County : China > Hubei > Xianning > Jiayu County
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Jiayu County
  Code: 437 200 Code: 421 221 Code: 0715
  Pinyin: Jiā Yú Xiàn English translation: Jiayu County
  Jiayu is located in southeast Hubei Province, south of the Yangtze River, east longitude 113 ° 39'-114 ° 22 ', latitude 29 ° 48'-30 ° 19'. North and Wuhan, bordering South near Dongting Lake in Yueyang, Chibi east, west and Honghu across the River. County narrow, long 85 km wide and 5.7-17.9 km and a total area of ​​1017 square kilometers, of which 712 square kilometers land area, water area of ​​305 square kilometers. Total population 37 million (end of 2007). County jurisdiction over 8 towns: fish mountain town, land town, Gaotielingzhen, the official Town, New Street, Pan bay, crossing the town common, Paizhou bay, and the first pier farm. Fish mountain town in the county government.
  Located in the mountains and the Jianghan Mufu junction, can be divided into the alluvial plain of the Yangtze River, Southwest kryazh plain and cutting Hill three kinds of residual topography, terrain slope from south to north. Ground elevation in 18-26 meters. Yue southeastern fish, big rock, Tau, such as residual hill 39 Shushan, the highest elevation of 243 meters for the large rock. Southwest border by land into the Yangtze River water. Rivers, clouds, large lakes with large rock lake, honey Spring Lake, White Lake, Shu Lake, West Lake Liang, ax Lake. Subtropical humid monsoon climate, annual precipitation is 1380 mm, average annual temperature of 17 ℃.
  Mineral resources, coal, manganese, bauxite, gold, iron, copper, phosphorus, oil, calcite, limestone, fire-resistant stone. Specialties are char Matang and so on. East of Beijing-Guangzhou Railway, Beijing-Zhuhai Expressway and 107 National Road, the Yangtze river built Lu, breakwater, Pan Jia Wan, Interaction state Deepwater Port. There are Neolithic monuments and site of Shang and Zhou dynasties, three "Battle of Red Cliff" figure to be an important place - Lu Kou, Yan Tsui, pillar, Shushan, Fulongshan and Ding Feng tomb, Lvdai tomb, and Tau Forest Park, River reservoirs and three lakes connected.
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Jiayu Overview
  [Location area] Jiayu County, Hubei is located in south-east, the south bank of the Yangtze River. Area of ​​1018.4 square km / 1017 sq km / 977 square kilometers
  [National] population, the end of 2004, population 363,581 people.
  [Terrain] climate char to the Yangtze River alluvial plain, the ground elevation in 18-26 meters. Yue southeastern fish, big rock, Tau, such as residual hill 39 Shushan, the highest elevation of 243 meters for the large rock. Terrain sloping from south to north. Rivers, clouds, large lakes with large rock lake, honey Spring Lake, White Lake, Shu Lake, West Lake Liang, ax Lake.
  [PC] resident fish mountain town in the county government. Code: 437,200. Division code: 421 221. Code: 0715
  Jiayu is located in the north and south of the Yangtze River in Wuhan border, only 80 kilometers from Wuhan, Dongting Lake Yueyang near the south east, Beijing-Guangzhou Railway, Beijing-Zhuhai Expressway and 107 National Road, Jingzhou Honghu West and across the River. Fort Ancient name Shayang County. West Jintai Kang Dynasty (AD 280), based County - Sand County. Paul too eleven Southern Tang (AD 953), take the "Book of Songs Xiaoya" in the "south char, steamed and then cover cover," meaning, named Jiayu. County system has been established history in 1724. 1 field has jurisdiction over 8 towns, 164 administrative villages with a total population of 36 million people. Average annual temperature of 16.9 degrees Celsius, annual precipitation is 1380 mm. Mineral-rich, coal, bauxite, gold, iron, copper, oil, fire-resistant stone. Industry has chemical, textile, building materials, machinery, paper making, shipbuilding and so on. Major agricultural producing sesame, ramie, rice, cotton and so on. There are Neolithic sites, land Xikou, pillar, Shushan, Fulongshan, Ding Feng tomb, Lvdai tomb, Niutoushan Forest Park, River reservoirs and three lakes with scenic.
  20 acres within the pollution-free vegetable base, 17 million mu of high-quality crab base and the largest fish back to the U.S. catfish seed breeding base, year-round vegetable cultivation area of ​​45 acres, an area of ​​25 hectares of aquaculture. A first in Asia, the world's second clay-type gold deposits; a nationally renowned high-performance magnetic materials, with a cable bridge, electronic lighting and other products of scientific research and production base; building a national point of "China post-doctoral" base; a national A-class products together music licensing Simmons, and a number have won the national best char Matang, departmental standards and provincial superior title of the famous product. There Yangtze River to the east, single stream 30 miles west of the Yangtze River Bay - Brand Island Bay; the first group, Hubei - Bridge eight groups; famous ancient crown of three ancient battlefields and Zhou Yu circumvent the headquarters of Jingzhou - Lu mouth, beautiful scenery and leisure tourist destination - and three lakes with scenic river, as well as meta-cultural landscape and cultural heritage of the Southern Song Dynasty. Has been initially built vegetables, aquatic products, poplar, animal husbandry, high-quality rice, ramie and other large agricultural base and 10 gold, textiles, chemicals, electronics, food, lumber, leather, etc. 9 pillar industrial system. In 2003, the county achieved a GDP of 2.901 billion yuan to complete the full-caliber financial income 153 million yuan, foreign trade export 30 million U.S. dollars, per capita net income 2627 yuan, the county's comprehensive economic strength among the city's No. 2, the province's first 22. For "Fairview South, land of plenty" Jiayu has won the "vegetable of the township" and "crab town" and "gold town" in the world.
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Natural environment
  Located in the mountains and the Jianghan Mufu junction, can be divided into the alluvial plain of the Yangtze River, Southwest kryazh plain and cutting Hill three kinds of residual topography, generally form a "mountain Sanshui quarter fields, roads and two sub-manor" of landscape pattern . Terrain sloping from southeast to northwest, the lowest altitude 18 meters high 243 meters, most of which 19-50 meters in height
  Char in the Yangtze River alluvial plain, the ground elevation in 18-26 meters. Yue southeastern fish, big rock, Tau, such as residual hill 39 Shushan, the highest elevation of 243 meters for the large rock. Terrain sloping from south to north. Rivers, clouds, large lakes with large rock lake, honey Spring Lake, White Lake, Shu Lake, West Lake Liang, ax Lake.
  Located at longitude 113 ° 39'-114 ° 22 ', latitude 29 ° 48'-30 ° 19', located in the south of the Yangtze River, bordering the north of Wuhan, Wuhan, only 80 kilometers from the south near Dongting Lake in Yueyang, east of Beijing-Guangzhou railway Beijing-Zhuhai Expressway and 107 National Road, west across the river in Jingzhou Honghu
  Land area
  County strip of terrain, throughout a long 85 km wide and 5.7-17.9 km, with a total area of ​​1017 square kilometers, of which 712 square kilometers land area, water area of ​​305 square kilometers.
  Arable land
  In late 2003, the county register of arable land 38.65 mu, including 16.41 million mu of dry land, 22.24 mu of paddy field.
  Climatic characteristics
  Subtropical humid monsoon climate. With four distinct seasons, mild climate, humidity, sunshine, rain and heat in the same quarter, and long frost-free period. Within the plains and hilly climate there is no obvious difference.
  Temperature conditions
  County's annual average temperature 17.0 ℃. The coldest month of January, average temperature 4.5 ℃, extreme minimum temperature -12 ℃; hottest month is July, with an average temperature of 29.2 ℃, extreme maximum temperature 40.2 ℃. Frost-free period beginning on March 13-16, all day on November 16-28, the annual frost-free period 249-262 days. Barrier due to Mufu Mountains, winter, spring, cold and warm air at the intersection of the Yangtze River, the winter temperature drops slowly, early spring back to temperature quickly, agricultural boundary temperature (5 ℃ stable through the duration of) the average first day on February 27, all day long in December 10, with some is different from the South, but also different from the northern climate.
  The county average annual rainfall of 1370mm, the main feature is uneven space, inter-annual changes, droughts and abnormal changes. Large and up to 1812mm, the amount of hours of 849mm, a difference of 963mm. Partial flood season is February to June 7-October is a partial dry season.
  Soil type
  Can be divided into red soil, limestone soil, alluvial soil, paddy soil and meadow soil five soil types. Red loam (brown-red soil) located in the southeastern county to Bridge, Beacon, etc. based, soil acidity, is the main upland soil hilly county. Limestone soil found in the southwest part of the isolated residual hill County, mainly in the town and land of high Tieling Town, part of the official Town. County north, and south-west part of the plain of alluvial soil, is the county's largest and most widely distributed of the main dry soil. Distribution of paddy rice growing areas in the county, formed by the long-term hydroponic ripening. Meadow soil in the Yangtze River marshland outside the ground.
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  Yang Jiayu ancient name of the sand castle, West Jintai Kang Dynasty (AD 280), based Sand County, dating back 1,700 years. Bao Dai eleven Southern Tang (AD 953), according to "The Book of Songs • Xiaoya • south char": "south char, steam and then cover cover. Gentleman and wine, guests Yan style to music," _set_ Jiayu, along the ages. 1949 is Mianyang area. Daye area is 1951. 1952 is Xiaogan area. 1959 is Wuhan. Into Wuchang County in 1960. Restored in 1961, is Xiaogan area. 1965 is Xianning area, regional, territorial level in 1998 Xianning.
  Char name Shayang ancient castle. Western Jin Taikang first year (280) Sand County home, is Wuchang County. Jianyuan Southern Qi Dynasty (478) Province County into Jiangxia County, Southern Chen _set_ the first year (557) re-_set_, is on the Juan County. Kaihuang 2009 (589) into Puqi County to County in the sand ditch Okiayu town. Southern Tang liters per year (937) to change the town for the games (City), Paul Big Ten a year (953) liters field of Jiayu, due to take "small Yanan with Jiayu Book of Songs," the meaning of its name, is Ezhou, Yuan is Wuchang Road, Wuchang is the Ming and Qing government in 1913, is Jianghan Road 1916 is a province in 1932 is the first Chief Inspector.
  1949 is Mianyang area. Daye area is 1951. 1952 is Xiaogan area. 1959 is Wuhan. Into Wuchang County in 1960. Restored in 1961, is Xiaogan area. 1965 is Xianning area, regional, territorial level in 1998 Xianning.
  In 1997, Jiayu area of ​​1017 square kilometers, population 338,000, exempted 10 5 rural town: fish mountain town, Pan bay, crossing the town common, Gaotielingzhen, the official Town, Laoguanju town, land river town, Interaction Zhou Zhen, Shu Qiaozhen, New Street, Hatta village, together towns and villages, Hu Shan, Yandunxiang, cinnabar Township. Fish mountain town in the county government.
  2000 the fifth census, the county's total population of 358,646, of whom (10 towns, 4 townships): Lu Town, 18257 people, Gaotielingzhen 18,855 people, Shu Qiaozhen 13,965 people, the official Town 11921 people mountain town of 94,297 people fish, xinjiezhen 26,919 people, Pan bay 36277 people, 16423 people crossing the town common, Dadiwan mouth town of 19,792 people, 55,533 people licensed Island bay, 8026 Tiger Shan people, who Hatta Township 13093 , cinnabar township 11 176 people, Yandunxiang 14,112 people.
  The end of 2004, the total population of 363,581 people Jiayu. Jurisdiction over 8 towns, 22 neighborhood committees and 82 village committees.
  As of the end of 2005, Jiayu jurisdiction over 8 towns. A total of 18 neighborhood committees and 82 village committees.
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Administrative Division
  As of December 31, 2005, Jiayu jurisdiction over 8 towns. A total of 18 neighborhood committees and 82 village committees.
  Fish in fish Yue Yue town government, population 95,136 people, an area of ​​101.2 square kilometers. Exempted six neighborhood committees, seven village committees: East Street, South Street, West Street, North Street, Fangzhuang, Alan Hill, land wharf, breakwater head protection counties Island, South Gate Lake, ten well spread, iron slope, side Chuang.
  Lu Lu Kou Town, the town government in a population of 25,174 people, an area of ​​92.3 square kilometers. Exempted two neighborhood committees, eight village committees: Lu River, Tiger Mountain, pillar, Copper Mountain, Indian Mountain, Guanzhou Qiu Bay, Ou, Tiger Mountain, Garden.
  Government in the high-high Tieling Tieling town, population 31,909 people, an area of ​​120.8 square kilometers. Jurisdiction over a neighborhood, 10 village committees: high Tieling, Yang Shan, Shiquan, Riverside, Hatta angle, Guangji, white fruit, water, land, new village, Kowloon West.
  Bridge Bridge shop in town government, population 35851 people, an area 162.8 square kilometers. Exempted three neighborhood committees and 13 village committees: Shu Bridge, Bridge, cinnabar, Shu Bridge, Paomaling, White Lake Temple, Yin, cinnabar, Hong Kong and South, Kwun Yam Temple, Ushiyama, M. Port, Liao Bridge, Bridge , Shek Kwu Ling, Hunan and Hubei.
  New Street on the Royal Government in the town, population 27,587 people, an area of ​​129.3 square kilometers. Jurisdiction over a neighborhood, eight village committees: New Street, the Royal March, Ma On Shan, Yu pier, sun A mountain, Hong Kong East, Sand Lake Ridge, Shu Hong Kong, three farm.
  Pan Pan Jia Wan Government in the bay town, population 48,697 people, an area of ​​146 square kilometers. Exempted two neighborhood committees and 11 village committees: Pan Bay, Dadiwan, Xiaojiazhou, three Bay, Guandangcun, Cangwu Ling, Pan Jia Wan, Four Counties, Long Lake Canton, Laoguanju, wool shore, farm Lake, East Village.
  Government in the ferry crossing the P & P port town, population 30,314 people, an area of ​​114.2 square kilometers. Exempted two neighborhood committees, eight village committees: Du Pu, Beacon, Beacon, Puqi lake, paved road, the net fort, Zhuang, crossing the general population, Yang Tsui, East Lake.
  Interaction Island bay town government in the horse that survey, the population of 66,910 people, an area of ​​151.9 square kilometers. Jurisdiction over a neighborhood, 14 village committees: Interaction Island, a large embankment, embankment Liu, Chen Fang, a new continent, re-yang, the Fort, flower port, Kwong Fuk Um, Paizhou, Jinjia Zhou, Xiasha mouth, Dongling, King Lane, Village House Ridge.
  Other (state-owned farms pier head) exempted three village: the first pier, East Lake, recovery.
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Resource property
  Jiayu is located in the Jianghan alluvial plain, is a subtropical humid monsoon climate, abundant sunshine, rainfall, land-living fat, rich, known as "Jin Township South, land of plenty" in the world. The county is rich in vegetables, crab, catfish back to the U.S. Fish and grain, cotton, oil, tea, fruit, hemp, poplar and other agricultural products, has completed the initial 40 acres of pollution-free vegetables, 15 acres of Island Bay crab license, 150,000 Yang Mu-speed business, high-quality ramie 6 acres, 2 acres of high-quality tea, 3 acres and 20 acres of reed quality mango rice, canola 18 acres, 2 acres of peaches and plums, ten high-quality agricultural base. Main minerals are gold, coal, manganese, aluminum, silver, iron, calcite, Clay and refractory sand, county snake house Gold Mine Phase proven gold storage up to 40 tons, Department of "first in Asia, the world's second "Large red clay-rich gold deposits. The county has developed calcium stone mining, marble and other chemicals, building materials more than 20. Relying on superior resources, the county has been built of gold, textiles, electrical machinery, chemicals, building materials, food, forestry, eight pillar industries such as brewing industry, a new field-Tech Industrial Park, Shi Jing Industrial Park and New Street shop, Pan Bay high-tech demonstration vegetable garden, Guanqiao eight groups postdoctoral base.
  Main agricultural products are rice, wheat, cotton, sesame, ramie, tea and so on. In particular, rich sesame seeds, sesame products is the base for counties. The territory of more lakes, fish to fish reputation, the water can be raised 23.6 million acres, 13.08 acres of stocked water. Mostly for plantation forestry, forested area of ​​33.15 hectares, the forest coverage rate of 26.4%, is the pilot counties to create a plantation. There smelting industry, hemp, linen, silk, paper, fertilizer, cement, ceramics, tiles, shipbuilding, steel, mold, electrical and other 50 major products. Formed a refining, light industry, textiles, building materials, machinery, chemicals, food-based industrial system.
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  The south bank of the Yangtze River in southeastern Hubei Jiayu County, in the case of Wuhan city circle, called the "upstream of the Yap Wuchang, Xianghu hub of the area." Jiayu land area of ​​1017 square kilometers, 46 million mu of arable land, generally form a "mountain Sanshui quarter fields, roads and two sub-manor 'of landscape pattern. Town, county jurisdiction 8 1 field, with a total population of 36.45 million people, is the first country to open an important region and the Yangtze River economic belt zone. Currently, the county of vegetables, aquatic products, ramie industry characteristics obviously, is the province's famous "hometown of vegetables," "Crab Town", "back to the fish of the town." In recent years, a lot of work by the provincial government's recognition, was named the provincial town of civilization, farmers' income counties, the province's advanced industrial economy, social security comprehensive management of advanced units, the province's petition work advanced unit, and won the Hubei Urban Planning and Construction Management "Chutian Cup."
  Comprehensively promote the whole county, "Agricultural enriching, rejuvenating the industrial county, city driving, and coordinated development" strategy, focused on building a large park, attracting large projects, to do big industry, make great service, the county's economy has maintained a good momentum of development. GDP of the county completed 2.98 billion yuan, up 14.3%; rural per capita cash income of 3244 yuan, an increase of 14.5%. Million to 10 months in fixed as_set_ investment 1.256 billion yuan, up 66.6%; the development of industrial enterprises above designated size to 73, the added value of 1.18 billion yuan, up 29.1%; complete revenue 242 million yuan, accounting for annual plan 82.75 percent, an increase of 36.2%.
  Industrial economy:
  Jiayu preliminary construction step of the textile industry, chemical industry, building materials, food processing, mineral and other five pillars of the system. (1) building a large park, the county built in accordance with the "Industrial Park, city highlights," the general idea, high standards of planning, a large investment in construction, total construction funds invested 150 million yuan has been built area of ​​2826 acres. At present, 25 enterprises in the park, which invested 13 billion project. Introduced this year alone, 14 projects, of which over nine billion project, total investment of 3.85 billion yuan, has invested $ 520 million. (2) attract large projects. Yuan to October, the county investment projects signed 47 new contract funds 3.85 billion yuan, 860 million yuan of funds in place, an increase of 22.7%, accounting for 120.4% of the annual plan; present, 18 projects put into operation, under construction 19. (3) to run a large industry.
  The project has been put into operation 3: ① invested 260 million yuan of special steel project in stone; ② investment of 120 million vocational school project DFH; ③ investment of 100 million Wanglaoji beverage items; eight projects under construction: ① Investment Lake Spa 600 million project; ② invest $ 300 million Shenhai shipbuilding project; ③ Manganese strength of $ 250 million investment project; ④ 2 billion investment in gold Kerry Wood project; ⑤ investment of $ 170 million cards Island Bay oil and gas drilling projects; ⑥ invest $ 100 million Andean disinfectant project; ⑦ invest $ 100 million electric car project; ⑧ invest 100 million yuan Lai Fute pharmaceutical projects; ready to start 6 projects: ① 900 million investment per paper and pulp project life; ② Gezhouba investment of $ 600 million cement project; ③ invest $ 300 million project audio products; ④ invest 160 million yuan of new material wood items; ⑤ unified invested 150 million yuan beverage and food items; ⑥ invest 130 million yuan steel production project.
  Agricultural economy:
  (1) implement the "double hundred" project, the county financial arrangements 10 to try to grow 100 million yuan to introduce new varieties, training, 100 technology demonstration households;
  (2) specialized industry: In recent years, due to the rapid development of vegetable industry, Jiayu was named the "National Model County to create pollution-free agricultural products," "pollution-free vegetable production bases County," "competitive agricultural counties vegetable base plate construction." ; present, the value of the county area of ​​53 kinds of vegetables acres, 25.5 acres of surface area of ​​aquaculture, including pollution-free vegetable base of 25 million mu, 200,000 mu of high-quality aquatic products base;
  (3) accelerate the mountain development, formulated the "mountain of investment and development incentives and other agricultural resources to implement the views of" other policy documents;
  (4) construction of new rural areas, actively implement the "Hundred Thousand Villages Town" project, the county identified 15 pilot villages.
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Urban construction
  Jiayu is located in southeastern Hubei Yangtze River. In 280 AD, the city established the county home, county name from the "Book of Songs, a small Yanan with Jiayu." The river holds the county seat, three lakes with the Yangtze River, the water turn around the Castle, the city in the water side is its realistic portrayal. Lies to the natural charm gave birth to a char, southern landscape garden city of the grand blueprint of the human scenery given char. In recent years, Jiayu characteristics of urban construction to landscape with Water Garden City as the goal, transforming the old city, new city, a new, modern features and with rivers and lakes of the Park landscape garden is blossoming now.
  Continue to strengthen the economic capacity of urban infrastructure construction. Jiayu years, Jiayu take government-funded, attract investment projects, sector funds, community financing and other measures, raising a total of nearly $ 500 million to accelerate construction of landscape garden city. Expansion of city size to 8.4 square kilometers, forming three vertical and five horizontal urban road network, road mileage of 67 km hardening rate of 98%; laying drainage pipes for 76 km daily water supply to 20,000 tons from the previous 60,000 tons; New housing more than 50 million square meters, construction of bridges 5; planting seedlings 500 000, 350 acres of scenic forest, green area of ​​520,000 square meters, urban green coverage rate reached 29%; has a professional market and the overall market, 6, completion of 220 kV substations a VA 150,000 and 110,000 volt substation 3.
  Highlights the city's personality and taste of the new district. Tea Temple new master plan area of ​​65,000 square kilometers, built-up area reached 300 square kilometers, 20,000 existing residents. New construction in the tea hut, in the good infrastructure, the principal is to seize the city's character reflects the green, three construction and landscape lighting, well-designed, especially novelty seeking, in order to fully display the city's personality and taste.
  New green building in the combined characteristics of the Yangtze River Delta, with emphasis reflects the large green, multi-level green features. Framework for the road to urban greening, greening administrative leisure Square plate to unit garden for the green cells, making the implementation of empty green, Poqiang through the green, green all the people see the green plug every action, so as to achieve green points to the courtyard, Square piece green, green road off the New line, the formation of public landscaping, street landscaping, garden landscaping, residential green dotted lines combine the overall coordination of the new pattern of green. Structural system, change the pattern of a single green lawn, focus on the rich green variety and coordination, so that the next three on the green space at the same time see, through the green, the formation of new district a good landscape. New lighting in the building to _set_ off the features, show personality for the lighting standards, street lamps and other lighting fixtures and lamp _select_ion and installation, all reflect the city's character and personality, one night, a fresh and bright Water Park present in people's eyes. New lights installed throughout more than 260 kinds of lights, lighting light box 138, building lighting and garden lights 200 lights, lighting funds invested a total of more than 400 million yuan. In landscape construction, we are not seeking large, but to good, fully reflect the landscape of exquisite detail, the hydrophilic characteristics of rivers and lakes close to the people. We play near Lake County District geographical advantage, the investment of 600 million yuan, the south side of Lake Avenue in the lake area building natural landscape and cultural landscape, sports and entertainment viewing 1000 meters sand beach area, the formation of the county's largest water platform and unique place to relax.
  City planning
  Depict the overall planning of urban development blueprint. In 2002's third master plan revision to the county town Xingzhi characterized as political, economic and cultural center for the development of industry, trade, tourism-based, with rivers and lakes characteristic of the landscape garden city. The formation of the county, "one core, two, three-, four districts," the city's new framework. In the new framework, the county District will focus on building an urban ecological landscape axis and two distinctive urban growth axis.
  Planning Center Park, Jiayu County Area for the city and the ecological function of two things depending on the Gallery link points to improve the urban environment, reflecting the city's character, shaping the landscape characteristics of rivers and lakes the city's landscape garden area. Overall planning of the urban population size and land use planning scale were made, namely 2005,2010,2020, the city's urban population reached 100,000, 115,000, 160,000, land for construction to 8.4,10,14.5 square kilometers.
  Lead the development of urban construction focus. The next phase of construction of the county district the amount of focus from mere expansion to improve function, improve quality, meet the economic development and tourism development needs of start up of quality improvement, construction arrangements for the project focused on the residents leisure facilities, industrial park construction, and three lakes with River attractions development, in order to enrich the city meaning, to show the city's character, foster urban development potential.
  Mainly to do: First, construction of urban facilities. That make urban public toilets, transfer station construction and urban "Duantou Lu" hardening. Second is to accomplish the construction of public leisure facilities. That is, grasp the south side of one thousand meters sand beach along the lake road, Xiongjiaju Leisure Square and other key projects, with each unit courtyard building and community residents leisure farms, accelerate the construction of recreational facilities. Third, speed up the construction of Industrial Park Ten shop. Leather that quickly start planning construction of industrial park, industrial park key consideration throughout the layout of coordination between the various professional park and supporting infrastructure, rapid scale. Fourth, start the development of three lakes with scenic river. That is good bathing beach construction, to guide the construction of social capital first profit margins within the scenic area of ​​service facilities, tourist attractions and then drive the development.
  Act as a powerful booster of the county economy urban construction investment projects. Construction investment projects must be of urban as_set_ management, profitable investors. These projects are generally large investment in a short time is difficult to create profits. Ten county area paved industrial park construction, scenic river and three lakes with the construction of tourist facilities, comprehensive entertainment construction, schools construction project to open investment, by widening the time span operators to attract foreign investors.
  Continue to mobilize the social forces and the relevant functional departments of the government to play up the role for the project, construction and urban-related infrastructure. Play the role of community in urban construction, according to different arrangements for community building within the community of self-financing public leisure facilities, community occupied a small public facilities.
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Tourism resources
  Three lakes with Reservoir
  Jiayu three lakes with river reservoir from the east and south sides of town around the side, located at latitude 29 ° 55 '~ 30 ° 00 °, longitude 113 ° 53 ~ 113 ° 56'. Reservoir because of the artificial lake to its original white, plum negligent Lake, small lake (also known as golden shrimp lake) clear, and connected with the Yangtze River is named after - even the river and three lakes.
  Three lakes with river built Niutoushan Forest Park, Yue Gongting, Guanyin Pavilion, in possession of the house, such as South Temple, Island lake recreation and other attractions. Hubei Province is a famous scenic lake side by side tourist attraction. Domain in the Baiyun Mountain Reservoir, Niutoushan, Ma On Shan area lying between the remnant hills, an area of ​​30.64 square kilometers bearing rain, library area 14.4 km2, elevation 19 meters above sea level at the end of libraries, with a total storage capacity of 104.68 million cubic meters control storage capacity of 82.24 million cubic meters, the effective capacity of 56.5 million cubic meters.
  Reservoir was built in 1959, after a year supporting the reservoir structures are: a main dam, a total length of 3166 meters, two auxiliary dam, total length 1110 meters. The main secondary dam crest elevation of 30.7 m above sea level. Ma On Shan into a flood gate, gate length 23 meters, 3.5 meters high, flow 24 m3 / s, irrigation canal 3, channels are built gate, drainage length of 59.4 km. Three lakes with Jiayu County Reservoir is the backbone of irrigation facilities, and three lakes have been formed with the center of a Reservoir for the storage, flow, provide large-scale irrigation and drainage system, causing the fish Yue, Guan Qiao, New Street, crossing the common , Pan Bay, aunt Chau pier six towns and farms were the first to benefit 30 million mu of farmland, which has 14 acres of basically a vegetable garden.
  Three lakes with river not only beautiful, but natural reproduction of fish and more species of the original species base, annual 200,000 kg of fresh fish, fish fry 100,000 kg. After building a database, the county built three lakes in this connection Reservoir farms, stocking 18,000 acres of water, 274 acres of fine aquarium, aquarium send 1160 acres, in the library while taking advantage of the center, surrounded by water Niutoushan afforestation, the establishment of There Niutoushan forest, planting area of ​​700 acres, also has Niutoushan orchard farm, planted with orange, pear, 400 acres.
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Jiayu specialty
  Jiayu Jiayu specialty sesame oil
  Char sesame oil: the traditional refining process, clear, aromatic fragrance and rich nutrition.
  Jiayu Matang
  "Char Sesame Chips" is a unique local flavor food, as early as the Song Dynasty in 960 AD, began production, with 1000 years of history, with a fragrant, sweet, white, thin, crisp, pure taste, long shelf life seven characteristics, nutrient-rich, young and old. Has been awarded provincial and ministry-quality products have been awarded Gold Medal Chinese Food Fair, the provincial fairs fine Gold, Gold Award for customer satisfaction. Products sold throughout the country, exported to more than 10 countries and regions, by consumers, many of the central leadership as a gift to foreign friends and well received. Sesame seeds produced by washing with a white color, grain full shiang, etc., contains many amino acids, widely used in food industry, selling home and abroad, is the point of export products in Hubei Province.
  Char fish
  Jiayu Water Area 46.11 hectares, of which 36 acres of water can be raised. There are fish consumption within the county for the group of 44 families of terrestrial plants, aquatic plants, 90 kinds of coverage up to 90%. More than 60 species of benthic, planktonic animals and plants dense, nutrient salts, water rich, great value.
  - The policy of reform and opening up to the char aquaculture development a high flying wings. Jiayu aquaculture has a long history, from the "Book of Songs," "south char, its steam Qin Qin," the poem can get a glimpse. The aquaculture industry has gone through four stages: the liberation of a small amount of natural farming and fishing stage, cultivation area in 1978, only 6.1 acres, aquatic products 2475 tons, production of fry 92000; 1980 to 1995 for the rapid development stage; from 1996 to 1999 for the structural adjustment phase; Since 2000, the county has shown rapid development of aquaculture situation. In 2007 the county area of ​​25.5 hectares of aquaculture and aquatic products output reached 80,000 tons, output exceeded 750 million. Currently the county has more than 20 aquatic specialized villages, large aquaculture of 10 million yuan in output value of more than 600 households, 50 million yuan more than 100 households, 100 million yuan with 30.
  - Construction of production bases to reinforce the Jianhou Jiayu aquaculture development foundation. Currently, the county has a larger scale aquaculture production base, the existing state-run farms 9, 42 collective farms, fishing villages professional eight years of regular production of 650 million fry; Yangtze River fish fishing shed 10, 50 million fish caught all kinds of end; catfish fish breeding point of 85, was hatched fry 1 billion; crab breeding bases in 28 breeding area of ​​17.2 acres; frozen seafood processing 4, fishing team of four, to form a brand Island Bay, Lake ax , Xiliang Lake, Rock Lake, close to the center of Spring Lake intensive five mu-chip and ax Lake, Lake Xiliang two acres pens piece.
  - To enhance the technology content of aquaculture development to enhance competitive Jiayu stamina. In 1985, first introduced in the country Jiayu Channel Catfish, and reproductive success in 1989, selling fry catfish, Guangdong, Guangxi, Fujian, more than 20 provinces and cities. While exploring the Yangtze River Catfish artificial incubation and breeding technology, to capture a giant salamander artificial breeding difficulties. Granville was introduced, I hope, big sea, Long and other brands of high feed 5,000 tons, and actively promote pollution aquaculture. Channel Catfish cage culture, pearl culture, eco-crab, giant salamander breeding, crab cultivation, Wang Xiangyang eel breeding base in Jiayu and other technology everywhere.
  - Developing initiatives to attract investment into the development of aquaculture Jiayu great vitality. Since reform and opening, Jiayu year from Shanghai, Jiangsu, Liaoning, Tianjin and other places has introduced more than 100 merchants, the cumulative 12 billion into funds, the development of famous area of ​​15 hectares of aquaculture. Businessmen in the field of influence and lead, the county launched a boom in aquaculture, all walks of life have become shareholders investment, capital of 5 million shares.
  - The adjustment of product structure for the development of aquaculture Jiayu spice. Jiayu waters favorable natural environment, farming shell blue crabs, at the end of white, yellow hair, golden claws, a big, yellow full, fresh meat, Ministry of Agriculture as "pollution" crab production base. Channel Catfish county has 200,000 parents group, has become the Channel Catfish seed production of the first counties. Jiayu county full use of the advantages of seed and water resources, the first in the Castle, White Lake, Shiquan reservoir development of cage culture fish Channel Catfish into a total area of ​​72.5 acres, cage 2450, production reached 3,500 tons. Kerry is a radical improvement in the quality of the parent channel catfish tail harpoon, the introduction of the original American catfish species 500 000, U.S. Channel Catfish improved seedlings county degradation phenomenon. Jiayu the freshwater shrimp, lobster, eel, Huangsangkouzhen, catfish, turtles, turtle, salamander and other species of aquaculture development with high quality, very fast, very competitive, the outlook is very impressive.
  Days of His Career, sea diving. Jiayu county's rural economy, aquaculture has become a pillar industry, has been named the National Fisheries hundred counties, the province's top ten counties and the province's aquaculture aquatic advanced group. In September 2001, Jiayu Fisheries Management Office was awarded the "Hometown of Hubei crab" title and became the province's only win of the counties; October 2003, Jiayu County, Hubei Province Fisheries Management Office will be included in Jianghan plain fisheries sector development counties (cities); 2005 Channel Catfish farming pollution into the cage through the provincial breeding base for the record; January 2006, Jiayu County, Hubei Province Fisheries Office to grant a large rock lake farms accounted for Fork-tailed seed provincial plaque field; 2007 char has been created into the ranks of the county, Hubei Province Fisheries. Char fish always keep in mind to seize the opportunity to accelerate the development of the aquaculture into rural incomes, agricultural efficiency and economic growth of the carrier.
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English Expression
  1. n.:  Jiayu County
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