines food gradually mature, becoming a unique style.
  Tangban under the lotus lotus
  Tangban lotus lotus under the lake people said, "Chui lotus." In early July, early release lotus, lotus roots to make their next lotus one, shaped like chicken eggs. At this point, the mixing under the lotus lotus best season. Wash the lotus will be stamped, wrapped in lotus leaf, then wrap the new Pa, the lotus fist crushed melon, adding the right amount of sugar, ginger and mix well Serve. Enjoy this lotus, feel Gan Lieqing cool, straight Qin Heart.
  Fried Lotus
  The total investment will be washed fresh lotus paste link into the pan after the bombing. This dish heat to crisp appropriate. Remove and drain into the sugar can be. The crisp fresh fragrance. Another fried mint leaves a dish, ingredient to tender mint leaves, the same practices and deep-fried lotus, its clean taste fragrant Xin.
  Perch soup
  Lake perch to the lake plus water shield with cooking, the fish cooked, the bone spurs and if not, no special sauce, also delicious. Old time lake perch soup taste celebrities issued after blurting out, "forget to boil water lake fish," the recollections.
  Eel off
  Live eel placed on the ground, whichever is greater, any of its strongly churn to go to the body surface mucus, then Tiezhui penetrate into the ground the fish head and fixed. Chamber with a knife to open eviscerated fish, wash and cut the fish for the last segment. Fish soup section of the oil after the release of fine stew, when Tim will become with Pucai. Dish fragrant, delicious combination.
  Green eel stew
  Cut open to take the green eel viscera and cut into segments, the first segment into the pan fried fish through the surface, to prevent "run oil", and then put the soup thin stew. Into the stew, the entire pot is full strong oil, smell fragrant, food flavor unnoticed.
  Carp incubation
  This dish was originally called "bass incubation" for the new town created by Chen Wang's home cook.
  1684 (twenty-three years of Qing Emperor Kangxi), Zhan Shi Wang Shizhen any government in Beijing and the Imperial Academy to be about less Zhan Shi BS, Chen recommend to the imperial palace in Beijing in the room worked. This art by two generations pass Baoshi Bin, the territory extinct sea bass, carp then submitted on behalf of perch, dish also will be easy for the "hold carp eggs." Through the elaborate, yet still the original flavor. When Baoshi Bin Shouyi County Catering Services in studio features three cooking chef purple Yuehua (female), after its repeated practice, according to the Shandong cuisine features change as steamed fried carp, compared with the original easy to maintain nutrition and to increase Its fresh fragrance features. October 1986, Yue-Hua Zhang participated in Shandong cuisine, Shandong Province, the first Grand Prix (Zibo Division), the production of performing arts award-winning dish.
  Hold a dish of carp egg shape, color, flavor and taste. Materials used: live carp 1 (750 grams), black fish, 200 grams, 3 eggs, onions, ginger, salt, cooking wine, MSG, sesame oil, dough amount. Method: In addition to the carp scales, gills, internal organs dug (not break the fish belly), washed and steamed; to put black fish chopped into mud bowl, add ginger, cooking wine, monosodium glutamate, dough mixing uniform, boiling pot, do have a large pearl meatballs; the steamed egg yellow cake, with the graver the result of "scales"; Finally, home cooked fish dish, _set_ting, placed on the "fish scale", a fish place into the amount of fish, while the remainder stay in the decorative plate, and serve.
  Happy dumpling
  Happy dumpling is fried vermicelli expansion of the hanging color (broken above) bonded spherical objects with syrup. In the hands of a child, play on, to eat; hanging indoors to watch, but also a symbol of good luck. Large groups and large orange, in groups such as walnuts, slightly larger than a small hawthorn. The dressed to form a single string of points, two ears, a small hanging corner, several large hanging corner.
  Qing Dynasty, the town cable Li Jia village farmers have to do six or seven ten happy dumpling. Syrup, vermicelli, the color of its main raw material; boil syrup, fried vermicelli, rubbing and wear a string of three group processes. Before the liberation, many in the temple to celebrate will, theaters, fairs and other places selling the larger temple, to the five sixty affair. After the founding of the village of Li Jia happy dumpling sold Shenyang, Shanxi and other places.
  [Area] 509.53 square kilometers
  [Population] 490,000 (2001)
  [Code] 370 321
  [PC] 256 400
  [Resident] Sot
  [Division] jurisdiction over 13 towns, 343 administrative villages
  Huantai located in central Shandong Province, Shandong in the mountainous border with northern Shandong plain area, part of Department of North China Plain. County east of the ancient capital of Qi Linzi, Zibo city south station - Zhangdian, Zhoucun the southwest and bordering Zouping west, north, Boxing, High Green. Extending 24.4 kilometers north-south county, 27.3 kilometers away from things, the county's total area of ​​509.53 square kilometers, population 470,000. Historically, Taiwan is a thin, regardless of the country Huan Zhou is Qi, Qin return Qijun. Yuan, known as Metro. The early Republic, the territory of the Duke game due to horse units and renamed Huantai.
  Back in the primitive society of the Neolithic, Huantai land had already seen a human civilization. Archaeological excavations of archaeological finds prove that the first port, Tangshan, floor son, Li Village and other sites of cultural accumulation in the upper part of Houli, North Xin culture, dating back over 8,000 years of civilization. The Dawenkou Culture, Longshan Culture, and Shangzhou Yueshi found during the site is common. So far, have been found within Huantai are more than 100 cultural monuments, its density is large, meaning the rich in China are rare. It can be shown that Huantai this fertile land after a period of civilization, the Chinese nation into a major _set_tlement groups.
  Huantai excavated Neolithic artifacts, shows the brilliant primitive culture. At present, have been discovered dating back 4,000 years to the deep-seated text found dating back 3700 years ago during the Yueshi business oracle bone inscriptions and bronze inscriptions and the mid-Oracle, and also discover the late Shang period oracle bone inscriptions and bronze inscriptions. These coherent text string permit the Chinese have 6,000 years of writing, the history of evolution, the history of Chinese characters is a new breakthrough. The discovery of historians and archaeologists had to look at the Dong Yi culture in various historical periods and cultural status and Dong Yi Xia and Shang culture to the direct impact.
  Huantai found in the ruins of the Longshan Culture period, more excavated pottery, stone, jade, bone, clam, etc. variety, well-made and elegant. It is particularly worth mentioning is the Longshan Culture period prestigious eggshell pottery, excavated by the scientific evidence is already in the late Dawenkou culture eggshell pottery produced on the basis of succession to develop. This is Lee Walled excavated pottery goblet out of the shell, hollow glass and other high-handle has been fully proved. Huantai unearthed Dawenkou Culture and Longshan Culture period, stone, jade, bone, clam shells, etc. are also very rich, multi-production tools for the grinding of the production process and perforation. That the further development of agriculture and the shift from nomadic to _set_tled agriculture-based era. Required for harvesting in farming, a number of production tools have emerged, such as stone sickles, knives, bone plow, plow bone, clam shovel, stone Zhang, these cultural tools of production start-up period a great impact on future generations, until the liberation of Huantai can see the beginning of the transport of iron hoe, sickle holes, single-handle iron plow and a number of primitive shapes agricultural tools. It can be seen, Huantai this fertile land is China's earliest one of the most developed agricultural areas.
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Administrative Division
  370 321
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Basic Profile
  Huantai is early human life, living in one of the areas within the Chinese historians unearthed the earliest date, Oracle. Huantai is Qi Zhou, Qin return Qijun. 206 BC established the county, named Xian County. The territory of the Duke game due to horse units in 1914 changed its name to Huantai so far.
  Huantai located in the warm temperate continental monsoon climate, mild climate, four distinct seasons, the annual average temperature of 12.5 ℃, annual precipitation 587mm, there are 11 rivers and streams, located in Shandong in the upper reaches of the mountains, mostly north-south direction, east Wuhe , there are things pig r., west Xiaofu River; floods south east to the river Danube, north Xiaoqing, preparation River.
  Huantai a long history, outstanding people, reform and opening up, the diligent and intelligent Huantai people overcoming all obstacles, hard progressive, in this ancient land on the creative development and construction, forming a complete range of large, prominent features, high-tech industries , agriculture, construction, tourism, four production systems. Is nationally renowned for grain yield and the famous buildings of the county town. 1993, 1994, two years into the "comprehensive economic strength of China's rural counties hundred" column is the national scientific and technological strength hundred county, township and village enterprises hundred counties, high quality and efficient agricultural counties, the first county in the country's agricultural machine income consecutive seventh among the hundred counties (cities), is the provincial government identified as the province's 30-strong county economy
  Huantai transportation. 205 National Road runs through the county, Levin (Wuhu) Sea (state) highway has a crossing from the port 5 km Jinan-Qingdao Expressway, transportation is very convenient. Showing a rapid development of communication situation. The total capacity of program-controlled telephone 137 000, Internet users reached 1.5 million, 1,100 business online, in 2000 the city completed the first "call the county" building objectives. Education, culture and health also have a considerable development.
  Huantai rich in tourism resources, the main attractions are: the provincial-level scenic spot - known as the "North South," said the Horse Lake (E Yin Temple, tip sites, Xu night Bookstore), known as Hermit Yuyang Wang Yu-yang Memorial Hall, the former residence of Wang Yu-yang, garden stone, brick IV Kung Pao Fang, historians sites, Huayansi, Zhou concept of eco-agricultural park, Huantai museums, parks and other small sea.
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  Completed in 2008 GDP 26.54 billion yuan, up 14.5% over the previous year, three industrial added value growth of 6.8% over the previous year, 12.9% and 20.4%; in fixed as_set_ investment 11.571 billion yuan over the previous year increase of 32.8%; storage revenue 2.519 billion yuan, an increase of 17.59%; local financial income of 1.105 billion yuan; farmers' per capita net income 8048 yuan, up 13.8%; disposable income of urban residents and 17,716 yuan, up 10.1 percent.
  Agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery in 2005 to achieve annual output value of 1.805 billion yuan, up 7.1 percent over the previous year. Agricultural value added 970 million yuan, an increase of 6%. Total grain output 371,400 tons, up 16%; the total output of 01,700 tons of cotton, down 33%; total oil production capacity 502 tons, an increase of 65.68%; the total output of 06,100 tons of fruit, decreased by 3.3 times; the total output of 351,400 tons of vegetables, down 26.2%, the total output of 20,500 tons of meat, eggs, total output 25,700 tons, the total output of 08,100 tons of milk. Total output of aquatic products 03.2 thousand tons, slightly higher than the prior year. Annual afforestation of 400 hectares, forest coverage reached 19.7%. County 农机总动力 560,000 kilowatts, an increase of 3.7%.
  In 2006 the county completed investment in fixed as_set_s of industrial production of 7.8 billion, an increase of 18.7%. New investment of 100 million yuan on 116 projects, of which over 40 million. A number of large-scale, effective, high-tech projects coming into production, effective way to boost the county's comprehensive economic strength. Adipic acid, epichlorohydrin, PTFE, vermicular iron formation in 11 products with the industry's largest domestic production capacity. Above-scale enterprises realized sales income of 55.4 billion yuan, profits of $ 5.4 billion, profit of 3.3 billion yuan, up 40.2%, 40.7% and 41%. "Billion business," 60, of which Jincheng sales revenue 11 billion yuan, becoming the county's first "billion business." Significantly enhanced the role of scientific and technological support. Dongyue membrane engineering research, giant corn harvest technology and equipment that projects included in the national "Eleventh Five" major scientific and technological support programs; Dongyue acid resins and ion-exchange membrane industry, Thai Bao inactivated virus filter included in the national project high-tech industrialization projects. Above the level of engineering and technology research centers to 17, including 14 provincial level. 6 scientific and technological achievements to fill the gaps. Xinzeng two national high-tech enterprises, the provincial 5, the county above the provincial level up to 41 high-tech enterprises, accounting for scale industrial output value of 38.44% over the previous year increased by 3 percentage points. 2007 Dongyue federal refrigerant, Yuntao towel awarded China Top Brand, Chiangju Church won the old Chinese. National Inspection-free products to 13, 25 Shandong famous brand in Shandong Province 19. Two listed companies - Bo paper, Dongyue Chemical.
  Construction of environmental protection
  Transport Post
  End of 2005, mileage 1112 km road, road passenger traffic and turnover 378 million, 17,010 million km, respectively, 14.55% less than last year and growth of 1.55%. Road freight transport volume and turnover 3.58 million tons, 363.98 million tons km, respectively, 8.1% less than last year and growth of 2.12%. The county has 19,700 vehicles, up 27.1 percent over the previous year. Complete the total amount of 27.42 million yuan of postal services, an increase of 2.8%. The end of a fixed telephone subscribers 137,000 (including PHS 16000), 161,000 mobile phone users, phone penetration rate rose to 60.51 / 100 people. Internet users 1.5 million.
  Trade and Tourism
  In 2005 total retail sales of social consumer goods were 4.375 billion yuan, an increase of 15.89%. Urban and rural consumer goods market 67. Total imports and exports $ 412,260,000, an increase of 14.6%, which exports $ 227,750,000, an increase of 39%. New signed 35 foreign investment projects, an increase of 2.94%; contractual foreign capital of $ 145,920,000, an increase of 42%; foreign capital actually utilized $ 2.38 billion, an increase of 17%. Major tourist attractions tourist scenic horse riding, Wang Yu-yang Memorial Huantai Museum. Domestic and foreign tourists throughout the year 690,000 passengers, up 15%; to achieve total tourism income of 120 billion yuan, up 16.7%.
  Social life
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Administrative Division
  Huantai Xian
  370 321
  District People's Government Code 256400.
  Dongyue International Fluorine Silicon Industrial Park (the provincial Economic Development Zone) is located in Huantai Tangshan Town, a planned area of ​​3 square kilometers. Dongyue Group based in the region. The main features of industrial distribution: the fluorine chemical polymer materials and green silicon fluorine refrigerant-based chemical industry. Future development plans: the industrial park into the chlor-alkali chemicals, fluorine chemicals, silicone chemical features of the fine chemical and functional polymer materials R & D base, to become an international high-tech industry base.
  City street offices (Zibo Municipality's most populous Subdistrict) jurisdiction: 10 neighborhood committees (less sea, Ching Chu, Yuntao, Beiyuan, Xiyuan, Po hair, Mall, East, Yi King home, Orchid Park)
  Cable town (county resident) jurisdiction: 44 village committees (founding, Wuli, Zhao, at home, Sancha, North Xin, West Town, Xinmin, Yonghe, Garden, Dong, Dong Xin, Ma, North Wang, Yang, former graduates, post graduates, Nan Xin, Li Jia, Meng, Liu Mao, Zhang Mao, Mao Cui, Xing Liu, Dong Lu, Geng Bridge, River yatou, Wing, Lee, Xiao Xin , Jiang Temple, Mu, and Su Wang, Wang ditch, Alex, bridge, Ren Zhuang, Liu, Lan Liu, toga, Seattle, justice and, Palace House, Taoyuan).
  Tangshan Town (the first national civilized town) jurisdiction: a neighborhood (Tongji Wanxin neighborhood); 132 village committees (Tang, Tang Second, Tang, Tang, four, five Tang, Jia, the former King, after the king, Pakistan Wang, Xing, the first seven, after seven, Mo Wang, a great, prosperous, Guo, floor, floor two, the Eastern Zhou Dynasty, in the embankment, Hu family, Xu shop, shop Song, stone shop , Xue Temple, West Bi, West Malaysia, Bali, the ancient city, Ren, Wang Mao, Cheng).
  Maqiao (national civilized town, one thousand strong town of the national economy, the national high-level integrated development town, Zibo City, the first town tax) jurisdiction: 27 village committees (Xinzhuang, Cima, Humayun, Feng Ma, North , North Second, North Third, South Camp, East Circle, West Circle, a small village, Hong Yang, Western Sun, Ma, the former gold after gold, Jiangjia, Hongmiao, five village, Northridge, Luo said, Qijia East fork, West fork, North fork, Zhangzhuang, terminal).
  Xingjiazhen (provincial town of civilization, advanced grass-provincial) jurisdiction: 18 village committees (Xingjia, Dongying, Bozha shop, before all, after all, Huang, Song, after many, many before , at home, Yanma, Jituo, Tian Meng, Mao, Xin Bai, Guodian, Mo Wang, Huan home).
  Chow town of jurisdiction: 22 village committees (Veterans Home, Winfield, Li Wang, sub shop, Hao Yuan, Ma family, the hole family, Zhou, Shen, summer home, Hongmiao, Huang, million, Yan home, King House, Shao North, Kang family, Xin Xing, Weihe, building, Shao, Pacific).
  Phoenix from the town (known as the "North South," reputation, is a famous scenic area in Shandong Province) jurisdiction: 24 village committees (to pay the temple, China ditch, fish one fish two fish three fish, four, one summer, summer Second, the summer three or four summer, summer five, six summer, summer seven, from the north, from the south and west, West Fourth, East Gong West Gong, Mu Village, Xin Quan, Wu Dong, Wu North, Unan) .
  Tin Town ("the provincial town of spiritual civilization model", "Model Town of the provincial small towns") jurisdiction: 30 village committees (Grange, the dawn of cattle Wang, Qiu Wang, Liu, Zhang Wang, high-rise, mid- West, mid-east, mid-north, Dazhai, hamlet, Lee Chai, Kwan, historians, in shops, pay the bridge, were King Juan West, Hu Dong Hu, the West, small Pang, large Pang, Yuan South, North yuan, Wen Zhuang, East Port, West Port, North Port).
  Jing home town of jurisdiction: 29 village committees (Chen bridge, Ji Bridge, High King, Liren, Jing a, Jing two, three Jing, Jing four, East Sun, before the Sun, after the Sun, Wangzhuang, Tan Son, Yao Wang, the former high-high, Miss Park, Liu, Wang Ming, Xinzhuang, double jump, Xiao Yuan, Da-Yuan, Cui, Dong Liu, Iraq, the top Liu, after Liu, Jay).
  Chen Town jurisdiction: 25 village committees (Chen, Chen Er, Chen 3, section house, Luo, Western history, Dong Yang, Huang Guo, Wang, down the river, Yao Guo, Zong Choi, South Guo, Dong Pan, Xipan, Teng Village, the former Xue, in Xue, after Xue, Xin bridge, wooden Buddha, Hao Village, South Xue, Mahindra, the prime minister).
  If town (township strong export Zibo City, Zibo economic ten town) jurisdiction: 43 village committees (East Malaysia, west, east, Zhou Fang, Jiang Fang, the former port after port, pay the slope, practicing at home, Wang oblique, Xidian, East Branch, Xu oblique, oblique Chen, West Port, Iraq, the top Lu, after Lu, fruit in the East, the East justice and, if the West, the West and justice, public emergency, the three dragons, Hou Zhuang, Guandong, official, the official West, Long Dong, Long South Long North, Ciron, Fengming, champion, Yangqiao, Wu wear, western pay, face hole, Nanwang, the Jade Emperor, the East to pay, Sha East Sand).
  New towns (provincial historical and cultural town, "Yuyang hometown") jurisdiction: 40 village committees (hair at home, retention, Han, stone house, Lu family, West, I wish the family, Zan home, justice and, Yang, Wang, Cui F, see the home, child depression, Xinsheng, Nie Bridge, Alex, four years, Geng three, Liu three, Cui, Xing Temple, Henan, family palace, east, south, west, north , the new legislation, Garden, Qiaonan, Josie, Joe North, East Jia, Xijiajia, Xingjia, Rosu, Chang Su, Jiangsu, Zhao Su).
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  Huantai in northern Shandong plain south, high and low-lying South, from southwest to northeast dipping. Territory without the mountains.
  Huantai are 11 rivers and streams, located in Shandong in the upper reaches of the mountains, mostly north-south direction, east, black river, there are things pig r., west Xiaofu River; floods south east to the river Danube, the North has a small Qinghe, preparation River.
  Wu River
  Wu River originates from Zibo Linzi District, Wu Xiangnan Department of foothills, passing through the area Road Township, West Village, works six days into the Huantai, then by Huantai Hou Zhuang, Sot, Geng Bridge, from Phoenix and other township (town) Village in the summer to prepare the river to the north into Boxing.
  Pig r.
  R. pig is run through Zhangdian city a natural river from Fengshuizhen Quanhetou via Nam Dinh, Zhangdian city and development zones, and finally into the lake from Huantai Xiaoqing horse riding.
  Xiaofu River originates Boshan Yuwang Hill, bluestone off, Yueyang mountain line in the low mountains, through Boshan, Zichuan, Zhangdian, Zhoucun four districts, the Zouping, Huantai into Xiaoqing, length 117 km drainage area of ​​1908 square km.
  Danube floods
  Danube floods, originated in Zichuan District Kitayama Mountains, flows through the side of Linzi District, Township, Zhangdian Township, Huantai fruit Township, to claim the town city Nanru Wu River.
  Xiaoqing Yishan Mountains in Thailand, the Yellow River, south east northerly flow, the economic South, Fu Zi, Binzhou and Dongying, Weifang, five cities (prefectures), in Shouguang County (now) Shouguang yangjiaogou into the Bohai Sea.
  Preliminary River
  Xiaoqing prepare a tributary river. Huantai west north-east of China Village, Na Xiangyanggou, Xingfu River, sub-Honghe, fish ditch son, Geng Guo ditch, ditch battle, broad rivers and other tributaries.
  Huantai located in the warm temperate continental monsoon climate, mild climate, four distinct seasons, the annual average temperature of 12.5 ℃.
  Huantai County, more types of biological resources, wild plants of economic value of maximum use to the majority of herbaceous species. Domestic mineral resources are iron, copper, coal, sulfur, oil and natural gas.
  According to their economic value and use, divided into seven categories, nearly 300 species.
  1, starch, sugar plant
  Huantai County wild plants are more starchy carbohydrates, the more important are iris, yams, ground loop, Ash, reed, Ling Bai, lotus seeds, etc., throughout the county ditch Cliff Ridge and the Lake District. They contain a lot of spilled powder and sugars, can be used for brewing, sugar, rubber, pharmaceutical and other industrial raw materials.
  2, oil plants
  Huantai County distribution is common, the more important are tree of heaven, black locust, maple, dodder seed, fruit, plantain, yellow to be vegetables, peony, Tribulus terrestris, alkali canopy, marijuana, and other Diospyros child, their seed relatively high oil content, has a wider purpose.
  3, fiber plants
  Huantai County wild fiber plants many of which are available for the textile Apocynum, wild, etc., widely distributed, quantity, the hemp is high, slender fiber (equivalent to 80 fine wool), high tensile strength (approximately equal to Cotton fiber 3 to 8 times), fiber white, soft, fine paper can be used for textile and raw materials.
  4, aromatic plant oils
  Huantai County wide distribution, large output, including volatile oil and more, can be used for food and cosmetics, industrial raw materials.
  5, tannin plant
  Huantai County main cable daisy, Diospyros son, jujube, honey locust trees, an important raw material for the plastic copy, mainly grass for tanning and dyeing fishing nets, and industrial steam boiler water to soften the metal salts.
  6, botanical
  Huantai County has 261 kinds of Chinese herbal plants, mainly in the lake and horse riding in central and northern plains, depressions, south of the geographical distribution of slow post less. The main products are wind, herb, honeysuckle, iris, rushes, Cyperus rotundus, dandelion, horse teeth Amaranthaceae, Plantago, almonds, Po Holland, ternata, dodder seed, melon wilt Jen, Allium, loofah, chrysanthemum , pepper, Sophora japonica, Huaijiao, Cassia, Speranskia, onion sub, castor bean, fig, Campanulaceae, leaves, peach kernel, Artemisia annua, Sophora japonica, Bupleurum, habitat, cockscomb, Daqing root , Radix, Digupi, bitter to the small, lotus seeds, papaya, Codonopsis, per reference, Zeeland, Ze Xi, Salvia, Scutellaria, Forsythia, heterophylla, Anemarrhena, Angelica, Atractylodes, white peony root, red peony , reed rhizome, Yimu planning, Peucedanum, rose, earth mother of pearl, yellow, Mustard Seed, field flowers, Yuanzhi, Bozi, saffron, cumin, barley, licorice, lentils, thistle, Cirsium japonicum, inch winter, Benn grass, eggplant grass, Shuicong, Penni_set_um, dry grass, Su, Chuan Wu, Gorgon fruit, mulberry, tree peony bark, to Master, hibiscus, wolfberry, Tri-grass, which, to Ze blue, mint, Motherwort, Pinellia, SJ, herb, etc. for the authentic ingredients.
  7, aquatic vascular plants
  Lake, 47 species of sub-scribe for two, 20 families, 30 genera and species are the main advantages of reed, lotus root, Cassia Ye Ping, duckweed Spirodela, Vallisneria, Hydrilla, Potamogeton, Potamogeton crispus, etc., the first few species are distributed in northern waters, after several more growing in the southern waters of the ditches, river.
  Wild animal
  Huantai County are mammals, birds, insects and reptiles.
  1 mammals
  There are rabbits, mountain beaver, weasel, to monkeys, foxes, hedgehogs, the current common mammals.
  2, birds
  There are 13 orders, 32 families, 148 species, including birds, 73 kinds of travel, summer birds, 39 species of winter birds, 18 species of resident birds 18 kinds.
  3, animal medicine
  Earth element, sheds skin, Goubian, silk clothing, cicada, The Hives, night out sand, silkworm, silkworm ginger, sub-Ho, Po On sand, snake slough, cricket, oysters, fly insect, earthworm, turtle, turtle , eel and so on.
  4, molluscs
  There are snails (snail, snail lake, ear-shaped carrot snails, black snails, snails, flat spiral, etc.), mussels (Du mussels, mussels long, garden mussels, freshwater shell dishes) into two categories.
  Huantai Cuisines
  Wang Shuyong butter sauce production hoof old trotters braised chicken, braised chicken, meatballs fine win, "first Zibo snack" title was Zibo Food Industry Association as the recommended products. Among them, the "Ying Tong" brand series products have been rated the second session of the National Food Exposition, Wang Shuyong sauce old trotters was named unit of consumer satisfaction, "the tree forever card" was awarded the Shandong sauce Braised Chicken hoof history and culture Cuisines Honor.
  Iron ore
  Domestic iron ore deposits are endogenous, the contact metasomatic skarn-type magnetite, copper, cobalt, sulfur is associated minerals. Mainly distributed in the Hou Hou Zhuang Zhuang three dragons, the total reserves to 16.5 million tons, to south of Hou Zhuang largest reserves of 16.05 million tons. Content in the ore: Fe 38-50%, up 58.5%, grade greater than 50% accounted for 99.28%; copper-containing morning as 0.135 to 1.71%; cobalt content of 0.141%; sulfur content of 0.14 to 0.57%.
  Oil found in Ma, Jing home, the Grange, Zhuang Chen 4 township (town). Gold oilfield area of ​​22 square kilometers, located in the underground oil around 5000-1300 meters, oil well, have a higher value for development, crude oil reserves of about 20 million tons. The late 1970s, has been testing wells 8.
  County South, as well as coal mines, clay mines, tanks hidden in the Carboniferous, Permian strata in the lower part, as covered by Quaternary sediments, is a full-concealed coalfields, there are certain mining value.
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  Be the first year of the Southern Song Shao Zong (1228), _set_ a new County. 1914 renamed beard water County, spin change Huantai. Show horse for the territory of the Duke and the name Taiwan.
  Huantai County home front, belonging to Linzi, long mountain, Kao Yuan to three counties. 1228 (Southern Song Shao _set_ the first year of monitoring the country of Mongolia Tuolei year), _set_ a new County, under the Jinan Explorer House.
  1260--1263 years (in the system years) is Zi state road, 1265 (RMB Yuan for two years) under Zi Lai Road, in 1287 renamed as Road.
  1376 (Hongwu nine) is Zi state, Jinan government is to change the following year. Qing dynasty, followed the next system.
  1913 (Republic of China 2 years), government waste, state, county deposit, Road, Jinan Road, under the new County. In January the following year, renamed the (right plus three written) Water County. April, renamed Huantai County, named for the Duke game horse units. Waste Road system in 1928, directly under the Shandong Province.
  July 1938, North guerrilla column echelon XII XIII detachment in spine care home county, Shandong Province, under the Tenth Commission. Is in October, the establishment of long (Hill) Huan (Taiwan) Pro (Zi) Yi (all) four administrative counties border defense office, under the CPC Qinghe Special.
  April 28, 1940, the establishment of Huantai anti-Japanese democratic government, under the Qinghe Commission. Meanwhile, remove the four counties long-Huan Lin Yi administrative border defense offices. Is the end, change is a clear West Qinghe Executive Officer Office agency.
  January 1942, the CPC decided to withdraw the County Qinghe District, district establishment, the establishment of long-hwan military missions, the executive director of the Office under the Qinghe clear in the agency. Is in July, the agency changed the West is clear.
  August 1943, re-_set_ Huantai anti-Japanese democratic government, under unchanged.
  January 1944, Qinghe and Jilu border merger, said the Bohai Sea administrative region, the Bohai Sea Administrative Region of the sixth Huantai county agency.
  In August 1945, the third change is the Bohai administrative agency.
  July 1949, the third agency was renamed the Qinghe agency, county of its jurisdiction to.
  May 1950, the agency revoked Qinghe, Huantai scribe Zibo agency.
  June 1953, the agency was renamed the Zibo Zibo mining, DC, Huantai classified Huimin agency.
  In November 1958, Huantai into Boxing, under Zibo agency.
  September 1961, re-_set_ Huantai, change is Huimin agency.
  October 1983, Huantai classified Zibo.
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  Huantai old is homogeneous, the folk music has a long history. Spring and Autumn Period, Confucius to Qi Wenshao music, praise, said: "Shao make beautiful, they do good deeds."
  Qing Dynasty to the Republic, the traditional folk music to the most popular playing the suona. Suona playing used for wedding, funeral, life, typical ceremony. For the marriage of music with "The Five", "little lake", "hybrid jack", "Little New Year", "flower", "play dates" and so on. The music for the funeral of "the five" (D tone alto suona), "Primary Six who", etc.; for birthday, celebrations of the music of "big shake gold willow", "Koyanagi shake fund", the play, Tune fixed, widespread.
  The early days of New China, the more accomplished artists are suona Fengming Village Li Yunfeng, Huangjiacun Dongjing De, Building sub-village Zhang Zhongmei and so on. Yu-Yin Lee Huantai folk music inspired by his childhood, Lapping qin playing. He played the "situation will be," "Mountain and Flowing Water" and Guqin music, in home and abroad.
  60-70 years, with the rural amateur art activities to percussion-based amateur music groups throughout the country. The late 1970s, after the seven village schools built orchestra, has participated in the county, to evolve. In 1987, China Village, East towns and villages built in electronic musical instruments, mainly farmers Orchestra. Chinese Village Youth Orchestra in November 1987, Zibo City, the first farmers concert, three people won the first prize.
  Since the founding of New China, widespread in Huantai main comic, Allegro, the number of treasure, Shandong piano book, River drums, bamboo panels, wood drums, Lazi, Yu Gu and so on. County Cultural Center has hosted Shandong quick books, bamboo book, River drums, storytelling and other training courses. Whenever Spring Arts Festival, has staged a number of folk art shows. Home town of Jay Village Liulan Feng Jing, 9-year-old that he learned the Mei school drum River, 20-year-old that tour in Heilongjiang, Jilin and Liaoning provinces, domestic reputation. Huantai more experienced back home in 1961 Communication Arts. Liulan Feng and his disciples Dongxian Bin, Song Fengli evolve in cities have been performed many times in the award. 1980-1987, in the county, the municipal journals published 10 works of folk art.
  Huantai County, mostly folk dance performances in the form of play to play. More typical are dancing, such as butterflies flutter fool. Dancing to people, but also single people, while songs while dancing, the form of lively and cheerful, with a strong sense of rhythm. Butterflies flutter fool play two more for men and women dance. Jun woman play, repeatedly cited, funny, playing, flash and other activities; men and ugly play, do chase, catch, play, flutter action, witty form of humor.
  In 1956, noticing a fool dance evolve regional winners to participate in Huimin. In the same year, the county cultural centers organized to teach dance classes to teach people "car dance", "run donkey," "Ten sister" and other dances.
  In 1959, the County Museum composing little dance "embroidery Dance", "free fat busy" and so participate in Zibo Area Arts Festival. In 1974, self-Dance "series carpet" Benefiting the region to participate in cultural turn, by Performance Award. 1976-1978, the County Museum in the 18 units held dance classes, participate in training more than 1,200 people. In 1986, such arrangement of songs by the Yang Yunfeng dancers "in the field of hope," Song of dancers turn to participate in Shandong Province, was performed the third prize.
  Ming and Qing to the Republic, the Lantern Festival play juggling a folk custom. The main form of stilts, wick, land boat, bamboo horse, lion, dragon, sedan, hubs, rods and other flowers. Distinctive is the stilts, wick, take pole. Stilts can be played alone, but also into the team performance, appearance is very rich in content. There is competition to the traditional story costume, monk learn, White Snake, Eight Immortals, Water Margin characters, three characters and so on. Since the founding of new China, the figure for the appearance by an increasing current events. A propaganda Marriage "husband and wife carrying water" to promote land reform "Landlords" and so on.
  Wick into carry, carry two. Adults will carry the wick with a wick base stuck shoulders, tied at the waist. _Select_ a top boy bundled in, tied down to connect, collaborate performances. Carry a long wick with logs in the middle to cook a springboard, two to cook to prevent rolling of the starting point (when put to use for legs). Were tied 1-2 when playing on the springboard, and carrying logs two by two, hand grasps. Wick performances, the sound of drums and strings in the flowers, take the story, smart and lively form.
  Flower rod is 1.5 m long with a thin bamboo poles, two each to play two 10-cm square hole. Square hole on the middle line of coins, both ends of the decorative wool flowers. With five colors of the winding shaft. Flower rod uniform color, it is Chun play, with the percussion string of flower formation, changing formation. Rod spent playing a variety of tricks, coins rhythmically rushing sound, very enjoyable.
  Since the beginning of 1982, the county department of counseling and organizational culture, the more standardized Huantai civil juggling activities. Lantern Festival each year the town has a claim to the town folk acrobatics team. 1985-1987, each year more than a dozen teams, one thousand folk play play activities. In 1985, the East towns and villages as a vaudeville team Huantai team to participate in Zibo city folk arts competitions, stilt performers get first prize.
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Social undertakings (2007)
  --- Industrial significantly improve overall strength.
  The industrial production of the county's fixed as_set_ investment 7.8 billion yuan, an increase of 18.7%. New investment of 100 million yuan on 116 projects, of which over 40 million. A number of large-scale, effective, high-tech projects coming into production, effective way to boost the county's comprehensive economic strength. Adipic acid, epichlorohydrin, PTFE, vermicular iron formation in 11 products with the industry's largest domestic production capacity. Above-scale enterprises realized sales income of 55.4 billion yuan, profits of $ 5.4 billion, profit of 3.3 billion yuan, up 40.2%, 40.7% and 41%. "Billion business," 60, of which Jincheng sales revenue 11 billion yuan, becoming the county's first "billion business." Significantly enhanced the role of scientific and technological support. Dongyue membrane engineering research, giant corn harvest technology and equipment that projects included in the national "Eleventh Five" major scientific and technological support programs; Dongyue acid resins and ion-exchange membrane industry, Thai Bao inactivated virus filter included in the national project high-tech industrialization projects. Above the level of engineering and technology research centers to 17, including 14 provincial level. 6 scientific and technological achievements to fill the gaps. Xinzeng two national high-tech enterprises, the provincial 5, the county above the provincial level up to 41 high-tech enterprises, accounting for scale industrial output value of 38.44% over the previous year increased by 3 percentage points. New Shandong famous five, four provincial famous trademark.
  --- Urbanization has accelerated.
  --- New rural construction and new steps.
  --- Good momentum of development services.
  County's retail sales completed 5.91 billion yuan, an increase of 17.2%, is listed as the province's service industry focus counties. Ginza Shopping Plaza, the county agricultural chain of distribution centers and other large commercial facilities put into use. The total investment of 1.2 billion Hong Ka consolidated service projects under construction. The total investment of 230 million and economic logistics rail lines to vote with a large logistics and distribution center under construction. Completed the development of tourism in the county master plan and the former residence of Wang Yu-yang, horse riding lake wetland conservation and development planning.
  --- Construction industry developed steadily.
  Jian value of the county to achieve $ 13.8 billion, up 25.4 percent. Jian 36 enterprise value of over billion, of which over 20 billion in two, over $ 1.5 billion in two, over 10 billion 2. Quality and safety made new achievements, won the National Excellent Engineering Award 2, the highest "Tarzan Cup '10. Active industrial development, real estate, building materials, commerce and multi-operation, to achieve diversification value of 3.42 billion yuan, an increase of 22.2%.
  --- Taxation of financial health to run smoothly.
  Actively expanding the backbone of financial resources, to cultivate new sources of income, Jincheng, Bo, Dong Yue, HSBC, respectively, to achieve four business tax 396 million yuan, 3.35 billion yuan, 140 million yuan and 1.2 billion yuan, up 44.4%, 34.9%, 34.7 % and 42.8%, together accounting for 46.5% of the total county tax revenue. Adhere to tax according to law, vigorously organized and income to ensure the timely tax and non tax revenue equalization storage. Construction of public finances in accordance with the requirements and "to maintain pressure and focus" principle, focus on financial security wages, maintaining stability and security focus spending 17 consecutive years to break even. Strengthen the integrity of Huantai, optimize the financial environment, the balance of deposits and loans in the county, respectively, 11.4 billion yuan and 140 yuan, respectively, compared with 8.4 billion and the beginning of $ 3.3 billion.
  --- Opening up with remarkable results.
  --- Further strengthen environmental protection and energy saving.
  To pollution control, environmental protection as a breakthrough in changing the economic development and improve the livelihood of major events task to speed up environmental protection infrastructure. Invested 46 million yuan in urban sewage treatment plant with an investment project is completed, the county seat and peri-urban sewage centralized sewage treatment business. Invested 70 million yuan improve the county economic development zone sewage pipe network construction, all businesses in the region to enter the High-tech Zone Wastewater Sewage Treatment Plant. Investment of 26 million East pigs r. comprehensive treatment project completed. Strengthen pollution control, banned off 11, cut-off control 29, time limit for rectification 17. Focus on improving the ecological environment of the county to develop a comprehensive improvement of urban river system program. County businesses for pollution control and energy savings of 480 million yuan of investment, environmental quality is getting better, sulfur dioxide, COD, smoke, dust emissions by 8% reduction over the previous year, 10%, 4.6% and 8.2%, county yuan GDP energy consumption, million increase in the value of large-scale industrial energy consumption, the value of large-scale industrial water withdrawal million increase over the previous year were down 5.3%, 9.5% and 10.8%. Jin Cheng, Bo Feng and other 19 companies were identified as the province's comprehensive utilization of resources. 2007 is the largest investment in the county environmental protection, pollution control efforts to the maximum, the maximum effectiveness of the work of the year.
  --- Prosperity and development of social undertakings.
  Implementation of education development strategy, all exempted from compulsory section of more than 50,000 students incidentals; entrance achieve better results, undergraduate admissions 1923, nine people were Peking University, Tsinghua University admission. Raise the overall level of health protection, the county hospitals and the establishment of cooperation, Qilu Hospital of Shandong University Qilu Hospital Huantai Branch; new rural cooperative medical participation rate of 98.8%; invested 2.8 million yuan renovation construction of 50 village clinics; implementation of health professionals training project county fiscal year, beginning from the fifth consecutive year, each invest 100 million for education and training of medical personnel in rural areas. Population and family planning has made new achievements, new birth control in sex ratio 107 or less. Implementation of the county free premarital examination. Implementation of rural film "2131" project, specifications, the new culture, compound 115, passed the province's social and cultural re-evaluation of advanced counties. In the city park, the residential area and 55 villages in supporting the construction of health facilities, the success of Huantai the first Games to promote fitness activities and sports development. Continuation of "Huantai County" was published. Personnel, statistics, auditing, prices, oil region, military service, radio and television, aging, foreign affairs, defense, archives, etc. are made new achievements.
  --- Social Security continues to increase.
  --- Democracy and legal system and spiritual civilization construction has made new achievements.
  Consciously accept the county people's congress and CPPCC county supervision, proactive reporting, informed government work. Deputies proposed 54 for the year, CPPCC members 135, for satisfaction and general satisfaction was 100%. E-office systems up and running, improve the level of office automation. Strengthen the social order, and attach great importance to petition and complaints from the masses, improve the social conflict mediation mechanism to maintain social stability. To further strengthen and implement the safety production responsibility system, relentlessly good job security, production safety situation is stable. Strengthen the administration, and optimize the development environment. The socialist core value system solid progress, ideological and moral construction widely carried out, the whole society to further improve the level of civilization.
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Historical figures
  Peng Zhen
  (Formerly known as Kung Fu Mao, October 1902 - April 1997), native fruit town Yuhuangge Village, was born in Shanxi Province, on the mound Quwo Houma Town, Village, a poor peasant family. As early as 1888 due to natural disasters forced the home, like his grandfather Fu Yi carry a five (Kung Fu Mao's great-grandmother, old father, FU Wei-Shan and aunt), a pole with two baskets from famine and _set_tled in Shanxi Province. 1910 FU Wei-grandmother remains have been sent to the mountains to return to hometown. Kung Fu Mao joined the revolutionary, he was in the underground struggle against the use of many aliases, was renamed in 1937, Peng Zhen.
  Peng Shimoda childhood with his parents work during the day, all night textile line, suffered the hardships of life the pain, he joined the grandmother anger against bullies from bullying. 12-year-old began to read the private school, established in 1922, was admitted to the first secondary school in Shanxi Province, for salvaging the country's roads. Joined the Chinese Socialist Youth League in 1923, He joined the Communist Party of China, Shanxi Province founder of the Communist Party organization. Revolution, member of CPC Taiyuan branch, secretary of Chinese Communist Youth League party secretary, Taiyuan, Tianjin, PRC prefectural two (district) committee, a (district) committee, three (district) party committees, the CPC Tianjin to Committee Organization Department, member of staff movement, in Taiyuan, Shijiazhuang, Tianjin, Tangshan and other organized labor movement led the student movement. After the failure of the Revolution, he served as acting secretary of the CPC Tianjin Municipal Committee, secretary and other staff, the Chinese Communist Party in the northern region's major leaders. As betrayed by a traitor in 1929, he was arrested in Tianjin, tortured violence, unyielding, the organization was arrested comrades with a traitor, enemy agents to fight. His sentence after his release in 1935, he served as head of the CPC Tianjin working group, organization and leadership of all walks of life carried out in Tianjin anti-Japanese movement. In May 1937, Chairman of the delegation as a white area to participate in the party held in Yan'an National Conference, was the Assembly officers. Listening to the basic problems of the Chinese revolution of Mao Zedong and Marxist philosophy and profound exposition, combined with the experience and lessons of the Chinese revolution, Mao Zedong, he found a worthy leader of the Chinese Communist Party.
  1937 Sino-Japanese War broke out, he was involved in the deployment in northern guerrilla war to create anti-Japanese base areas of work. The Shanxi Branch of the CPC Central Committee in 1938 (Northern Branch) secretary, together with Nie and other development, the consolidation of the Shanxi anti-Japanese base areas. Border area is the expansion of the Sixth Party Central Committee of the Bureau as "anti-Japanese base areas behind enemy lines and exemplary model of the united front area." In 1941, in Yan'an to the Central Political Bureau and Chairman Mao Zedong, the border area to report specific policies and experience in party building by Chairman Mao Zedong highly, saying it "is Marxist" by the Party Central Pizhuan the base areas. Since then, stay in the center, education at the Central Party School, Vice President, Organization Department of CPC Central Committee, minister of urban work, participate in the leadership of the Yan'an Rectification Movement. In Yan'an, he summed up the party's historical experience, thinking the whole party to Chairman Mao Zedong as representative of the correct line up in the Party leadership in the establishment of Mao Zedong Thought, the backbone of the party's leadership to develop, for the conduct of enemy territory, Kuomintang party's underground work area, made a significant contribution. In 1945, a party of seven and the Seventh Plenary Session of the Central Committee and was elected Politburo member, was added in August the same year as secretary of the Central Committee alternate.
  1966 to 1976 "Cultural Revolution", he was wrong criticism, lose all his posts inside and outside, and personal freedom, but still care about, think about the party and the country's future, destiny, with Lin Biao, Jiang Qing, a group of resolute struggle. After the third plenary session, the CPC Central Committee declared: "Cultural Revolution" in "Comrade Peng Zhen imposed on all the various charges and slanders from the truth, should be overturned."
  His long-term leadership, presided over the construction of socialist democracy and legal system work. In 1954, he joined the New China's first constitution-making, and leadership of the criminal law and other legal drafting. After the Third Plenum of the Party, he was selfless work around the clock, presided over more than three months on the development of China's first Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure Code and other seven major laws. In 1980, he served as vice chairman of the Constitutional Revision Committee, presided over the constitutional amendment directly to the work. Since 1979, he led the development of a series of national institutions, civil, criminal, proceedings, economic, foreign and other important aspects of the basic law for China's socialist legal system has laid a solid foundation.
  In 1988 he stepped down from leadership positions, the still has been concerned about the party and the country's future, destiny, the changing international attention. Make recommendations to the Central seriously and firmly support the central work.
  April 26, 1997, he died of illness in Beijing, home very sad people, have held a variety of commemorative activities, painful memory of the highly respected and loved, a guest in their native home of his childhood family. October 11, 2002, Peng Zhen, the CPC Central Committee General Secretary Jiang Zemin at the 100th anniversary commemoration of his speech that Comrade Peng Zhen was a great proletarian revolutionary, statesman, an outstanding statesman, a firm Marxist , principal founder of China's socialist legal system, an outstanding leader of the party and state. He is the Chinese people's liberation cause, the cause of socialist revolution and construction, the establishment of immortal deeds, by the whole Party and people respected and loved.
  Li Industry
  December 1945 to July 1946, he was in office during the platoon leader, led the soldiers have captured the enemy Su Shebao, new eight Second Artillery, seventy-five mortar of two, 92 heavy machine guns, one light machine gun 4, grenade launchers 5, more than 320 branch rifle, quite a battalion of weapons and equipment. In the attack on Po Toi City, he led the commandos braving enemy fire, boarding ladder Shangpan 7-meter-high walls, ladders to be interrupted by the enemy, players with the ladder fall. Face the enemy in three cases, Chi Industry calm wit, the grenades thrown into the sentry, sentry rushed into the smoke by night, enemy to death three people. Eventually, the commandos rushed the wall, wiping out two squadrons puppet.
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English Expression
  1. n.:  Huantai County
Related Phrases
Salt companiesSaltSalt Bureau
Containing Phrases
Huantai County Salt BureauHuantai County Traditional Chinese Medicine HospitalHuantai county chiefly Elementary School
Huantai County experiment Middle SchoolHuantai County demos HospitalHuantai county hygiene preventorium
Huantai county Haitian HotelHuantai county Yinghua HotelHuantai county Shopping Center Hotel
Huantai county visitant HotelHuantai County maternal and child care service centreHuantai county Yuwang Hotel
Huantai county Windage Zhenggu HospitalHuantai county Huagou Psoriasis training school HospitalHuantai County The red cross (society) Zhenggu Hospital
Huantai county nephropathy Training school hospital dispensaryHuantai County Build installation engineering Company HotelHuantai county Liangyou Boycott Mansion Hualiang Hotel
Huantai County Construction works Corporation Jiangong guesthouseHuantai county cotton Cutting factory Yinhua Hotel
Classification details
ExpandZhoujia TownExpandTangshan Town
ExpandSuozhen TownExpandGuoli Town
ExpandChenzhuang ZhenExpandXincheng Zhen
ExpandMaqiao TownExpandChengqu Subdistrict
ExpandTianzhuang TownExpandXingjia Town
ExpandQifeng TownExpandJingjia Town
Huantai economic development zoneShandong province Dongyue International fluorine Silicon stuff Industry Garden
Wang Yu-yang MemorialHuantai Mata Lake