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  人文自然资源丰富 全镇辖20个村,1个居民委员会;170个村民小组,10个居民小组;面积199.7平方公里。2005年末有耕地面积12686亩(其中水田11493亩,旱土1193亩);山林面积25.3万亩(其中林地21.06万亩);森林覆盖率71%,木材蓄积量50.5万立方米;河溪干流40余公里;年末总人口15762人(其中农业人口3935户,14484人,非农业人口1278人),男性人口8267人,女性人口7395人,农村劳动力8389人;全年人口出生率10.9‰;死亡率7.5‰,自然增长率3.4‰;初步建成新农村示范村一个。
  电力资源丰富 建有3万千伏和1.5万千伏升(变)压站各一座,是炎陵县“三点一园”工业区的一个重要工业发展点区。目前,全镇境内建成水电站15座,装机容量达4.5万千瓦。镇域内拥有各类企业542家,其中较大规模企业7家(阿尔法化工厂、天元化工厂、湘顺硅业公司、和鑫硅厂、宏发硅厂、神农玻纤厂、横溪江硅厂),从业人员1965人,年完成企业总产值1.2亿元,工业产值6600万元,税金、产值比2000年增长1倍以上。主要产品有硅铁、玻纤、工业氯酸钾、木材、楠竹、红砖、石灰石等。
  城镇发展迅速 城镇面积达到1平方公里,城镇街道、环卫排污、供水、供电设施完备,镇区设有公安、汽车客运、交通警察、国税、地税、工商、邮政、电信、信用社、中国移动、联通等分支机构;拥有石油加油站;集市有农贸市场、商贸宽广的一条街和商住小区,大型宾馆、酒楼、饮食店多家。
  红色旅游胜地 拥有毛泽东同志亲自主持连队建党纪念地――叶家祠,毛泽东同志旧居――桥头江家,中国工农红军第一军第一师第一团团部旧址――朱家祠,红军打靶场――松山坝。同时,水口镇还得存有独具特色的晚清客家民居――戴家大屋和赖家大屋等等。
  交通、通讯网络健全 全镇21个村(居)委会开通程控电话,建成移动、联通信号发射塔5座,信息畅通无阻。全镇公路总长159公里,其中国道22公里,县道23公里,乡道34公里,村(林)道80公里,贯通两广、江西省要道;拥有各类汽车70余辆(含农用车),手扶拖拉机(含耕田机)90辆。
  经济发展迅速 全镇社会消费品销售额8500万元,集市贸易成交额超亿元,年末城乡居民储蓄存款3600万元,人均2320元,农民人均纯收2150元。
  社会事业发达 全镇有科技示范户215户,其中省级1户,市级25户,县级189户,科技培训人数2550人;各类学校3所,其中中学1所,中心小学1所,合格幼儿园1所,幼教托儿所5所,学龄儿童入学率100%,年巩固率小学为99.8%,中学98.5%;建有万册图书馆1个,年末藏书6.2万册;有中心医院1所,村级卫生室16个,医生52人;新建敬老院1所,近1000㎡,入住人员30人;计划生育率达99%。
Water Town, Huizhou City, Guangdong Province
  Huizhou City Water Town Street office outlet (outlet street offices) located in the eastern city of Huizhou, is one of the first provincial government to determine the center of town. Town has a total area of ​​120 square kilometers, has jurisdiction over 17 administrative villages and three community committees, with a total population of about 11 million, of which household population of 50,000 people, 60,000 foreign population. In the first half of 2007 to do the basic situation of the whole first half of the economy are as follows: 1, the rapid growth of major economic indicators. 1-6 months, I do GDP was 875 million yuan, an increase of 23.5%. Three industrial output value of 3.584 billion yuan, an increase of 19.4%; industrial output 2.9 billion, an increase of 18.2%; tertiary industry output value of 603 million yuan, an increase of 27.5%; agricultural output value 081 million yuan, an increase of 7%. 666 million yuan in fixed as_set_s investment, an increase of 12.1%. The total retail sales of social consumer goods 290 million yuan, an increase of 25%. Achieve total revenue 69.66 million yuan, an increase of 42.4%, of which 39.66 million yuan tax, an increase of 37.1%, tax 30 million yuan, an increase of 50%. The per capita net income of 2,958 yuan, an increase of 7%.
  . In recent years, the outlet Street office has won the "mass sports activities in Guangdong Province advanced units", "Huizhou City of rural grassroots organizations six good demonstration town", "Huizhou City of rural grassroots organizations township party six good art" and "Huizhou City Ten civilization civilized city small town "and so on.
  Tertiary Industry
  With outlet street offices and industrial Shuo growing growing industrial park, the population living in the outlet Street office will be more and more people need to live entertainment, leisure and shopping, which provides a broad industry for the third prospects; outlet from the Huizhou city center is only 4 kilometers, between Huizhou extremely convenient; self-drive through the benefits of Australia's Road can be reached within ten minutes of Huizhou city center, the benefits of belonging to the city 15 minutes radius of the home, you can rely on good Huizhou outlet from the Daya Bay area is just 20 minutes, the crowd at the Daya Bay working out Hui Hui O Avenue along the city streets must go through the Office of the Great Lakes Creek outlet strip, outlet will become an important logistics Daya residential center, but also will become; urban perfect matching residential base important economic zone.
  Outlet Street Office Tower III industry to flourish, with the "Blue Wave Beach Garden House," "Pearl of the East River ecological garden noble community," and a number of real estate projects to create live classical _set_tled, and covers an area of ​​100,000 square meters of large-scale commercial planning and construction of the city, the next outlet will be formed as a leader in real estate, commerce and trade, tourism, leisure and entertainment based, nurturing environment based on the tertiary industry development pattern.
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No. 3
  水口镇 面积:200.09平方千米 人口:15600人 。邮编:412505 代码:430225103
  炎陵县水口镇是炎陵南片交通枢杻,电力供输和商贸中心,水泥公路直接连通南片其他5个乡镇,106国道纵贯全镇。是井冈山斗争时期毛泽东同志主持连队建党的纪念地,1927年-1928年,老一辈无产阶级革命家率中国工农红军数次进驻水口,是井冈山革命根据地的重要组成部分。人文自然资源丰富 全镇辖20个村,1个居民委员会;170个村民小组,10个居民小组;面积199.7平方公里。2005年末有耕地面积12686亩(其中水田11493亩,旱土1193亩);山林面积25.3万亩(其中林地21.06万亩);森林覆盖率71%,木材蓄积量50.5万立方米;河溪干流40余公里;年末总人口15762人(其中农业人口3935户,14484人,非农业人口1278人),男性人口8267人,女性人口7395人,农村劳动力8389人;全年人口出生率10.9‰;死亡率7.5‰,自然增长率3.4‰;初步建成新农村示范村一个。农、林、牧、渔业总产值4085万元,其中农业产值1562万元,林业产值593万元,牧业产值1762万元,渔业产值8万元,服务业产值180万元;农作物播种面积28022亩,其中粮食作物21927亩,经济作物6095亩,其主要产品产量粮食8326吨,其中稻谷8039吨,油料101吨,茶叶4吨,水果260吨,水产品12吨,牲猪出栏26920头,年末存栏12980头,耕牛存栏1477头,家禽出笼26300羽,禽蛋产量21吨,全年完成造林面积450亩,幼林抚育2590亩,油茶垦复1300亩,笋竹两用林300亩,木材生产量6500立方米,楠竹生产量5万根。电力资源丰富 建有3万千伏和1.5万千伏升(变)压站各一座,是炎陵县“三点一园”工业区的一个重要工业发展点区。目前,全镇境内建成水电站15座,装机容量达4.5万千瓦。镇域内拥有各类企业542家,其中较大规模企业7个(阿尔法化工厂、天元化工厂、湘顺硅业公司、和鑫硅厂、宏发硅厂、神农玻纤厂、横溪江硅厂),从业人员1965人,年完成企业总产值1.2亿元,工业产值6600万元,税金、产值比2000年增长1倍以上。主要产品有硅铁、玻纤、工业氯酸钾、木材、楠竹、红砖、石灰石等。
English Expression
  1. :  weir Town,  Shuikou Town
Related Phrases
Jianghua Yaozu Autonomous CountycoeducationdoctrineTuojiang Town
Containing Phrases
Qingshuikou TownLiangshuikou TownWeir town Juweihui
Nanxiong city Weir town Wooden Craft factoryKaiping city Weir town Jianhui Craft factoryGutian county Weir town Wankou village Craft Erchang
Classification details
Banqiao VillageShuinan CunShuixi Villagepeach Yuan Village
Shuikou CunXilong VillagePair MountainXiaowan Village
Ziyuan VillageGuancangxia VillageBaiyuan VillageXialong Village
Liankeng VillageZaoshu VillageMuwan VillageTaoling Village
Yanchi VillageDatang VillageWeir town JuweihuiChacun Village
Jiangcun Village