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Xicheng District
  Xicheng District, located in the northwest of Beijing city center, at latitude 39 ° 53'45 "-39 ° 58'14", longitude 116 ° 19'8 "-116 ° 23'34". 5.5 km wide east region, north to south and 7.5 kilometers. Gulou Dong Dajie, man-Hubei Lane, Old Drum Tower Street, Di'anmenwai Avenue street in Tiananmen Square, Jingshan Street, South Street, North Long Street, west of Tiananmen Square, Dongcheng District, bounded and connected; south of the North river, Xizhimen North Street, West Street Deshengmenwai, Xinjiekouwaidajie, North Third Ring Road, and is bounded Yumin Road Haidian District, Chaoyang District, adjacent; Sanlihe Road is bounded to the west, and the Haidian District borders; South West Street before the door, Xuanwu East Street, West Street, Xuanwu, Lotus Pond Road, Xuanwu District is bounded by the sea. The total area of ​​31.66 square kilometers. The end of 2008, the region's total population 966,474 people, an increase of 10.1% over the previous year. Which household population 783,032 people, an increase of 1.2% over the previous year; transient population 183,442 people, an increase of 75.6% over the previous year.
  District People's Government in the two Long Road. Postal Code: 100032. Code: 110102. Code: 010. Pinyin: Xī chéng qū.
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Basic Overview
  Xicheng District, located in the northwest of Beijing city center, the region west width of 5.5 km, 7.5 km long from north to south, an area of ​​31.66 square kilometers.
  Xicheng District has a long history since ancient times closely linked to the development of Beijing. Here was the Yongding River Trail, water into the lake, the beautiful scenery. Since the Qin and Han to Sui are Jixian ground. Liao, Jin, Yuan, Ming and Qing are Wanping ground.
  Million to four years (1267) in the northeastern part of the capital to create gold in the capital, Yuan Yuan nine years (1272) changed the most are, naming big capital. Kublai using GuoShouJing proposal, citing white floating fountain into the city, the bus Jishuitan, cut Tonghuihe direct Tongzhou, Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal Hangzhou, south, north to Hazel (Jishuitan), which addresses the big capitals of water, and also allows large cargo arrives Grain Kyoto. Shichahai coast prosperity was abnormal, restaurants everywhere song _set_s, water, shelter Jishuitan in a convoy of ships, the area became Tiananmen Square Kyoto commercial market center. Establishment of Dadu city, laid the foundation for the development of today's Beijing, Xicheng District, Gyeonggi territory became the center of the bustling area.
  Xicheng district has a national and municipal units 49, 25% of the city's cultural relics protection units. In the modern revolutionary movement, a group of great revolutionaries, politicians, thinkers, writers, artists created a brilliant performance here. The unique landscape, rich cultural reserves constitute the culture of the West.
  The climate is typically warm temperate continental monsoon climate, four distinct seasons, dry and windy spring, hot and rainy summer, autumn is cool and humid, cold and dry winter. The annual average temperature is about 12 ℃, the maximum temperature of 38 ℃, the lowest temperature of -15.4 ℃, annual average rainfall of 626 mm.
  Area within the terrain from the northwest to the southeast slope, average elevation of 40 meters. Long river from northwest injection Jishuitan, Shichahai, Beihai, Zhongnanhai other lakes, meandering phase, runs through the region.
  Xicheng District, Beijing, the capital city is one of the centers, but also the location of the party and head of state organs. Xicheng is developed science and technology education, large pool of talent in the region, is an important regional financial, commercial and economic activities, or one of the central region distribution flow, logistics, information flow.
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Economic Overview
  The central government is located in Xicheng District, led the West Side development. Xicheng District, Beijing, is located in the heart of west axis, with a total area of ​​31.66 square kilometers, has jurisdiction over 10 streets. The end of 2008, the region's total population 966,474 people, including household population 783,032 people, transient population 183,442 people, plus the floating population of nearly one million, is densely populated center of the capital city. After the founding of New China, Xicheng District, has been the State Council and a number of ministries and agencies are located.
  Xicheng territory is rich in historical and cultural heritage and cultural landscape, showing the oriental country's ancient capital. Region's existing 106 units of cultural relics, about a quarter of Beijing. Beihai, Jingshan, zoos and other famous garden is choosing the foreign travel to the land. Party and state leaders affairs activities in the Great Hall, is now open to visitors. Baiyun Taoist first jungle all true, the whole truth of the famous Seven pilgrims attracted a lot of visitors. West Fourth headlines eight of courtyard houses, Deshengmenwai watchtower, Miao Ying Temple Baita, Prince Gong's Mansion Garden, Temple of Ancient Monarchs, etc., have a great potential for tourism development.
  Xicheng District, Beijing, the tertiary industry is one of the most developed city, can be called the land of thousands of merchants. Region's existing types of businesses 17,000, more than 10,000 individual industrial and commercial households households, more than 90% in the tertiary sector. From Xuanwu xinjiekou up to 5.2 km of streets, the distribution of Xidan, West Fourth, xinjiekou three downtown business district, is one of the city's most famous commercial street. Zoo area, Sanlihe area, Tiananmen Square area, renaissance street outside, over the years formed a regional commercial center. The region also has 92 kinds of commodities trading market. In business enterprises, business integrated department of Xidan Market, Xidan Shopping Center, Chang malls, commercial renaissance city, Tiananmen Square shopping malls, department stores xinjiekou annual sales of several hundred million dollars are famous shopping malls, Tiananmen Square food market Ranking grocery industry in Beijing in second place, Xidan clothing, thick books written a number of specialty shops and other long enjoyed the reputation. Catering both casserole, Willow Place, barbecue season, barbecue Wan, Hongbinlou etc. more than a century old, there are mountains kettle restaurants, Furama restaurants, etc. In recent years the rise of new restaurants; through the transformation of West Fourth meta snack alley the essence of Beijing-style snacks. Xidan first salon services sector, Hua Bin Garden Tub, Cathay studio in the city are first class. Xicheng District of domestic enterprises, organizations, institutions clouds, dense population, only have higher income, has always been greater than the loan-deposit funding areas for the development of the financial sector provides a unique environment. Major national commercial banks and urban credit cooperatives in _set_ting up a large number of branches, very active into a variety of financial services. In recent years, the rapid rise of securities, advertising, consulting, tourism, real estate and other emerging industries, but also for the Western District of economic development has injected new vitality.
  Xicheng strong foundation of education, culture, health and sports thrive. Region's existing ordinary more than 140 primary and secondary schools, students in nearly 10 million people. School layout and more reasonable level, a higher quality of teaching management team, the overall level of general education ranks Beijing forefront. The region has been the popularity of the nine-year compulsory education, the number of new students each year to college transport accounted for about 20 percent of the city. The region has 19 vocational high schools, adult schools 8, more than 400 various types of nurseries and kindergartens, and schools for the deaf, mentally retarded, work-study schools, normal schools, so that vocational education, early childhood education, special education, teacher education, adult education formed a complete system. Xicheng There are 67 cinemas, theaters, auditoriums, concert halls, for the prosperity of culture, active cultural life played a major role. The new Xicheng area of ​​about 7000 square meters hall, which can accommodate more than 1,300 people participated in the activities. In recent years, the popular appeal of outdoor activities the city has become a big attraction. There are all kinds of Xicheng district hospitals, clinics, health room 904, composed of medical and health network covering the whole region. Central, municipal children's hospital, medical Jishuitan, People's Hospital of Peking University Hospital has a strong technical force and modern medical equipment, with the healing of severe problems, training of professionals, the ability to carry out medical research. Belonged to the nine hospitals in the development process has evolved specialist medical items featured. Two Long Road Hospital Anorectal, Changqiao hospital dental, orthopedic and other hearty hospitals have little known, except for the residents of the area services, but also treated many patients from across the country. Central region, city, belonged to many sports 220, 79 million people, 30% regularly participate in physical exercise. District Sports School offers athletics, swimming, more than 10 projects for the sports teams at all levels and sports colleges transport a lot of talent. Xicheng delivered several athletes in international competitions for the country to win the honor.
  In recent years, Xicheng accelerated pace of urban construction, so that the face of the old town has been greatly improved. Government earnestly implement the ramshackle engineering, has built Deborah, Ruth Park, winter rains bridges seven residential areas, with a total cross-completed residential and ancillary facilities engineering 550,000 square meters for 15,700 residents to improve the housing conditions . Vintage aqua basically transform neighborhoods, built in parts airtight garbage floor. After turning the expansion of commercial outlets and associated film transformation, increased sales, improved shopping environment, and built a number of large commercial facilities. Xidan commercial area is undergoing a massive transformation facilities, tripartite balance of forces will be formed and Wangfujing Street, Qianmen commercial area after completion. The east side of West Second Ring Street projects under construction, will provide superior environmental center area of ​​Beijing Financial Industry. Some of the roads in the region were broadening, the construction of a number of viaducts and overpasses, traffic congestion situation eased. In urban construction, a strict protection for old trees, streets and residential areas a number of new gardens, green spaces, city environment to get landscaping.
  Since the Third Plenary Session of the Party, Xicheng District, deepen reform, expand opening up, and achieved remarkable results. Through industrial restructuring, shutting down and is not suitable for the relocation of a number of characteristics of urban industrial enterprises, expanding the size of the tertiary industry. A number of medium-sized state-owned enterprises to implement the right to operate, Xidan Shopping Center, Renaissance city and other key enterprise business profits and taxes increase by more than 30% annually. Part belonged to the state-owned enterprises in the corporate restructuring, which Beijing Huayuan Property Co., Ltd. entered the country's largest 300 Corporation ranks. State-owned, collective small business through the election of employee leasing and stock cooperative system enhances the vitality, the initial change in losses, profit situation. By restructuring and organizational restructuring of property rights, a number of enterprises to achieve the Group's operations. Utilization of foreign investment round, multi-level development of the region "funded" enterprises reached 580, located in the production, distribution, services, real estate and other areas of a number of industries, the cumulative use of foreign capital over 400 million U.S. dollars to promote the Xicheng District economic development.
  Xicheng District is about to begin implementation of the "95" plan, the work of a higher goal, the region's economic development and spiritual civilization will enter a new station price, social cause more prosperous, more orderly urban management orderly, two years ahead of people's lives will be well-off. Ancient city will show a new style, as people across the country and overseas guests to this tour, shopping, business, engaged in public service to provide a more beautiful, comfortable and convenient environment.
  2008 year's local fiscal revenue 15.45 billion yuan, an increase of 59.1% over the previous year. Annual local fiscal expenditure 9.84 billion yuan, an increase of 6.5% over the previous year.
  The end of 2008, the region's total population (including household population and transient population) 966,474 people, an increase of 10.1% over the previous year. Which household population 783,032 people, an increase of 1.2% over last year; household population of 263,360 households, an increase of 0.3% over the previous year; household registration of births 5978, the birth rate was 7.69 ‰; household registration population of 2780 people died, a mortality rate of 3.57 ‰ ; The natural population growth rate was 4.11 ‰, than last year increased by 0.31 thousand points. Household population moving into the region throughout the year 9954 people, 2644 people moved out, the mechanical growth of 9.40 ‰, than last year fell by 0.2 per thousand points. Temporary population of 183,442 people, an increase of 75.6% over the previous year.
  The annual per capita disposable income of 28,059 yuan, an increase of 11.3% over the previous year; residents per capita consumption expenditure of 20,528 yuan, up 11.1 percent over the previous year.
  The annual investment in fixed as_set_s totaled 23.02 billion yuan, down 4.4% over the previous year.
  The annual retail sales of social consumer goods 29.3 billion yuan, up 21.1 percent over the previous year.
  The region's actual use of foreign investment $ 763 million, an increase of 1.2 times over the previous year.
  A district level and above the main tourist areas (spots) received a total of 17.74 million tourists trips, decreased by 3.6% compared with last year, which received 371,000 overseas tourists trips, 5.8 percent less than last year; achieved operating income of 390 million yuan, decrease of 1.6% compared to last year.
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Physical Geography
  Xicheng territory is tilted from northwest to southeast, with an average elevation of about 40 meters.
  Long river from northwest injection Jishuitan, Shichahai, Beihai, Zhongnanhai other lakes, meandering phase, runs through West region.
  Haidian District, located between the North river Yuquan Hill and the Summer Palace. Beijing has historically been a major source of water, originated Yuquan Mountain "the first Spring" by Dragon Gate inflow of Kunming Lake. Then the river into the city from the south within "three sea." Yuquan Mountain spring water after drying up, become drainage channels. In 1965, Jingmi built repealing Dragon Gate, Jian Sluice. In 1977, the North river end change in the security Sluice, the original part of the river is Jingmi occupied. After three hospital gates to Jingmiyinshuiqu drainage or water. 1.2 km long river, catchy width of 30 to 40 meters, the basin area of ​​8.75 square kilometers.
  Xicheng territory is rich in historical and cultural heritage and cultural landscape, showing the oriental country's ancient capital. Region's existing 106 units of cultural relics, about a quarter of Beijing. Beihai, Jingshan, zoos and other famous garden is choosing the foreign travel to the land.
  Beijing Zoo is the oldest zoo in China Open, dating back more than 90 years of history. Park covers an area of ​​about 90 hectares, nearly 500 kinds of animals feeding on display (except for aquariums) over 5000, of which one or two national protected animals of more than 200. Beijing Zoo in tourist accommodation nearly 6 million people, is the first domestic zoos and ranks among the world's top ten zoos. Here we can see many rare birds and animals, such as giant pandas, golden monkeys, white leaf monkeys, alligators, crested ibis, the Siberian tiger, takin, white-lipped deer, black-necked cranes and other rare specialty of animals and rhinos, giraffes, gorillas, rare animals from around the world ostrich, bison, kangaroos, polar bear, African elephant, in addition to many national leaders and celebrities presented to the Chinese government and people gifts breeding animals are also on display here. Premises where animals of various shapes nestled between green water green, tall and graceful willow shade date for this ancient landscape adds unlimited vitality.
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Administrative divisions
  2000, according to the fifth census data, the total population of 706,691 people, of which: West Chang'an Street 57145 people, 68984 people Changqiao street, street xinjiekou 69,993 people, 64,734 people Fusui Jing street, rich street 41556 people, two-way street 43,961 people, on the altar streets 113,210 people, 63,593 people Fuchengmenwai street, Exhibition Road street 76,538 people, 106,977 people Deshengmenwai street.
  Xicheng District exempted seven streets: West Chang'an Street, xinjiekou streets, street altar, Exhibition Road Street, Ruby Street, Street, Street, Shichahai street.
  West Chang'an Street exempted 12 communities: North-South Long Street community, Fuyoujie southern communities, bright community, Xi'an Jiaotong China Lane community, North Xinhua Street community, six port communities, peaceful gated community, bells community, Taipu Si Street Community West Huang Cheng Gen Street community, Yida in the community, Xidan North Street community.
  Xinjiekou streets exempted 21 communities: xinjiekou Silesia Second District community, a district community xinjiekou Silesia, Silesia xinjiekou four areas of community, north grass plant communities, xinjiekou Silesia three district communities, jade Taoyuan community, four North West headlines community, four North West three communities, four North West six communities, Yude community, before the public community, banbishan Street community, Nanxiaojie community, Guan Eng Park community, great feel community, rich in the community, Anping Lane community , the official community garden, palace gate community, north along the community, the straight community.
  Altar on the streets exempted 32 communities: communities on the altar West, South Yuetanbeijie community Yuetan Street community, iron three area communities, Sanlihe an area communities, Sanlihe community, Nansha ditch communities, complex north communities, iron two communities, the Second Artillery Corps Community, February Road community, two District One community, two district two communities, three District One community, two communities three districts, three districts three communities, in possession of Um community, a community north of wood, wood North two communities, one community outside the complex, the complex outside the two communities, White Cloud Temple community, really an area communities, community-wide Second District, West wicket community, iron a community, really two area communities, community-wide an area, steam southern communities, steam North communities, communities south of wood, iron four communities.
  Exhibition Road streets exempted 21 communities: Man Hing community, Chaoyang Temple community, Three Pagodas communities, new communities in South, East Baiwanzhuang community, Baiwanzhuang West community, Chegongzhuang communities, new communities in East China, the Xinhua in the community, elm museum community, Debao community, united community, north barracks Silesia, North Camp landlord in the community, cucumbers community garden, community garden Lu, Fu Wai West community, Hung-mao ditch community, Fu Wai Tung Community, South Barracks community, Wan Ming Park community.
  Ruby streets exempted 26 communities: Petroleum Community, Andrew South community, Liupukang hydropower community Liupukang power communities, North Ender community Liupukang coal communities Avenue East German communities, the new Main Street Southern communities, Ruby in the community, the German community Avenue West, new home communities Ming, the new wind straight communities, new communities Avenue North, the new health communities, Madian community, man-Kosei in the community, the community Huangsi Street West, Double pole community, North Canton community, Huangsi 24th Street community, Yu-ri community, 裕中东 in the community, the sun Deluxe No. 1 New Wind Street community, German foreign communities, new communities outside the 31st Street.
  Street streets exempted 23 communities: Gyeonggi communities, communities Street West Taiping communities, two Long Road community, East Taiping community garden macro alley, Winchester Street community, by the River alley, Wenchang Hutong community , handkerchiefs alley, street culture communities, Xinhua News Agency community, education community, Fu Avenue West, Palace Hutong communities, Mahayana alley, Fenghuiyuan community HongHui community garden, community garden financial abundance, Nengren alley community, the compound alley, brick alley community, Fu Avenue East community; 1 home Authority: Central Conservatory of Music.
  Shichahai streets exempted 29 communities: four North West community, Xi'an gated community, Xishiku community, Aimin Street Community, red Luo plant communities, Lane Community, Gokokuji community, pineapple warehouse community, the former iron communities, liuyin Street community, Schmidt community, Pine Street community, community before rambling along the front edge community Haidong, rice, Jingshan, rice granary community Jiugulou community, dual Temple community, Gulou West Street community, fruit City, after the sea community, two stone community, reed pit, North West communities along the Hercynian community, Jiang support the community, the City of Victoria, Xi Haixi community.
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  Xicheng long history, Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties are the capital of the western half. Dadu fifty Square, now nineteen Square West territory. There are four clear Banners garrison flag this West territory. Abolition of the late Qing dynasty, Banners, after five cities outside the old system, the administrative divisions fifty years many changes.
  April 18, 1950, the State Council approved the merger of 16 Beijing adjustment area, within this area of ​​Zone 2 and Zone 4 all, the western half of the 5th District, and 13, part of the 14th district. September 1952, the municipal government to adjust the division again, this area is part of the territory and the West Fourth District Xidan district and Haidian District, the front door area, Zone 2 was renamed Xidan district, 4th District, was renamed West Fourth District. In May 1958 the State Council approved, Xidan, West Fourth Second District merged into Xicheng so far. September 1987, Chaoyang District, Beijing will draw Madian 0.6 square kilometers to the West Side. So far, the West District area 31.66 square kilometers.
  In 2000, the total population of 706,691 people, Xicheng, the street population: West Chang'an Street street 68984 57145 Changqiao Fusui Jing Xin Jie Kou Street street 64734 69993 41556 sumptuous two-way street street street altar 113,210 43,961 Fuchengmenwai street 63593 Exhibition Road Street 76538 106977 Deshengmenwai street (according to the fifth census data; Unit: person)
  2002, Xicheng District exempted nine streets: West Chang'an Street, Changqiao streets, Xinjiekou Street, Fusui Jing street, rich street, two-way street, the street on the altar, Fuchengmenwai streets, Exhibition Road street , Deshengmenwai street.
  October 2004, Xicheng District administrative division adjustment programs formally introduced: West Chang'an Street, the street on the altar to maintain the original boundaries unchanged; Germany Ruby Street was renamed the street outside, keeping the original boundaries unchanged; two-way street offices and rich neighborhood offices merged named Street Street office; Fu Wai Street office incorporated into the Exhibition Road neighborhood offices; xinjiekou, Changqiao, Fusui Jing three streets and area offices merge range adjustment, Xin Jie Kou North Avenue is bounded to the east Xinjiekou Street office area combined with Changqiao Street offices named Shichahai Street office; Jie Kou North Avenue is bounded to the west of the street work xinjiekou at the offices of the area and Fusui Jing street, new street offices remain "xinjiekou" name.
  2005, Xicheng District exempted seven streets: Street Street, West Chang'an Street, Temple of Moon Street, Ruby Street, Exhibition Road street, Shichahai street, xinjiekou street. A total of 152 communities.
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Golmud City, Xicheng District
  Xicheng District Administrative Committee 2001 8 menstrual Qinghai provincial government approved in May 2002 formally established. Jurisdiction over the area west of the city of Golmud contain the mountain, north of Jinfeng Road. The total area of ​​60,741.09 square kilometers, population 8.7 million. Jurisdiction three neighborhood offices (Tibet Road Subdistrict Office, West Street office, Jinfeng Road Subdistrict Office), gol Talmud town, Utu Meiren Township, 14 communities.
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The west point on the horizon where the sun _____set_____s City
Xichengqu Jiedao
The west point on the horizon where the sun ______set______s City District Community, The west point on the horizon where the sun ______set______s the confines of a town Juweihui
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The west point on the horizon where the sun _set_s City zoneXichengqu Jiedao
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The west point on the horizon where the sun _set_s the confines of a town Changqiao Hospitalthe west point on the horizon where the sun _set_s the confines of a town Education, Science, Culture and Public Health Committee
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Beijing city The west point on the horizon where the sun _set_s the confines of a town hygiene preventoriumpeking The west point on the horizon where the sun _set_s the confines of a town Cultural centre small Bouquet cent-fleurs to exceed ensemble
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Beijing city The west point on the horizon where the sun _set_s the confines of a town adolescent Science and technology houseBeijing city the west point on the horizon where the sun _set_s the confines of a town Huizhong sharpleaf glangal fruit Occupation faculty training School
Beijing city the west point on the horizon where the sun _set_s the confines of a town Pedagogical seminary affiliate Elementary SchoolBeijing city the west point on the horizon where the sun sets the confines of a town Qingfeng dumpling extend
Beijing city The west point on the horizon where the sun _set_s the confines of a town Display road chiefly Elementary SchoolBeijing city the west point on the horizon where the sun _set_s the confines of a town display road chiefly elementary school Branch school original Million village village Elementary School
Beijing city The west point on the horizon where the sun _set_s the confines of a town Shunchengjie Chiefly Elementary SchoolBeijing city The west point on the horizon where the sun _set_s the confines of a town Fuchengmen door outside Chiefly Elementary School
Beijing city The west point on the horizon where the sun _set_s the confines of a town staff Medium speciality Schoolthe west point on the horizon where the sun _set_s the confines of a town Culture center profile The west point on the horizon where the sun _set_s the confines of a town culture Center profile
The west point on the horizon where the sun _set_s the confines of a town Dewai Subdistrict Avenue south Community hygiene service depotthe west point on the horizon where the sun _set_s the confines of a town Yuetan subdistrict Community Road Community hygiene service depot
the west point on the horizon where the sun _set_s the confines of a town Anqiao subdistrict Xisibei Community hygiene service depotThe west point on the horizon where the sun _set_s the confines of a town Yuetan Street Nansha qundao (spratly is.) Valley Community hygiene service depot
The west point on the horizon where the sun _set_s the confines of a town Yuetan Jieqinan Community hygiene service depotThe west point on the horizon where the sun _set_s the confines of a town Changqiaojie White polished rice Community hygiene service depot
The west point on the horizon where the sun _set_s the confines of a town Fuwai Subdistrict North cantonment Community hygiene service depotthe west point on the horizon where the sun _set_s the confines of a town Xinjiekou subdistrict Drum-tower community hygiene service depot
the west point on the horizon where the sun _set_s the confines of a town Xinjiekou subdistrict Denei Community hygiene service depotthe west point on the horizon where the sun _set_s the confines of a town Erlonglu subdistrict Minkang Community hygiene service depot
the west point on the horizon where the sun _set_s the confines of a town Erlonglu subdistrict Wenhua shequ hygiene service depotthe west point on the horizon where the sun _set_s the confines of a town Erlonglu subdistrict Finance community hygiene service depot
the west point on the horizon where the sun _set_s the confines of a town Fengcheng subdistrict Honghuiyuan Community hygiene service depotBeijing city the west point on the horizon where the sun __set__s the confines of a town display road hospital The west point on the horizon where the sun _set_s the confines of a town Display Road Community hygiene service centre
Beijing City The west point on the horizon where the sun __set__s the confines of a town changqiao hospital The west point on the horizon where the sun _set_s the confines of a town Changqiao Community hygiene service centreBeijing city Erlonglu Hospital The west point on the horizon where the sun _set_s the confines of a town Erlonglu Community hygiene service centre
Beijing City Secondly hospital The west point on the horizon where the sun _set_s the confines of a town west Chang'an street Community hygiene service centrethe west point on the horizon where the sun _set_s the confines of a town Fengcheng subdistrict A prince's residence storehouse Community hygiene service depot
Fusuijing Hospital appear Change name for the sake of Beijing city The west point on the horizon where the sun _set_s the confines of a town safe HospitalBeijing city the west point on the horizon where the sun _set_s the confines of a town Animal hygiene Quarantine supervise Station
Beijing city The west point on the horizon where the sun _set_s the confines of a town Zonta Artistic handicrafts factorypeking The west point on the horizon where the sun _set_s the confines of a town Fuyuexuan Artistic handicrafts factory
Beijing city the west point on the horizon where the sun __set__s the confines of a town safe hospital Yuanfusuijing HospitalBeijing city the west point on the horizon where the sun _set_s the confines of a town Disease prevention place from which a large factory, organization, project, etc is controlled and instructions sent out
the west point on the horizon where the sun _set_s the confines of a town Zhanlanlu subdistrict Sandɑ Community hygiene service depotThe west point on the horizon where the sun _set_s the confines of a town Dewai Subdistrict abundant Chinese and western Village Community hygiene service depot
The west point on the horizon where the sun _set_s the confines of a town Dewai Subdistrict Abundant mideast village village Community hygiene service depotthe west point on the horizon where the sun _set_s the confines of a town Xinjiekou subdistrict New blocks dongjie Community hygiene service depot
the west point on the horizon where the sun _set_s the confines of a town Xinjiekou subdistrict new Blocks Community hygiene service depotBeijing City The west point on the horizon where the sun __set__s the confines of a town yuetan hospital The west point on the horizon where the sun _set_s the confines of a town Yuetan Community hygiene service centre
Beijing city the west point on the horizon where the sun __set__s the confines of a town safe hospital Fusuijing Hospital The west point on the horizon where the sun _set_s the confines of a town Fusuijing Community hygiene service centreBeijing City The west point on the horizon where the sun __set__s the confines of a town sumptuous hospital The west point on the horizon where the sun _set_s the confines of a town Sumptuous Community age service centre
Beijing City The west point on the horizon where the sun __set__s the confines of a town dewai hospital The west point on the horizon where the sun _set_s the confines of a town Dewai Community hygiene service centreThe west point on the horizon where the sun _set_s the confines of a town Yuetan Jiesanliheyiqu Community hygiene service depot
the west point on the horizon where the sun _set_s the confines of a town Yuetan subdistrict repeat Nickname Building Community hygiene service depotThe west point on the horizon where the sun _set_s the confines of a town Yuetan Jiesanlihesanqu Community hygiene service depot
the west point on the horizon where the sun _set_s the confines of a town Xichang'anjie subdistrict Lingjing Community hygiene service depotBeijing city The west point on the horizon where the sun _set_s the confines of a town Run by the local people Jieliyuan Lucky facial Occupation faculty training School
Beijing city The west point on the horizon where the sun _set_s the confines of a town Dongdianyingshang training SchoolBeijing city The west point on the horizon where the sun _set_s the confines of a town Statistics talent training School
Beijing city The west point on the horizon where the sun _set_s the confines of a town National bin house hospiceBeijing city the west point on the horizon where the sun _set_s the confines of a town Building training School
Beijing city The west point on the horizon where the sun _set_s the confines of a town Huayi Finance and accounting training SchoolBeijing city The west point on the horizon where the sun _set_s the confines of a town Fanzhidou training School
Beijing city The west point on the horizon where the sun _set_s the confines of a town Chongyi Artwork Fabricate chamberBeijing city the west point on the horizon where the sun _set_s the confines of a town Construction works training School
Beijing city The west point on the horizon where the sun _set_s the confines of a town Chengxi Altitude Zikao training SchoolBeijing city The west point on the horizon where the sun _set_s the confines of a town Chengxi Higher education self training School
Beijing city The west point on the horizon where the sun _set_s the confines of a town Tianhu True silk Costume CompanyBeijing city The west point on the horizon where the sun _set_s the confines of a town Gaudiness child Garment Factory
Beijing city the west point on the horizon where the sun _set_s the confines of a town Connect brain training SchoolBeijing city The west point on the horizon where the sun _set_s the confines of a town Lande Couture Institute
the west point on the horizon where the sun _set_s the confines of a town Fusuijing subdistrict Banbishan Street Community hygiene service depotthe west point on the horizon where the sun _set_s the confines of a town Fusuijing subdistrict Xisantiao community hygiene service depot
the west point on the horizon where the sun _set_s the confines of a town Zhanlanlu subdistrict Chaoyang Temple Community hygiene service depotthe west point on the horizon where the sun _set_s the confines of a town Zhanlanlu subdistrict Million Village Village Community hygiene service depot
the west point on the horizon where the sun _set_s the confines of a town Fusuijing subdistrict Xisibeiliutiao Community hygiene service depot
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