prefecture-level city : China > Henan province > Zhoukou
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  Zhoukou Tourist Complaint Phone: Zhoukou tourist complaints Tel :0394 -82214118273901
  Henan Tourism complaints Tel :0371 -65,506,775
  State Tourism Tel :010-65275315 Complaint Zhoukou Best Travel Time: located in warm temperate, hot summer and cold winter weather.
  Best Travel Time: spring and autumn. Zhoukou Food: horse beef, tofu
  Cuisines horse meat has always been the Central Plains, the product has bright color, inside and outside the red, pure incense is not greasy, the fluid characteristics of chewing, the third gold medal awarded China Famous Fair, domestic products, are exported to Southeast Asia. The "crescent" delicious beef, beef products Zhen Yan a dozen varieties.
  Zhoukou Shopping: Specialty: Miss Taiwan, lotus root, commercial water rose, Luyi celery, West cattle, Huai goats, mandarin ducks, Shu Zhuang fries, Lianhuaweijing, Huaiyang lily Zhoukou Transport: West close to the Beijing-Guangzhou railway artery, the northern Hsu (Chang) Dan (City) narrow-gauge railway from east to west, the Southern Luo (river) Fu (Yang) Railway passing through. Zhoukou - Luohe expressway from Beijing to Zhuhai Expressway west to the east is under construction Zhoukou to Jieshou Expressway, connecting the central and western regions is an important Zhoukou channel. Shenqiu - Zhoukou - Zhengzhou highway section of highway is being phased Zhoukou construction. Zhoukou Accommodation: Hotel Name Address Phone stars
  Lotus Lotus Hotel key cities in the 18th Avenue (0394) 4319988 ★ ★ ★
  Six-way Zhoukou Zhoukou City Guest House 5, North (0394) 8234569 ★ ★
  Zhoukou plains along the eastern section of seven hotels Zhoukou 88 (0394) 8224911 ★ ★
  Zhou middle, Bayi Road, Cotton Hotel Zhoukou 29 (0394) 8224751
  Lu Meng Luyi County Cotton Beach Hotel, 88 Street (0394) 7223499
  Trident Holiday Inn Zhoukou southern section of Daqing City (0394) 8233388
  Zhoukou Entertainment: Zhoukou vast waters, Yinghe, Shahe, Garro River, Guo River, southeast of Fen River runs through the northwest. Vessels gathered in Hanoi, mast, such as forests, known as "Little Wuhan," said. Dragon Boat Festival in early summer each year, where huge crowds of people, thunderous applause, people together from all directions Zhoukou, watching the annual Dragon Boat Festival Dragon Boat Association.
  Dragon Zhoukou is the hometown of the famous Central Plains, the Dragon Boat Festival Dragon Boat downtown customs and traditions here. Dragon Boat Dragon Boat and southern Zhoukou different southern tip of the long head of the dragon boat body, and Zhoukou boat flat, short head, nimble nimble, easy to turn around. Southern dragon decoration less Zhoukou boat with silk, flower color of paper thick heavy equipment, luxury pretty. Zhoukou when dragon boat races, dragon boat each have a fixed "good", "pull Boating hand" and "drummer" and ten "draw a hand." We work together to act in harmony, dance paddles, boat flying.
  Dragon boat race events Zhoukou addition to races, there is a tug of war, catching ducks. Tug of war when a rope connecting the two dragon boat, the two sides struggling to paddling in the opposite direction. Tug of war tug of war over land, water complex, in addition to competitive forces, there are skills and wisdom of the contest. Paddling's paddle board, like riding to the feet, to the fixed site, to be struggling the water, there are not slack. If you want to beat each other, people need to work together to win the ship.
  Zhoukou festival, fireworks Shayinghe the water one after another, the dragon boat swing surf, shore cheered. Enjoy "Jiangbei Dragon" the reputation of Zhoukou boat, really recreate themselves a great sport.
  Code: 0385
  Zip Code: 466000
  Location: Located southeast of Henan Province.
  Area: 11,900 km2
  Population: 1000 million
  Administrative divisions: jurisdiction Chuanhui Qu, Xiang cities and Huaiyang, Luyi, fugou, Shen Qiu, Tai Hong, Dan Cheng, West China, commercial water 8 counties
  Zhoukou city is located southeast of Henan, Anhui Pro, jurisdiction over 8 counties and 1 city Zone 1, the total area of 11,900 square kilometers, population 10,060,000. This ancient Holy Land, has a long history, springs from a long, is the birthplace of Chinese ancient culture. Fu Xi's the beginning of mankind are Wanqiu Zutai Hao (now Huaiyang County), for the gossip, home networking, Christian hunting and fishing; Chinese goddess Nu Wa's are West, Tuan made man, refined stone Sky, genesis of all things; Chen Yan Emperor Shen Nong, the Original (now Huaiyang County), tasted a hundred herbs, art grain, Christians out with farming, and create a Chinese plant, breeding a new era; the ancient sages, the head of the world famous 100 originator of Taoism Lao Zi (name Lier), born in Bitter County (now Luyi County), West Valley, the Han, a thousand words "moral", spread through the ages, Jingwei China, China's first peasant uprising leader Chen Sheng and Wu Guang Chen City (now Huaiyang) to establish "Zhang Chu" China's first power of peasants; outstanding Chinese students to learn at home Tuan also in Luyi County; Bao Zheng Chen under the state disaster relief, leads to the famous story of a period; China's last feudal dynasty, Emperor Yuan was born in Hong Xianhuang this key city; famous Japanese generals Ji Hongchang born in Fugou County; Chen, Li, Xie Zu Genyuan more than ten surnames in Zhoukou.
  The long history and splendid culture in this ancient land Zhoukou left many monuments, forming a rich tourist resources. Here is the ancient Chinese culture focus of regional tourism. "Three Kings" the mausoleum of the first Taihao Fu Xi's tomb, covering 870 acres, five to shine, glossy golden temples, majestic and impressive; Fuxi Perception for gossip painting Gua Taiwan Pavilion bar Yi Cai, Cooper green; Fu Xi before making the gossip holy white painted turtles in 1984 from the banks of the Millennium Gua Ling Taiwan reproduce; Old City dating back 4600 years Wanqiu site level food units, recently unearthed in China, an ancient era of the earliest City Site. Tsai Chen must pay Confucius, to commemorate the plain hard to music in the station, renovated, lake built altar, HL Ying day, Bihe take days; I hometown Taiqing Palace, the palace built imitation Chang, Nine Dragon, "congenital Empress the like, "the monument dependence; I Immortals, and floated into heaven Laojun Terrace, altar building, dignified simplicity;" Three Kings, "one of the Goddess's the capital of West China City, a beautiful environment Nu-commerce has become a tourist attraction; help Ji Hongchang Memorial ditch recorded performance of the immortal hero of circulating vancomycin; Zhoukou City Temple, well-preserved, ancient Chinese architecture, sculpture, art, smelting and other processes blend of ancient buildings; Yuan residence, elegant and unique, rather the Central Plains Modern residential atmosphere; Nanton Old City building beautiful, with ancient city; Huaiyang pruning Park, Evergreen singular form, bird, beast, Pavilion, tower, Court, Place vivid, lifelike; Huaiyang around the city than the West Lake freshman times the 16,000 acres of water, Pu Wei lush, fragrant flowers, blue water boating, playing in the water lotus, fishing, barbecue, and fun. Zhoukou new "China five thousand years of" tourist attractions, the concentration of China's five thousand years of history, imitation of the Great Wall construction, the Chinese building the Great Wall of the building off ratio of 1:1 mosaic, jade carving, stone carving, clay sculpture will be kings phase, more than ten thousand saints respected scholar, Branch Church _set_ up a "Great Wall" within.
  Since the reform and opening up tourism in Zhoukou City has made great progress, accelerate the construction of scenic spots, a variety of services and constantly improve. Convenient transportation and advanced communication facilities, four-star hotels, fully equipped; three travel agencies, the team excellent, excellent service, I launched out cultural tours, cultural tours Fuxi, plain tourist lines, such as Confucius travel around the world tours.
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  Banks of the beautiful Zhoukou City in Henan Province Shayinghe southeastern jurisdiction Huaiyang, Luyi, fugou, Shen Qiu, Tai Hong, Dan Cheng, West China, commercial water and Chuanhui Qu, Xiang eight counties and one city a city area, total area of 11,900 square kilometers, an area of 1170 mu of cultivated land, with a total population of 1070 people, cultivated land, with a total population of the province's No. 2 ranking.
  The end of 2005, the total population of Zhoukou 1070 million, of which agricultural population of 954.7 million non-agricultural population of 115.3 million. Population annual birth rate is 11.05 ‰, mortality rate was 5.71 ‰, the natural growth rate of 8.34 ‰. Zhoukou abundant labor resources, surplus labor force of 400 million people.
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Administrative Division
  As of December 31, 2005, a municipal Zhoukou City area, eight counties, hosted a county-level city; the city a total of 9 streets, 85 towns, 91 townships.
  Zhoukou area of 11,988 square kilometers, population 10,820,000 (2008).
  Chuan Huiqu area of 269 square kilometers, population 46.2 million. Zip code 466000. District People's Government in the north bank of sand.
  Key urban area of 1083 square km, population 1.17 million. Zip code 466200. Municipal People's Government in the water Zhaizhen
  Fugou County area of 1173 square km, population 73 million. Zip code 461300. County People's Government in the county towns.
  Xihua County area of 1194 square kilometers, population 87.6 million. Zip code 466600. County People's Government in the county towns.
  Shangshui area of 1314 square km, population 1.17 million. Zip code 466100. County People's Government in the county towns.
  Taikang area of 1759 square kilometers, population 138 people. Zip code 461400. County People's Government in the County of West Zone.
  Luyi County area of 1238 square km, population 1.16 million. Zip code 477200. County People's Government in the county towns.
  Dancheng area of 1471 square kilometers, population 130 million. Zip code 477150. County People's Government in the county towns.
  Huaiyang County area of 1407 square kilometers, population 134 people. Zip code 466700. County People's Government in the county towns.
  Shenqiu County area of 1080 square kilometers, population 123 people. Zip code 466300. Huai Zhen People's Government in the county.
  * 2004,2005 some counties changes in the administrative regions, cities and counties where the population size based on the adjusted update *
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  Zhoukou a long history, the ancient is Chen Chu, the ancestor of all the Wanqiu sleep (now Huaiyang), ancient times, Sovereigns and Five Emperors have thrived in this, the history of the "China Herald, Kyushu shrines" reputation. River, the Ying River, Garro Sanchuan River intersection contains the history of Ming and Qing Dynasties "thoroughfare five provinces, who mixed all directions, merchants, heard the voice of North and South", known as China's "Little Wuhan" of reputation. Zhoukou area is one of the important birthplaces of the Yellow River culture.
  Zhoukou, also known as Zhou mouth, is located in Shahe, Ying River, Garro River meets West. In the early Ming Dynasty, it is only exchange of agricultural products of farmers near the town; and by the Ming Yongle, due to the Huaihe River, River, and the opening of the Ying River water transport, town north bank of sand by the expansion of the early Ming to the south of Shahe, in order to facilitate the exchange of goods, In the south of the meridional Street (now Street) opened up a ferry, there are others in this week, and from the ferry last name, so called Zhou Ferry, "Zhou mouth," hence the name.
  Town of the most prosperous period of the Zhou had only 116 street, each street has its own specialties, such as the Pa promoter Street is selling bamboo, and twine Street is exclusively in sacks, playing brass basin copper Street is designed to do so bronze, and have averaged two blocks to build a temple. Although the Zhou Town, there were 116 streets, but its business mainly by the transit trade is developed, these transit trade, mainly in eastern and southern Henan between, the output of the state of commodities by Chen, Kaifeng, the government produced two farmers by-products mainly produced in southern silk input Zeyi, groceries based. Yang Shan said that Zhou has been described as the bustling commercial port at the extent of "Business-Benz" words, is very appropriate.
  Zhou was then in the end the size of port business to what extent? Yang Shan said, Nankai University, Professor Xu Tan was the Zhou dynasty, Shanshan Guild Hall mouth of two monument eighteen years as the basis, in accordance with the construction of Shan Guild Hall from merchants in the "thousands of PCT smoke a" fund-raising principles, projected population in the Zhou The name of Shanxi and Shaanxi merchants, only those who can test, there are 164 sitting Jia, peddler 320, total 484.
  Chin Ming Dynasty Twenty-six years after the then Zhou Xiong Tingbi mouth, he wrote a song called "too Zhou mouth" of the poem, which sentence goes: "Myriads of Lights Mou Jiangpu, Han Gao sails like gathered." Which means Zhou prosperous port city of Nanjing Pukou night like as brightly lit as the day of sailing, as gathered in Hankou. "This shows that the degree was bustling." Zhou mouth or in real time the rise of the Qing Dynasty. Qianlong period, Chow ferry port has opened 16, the most prosperous residents reached when four or five million people, while the floating population can reach hundreds of thousands, it also won the "South Capital" and "Little Hankow" in the world , a city of Henan, one of the four major commercial.
  This ancient Holy Land, a long history, is the birthplace of Chinese ancient culture. Fu Xi's the beginning of mankind are Wanqiu Zutai Hao (now Huaiyang County), for the gossip, networking Kwu, Christian hunting and fishing; Chinese goddess Nu Wa's are West, Tuan made man, refined stone Sky, genesis of all things; Chen Yan Emperor Shen Nong, the Original (now Huaiyang County), tasted a hundred herbs, art grain, Christians out with farming, and create a Chinese plant, breeding a new era; the ancient sages, the head of the world famous 100 originator of Taoism Lao Zi (name Lier), born in Bitter County (now Luyi County), West Valley, the Han, a thousand words "moral", spread through the ages, Jingwei China, China's first peasant uprising leader Chen Sheng and Wu Guang Chen City (now Huaiyang) to establish "Zhang Chu" China's first power of peasants; a famous ancient Chinese military strategist, Battle of the important conductor Xie was born in Chen (now Huaiyang County); China, Chen Tuan is also outstanding students to learn at home in Luyi County; Bao Zheng Chen under the State Disaster Relief , leads to the famous story of a period; China's last feudal dynasty, Emperor Yuan was born in Hong Xianhuang this key city; famous Japanese generals Ji Hongchang born in Fugou County; Chen, Li, Xie Zu Genyuan more than ten surnames in the week mouth.
  The long history and splendid culture in this ancient land Zhoukou left many monuments, forming a rich tourist resources. Here is the ancient Chinese culture focus of regional tourism. "Three Kings" the mausoleum of the first Taihao Fu Xi's tomb, covering 870 acres, five to shine, glossy golden temples, majestic and impressive; Fuxi Perception for gossip painting Gua Taiwan Pavilion bar Yi Cai, Cooper green; Fu Xi before making the gossip holy white painted turtles in 1984 from the banks of the Millennium Gua Ling Taiwan reproduce; Old City dating back 4600 years Wanqiu site level food units, recently unearthed in China, an ancient era of the earliest City Site. Tsai Chen must pay Confucius, to commemorate the plain hard to music in the station, renovated, lake built altar, HL Ying day, Bihe take days; I hometown Taiqing Palace, the palace built imitation Chang, Nine Dragon, "congenital Empress the like, "the monument dependence; I Immortals, and floated into heaven Laojun Terrace, altar building, dignified simplicity;" Three Kings, "one of the Goddess's the capital of West China City, a beautiful environment Nu-commerce has become a tourist attraction; help Ji Hongchang Memorial ditch recorded performance of the immortal hero of circulating vancomycin; Zhoukou City Temple, well-preserved, ancient Chinese architecture, sculpture, art, smelting and other processes blend of ancient buildings; Yuan residence, elegant and unique, rather the Central Plains Modern residential atmosphere; Nanton Old City building beautiful, with ancient city; Huaiyang pruning Park, Evergreen singular form, bird, beast, Pavilion, tower, Court, Place vivid, lifelike; Huaiyang around the city than the West Lake freshman times the 16,000 acres of water, Pu Wei lush, fragrant flowers, blue water boating, playing in the water lotus, fishing, barbecue, and fun. Zhoukou new "China five thousand years of" tourist attractions, the concentration of China's five thousand years of history, imitation of the Great Wall construction, the Chinese building the Great Wall of the building off ratio of 1:1 mosaic, jade carving, stone carving, clay sculpture will be kings phase, more than ten thousand saints respected scholar, Branch Church _set_ up a "Great Wall" within.
  June 8, 2000, the State Council for approval: (1) revoke Zhoukou City and County of Zhoukou, the establishment of level Zhoukou. Municipal People's Government in the newly established Chuanhui Qu. (2) the establishment of Chuan Huiqu Zhoukou City, the original county-level administrative region Zhoukou City Chuan Huiqu the administrative region. District People's Government in the street. (3) Zhoukou Shixia Zhoukou area Shangshui, Huaiyang County, Taikang, Luyi County, Xihua, Fugou County, Shenqiu County, Dancheng and the newly established Chuanhui Qu . The original items in Zhoukou area directly under the city by the Henan Province.
  In 2000, according to the fifth national census data: the total population of 9,741,283 people Zhoukou City; Chuanhui Qu Xihua 820 319 666 779 323 738 Fugou County Shenqiu County Shangshui 1,093,686 Huaiyang 1229357 1151994 1079278 Dancheng Tai Luyi County County 1,254,680 1,052,468 1,068,984 cities (at current administrative division; unit: person)
  October 22, 2004, originally part of the rural population to move Huaiyang County official was placed under the jurisdiction of Chuanhui Qu, moving mouth Huaiyang County in the southwestern part of town, west Chuanhui Qu, with a total area of 66 square kilometers, 19 village committees, 81 villages, 158 villagers groups. "watermelon brothers" of the home to move ports in the gatehouse of administrative villages under the jurisdiction of rural village of Lee.
  In 2005, Zhoukou adjustments township administrative divisions: Chuan Huiqu revocation of vegetables Township, the southern suburbs of town, moving port town, the streets were _set_ up corresponding offices (east, south, north, moving mouth 4 streets). Mo Lingzhen city revoked key, the old urban and rural areas, the establishment of new fodder Lingzhen, Mo Town Government, the relevant committees in the North.
  November 16, 2005, originally part of the Taikang 4 administrative villages (Zhang Jixiang Chen Lao village, Chen Chong, Tai Hong Village, in the business of the village) and the original is Luyi County, two administrative villages (Xin Jixiang Zhang Lao Village and Tang Jixiang hole _set_, a village) formally vested under the jurisdiction of Huaiyang County Stone Town, Stone Town, add 8 square kilometers of land, population of 10,000 people.
  Zhoukou City is one of the important birthplaces of the Yellow River culture and long history, outstanding people, many historical sites. Old Chen states Huaiyang well preserved ancestor of the tomb and the temple of Fu Xi, a Fuxi push yin and yang, good and bad fortune to draw diagrams accounting for Taiwan, Chen Cai Confucius must pay the music in the Taiwan, Chen Bao flat state, and food grain platform such as "Eight Seven Taiwan." Xihua County of ancient Chinese mythology, Nu Wa, "Lian Shi Sky," the site. The first Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu is the originator of Taoism Luyi County, the county holds too honest and upright official, Laojun units, nine-step wells heritage.
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  Zhoukou city's economy in 2008 GDP of 98.4 billion yuan, ranking first in four cities in Henan Huanghuai! No. 91 National Economic!
  Industrial Development
  Zhoukou rapid industrial development, high-speed output increased year after year. Office has been established to electrical machinery, textile printing and dyeing, food making, fur leather as the pillar of the complete range of industrial system. A number of key enterprises and famous product home and abroad. Zhoukou MSG production plants, "Lotus" brand and "blessed port" brand monosodium glutamate, has won 24 domestic and international gold medal, the production capacity has reached 12 million tons, ranking the world's top four counterparts, single plant yield among the the world. Lactic acid production scale saver Asia Ltd., the world's second home production technology level of lactic acid leading enterprises. August 1, 1998, "Lianhuaweijing" successfully listed on the stock. Song River Winery in Henan high, low fluid Song River grain liquor in the Fifth National Review won the National Gold Medal by the ratio, into the ranks of national wines. Henan Kang Xin Holdings Limited production of high-tech products have entered the national trunk cable. Shoes City Leather Products Co., Ltd. Henan production of leather and products are exported to over 20 countries and cities, earning capacity has reached 1,000 million dollars. To God, saver, lotus, golden monkey, Song River SAIC trademark is recognized as well-known trademarks and Trademark Office. Zhoukou produced a total of 10 years, five nationally known tycoons.
  Splendid history and culture, rich in agricultural resources, booming industry and a favorable investment environment has attracted from the United States, Japan, Britain, Australia, Italy, Canada, Hong Kong and Taiwan, more than 20 countries and businessmen came to the city invest in enterprises. Now, the city has approved the establishment of 246 foreign-invested enterprises, contracted foreign investment nearly 2 billion U.S. dollars, foreign-funded export enterprises have become the main force of the city, full of vitality.
  Zhoukou is the country's major grain, cotton, oil, meat, tobacco production base
  In 2008 the city's grain output reached 5.412 million tons, 176,000 tons of cotton production, oil output of 299,000 tons, meat output of 732,300 tons, ranking first in the forefront of Henan Province. Zhoukou cattle or national importance, Huai goats, pig breeding and meat export base. Goesan sheep produced for export free products, exported to the United States, Britain, Italy, Japan and Eastern European countries, the history of Zhangjiakou, Hebei and said Zhoukou and skin are the two major north and south China. Plain green or nationally known Zhoukou advanced city, the forest coverage rate reaches 21.26%, known as "plain woodlands," said.
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Geography and Resource
  Zhoukou to be Huanghuai plain landscape, terrain northwest to southeast, the natural gradient is 1/5000-1/7000. 35.5-64.3 m above sea level. Tai Chuan Huiqu to roughly the line as the boundary line of the West 50-64.3 meters above sea level, the natural gradient for the 1/5000-1/6000; Line East 35.5-50 meters above sea level, the natural slope of 1 / 6000-1/7000. Line East Dancheng eastern Shenqiu east, southeast, Xiangcheng central and southern elevations more than 40 meters below the low-lying liable to waterlogging.
  Ohira small city is characterized by uneven topography. Flat overall topography, but by external force, Ling Kong, and depressions are widely developed in micro-topography, plain landscape has changed a single form. Landscape in accordance with zoning and rating systems in Henan Province by the city to Shayinghe for the sector, flat alluvial plain north of the Yellow River area, south of the Huaihe River and its tributaries, alluvial lacustrine plain. Ling Kong are located in the north Shayinghe, Chuan Huiqu line to the west of Tai. Singapore depression are widespread, mainly in the north Shayinghe; south Shenqiu, Xiangcheng, commercial water, there are also sporadic.
   urban soil are the soil damp soil, lime concretion black, cinnamon and yellow cinnamon soil and other four soil types, yellow cinnamon soil, tidal soil, alluvial soil, gray soil, wet soil, saline soil, shajiang soil, loamy soil, clayey soil, black soil, loamy gray damp soil, clayey gray damp soil, wet alluvial soil, alluvial soil salinization chloride, lime concretion black soil, green black covering Shajiang black calcareous lime concretion black soil, green calcareous soil, such as lime concretion black soil covering calcareous soil is 20. Is a major flood alluvial loamy soil and sandy cinnamon alluvial flood meadow cinnamon.
  Because of climate, tectonics, and the Yellow River and the alluvial Shayinghe production activities of people's social, urban soil is bounded roughly by Shayinghe, mostly south of lime concretion black soil; north of the Yellow River alluvial history of the South Pan- Through hard work on the formation of one soil, accounting for about 77% of the total area of the city above. Both soil loose and fertile soil are suitable for crop cultivation, agricultural production for the city to provide a superior natural conditions.
   Zhoukou is located in climate latitudes, a warm temperate semi-humid monsoon climate, four distinct seasons, large temperature difference, precipitation is uneven. The general climate is characterized by: less rain and snow in the winter cold and summer heat concentrated rain, spring and the warm season is short, the spring and summer more than the wind. Light, heat, water is rich in a variety of crops and trees conducive to the production, animal husbandry and fishery for the comprehensive development of the industry.
  Zhoukou average temperature in the temperature 14.5 ℃ -15.8 ℃ between. Seasonal average temperature was 14.5 ℃, 26 ℃, 15 ℃, 1.6 ℃. Extreme maximum temperature of 43.2 ℃ (1966 年 7 月 19 circadian Town), extreme minimum temperature of minus 21 ℃ (1955 年 1 月 Huaiyang County). The annual average temperature variation is about 27 ℃, the annual cycle between the 0 ℃ -28 ℃. In recent years, the temperature increased slightly between the 1 ℃ -2 ℃. The city average of 146 frost days, frost-free period 219 days.
  Rainfall precipitation is 689-816 mm in the city over the years, more than 85% more precipitation in the crop growing season, crop growth to meet the basic needs. Rainfall concentrated in summer, with an average rainfall of 371.9 mm, accounting for 50.2% of annual precipitation, and the uneven temporal and spatial distribution, and more rain, rain, rainfall from the southeast to the northwest Zhoukou decreasing trend; sparse snowfall in winter, average snow depth 12 cm.
  Light the city for the annual average sunshine time 2025-2269 hours, the annual total solar radiation 122.04 kcal / square centimeter, which can be plants use photosynthetic active radiation for 59 kcal / square centimeter. See sub-4-September quarter, the strong seasonal crop growth, it is most precipitation, sunshine hours close to 200 hours of good time, these weather factors on agricultural production Zhoukou very favorable.
  Wind direction, wind speed, wind direction is north Zhoukou up over the years to the northeast to north-northeast-based 4-July and more southerly winds blowing southeast to the southwest to southerly oriented; other month in the northwest to the northeast between more than to northeast oriented. The average frequency over the years to the north, northeast wind up, followed by south southwest, southeast of the third, west to northwest at least. 2.7-3.4 meters per second wind speed, the largest over 40 meters per second. According to historical data analysis, wind speed showed a weakening trend.
   Zhoukou are the Huaihe River Basin hydrology, there Shayinghe, Guo River, West River fat, Ruhe four fan-shaped water system. Where the largest tributary of the Huaihe Shayinghe. Lushan County, Henan Province, the western River originates Shiren Mountain, Ying Yang River rises in the Songshan Mountains of dry, less room the mountains, two rivers converging in Chuanhui Qu Sun Villege, said Shayinghe. River and its tributaries Shayinghe Garro, Fen Sutlej, Heihe, the new canal, the river through the city of Xin Cai, a drainage area of 76%. Four major river systems intertwined, not only the formation of a "natural irrigation" system, and the formation of the beautiful natural scenery, roads like rivers, like green ribbons, flowing from west to east, the fertile plain sight outside the enchanting scene dressed scores .
  Zhoukou more abundant water resources, underground water quality is good, pollution-free. According to 1998 data reported Zhoukou Hydrological Survey, a total 2.981 billion cubic meters of water resources per capita 293.3 m3, 254.8 cubic meters per mu. Surface of about 4.488 billion cubic meters of water annually. Rational use of these resources, can basically meet the city's industrial and agricultural production and human and livestock water for the city's water resources to ensure economic development.
  There are various biological Zhoukou more than 170 species of plants, animals, nearly 80 species. Zhoukou rare varieties of biological cattle, goats Huai Huaiyang donkey, Xiangcheng pig, sea bass, white turtle; white paulownia, high port cherry, Chen Lao pears; lily, Happy green onions, the Housing grave leeks, asparagus.
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Local specialties
  1. Golden Melon
  Academic name is Elizabeth, melon, golden color, derived from the name for gold melon. Gold melon looks beautiful, bright colors, aroma, contains a variety of vitamins and high-sugar, juicy, sweet and crisp.
  2. Jujube
  Taguchi Xihua County is located in the flood area of rural hinterland, Taguchi Township jujube date to gray, heart-shaped date-based. Gray called jujube dates, fruit medium size, elongated conical, reddish brown skin, thick flesh, crisp, sauce less sweet, nuclear small slender, particularly suitable for processing fine quality, excellent fresh, dried varieties. Heart-shaped date, also known as jujube, fruits small, was heart-shaped-like, thin skin, flesh thick, dense fine quality, taste very sweet kernel small, is an excellent system for dry variety. Taguchi jujube known as "Taguchi dates, best in the world." Jujube is a famous tonic, nutritious, dried dates 50% -87% sugar.
  3. Happy Hu soup
  Hu soup Jiajingnianjian the original in the Ming Dynasty. At that time, ge lao Yan Song emperor to discuss favor, a monk from a pair of hands to help get the seasoning sickness drug life dedicated to the Emperor, to spoil the broth drink. The endless delicious soup, dragon Yantai Xi, named "Yu Tang." After the death of the Ming Dynasty, Zhao Ji Mikuriya fled carrying the drug Happy (Happy Xihua this town), this side reached the ground. The way people have soup spicy taste, was renamed as "Hu soup." Hu soup's main ingredient is Happy: flour, cooked meat, ingredients for the star anise, pepper, pepper, fennel, Amomum, meat deduction, Bagui, cold syrup, vermicelli, monosodium glutamate, salt, fungus, flour thickening, sesame oil, vinegar ...
  4. Shenqiu County, Taiwan, Old Town, also known as frankincense, is located in the Sutlej coast, bordering the south and Anhui Linquan, economic development, commercial prosperity, in a radius of hundred in the spread of "Mega wine, Gu bun, Chow's cannabis on fire "in Proverbs. Today, the operation was called Zhou Zhou cannabis chapter, starting from his great-grandfather, grandparents to sell cannabis for a living, from generation to generation has been 100 years of history. Zhou cannabis golden brown, seemingly transparent.绠 head twist like a lantern, umbrella umbrella like cannabis. Tastes crisp and delicious, easy to digest, taste is not astringent is not bitter, do not pad teeth, no smell, that will fuel the fire, long-term storage without mold and the soft, crisp and flaky as ever.
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Zhoukou Celebrity
  Historical figures
  Historical figures: Fu Xi and I should Zhanxie An Ji Cai Huang Pa Yanchen Sheng Wu Guang Chen Yanqing Han Fu Tuan Hung Xuan Zuo Gu Shen Yi Lun Xu Shilong Zhu Yuan Zhang Zhenfang pure Danbi plums dry Li Jian Wang Ji Hongchang public figure Court Hou Yan Li Meng Xiangshan
  Zhoukou model
  Zhoukou example: Han Fei Zhan-Hui Miao Hong and Peng Li Xiaoxia Lou Fengtao show a single building Zheng Heping Zhao Limin Wang Liang-Cai Zhuang Li Chen Yu Wang Wentian Matsuyama high growth Xu Jun, Yun Feng Xie
  Cultural celebrities: Housing Wealth of Nations, Shen Fengmei Liu Shiming Wu Lixing Liu Shao Bo Ma Yanli Hu Yanyou Xiongke Jian Qing Li Shan Bi Qiliang Daifeng Qin Du Tianqing Hong Kong Ying Han Chiang Shao-the more the more Zhangzhen Fu Lu Wenqing Liu Yaxin Land Rover Li Yulong Li Hui Li Ke Ding Zhu Yan Liu Yuan-Hao Wang Hanshun thin Zhen Lian Gao Jun Wu Lihua Yang Lan Tianwei Guo Li (singer)
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Zhoukou Travel
  Zhoukou City is old and young city, is located in central eastern Henan, jurisdiction over eight counties and one city and a district population of 10.6 million, an area of 11,900 square kilometers. No person without a mountain ridge, Yimapingchuan, Woyeqianli. This has a long history and splendid culture, heritage sites, buildings and facilities, cultural activities, Deng leaves the city home tourism products, cultural landscape more, some unique in the country. Tourism is currently the city has single 1456, according to national standards, in 8 there are 6 main categories, sub-class of 31, 18, in 155 in 77 basic types. Remains and cultural relics have nearly a thousand sites, of which four national key cultural relics protection units, 28 provincial-level key cultural relics protection units, cities and 262 county-level key cultural relics protection unit; collection of more than 25,000 pieces of cultural relics. In recent years, the city Party committees, governments, under the leadership, focus on the development of the Taihao hills area, I cultural tourist attractions, the Temple area, Nu Wa Cheng Cultural tourism, Ji Hongchang general memorial area, Yuan hometown area Taihao six scenic spots and hills, music in the station, flat food platform, grains Taiwan, memorial temple, Chen Hu Gongling Park, Lake, pruning Park, Taiqing Palace, Laojun Taiwan, temple, Goddess City, Female Wa Palace, mu Zaoyuan, memorial and former residence of General Ji Hongchang, big way College, the former residence Yuan, Yuan palace, South Dayton city attractions such as twenty; has 10 star hotels, 16 travel agencies, tourist market has been the beginning scale.
  Deng Ling temple city of Zhoukou Taihao leaf pruning Park music in the station house Huaiyang Zhoukou gate Ji Hongchang Memorial Lake Scenic Area
  Yuan Ming Palace, former residence of a large city way college level Grain Office Address Taiqing Palace Beiting Nanton Xie Ling Chen Tuan Park Old City Luyi
  Support Pavilion Temple Wu Ping Cheng displace iron pour water buffalo Zhoukou People's Park memorial temple Goddess Taiwan Chen Chu City, Old City China five thousand years
  Purple Garden painting Gua hectare entered the tomb of the New Fourth Army units Tu Chu Kong joined forces memorial
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Culture and Education
  Zhoukou Teachers College
  Zhoukou Teachers College is the provincial Ministry of Education approved the establishment of regular undergraduate institutions. School was founded in 1973. The main task of schools is to train qualified teachers for basic education, economic and social development for the training of high-quality compound talents.
  School is located in the Ying River, River, River Garro Sanchuan Interchange Zhoukou City in Henan Province. Zhoukou is one of the important birthplaces of Chinese culture, long history and outstanding people. Profound cultural accumulation, many sites have started Zutai Hao Fu Xi Chinese mausoleum, the first Chinese philosopher and thinker, originator of Taoism Lao Tzu was born here.
  Zhoukou Technology Vocational College
  Zhoukou Technology College is a vocational college, founded in 1981, is well-known technical school Zhoukou City. A few others from the cottage rental of clothing classes start, developed to the two campuses, more than 6,000 students in the school year, combined length of more than 1 million participants in the training of school size. Schools to _set_ up electronic communications, electronic information, computer applications, CNC mold technology, logistics management, costume design and production, automobile driving and maintenance, mechanical and electrical integration, metal welding and other 13 social Jixu professional. Over the years, at a higher level party committees, governments and the education authority under the loving care and correct leadership, the school all the teachers and students the courage to practice, innovation, and gradually explore a "focus on practice, colleges, enterprises, order training" schools, developed into further education so that schools of education, employment education, academic education, short-term training of personnel for the integrated training base, so that "school students, businesses have the backbone, high-income students," the fortunate situation. Experience of school education be promoted in the country. Ministry of Education schools have been identified as "national exemplary schools," "national key vocational schools", "advanced unit in the National School", "advanced unit of national career guidance." In 2007, the "Swallow Mechanic" by the state Department of Labor and Social Security as a "national service brand."
  Zhoukou Education
  Zhoukou Teachers College of Continuing Education, former Zhoukou Institute of Education, the original Zhoukou Teachers College Adult Education Department and the five-year college founded by the Ministry of basic education, is a unit of undergraduate school division level. Currently there are Adult Education Research Institute, General Office, Academic Training Section, Admissions Office, Student Management Division, Youth League, Logistics Management Branch and the library, a total of eight functional departments, 43 service workers. Adult education and five-year college students in 7075 people. Also bear on the city's secondary school teachers, principals and some provincial-level key primary and secondary teacher training mission.
  College covers an area of 110 mu, building area of 36000M. A basket, volleyball courts 10, 31 general classrooms,
  4 multi-media classrooms, computer room 5, 2 language labs, physics and chemistry students, one each in Electronic and Electrical Laboratory. University library collection of books 5 million volumes, reading magazines 320 kinds, 31 kinds of newspapers. Office automated. In the future, we are determined to continue adhering to the "Teachers learn respect Road, Zhiyong Dusing," the hospital training to become bigger and stronger as the goal of adult education, and solid and meticulous in doing fine work on, after three years of hard work, and strive to adults to tens of thousands of students in vocational education to achieve new breakthroughs in non-academic training, as Zhoukou education services for the regional economy and make greater contributions.
  Vocational and Technical College Zhoukou
  Zhoukou Vocational and Technical College, in 2001 in Henan Province People's Government approved the establishment of the State Ministry of Education has filed a general higher education entrance qualification full-time education in public universities (full supply of institutions), the main training to adapt to the production, construction, management and service needs of advanced technology line of talents, and commitment to distance education, primary and secondary school teachers in secondary vocational education and training after the pre-vocational training mission. College students in full-time-scale as 13,000 people.
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Zhoukou City
Zhoukou Village
Zhoukou Town
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Nu Wa CityGrains TaiwanLaojun TaiwanLing Fu Xi Taihao Tomb
Luyi Taiqing Palace SitePainting diagram TaiwanFlat Grain OfficeMusic in the station