Chinese literature studies : paper > classical documents
English Expression
  1. n.:  classical documents
bible, classic bible
Related Phrases
bookdictChinese historytangchao
cyclopediaCharacterslibrary nationalLiu Zongyuan
bibliothecaCatalog studyaddressMore results...
Containing Phrases
classic bibliographyclassical documents specialityChina classical documents
tomorrow classical documentsChina classic bibliographyclassical documents morphologic
classic bibliography adeptCelebrity classic paper scholarNanjing university classical documents Institute
Classical documents Research Tenth SeriesTechnology Shihe Classical documents adeptChina classic bibliography vocabulary
Classification details
Expandthe Twenty-Four HistoriesExpandshicang
ExpandbrushworkExpandcollectExpandthe Book of Odes
ExpandglossologyExpandclassicsExpandThe book of change
ExpandDunhuang paperExpandChina painting and calligraphy seal cuttingExpandzizang
ExpandWanqingsida Denounce novelExpandclassical novelsExpandtomorrow classical documents
History scholardigestannals
royaltyan ancient style of calligraphy, adopted in the Qin Dynasty (221— 207B. C.)for the purpose of standardizing the script; Hsiao chuan— — the lesser seal style Chinese characterquantity
unofficial historyalmanacfacility
effectdissertationposthumous manuscript
editor's notesmanualanthology
Gregorian correctionsaddendumversion
acquisitionrhythmical prose characterized by parallelism and ornatenessmean
exegesisseigneura rubbing from a stone inscription
epigraphin the style of annalsbamboo slip used for writting on
lostbook reviewmandarin
(of books) clothboundversionformat
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