province : China East : China > Jiangxi
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jiāng xī
江西 jiāng xī
江西 jiāng xī
江西 jiāng xī
江西 jiāng xī
  Province of southeastern China. An area of 160,000 square km, population 33.2 million, the provincial capital Nanchang. Southern Jiangxi province north consistent, Poyang Lake, China's largest freshwater lake in the northern province; lake plain as the main grain-producing area. Stand Poyang Lake into the Yangtze River estuary west of Lushan is famous summer resort. Jinggangshan is located in the western province Communist Party of China founded the first revolutionary base. Southern is the world's leading tungsten ore
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North shore south of the Yangtze River in Jiangxi Huai
  Sui ago, it is customary, said the area south of the Yangtze River in Jiangxi north Huai; sometimes generally referred to the north, including the Central Plains, including the Yangtze River in Jiangxi. "Records of Xiang Yu Ji": "Jiangxi are anti, which is also the day when death of Qin."
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江西 旅游
江西 旅游
江西 旅游
江西 旅游
江西 旅游
江西 旅游
  Best time to travel in Jiangxi: Jiangxi in Nanling north of the Yangtze River to the south of the low latitude, and not far from the sea. Volatile spring weather, spring and summer of cold and warm air meets in the territory of continuous rainy season; in summer controlled by the subtropical high, the prevailing southerly winds; summer and fall season, a single air, fine and hot dry; winter by the Siberia often (or Mongolia) cold High impact, prevailing northerly wind, cold, low temperature, but the frost period is short. Jiangxi Province is a subtropical humid monsoon climate, the average temperature of 16 ~ 20 ° c, the South than in the north generally, January 3 ~ 9 ° c, 七月 27 ~ 31 ° c, the average annual rainfall of 1341.4 ~ 1934.4 mm.
  In short, Jiangxi climate is characterized by: a cold spell in summer heat, autumn dry and cold winter, four seasons, but fall short in spring, summer and winter long. The province's warm climate, abundant rainfall, adequate lighting, a long frost-free period, a subtropical humid climate, appropriate for a variety of crops.
  Map of the city in Jiangxi: Jiangxi cuisine: dishes, including Jiangxi Nanchang, Jiujiang, Jingdezhen and Jinggangshan other regions of the specialty, general, and Jiangxi cuisine delicacies of good cooking game and fish, dishes heavy concentration of color, like pepper, taste hypertrophy.
  Nanchang, Jiujiang and so pay attention to color dishes, shape, and a variety of cooking methods, flavors are more abundant. The remote mountainous areas is particular about the cooking fire power, the amount of food simple enough, focus on flavor, especially the native system around the dishes, taste pure and honest, full of nostalgia. Jiangxi snacks and pasta varieties are also more diverse system of law, rather special.
  In addition, there are mouth-watering of the Concentration of Jiangxi, Guangchang White Lotus, Nam duck, Wushan Taihe Silkies, are chang whitebait, Anfu ham, chili sauce and other native Nam.
  Jiangxi Transportation: Aviation Jiangxi rapid development of air transport. At present, the formation of a Nanchang axis, from north to south, to Jiujiang, camphor, Taihe, Jian, Jingdezhen, Ganzhou connecting the province and across the country and Hong Kong's air transport network, in addition to the airport in Nanchang, Jiujiang, Jiangxi also , Ganzhou, and Jingdezhen three civil airports.
  Beijing-Kowloon Railway to the province's railways, Zhejiang and Jiangxi, Anhui and Jiangxi, Eagle House, Wu Kau 5 railway as the backbone, and another cross south, to the music, nothing, Yi Zhang, Zhang Tong, Zhang, Xintai such extension.
  Jiangxi Highway highways to the capital city of Nanchang, Jiujiang, north, south, the highway has been opened to traffic camphor. Liwen expressway has been opened along State Road 320 into the can on the highway in Jiangxi Province, Nanchang City, and direct access to places such as Mount Lushan. In addition, the province there are six national highway, respectively, east-west State Road 316 (Fuzhou-Lanzhou), 319 State Road (Xiamen to Chengdu), 320 National Highway (Shanghai to Yunnan Ruili), 323 State Road, (Rego to Yunnan Lancang) and State Road 105 south to north (Beijing to Zhuhai), 206 State Road (Yantai to Shantou). State Road 105 and 206 which both longitudinal Jiangxi.
  Jiangxi developed water transport water transportation, water two vertical and two horizontal lines to form the pattern: letter Jiang Gan River and the two vertical, two horizontal Yangtze River and the Changjiang to the province navigable mileage of 4937 kilometers.
  Accommodation in Jiangxi: Jiangxi five-star hotel is not much, but in general three-star and four-star hotel facilities and conditions are very good, the price of three-star hotels generally around two to three hundred dollars, four-star general in six hotels seven hundred or so.
  Entertainment Jiangxi: Jiangxi's major cities, as elsewhere, there are dance halls, recreation halls and other amusement activities. In addition to these, Jiangxi have more entertainment features are odd bird watching activities, Nanchang and other places have a special tour will be organized into Forest Park to bird-watching.
  Jiangxi tea-picking opera developed from folk songs and dances of the local drama, dating back some three hundred years of history. Tea-picking opera production, and rich tea related. Ming Dynasty, southern Jiangxi, Jiangxi, East, northern Jiangxi tea every Guyu season, working women up the mountain side of the tea while working to inspire enthusiasm for singing folk songs, this popular folk songs in the tea, known as the "tea-picking songs."
  Area: 166,900 square kilometers
  Population: 4139.8 million
  Location: Located in the Yangtze middle and lower reaches south, and Zhejiang, Fujian, Guangdong, Hunan, Hubei, Anhui and other provinces adjacent to the longest river in the province's largest - the Gan River, runs through the province from south to north, and therefore referred to as the Jiangxi "Gan."
  Capital City: Nanchang
  Administrative divisions: Nanchang, Jiujiang, Jingdezhen, Yichun Jian Fuzhou Ganzhou, Pingxiang, Xinyu Shangrao Yingtan in 11 prefecture-level cities, 99 counties (cities, districts)
  Long history, steady stream. Industrious and talented people to create a starry Jiangxi ancient civilization, depicting the event in modern picture, writing a modern epic chapter. Especially in the upcoming People's Republic of gushing out blood and fire fighting, the Jiangxi Provincial People for the birth of new China, _set_ an indelible outstanding contributions. Establishment of the Republic 50 years, in Mao Zedong, Deng Xiaoping and Jiang Zemin at the core of three generations of the Chinese Communist Party's central collective leadership with loving care and the provincial government under the correct leadership, Jiangxi People's unity, hard work and so, on a brilliant achievement for the the great prosperity of the motherland made a great contribution.
  Jiangxi Province, called Gan. 733 AD Emperor _set_ for River Road, Southwest province name derived from, and because the largest river in the Gan River in Jiangxi Province derived short. A total of Nanchang in Jiangxi Province, Jiujiang, Jingdezhen, Pingxiang, Xinyu, Yingtan, Ganzhou, Yichun, Shangrao, Jian, Fuzhou, 11 municipalities and districts (prefecture-level cities), 99 counties (cities, districts). Nanchang in Jiangxi province will be.
  Jiangxi Province is located in the Yangtze River in central China's southeast coast, east of Zhejiang, Fujian, Guangdong, south, west Hunan, northern border of Hubei, Anhui and the Yangtze River were. Jiangxi Province in the Yangtze Delta, Pearl River Delta region and the hinterland of southern Fujian, and Shanghai, Guangzhou, Xiamen, Nanjing, Wuhan, Changsha, Hefei and other city, the port of straight-line distance, mostly within six hundred to seven hundred kilometers. Originally known as the Jiangxi Province, "the head of Wu Chu Mei, Guangdong, Fujian family court", is a "victory of the area shape."
  The province's total land area of 166,900 square kilometers, accounting for 1.74% of total land area, ranking first in east China provinces. In addition to the northern territory is relatively flat, the things there are around three sides Mufu Southern Mountains, Wuyi Mountains, Huaiyu mountains, the mountains and nine Nine Ridge Mountains, central rolling hills, as a whole is tilted to the north of the Poyang Lake Basin, a huge opening. There are rivers and streams throughout the more than 2,400 articles, Gan Jiang, Fu River, Xinjiang River, repair River and five major rivers in Jiangxi Rao. Poyang Lake is China's largest freshwater lake, but also the world's largest habitat for migratory birds.
  Tropic of Cancer at the nearby Jiangxi province warm climate, abundant rainfall, annual precipitation 1341 mm to 1940 mm; frost-free period is long, humid subtropical climate, is conducive to the growth of crops. The province's ecological environment is good, the forest coverage rate of 60.05%, highest in the country. Rich in mineral resources, copper, tungsten, uranium, tantalum, rare earth and gold and silver known as the Jiangxi Province of the "Seven Golden Flower."
  In the long history of Chinese civilization, Jiangxi talent, Tao, Ouyang Xiu, Zeng Gong, Wang and Zhu Xi, Wen Tianxiang, Sung, Tang, represented the other writers, politicians, scientists, if the stars are bright and glorious history.
  Jiangxi is the cradle of Chinese revolution. August Nanchang Uprising fired the first shot to the Kuomintang reactionaries, Mao Zedong, Zhu De in Jinggangshan founded the first rural revolutionary base areas, the center of the Central Soviet Area in Jiangxi Ruijin South. Jiangxi to the Chinese revolution at the expense of a named Lie Shida much as 25 million people.
  According to the fifth census data, Jiangxi province has a population of 4,139.8 million people (including the foreign population, excluding population and military personnel to go out.)
  In the great practice of reform and opening up, Jiangxi been reached a new high economic output and economic development potential is growing.
  As a large proportion of the province of agricultural, food, oil, vegetables, pigs, tangerine, freshwater fish and other agricultural products plays an important role in the country. With the agricultural science and technology and accelerate the pace of industrialization, the traditional agriculture to modern agriculture is rapidly changing. Encouraging prospects for ecological agriculture, green agricultural products is becoming an important growth point. Lake River Watershed Management and governance of governance "Mountain lakes project" cross-century project by the United Nations and experts as an example of sustainable development, pig, marsh and the kinds of results the system of combining the ecological agricultural practices implemented in Southern made good benefits, are gradually the province away.
  Jiangxi have built a number of medium-sized enterprises, the formation of the automobile, machinery, electronics, chemicals, metallurgy, building materials, food, textile, medicine and other categories of the industrial system, the layout is becoming more rational, pillar industries and competitive industries thrive, the main industrial production doubled, and a number of industrial enterprises and products close to or reach the domestic advanced level.
  Through overall planning, rational distribution, multi-finance, Jiangxi continued to increase water conservation, energy, transportation, communications, infrastructure investment and concentrate a large number of key projects completed, greatly improved the infrastructure for the new century laid the a solid foundation. The opening of the Beijing-Kowloon Railway in 1996, from south to north across the 26 counties in Jiangxi, city, district, in Jiangxi Province 700 km long, accounting for nearly full range of length 1 / 3. Nine have been completed and Chang, Chang Zhang, gentle, nine King, Li Wen and other highways, with a total mileage of 659 km. . The province's existing four civilian airports, opened to Beijing, Shanghai and Hong Kong, dozens of routes.
  Jiangxi vigorously implement the "Gan science and education" strategy, initially built support for the province's economic and social development of the education and technology system. Investment in education increased year by year the province has effectively improved the conditions of primary and secondary schools. Nine-year compulsory education basically and to eliminate illiteracy prime target. The rapid development of vocational education. There are 32 colleges and universities across the province to develop a large number of qualified staff. Nanchang University, Ministry of Education has passed the national examination to enter higher education "221" project. Applied research in strengthening science and technology, accelerate the transformation, the a lot of fruitful work. Culture and splendor. Rapid development of radio and television broadcasting. Archaeological excavations have achieved significant results. Sports vibrant success.
  Socialist spiritual civilization has achieved fruitful results in Jiangxi, economic and social development and modernization to provide a powerful spiritual force, a comprehensive ideological guarantee, full support and good intellectual climate of opinion. Adhere to the spirit of education, cadres and the masses with the Jinggangshan, has established and named a number of provincial patriotism education base. One August Nanchang Uprising Memorial Hall, Anyuan Mine Workers Movement Museum, Jinggangshan Revolutionary Memorial Hall and the Central Revolutionary Base Ruijin, the first national museum to be included in the 100 patriotic education bases.
  Jiangxi is rich in tourism resources, tourism is increasingly becoming a new economic growth point of Jiangxi. Lushan, Jinggangshan, Lung Fu Shan, and known as the South Mountains in one of three famous Poetic House has become to the guests must visit attraction in Jiangxi.
  With economic development, market commodity rich urban and rural areas have undergone significant changes, the province gradually increase rural income and consumption structure has improved significantly the quality of life and standard of living is increasing.
  Jiangxi has a glorious past, has a booming now, but will also have a better future.
  "Economic and Social Development in Jiangxi Province Tenth Five-Year Plan" proposed by the province's main economic and social development goals. And in the "fifth" period efforts to achieve "three breakthroughs, three major development." Namely: to have a major breakthrough in opening up, the main industry to have a big breakthrough in the development of urbanization had a big breakthrough; county economic development should have large, non-public economy should be a big development, science and education have a major development .
  Kaiyuan occasion in the new century, to achieve leapfrog development, Jiangxi provincial government called on people to further emancipate the mind, promote the Jinggangshan revolutionary spirit, provinces and municipalities to learn the advanced experience of reform and opening up, take the new path of economic development in Jiangxi, Jiangxi Province in the middle to achieve region rise.
  Magnificent prospect of the 21st century, Jiangxi people are determined to rally more closely around the Central Committee, hold high the great banner of Deng Xiaoping Theory, "Three Represents" important thought, study and implementation of the congress, under the leadership of the provincial government, solidarity and development, and wholeheartedly pursue their careers, to forge ahead and do solid work for the realization of full access to well-off society in Jiangxi and work hard.
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Jiangxi Overview
  East Jiangxi Province, Zhejiang, Fujian, Guangdong, south, west Hunan, the North border of Hubei, Anhui and the Yangtze River were, for the Yangtze River Delta, Pearl River Delta region and the southern hinterland. The total area of 166,900 square kilometers of Jiangxi Province, accounting for 1.74% of total land area, living first in East China provinces. In addition to the northern territory is relatively flat, the things there are around three sides Mufu Southern Mountains, Wuyi Mountains, Huaiyu mountains, the mountains and nine Nine Ridge Mountains, central rolling hills, as a whole is tilted to the north of the Poyang Lake Basin, a huge opening. There are rivers and streams throughout the more than 2,400 articles, Gan Jiang, Fu water, Xinjiang River, Xiushui and five major rivers in Jiangxi po River. Poyang Lake is China's largest freshwater lake, but also the world's largest habitat for migratory birds. Near the Tropic of Cancer at the province warm climate, abundant rainfall, average annual precipitation 1341 mm to 1940 mm; frost-free period is long, humid subtropical climate, is conducive to the growth of crops. Lushan Han Pokou the province's good a good ecological environment, the forest coverage rate reached 60.2%, ranking second in the country. Rich in mineral resources, copper, tungsten, uranium, tantalum, rare earth and gold and silver known as the Jiangxi Province of the "Seven Golden Flower."
  Jurisdiction over 11 municipalities and districts in Jiangxi: Nanchang (capital of Jiangxi province, the largest city) and Jiujiang (Yangtze River port city), Ganzhou (Jiangxi southern gate, the World Tungsten), Shangrao (tourist destination, China Excellent Tourism City), Yichun (China all months), Jingdezhen (World porcelain), Fuzhou (Wets town), Jian (sacred place of revolution), Xinyu (China Steel City), Yingtan (China Road are), Pingxiang (South coals). As of 2008, the province's population of 44,001,000, the population density of 263 people / k ㎡, higher than the national average, lower than the neighboring provinces; birth rate 13.80 ‰, mortality rate 6.01 ‰; the urban population ratio of 36.68%, lower than the national average level; male to female ratio 105.13:100, higher than the national average; Han nationality accounts for 99.7%, 0.2% of She.
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江西 历史沿革
江西 历史沿革
  Jiangxi development history, from archaeological finds research, can be traced back to a million years ago ago. The administrative area of Jiangxi as the clear establishment. Gotti began in the early years of the Han (202 BC around). When _set_ting Yuzhang County, Gunji Nanchang, under the jurisdiction of 18 counties, respectively, Nanchang, Luling, Penzer, Poyang, the remaining sweat, Chaisang, Gan, Xin Gan, South City, Yichun, yu are, Ai, Anping, sea dusk , Li Ling and built, etc., geographical distribution, the Gan River, Xu Jiang, Shun Jiang, Xiushui, Yuan water along the coast, ie roughly the same area later in Jiangxi Province.
  Han pm to monitor the country into 13 areas, said the 13 states at this time is Yangzhou Jiangxi Department.
  West Jinyuan Kang Dynasty (AD 291), the re-established Jiangzhou, the main body of the original counties in Jiangxi province.
  Sui has been adjusted for administrative divisions, states and counties with lower levels, thus Sui County in Jiangxi province with 7 of 24 counties.
  State of the Tang Dynasty to 8 of 37 counties, respectively, Hongzhou, Raozhou, Qian Zhou, Ji states, Jiangzhou, Yuanzhou, Fuzhou, and the letter states. The first year of Emperor Zhen Guan designated to monitor the country for the 10 areas increased to 15 when Xuanzong, Hung, Rao, Qian, Kyrgyzstan, Jiang, Yuan, Fu, Shun 8-state area under the supervision of Jiangnan West Road.
  Five Dynasties, Southern Tang Jiangxi is. Appeared in this period is equivalent to other states under the new administrative division 6 states, 4 Jun, 55 counties. Jiaotai first year, the Southern Tang in the South are in the main decided to build Hongzhou, and thus l Hongzhou Nanchang House.
  Song for the road diversion on the state, the state in Jiangxi province is _set_ to 9, 4 Jun, 68 counties, most of its part of South West, and another part of the southern part of East.
  Executive secretariat established system of Yuan dynasty (the province or provinces). Much larger than the area of Jiangxi province Jiangxi area today. In addition to including most of today outside the region of Jiangxi (formerly part of Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces in Northeast Jiangxi Province), also includes most of today's Guangdong Province. Per province under way, Zhili, state (with the county administrative agencies) and county. Jiangxi province under the jurisdiction of Xing, Jian, Nankang, Ganzhou, Jianchang, Jiangzhou, Nam, Switzerland states, Yuanzhou, Riverside, Fuzhou, Raozhou, the letter of 13 Road and Fung states, Yanshan 2 Zhili states and 48 counties, 16 county-level states.
  Although largely retained the Yuan Dynasty Ming provinces formed, but diverted to the Central Secretariat for the administrative commissioner's office (still say provincial habits), change the way the government and change the state for the county. Nanchang, Jiangxi Province administrative commissioner jurisdiction, Swiss state, Raozhou, Nankang, Jiujiang, widely believed, Fuzhou, Jianchang, Jian, Yuanzhou, Riverside, Ganzhou, Nam 13, House, under the jurisdiction of 78 counties, the same basic region today Jiangxi area. Cheng Xuan administrative commissioner for the time being, Tixing provincial judge Division, Douzhihuishi Jiangxi administrative commissioner of the Division for the highest executive body, the three direct control by the Central Division, respectively, decentralization and governance, and do not of command. Three of the Ming Dynasty Military Governors (ning, Huai Wang and Yi Wang) packet of Nanchang in Jiangxi Province House, the state capital Rao (Poyang) and Jianchang House (South City).
  Change the administrative commissioner for the Qing Dynasty in Jiangxi province of Jiangxi, the basic inherited administrative region clearly formed. Jian added another in the Lotus House, Nam Cheong House added drums, Gan Qian Nan and other state and 3 additional county hall, while all counties rose rather provincial jurisdiction Zhili. Governor to become the Chief Executive of the province, under the order of administrative commissioner's office and Tixing provincial judge declared the Division, in charge of civil affairs, finance and judicial supervision.
  Republic of China, the Qing government, state, shall be replaced by the Office of the county. Comprises the 81 counties in Jiangxi Province. 1926 Expedition to formally _set_ stationed in Nanchang, Nanchang. Wuyuan County in 1934 into the program from the Anhui Jiangxi, draw back in 1947, Anhui, Jiangxi Province in 1949 re-classified.
  After the founding of the PRC, the administrative divisions of Jiangxi have had many adjustments and changes. As of November 2001, the province's total of Nanchang, Jiujiang, Jingdezhen, Pingxiang, Xinyu, Yingtan, Ganzhou, Yichun, Shangrao, Jian, Fuzhou, 11 municipalities and districts, 10 county-level cities, 70 counties, 19 cities area. Nanchang in Jiangxi province will be.
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Administrative Division
江西 行政区划
江西 行政区划
江西 行政区划
江西 行政区划
江西 行政区划
江西 行政区划
  Nanchang: 5 District 4 County jurisdiction:
  East Lake District, Lake District, Qingyunpu area, Wanli District, Castle Lake
  Nanchang County, new county, Jinxian, Anyi.
  Jiujiang City: District 9 County jurisdiction 2 1 City:
  Xunyang Qu, Lushan District, Jiujiang County, Wuning County, Xiushui County, Yongxiu County,
  Dean Xian, Xingzi County, Duchang County, Hukou County, Pengze County, Ruichang City
  Hosting two prefecture-level Council Committee Vice: Komsomolsk Open Development Zone, Lushan Mountain Scenic Area Administration.
  Jingdezhen City: County jurisdiction area 2 1 1 City:
  Changjiang District, Zhuhai Mountain, Leping City, Fuliang County.
  Yichun City: jurisdiction over a District 6 counties and 3 cities:
  Yuanzhou district, Jing'an County, Bong County, should County, on the high county, Tonggu, Wanzai County.
  Feng city, camphor City, Gao'an.
  Xinyu City: jurisdiction over a District 1 County:
  Yushui, Fenyi County.
  Pingxiang City: jurisdiction 2 District 3 County:
  Anyuan area, Xiangdong, Shangli County, Luxi County, Lianhua County.
  Yingtan City: jurisdiction over a District 1 County 1 City:
  May Lake, Yujiang, Guixi City
  Ganzhou City: District 15 County jurisdiction 2 City 2:
  Zhanggong, gold district, Gan County, Xinfeng County, Dayu County, Shangyou County, Chongyi County,
  Anyuan County, Long County, will County, all County, Xingguo County, Ningdu County, Yudu County,
  Huichang County, Xunwu County, Shicheng, Nankang, Ruijin City
  Shangrao City: jurisdiction over an area of 10 counties a city:
  Shinshu area, Shangrao, Guangfeng, Yushan County, Wuyuan County, Poyang County, Yugan County,
  Wannian County, Yiyang County, Hengfeng County, Yanshan County, Dexing City
  Jian: jurisdiction over 10 counties in Area 2, 1 City:
  Jizhou Qu, Tsing District, Ji County, the new dry county, Yongfeng, Xiajiang, Jishui,
  Taihe County, Wanan County, Suichuan County, Anfu County, Yongxin County, Jinggangshan
  Fuzhou City: Zone 1 10 county jurisdiction:
  Linchuan, Dongxiang County, Jinxi County, Zixi County, Nan Chengxian, South County, Lichuan County,
  Guangchang County, Chongren County, Lok County, Yihuang County.
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Ethnic population
江西 人口民族
江西 人口民族
  (1) year for 2 years (Han Yuanshi 2 years), 35.20 million.
  (2) 1491 AD (Ming Hongzhi 4 years), 654.98 million.
  (3) 1909 ~ 1911 AD (Qing Xuantong), the 1697.70 million.
  (4) Year 1928 (17 years Republic of China), 2032.28 million.
  (5) AD 1947 (the Republic of China 36 years), 1272.52 million.
  (6) AD 1950, 1568 people.
  (7) the year 1978, 3182.8 million
  (8) AD 1998, 4,191.21 million, 1,004,100. The natural population growth rate of 9.8 ‰.
  (9) the year 2001, at the end of the total population of 4,185.77 million, the total number of 11,374,400, the population density of 251 / (km) 2. The natural population growth rate of 9.38 ‰.
  (10) AD 2008, 4400.1 million
  A total of 38 ethnic province. Most of them Han Chinese population, over 99% of the total population. There are more minority Muslim population, She, Zhuang, Manchu, Miao, Yao, Mongolian, Dong, Korean, Tujia, Buyi, etc., of which the largest population of the Hui and She; there Bai, Yi, Li, Gaoshan, Tibetan, aquarium, Dai, Mao difficult race, Naxi, Xibe, Tu, Hani, Qiang, Mulam, Uygur, Lisu, Daur, Gelao, Yugur, Jing, Drung tribe, Lahu, Jingpo, Blang, Russia and other family and Jino.
  She inhabited by ethnic minorities, mainly in the Yanshan Tai Yuen She Nationality and Guixi Zhang Ping She Nationality and other places, and Yongfeng, Jian, rejuvenating, Wuning, Dean, capital Creek, Yihuang, Lok and other cities and counties She more than 30 villages; Yao some _set_tlements, such as whole South Dayaoshan, speakers Hill; other minorities are scattered nature.
  Hong Kong, Macao compatriots, overseas Chinese, overseas Chinese
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Institutions of higher learning
  Public key undergraduate (a) Institution:
  Nanchang University School level: Ministry of Education and Jiangxi Provincial People's Government to build the national "211 Project" construction of a comprehensive university, is moving in the "Chinese characteristics, the world level," the high level of new comprehensive university of the goal.
  The country and the Nanchang University in Jiangxi Province personnel training, scientific research and technological achievements into an important base for the Ministry of Education Undergraduate Teaching outstanding college level assessment, the first national experimental projects Student innovative schools, is the overall strength of Jiangxi Province most institutions of higher learning.
  Jiangxi University of Finance and educational levels: the Ministry of Finance and the Jiangxi Provincial People's Government to build a key university is moving in the national first-class multi-disciplinary teaching and research university of the goal.
  Jiangxi University of Finance and the history of Chinese higher education schools, as long a college of higher finance and economics, it is always with national and Jiangxi's economic construction and development is closely related to the great cause. Talent, has made great achievements is its country and nation, the truth of history and the era of dedication. February 6, 2008, Premier Wen Jiabao and Finance students to spend New Year's Eve River, delivered an important speech, and praised: "your school is good schools." Summer 2008, Jiangxi Provincial Party Secretary Su Rong Jiang financial letter in the instruction: Jiangxi University Jiangxi University of Finance is a business card, social widely welcomed, is the best key university.
  Public Universities:
  Jiangxi Agricultural University, Jiangxi University of Technology, Jingdezhen Ceramic Institute, East China Jiaotong University, East China University of Technology, Nanchang Institute of Aeronautical University, Jinggangshan University, Yichun University, Gannan Normal University, Gannan Medical College, Nanchang University, Jiangxi Medical College, Shangrao Teachers College, Jiujiang, Nanchang University School of Medicine, Jiangxi Science and Technology Normal University, Jiangxi Institute of Education
  Note: Jiangxi Normal University undergraduate admissions than art, sports, International Education College, professional fees continue to enforce the two lines, the early batches of admission to the professional from 2008 admission by the executive two line adjustment for the implementation of an admission line.
  Private Colleges:
  Blue Sky University, Nanchang Institute of Technology
  Public colleges:
  Private colleges:
  City Vocational College in Jiangxi, Jiangxi Vocational College of Science and Technology Yuzhou, Jiangxi Vocational College of Science and Technology, Jiangxi Dayu Vocational and Technical College and Jiangxi Clothing Vocational College, Gan River Technical College, Jiangxi Pioneer Software Institute, Jiangxi Vocational College Tellhow animation, Jiangxi Maple Foreign Trade Institute, Ganxi Technology College, Jiangxi Vocational College of solar technology
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Geography and Climate
江西 地理气候
江西 地理气候
江西 地理气候
  Jiangxi is near the Tropic of Cancer, earlier warming in spring, but the weather variable, first warm the cold at first glance, the rainfall is above normal, until the early summer; midsummer to the moon before the fine and hot dry; the winter cold, but frost period is short, especially in recent years, warm winter obvious. Jiangxi terrain as long, large north-south differences in climate, but overall is a short spring and autumn, summer and winter long. The province's warm climate, abundant sunshine, rainfall, frost-free period is long, humid subtropical climate, is conducive to the growth of crops.
  The total average annual sunshine radiation in Jiangxi is 97 kcal per square centimeter to 114.5 kcal; DUCHANG most Tonggu least. Average annual sunshine hours for 1473.3 hours to 2,077.5 hours; DUCHANG most Chongyi County at least. Jiangxi rain. Average annual precipitation is 1341 mm to 1940 mm, the general performance of the South more than North little more than East West little more than mountain basins less. Wuyi Mountain, Yushan and nine pregnant Ridge Hill up to 1800 mm average annual rainfall of 2000 mm along the Yangtze River to the north and the Poyang Lake Basin Guiter average annual precipitation is about 1350 mm to 1400 mm, more than other regions in 1500 mm to 1700 mm. Seasonal rainfall throughout the year vary widely. Generally fine weather in autumn and winter, most areas in 1977, rainy weather throughout the autumn and winter, mainly to the phenomenon is more rare. When warm spring cold and rainy, usually in April after the province has entered the rainy season. May and June precipitation for the whole year maximum period, the average monthly rainfall of 200 mm to 350 mm or more, up to 700 mm or more. More heavy rain or rainstorms during this period, rainfall intensity was at 50 mm to 100 mm of precipitation, maximum and even up to 300 mm to 500 mm. July rain belt moved northward, the end of the rainy season, the temperature has risen sharply during the province into the fine and hot, late summer autumn drought linked to the landing area from the southeast of Jiangxi typhoon will bring rain to ease drought, reduce heat. In addition to seasonal distribution of precipitation is very uneven, the annual variation is also quite poor, at least up to the year up to more than double the year. In addition to Lushan, the province's annual average wind speed of 1 meter per second to 3.8 meters per second, the minimum for the Dexing City, the largest county for the stars. Average annual wind at 0.5 days to 28.5 days, preferably at least Huangxian, up to the stars County. Lake shore, Gan Jiang, Fu River downstream, and high Peak and Canyon wind energy resources are more abundant, the average annual wind speed at 3 meters per second to 5 meters per second.
  The province's main natural disasters have cold damage, floods, drought and relatively short duration of freezing and heat hazards.
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江西 风景名胜
江西 风景名胜
江西 风景名胜
江西 风景名胜
江西 风景名胜
江西 风景名胜
江西 风景名胜
江西 风景名胜
江西 风景名胜
江西 风景名胜
  Attractions List
  Jiangxi has a long history, beautiful mountains and rivers, cultural atmosphere, many historical sites. The province has two World Heritage Sites, 11 national key scenic spots, 36 national forest parks, three national historical and cultural city, five national key protection temples, Poetic: one floor, the three famous South 52 national key cultural relics protection unit. The province's various scenic spots (points) are more than up to 2400.
  World Heritage
  Lushan Mountains in
  Nominations to the World Heritage
  Lung Fu Shan, Guifeng
  World Heritage Tentative List
  Wuyuan Li Hang, Wang mouth ancient village
  National Scenic Area
  Lushan, Jinggangshan, Sanqingshan, Lung Fu Shan, Fairy Lake, three hundred mountain, Meiling - Poetic, Guifeng, kaolinite - Yao, the martial arts mountain, Yunju - Zhelin Lake 11.
  National Forest Park
  Lushan, the moon mountains, Mei Guan, rock springs, cloud Bifeng, three hundred mountain Cuiweifeng, san, Qingliangshan, nine Ridge Mountains, fingers peaks Sanzhualun, Maple Hill, Yao, the Nine Hill, the supernatant etc. 36.
  Provincial-level scenic spots
  Maoshan Dexing City, Shangrao Mountain, Gao'an Waring Village - Upper Lake, Dongshan and official Mountain, Nanchang, as the lake, Shangyou County steep water lake, Yunju, white narcissus Suichuan County - Spring River, Shangli County Yang Qishan, Wanan Scenic Area, Leping Hongyuan Wonderland, etc.
  China Excellent Tourism City
  Nanchang City, Jinggangshan City, Jian, Yichun City, Shangrao City, Yingtan City, Jingdezhen City, Jiangxi City, Jiujiang City
  State-level historical and cultural city
  Nanchang, Jingdezhen, Ganzhou 3.
  National Nature Reserve of migratory birds
  Poyang Lake, China's largest freshwater lake, Poyang Lake National Nature Reserve, migratory birds
  Green Tourism
  Kuang Qixiu heaven
  Lushan, Jiangxi Province Xiong Zhi in the north. "Do not know the truth, just because in the mountain," the Song Dynasty poet Su Shi's famous line has become a philosophy. Jin Jiang with a lake in the mountainous, the cliffs, the sea of clouds interested in fog, waterfalls Silver Spring, Youlin stack Valley, the number of letters urging celebrities, Yin eternal farewell; historic attractions, mountain Pinghu, green vegetation, villas, so the world tourists, love to stay single bell. Three hundred square kilometers in the scenic area, 12 scenic spots, 37 spots, more than 230 landscape features, like the hundreds of gems, jade Ling Ling scattered peak, _set_ in the Gap between the valley.
  "Market sky, mountains out of Pinghu," more than twenty countries with more than a thousand buildings architectural style, shape and unique mountain villa, nestled in more than 3,400 flowers, ornamental trees among Yunshan Kam Valley. Lulin Kuling sparkling blue lake, such as Kumho Shuiguang glittering. Dan Menjian new suspension bridge, erected like a rainbow, Mao Monument Park is a palace of art, visited the great man's shrine. Lushan, _set_ in one of the natural and cultural landscape, was named foreign tourists, "four top ten tourist attractions in China" one.
  Goddess of Mountains in three clear
  Mountains in Yushan County in Shangrao. Known as "First Jiangnan Xianfeng", "Huangshan Mountain Sisters," "East Pearl" and his reputation. Mountains in the July 8, 2008 the "World Heritage List", the seventh of China, Jiangxi only the world's natural heritage.
  Lung Fu Shan
  Lung Fu Shan, formerly known as cloud Geumsan, mid-Eastern Han Dynasty, the first generation came to the Heavenly Master Zhang Ling Road Lian Li Zhaoji Shendan nine days, "Dan into the dragon see the mountain because of the name." After Zhang Ling Road sincere seminarians, founded Taoism, has been "Yellow Emperor Jiuding Dan Book" and "Dan Taiqing by" writing "Lao Zi" to explain and bring grounding Shu sermon, as the rule of man with Fushui Spell disease cured disaster, won the people's love.
  Dragon and Tiger is the typical landform scenery, scenic nine Shi Jiufeng, round rock, one hundred and eight natural and cultural landscape, many of God twenty-pool and fantastic springs, waterfalls Dan Wells. Bright and clean and beautiful, graceful Luxi River, from south to north from the area runs through. She feels like a silver ribbon, the Shangqing Gong, Fearless House, Lung Fu Shan, spunk-water rocks here, Po Ying as one bead to form the best line Longhushan tourism. From the supernatant of the Millennium Luxi town along the river by bamboo raft, the twenty-twenty years in the landscape painted screen, the two sides Qifeng rocks, bamboo green to drop, the venue and on exterior, like a fairyland. Tour history have this many men of letters, poetry and painting, Liufangqiangu.
  During the two thousand six hundred years of the Spring and Autumn Cliff, Lung Fu Shan Scenic Area is another "must" King, Cliff wide distribution, quantity, location, insurance, strange shapes, rich collection of artifacts, the most in China.
  Guifeng for the national scenic area, national 4A grade tourism area, located in a great proletarian revolutionary martyr Fang Zhimin's hometown - Yiyang County, because "no hills, no turtles, no stone is not a tortoise", and the entire area to head like a gigantic giant turtle named.
  Guifeng joint application bundled with the Dragon and Tiger "World Natural Heritage."
  Hundred mountain
  County of Jiangxi Province is located in far southeastern border security, is the eastern section of Mountain Wuyi Mountains ecotone is the birthplace of the East River, the source of drinking water in Hong Kong compatriots, but also the only drink from the source of Hong Kong compatriots have special meaning to visit. 1993, approved as a national forest park; in 1995 as a provincial-level key scenic spots; 2000 called "the first national action to protect the mother river" ecological education demonstration base; 2002 for the fourth installment of the State Council approved the national key scenic spots.
  East Ridge - Huanggang Shan
  Huang Gangshan the main peak of Wuyi Department, located in Fujian and Jiangxi Provinces, was the first peak in southeast China, 2,158 m above sea level, Su said, "East Ridge." Wuyi mountain territory of the proliferation of violent undulating terrain, the surrounding mountain peaks over 1500 meters above sea level and 110-plus. Mountain steep slope is generally 30 degrees - 40 degrees, the steepest at 75 degrees - 80 degrees, a difference is extremely poor, the strong river erosion cutting depth of up to 500 meters.
  Wuyi is the main forest areas in southern China, Stretching more than 500 kilometers, a special form of its mist-shrouded terrain, diverse ecological environment, which gave birth to an extremely rich flora and fauna.
  Paradise on earth - moon mountain
  Moon Mountain is located in the country's first eco-city - Yichun City, 31 kilometers southwest of the city Yuanzhou Department, is a provincial scenic area, is a national forest park. Moon Mountain is a "dangerous peaks sink, hot springs, waterfalls, rare flora and fauna and Zen culture" as the main feature, _set_ the "ecological sightseeing, leisure, science education and Zen tourism" as one of the scenic mountain area.
  Moon Mountain, and a total of five scenic resort area, namely: to Cloud Valley, waterfalls, little is steep cliff under the main characteristics of the lake area; to Victoria Peak, sunrise, alpine meadows, peaks as the main characteristics of rocks scenic Victoria Peak ; to clouds and cloud cliff cliff cliff as the main characteristics of meteorological wonders scenic pond Jiashan; Zen culture, folk customs as the main characteristics of the Yangshan area; to rare plants, wild jungle as the main characteristics of the jade Jingshan area as well as spa and resort , leisure and entertainment as the main characteristics of the hot water spa resort.
  Southeast first peak - Tongboshan
  Tongboshan Guangfeng in the territory of Shangrao City, located in the eastern section of Wuyi Mountain, elevation 1534.6 m, an area of 312.4 square kilometers, accounting for the total area of the county wide abundance of 22.7%, which is the largest national forest park in Jiangxi Province and beautiful scenery, pleasant climate, virgin forests, bamboo scenery, Gaoxiapinghu, Zhang Shu Ye hometown, the Red Rocks and so green, old color, red is very rich in tourism resources. Closing off a thousand years-long ban on logging history, so Tongboshan become a rare piece of undeveloped virgin land valuable tourism resources. Currently Tongboshan actively create a national 4A level scenic spots and the declaration of national geological park.
  Five Mountain House
  Five government Shangrao in Jiangxi Province in southern Shan, Wuyishan Mountain. Five House Mountain natural landscape rich, by the Lady Creek, fingers peaks, five House Gang, Dragon Valley, San Tong Temple constitute the five scenic spots. Lady River rises in the government post of the original five Forest Service to show, Spirit, Qi known; fingers peak risk, Jun, Xiong; five high government post, open, God, great list of small hills of the style; Dragon Valley is like a "Landscape Gallery" and into "wild, quiet, Jun, insurance, interest, leisure" in one, to keep the original ecology of the beautiful; St. Tang Temple quiet, ancient, and tranquility. Wei scenic mountains, water, Che, Feng Qi, Shi strange, strong spring and tranquil waterfalls, dense forests, vegetation original peaks and buildings, ancient trees, the forest coverage rate reached 95%, mainly mixed coniferous, evergreen broadleaf forest, Bamboo Forest, coniferous forest, alpine shrub, alpine meadows and other 6 categories. About 3,4 thousands of plant species, such as yew, Ginkgo biloba, Liriodendron autumn, the South hemlock, yew, Cephalotaxus, semi-Feng Netherlands, silver trees, cork, etc, known as "natural botanical garden" in said. About 200 kinds of animal species, such as black bears, golden cats, monkeys, deer, wild boar, deer, goats, snakes, and various pheasants, etc., there are many types of insects such as butterflies, turns out to be animal "kingdom . "
  Fairy land - Fairy Lake
  National Nature Reserve - Lake
  Jiangxi Province, Poyang Lake is China's largest freshwater lake, ancient or Li Peng Peng Li Hu Ze, "Geography", "Yu Zhang County Penzer" section contains: "Ze Li Peng in the West." There is another way of saying: "Peng are big also, Li who is also the gourd dipper." Described as a large gourd as Poyang Lake, is a throughput of the lake.
  Poyang Lake National Nature Reserve. It Wu Yongxiu County town as the center, vertical and horizontal permanent repair, the stars, the new Lake and other counties within the jurisdiction of the nine lakes, a total area of 224 square kilometers.
  4 per year 至 September flood season, the lake rose, the biggest area of 4,600 square kilometers. Poyang Lake, a vast expanse of time, aquatic fish, shrimp, snails, mussels and aquatic plants thrive. October to stand for the dry season in March, the water level to drop, the lake area is reduced to about 500 square kilometers, forming a large area of the lake beach, grass Chau, wetlands, shallow lakes. Tides, the water plants, snails, mussels and other migratory birds have become rich food. As the geographical and climatic conditions here are suitable for wintering birds, so in autumn to early winter each year (11 months), from Russia, Siberia, Mongolia, Japan, Korea and Northeast China, Northwest and other places, migratory birds fly thousands of pairs, and the original _set_tlers here in the wild ducks, herons, ducks and other people through the winter, until the establishment of twilight (3 months) gradually leave. Today, the protected areas has reached more than 200 kinds of birds, a million, of which 20 kinds of rare birds, is the world's largest bird sanctuary. The good news is here in particular that of the contemporary group of the world's largest crane and the white-naped crane, crane, crane and so on. Therefore, the Poyang Lake is known as "Crane World", "Kingdom of rare birds."
  Ancient tourism
  One of the three famous South Building - Poetic
  Poetic, is located in Nanchang, Jiangxi Province along the Yangtze River Road, northwest of the east coast of Gan River, Yellow Crane Tower, Hubei, Hunan Yueyang Tower is that "the three famous South Building."
  Gordon House overview, panoramic view of Spring Moon, near Commercial Street, antique shows tortuous, patchwork, west of Gan Jiang, Fu Jiang Haohao convergence in the distance thousands of miles long days, Xishan Wang Tsui, Nampo Fei, Longbridge lying wave, so people relaxed and happy. For "Four Heroes," a male head of the Wang Bo Wen - "Autumn Denghong House Poetic farewell order", referred to as "Preface to King" and to name consistent ancient and modern, world famous. Wang Bo's "Preface to King," popular, passed down through generations to come. Taking the House name House to Interfax, the calendar golden reputation vicissitudes of living.
  Since Wang Bo's "a sequence through the ages" after, Wang worked Poetic as "Poetic Fu", Wang Zhong Shu also for the "Poetic mind," pass "three Kings Teng Kok," the story. Han Yu, a great writer after another for "new revised Poetic mind." Poetic after the second reconstruction is ninth in the 8 October 1989 victory of the completion of the Chung Yeung Festival, which enriched not only add to the ancient city of Nanchang, Hui, and the most beautiful village in China with its unique - Wuyuan charm, attracting an avalanche of foreign visitors.
  China's most beautiful countryside - Wuyuan
  Wuyuan, in Shangrao the north, known as "book town", "hometown of tea," said, is a famous cultural and eco-tourism county by outsiders as the "most beautiful village in China." A world endangered bird species - yellow throat Garrulax, the world's largest wintering habitat of wild ducks - Yuanyang Lake, each winter, more than 2,000 pair of mandarin ducks winter here, there is China's highest waterfall - Large Zhang Shan Falls.
  Historic Village - An ancient village justice
  Anyi Millennium Village cluster is located in scenic areas the western suburbs of Nanchang City, the Western Hills Meiling feet.
  Anyi group by the Millennium Village Luotian, water south, Beijing and Taiwan three ancient villages, a distance of 1 mile, the three-word items were arranged in the village, each other tripartite balance of forces.
  Thousands of years, village once important, has the boom-bust; was noisy, also silent. Regardless of success or failure of village fought, fighting over. It and left behind a rich historical and cultural heritage, its business culture for the people of Jiangxi, Jiangxi school buildings provide valuable information. At present, the security group has been defined as the Millennium Village historical and cultural village in Jiangxi, Jiangxi patriotism education base, Nanchang, "Ten New Yu Zhang" and Jiangxi "Ten countryside views."
  The first village through the ages - Ancient Village Liukeng
  State Bureau of Cultural Relics in the study stream Hang Zhang Wenbin, the convection spoke highly of Dang, and swipes the Liukeng inscription: "the first village through the ages." August 22, 1997, the Jiangxi Provincial People's Government granted the land for the current Village historical and cultural protection areas in Jiangxi Province, while the old buildings at 21 units to be protected for the province announced. June 2001, published for the fifth flow Hang national cultural heritage site. October 2003, China Stream Village was named the first historical and cultural village.
  Historic South Village - Village off the Tempo
  Tempo village (now Sim will be the village, Singh of the village) is located in Jiangxi Province, 23 kilometers north Yifeng County, Castle Peak, surrounded by a moat ring the village, showing a boat-shaped natural landscape. Ancient Village Sim will range from rural village of Tempo, Xin part of the area of the village planning together Tempo village, an area of about 2.5 square kilometers, 2,067 existing households, population 5803 people. Village of the historical remains of buildings dating back as early construction of the Ming Dynasty, is 90% intact level, building size of 80 square meters. Yi Lake Road through the village side, Bukit Village Highway 3 km in length, the traffic is extremely convenient.
  The cradle of the revolution: of Red Tourism
  Jiangxi revolutionary base areas, has many unique red tourism attractions, such as the cradle of the revolution - Jinggangshan Uprising Memorial, where the Central Soviet Area - Red are Ruijin, Shangrao concentration camps, Anyuan Memorial, Yiyang Fang Zhimin Memorial Hall.
  The cradle of the revolution - EXECUTIVE
  Jinggangshan is "the cradle of Chinese revolution," is a "saturated with the blood of the holy martyrs." October 1927, Mao Zedong, Zhu De and other worker-peasant revolution led by the older generation of proletarian revolutionaries of the military came to Jinggangshan, the establishment of orchids floor. Created the first rural revolutionary base area in China, opened up to "encircling the cities, the armed seizure of power," the revolutionary road with Chinese characteristics. Left for future generations, especially valuable spiritual wealth - Jinggangshan spirit.
  Flag is raised, place - Nanchang
  Red ancient capital - Ruijin
  Ruijin is a renowned Chinese and foreign "red ancient capital," the cradle of the Republic, the Central Red Army of departure. Ruijin in the history of the Chinese revolution has written a brilliant page in history has an important position. She was the first red regime in China - the Chinese Soviet Republic, the birthplace of the Provisional Central Government, the Second Revolutionary War the center of the Central Revolutionary Base Area is the famous Long March of the departure of the Red Army.
  General County - rejuvenating
  Rejuvenating the country, old times, the star bright. In the Second Revolutionary War, the County is famous Soviet model of a county, Red County, General County, martyrs County, is the third, fourth and fifth against "encirclement and suppression" of the main battlefield. Most of the older generation of proletarian revolutionaries and fought in the rejuvenation of work, Comrade Mao Zedong has been the "rejuvenating investigation", "Township in Nagaoka" in rejuvenating the country have had the "agrarian revolution cadres training", January 1934, Comrade Mao Zedong said rejuvenating people have created "the first such work", and personally wrote a "model rejuvenating" the Award flag to rejuvenating; Marshal Chen Yi, who had part-time secretary of the CPC Central County and rejuvenating, Zhu De, Zhou Enlai, Peng, Ye Jianying, Nie, also have has engaged in revolutionary activities in the invigorating, rejuvenating He founded the Chinese Communist Party in the arsenal, the Central Mint, the Central Red Army General Hospital. Soviet period, the county of 23 million people, joined the army to war amounted to 80,000 people, accounting for more than 80% of young adults. Participating in the Red Army Long March 12 in 7 main divisions divisions departure from the rejuvenation of which "rejuvenating model teacher", "less common international teacher", "Central Guard division," more than Normal is rejuvenating three children. Revolutionary war, the county has the martyrs who sacrificed their lives for their country more than 5 million, of which the names of the martyrs can test up to 23,179 for, among the nation's first counties, accounting for one tenth of the total number of martyrs, of which only the sacrifice the martyrs in the Long March reached 12,038, the nationality of every kilometer there is one hing soldiers down. After the founding of the county was awarded the rank of Major General founding more than 54 generals, is the famous "General County."
  Shangrao camp
  The KMT launched early in January 1941 shocked the world after South Anhui Incident, the same year in March, established in Jiangxi Shangrao a large-scale fascist hell on earth. To cherish the memory of revolutionary martyrs died in the concentration camps, the party and the People's Government to establish the revolutionary martyrs cemetery in Mao Jialing, gradually built the revolutionary martyrs cemetery, monuments, memorials, pavilion and other buildings. Was named the 1996 National School of patriotism education base.
  Fang Zhimin poor Huaiyushan Park
  Huaiyushan confrontation with the Mountains in the sea, is the patriotism education base. For "Jade Emperor of Heaven left the mountain, mountain possession Yan" and the name of Confucianism, Buddhism has always been famous.
  Fang Zhimin rate of 1935 Japanese northward advance in this bloody battle, unfortunately, were arrested. Built in 1985 in the high Chushan "Fang Zhimin Martyrs Memorial Pavilion" in 2005, before the clouds covered the peak of construction of "poor monument" and "deeds of Fang Zhimin poor gallery." The total area of about 80 square kilometers area, is a granite mountain scenery and scenic areas to commemorate the revolution, but also the largest mountain in east China summer holiday resort. Green, ancient culture, color, red is a scenic feature of the Holy Land. Hill is survived by three-Qing Xu, Yu Ya Atlas, Yeongam waterfalls, Hui Shan night candles and other ancient King 24, Xi handwritten "Beaulieu Gang," "mountains" and Cliff and "Huaiyu College," board and other famous historical site. Address: located in Yushan County, 65 kilometers northwest
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Natural Resources
江西 自然资源
江西 自然资源
  Biological resources
  Plant Resources of Jiangxi province there are about 4,000 species of seed plants, about 470 kinds of ferns, moss more than about 100. The large lower plants up to five hundred species of fungi, based on a sample there are more than 300 species, of which there are 100 kinds of edible. Plant system on behalf of the various stages of evolution of plants are distributed in Jiangxi, also found that many of the original characters of ancient plants, as well as a "living fossil" Ginkgo biloba. The rich plant resources to fully show, including the subtropical region of China, including Jiangxi Province is the origin of modern flora one of the centers.
  Jiangxi vast water area, steep mountain stretches, high vegetation cover, bamboo is rich in resources, the ecological environment is more favorable, especially in environmental protection measures has been strengthened in recent years, rich bamboo resources in the growing animal and effective protection. Survey shows that over the years, the province's existing 600 species of vertebrates. Of which more than 170 species of fish, accounting for about 21.4% (freshwater); more than 40 species of amphibians, accounting for 20.4% of the country's strong; reptiles, 70 species, accounting for about 23.5%; more than 270 species of birds , accounting for 23.2% of the country strong; 50 kinds of mammals, accounting for about 13.3%. More types of fish and birds, the economic value of the larger development, utilization and resource protection as the key.
  Plant species
  The unique hydrothermal conditions, many unique plants in Jiangxi distribution. National 198 endemic genera of woody plants in 64 genera for the Jiangxi Province, 19 genera, of which 11 belong to a single species. Jiangxi Province has a total of 119 families of woody plants, which accounted for 47.1% of the 56 families was extended to Jiangxi to the north of the tropical families so far. The province have been directly and may be directly with prospects for the development of representative plants can be divided into 12 major categories of resources.
  (1) timber plants. There are a large number of bamboo, pine, fir and other 10 kinds, there are precious A Dingfeng, tourism and other wood, and even white bean fir, Douglas fir and other valuable species of East China, but fewer.
  (2), firewood, plants. There azalea, following more than 10 types of wood and other woody hills, there dichotoma, ferns, mango and other herbs, has cultivated a large number of eucalyptus, acacia and black wattle and so on.
  (3) woody food plants. Considerable number of mainly Castanopsis, eyrei, Castanopsis structure, antler Castanopsis, Castanopsis, Castanea, Castanea, white oak, Quercus glandulifera, Quercus, Lithocarpus Lithocarpus and multi-spike and so on. There are common jujube, persimmon, Ficus pumila, wild papaya, tofu, wood and so on. Rare species have double cropping distribution of chestnut in the permanent repair.
  (4) consumption of wild fruits and plants rich in vitamins. Distribution of a large number of hawthorn, mountain persimmon, red bayberry, raspberry, strawberry, raspberry leaf crude, kiwi, Vaccinium trees, flowers and Ye Putao rice and so on. Wood can be used for grafting fruit trees are wild pear, crabapple and so on. Has been introduced is improved as the kiwi fruit yield and vitamin content of wild kiwi fruit over there Elaeagnus and so on.
  (5) wild and wild forage plants. Most of the herbs, and some aquatic plants, species rich. Common are the wild soybean, false to Portland, Corn grass, lespedeza, kudzu, sweet clover, clover, mung bean mountain, mountain trail, Malan, Gnaphalium, pear Artemisia, Peng year, Cephalanoplos, fern, Osmundaceae , wild amaranth, shepherd's purse, cress, Houttuynia, rice group, quinoa, flat shoes, structure tree, front, webbed duck grass, purslane and so on. Common aquatic plants are Azolla, Potamogeton, water hyacinth, big dipper, water leaves, duckweed, water chestnut, amaranth real, cress and so on. Woody plants there are elm, linden and so on. The edible leaves.
  (6) aromatic plants. Development of a better future maudiae, chapensis, M. crassipes, Magnolia officinalis, sightseeing wood, magnolia, building blue, Whelan, Chunlan, cold blue, orchids, flowers and more, the distribution of a large number of Litsea, Lindera , narrow-leaf mountain pepper, ginger and other mountains, there are fewer big-leaf camphor, cinnamon soil, fine Yexiang Gui, Lindera, Litsea and other Huangdan. There are seaweed, cabbage, sweet gum, pine, kiwi, and some also teach Species of more. In addition, jade bell flower, tuberose less, in particular, fewer mountains and red, but the aroma of pure, strong, great value in use; orange grass all over the barren hills, there are more valuable.
  (8) tanning plants. Castanopsis trees are widely distributed, Cyclobalanopsis, mosquito mother trees, wild persimmon, Diospyros lotus, red bayberry, sweet gum, sumac and so on. There are a large number of planted black wattle, is a high-quality tannin extract raw materials.
  (9) fiber plants. Distribution of a large number of bamboo, mango, gold Mao, reed, Penni_set_um, Cattle Grass, River Eight Wang, rushes, and binata Alniphyllum, Mountain flowers, linden, etc., folk paper-making raw materials Maodongqing, iron holly, frozen green leaves, small red linen, kiwi, and some Malvaceae.
  (11) oil plants. Class has more than 20 species of Camellia, such as small fruit tea, safflower tea, fruit tea and so rough. Tung Oil, Aleurites montana, tallow tree oil and other industrial plants has been widely cultivated and wild are wild jasmine, sumac, wild sumac, Alniphyllum, white milk wood, mountain tallow tree, etc., and another from the U.S. introduction of the purple spike Huai. Containing edible oil seeds are Podocarpus nagi, subtract and so on. 13 kinds of plants Symplocos with oil, the distribution volume of a Mountain alum, mice and other vectors. Hazel, pecan, walnut and other distribution of wild fewer, but high oil content.
  (12) cleaning up the environment and the monitoring of environmental pollution plants. Camphor trees, oleander, Ailanthus altissima, privet, mulberry, cedar, Eucommia, acacia, paulownia, gardenia, fig, mosquitoes mother tree, hawthorn, cocklebur, Celastrus, Spiraea, azalea, mugwort , gold chestnut, wheat and other toxic components can reduce the content of the air; water hyacinth, cattails, etc can reduce water pollution; to monitor air pollution in the Tang calamus, webbed duck grass, morning glory and a variety of bryophytes.
  Mineral Resources
  Jiangxi Central West Pacific metallogenic belt is an integral part. Complete the area exposed strata, magmatic activity frequently complex geological structure, forming favorable conditions, rich mineral resources. China's major non-ferrous, rare, rare earth mineral base, but also a higher degree of mineral resources in supporting one of the provinces.
  In the 150 kinds of minerals are known, Jiangxi has found a variety of types of solid mineral resources, l40, where proven reserves of 89 kinds of industry; more than 700 mineral deposits, of which large deposits are more than 80 medium-sized deposits are more than 100 . In the proven reserves of 89 kinds of minerals, ranking the top five and 33 species. Among them, ranking first in copper, tungsten, tantalum, cesium, thallium, scandium, gold, silver, uranium, thorium and associated sulfur, dolomite and other solvents, the second in a rare earth, selenium, tellurium, rubidium, lithium, etc., in third place with xenotime, bismuth, beryllium, rock salt, serpentine, etc., ranking fourth place with molybdenum, niobium, fluorite, ranking fifth in a tin, zirconium, glass dolomite and so on. In particular, copper, tungsten, uranium, thorium, tantalum, niobium and rare earth known as the Jiangxi Province of the "Five Golden Flowers." Jiangxi Copper first three highest in the world, s largest Dexing copper outdoor copper mine in Asia. There are many other metals, non-metallic mineral also plays an important role nationwide. In addition to iron ore reserves of ferrous metals impressive, there are large manganese producing excellent quality; vanadium mine in northern Jiangxi large scale, resource prospect. Jiangxi also found that large silver, lead and zinc and medium-sized or more large gold deposit, such as antimony ore, nonferrous metals, mineral resources development prospects. More than 70 species of non-metallic mineral, medium and large deposits than 20. Including clay, limestone and other large high quality flux. There are pink quartz, wollastonite, bentonite, talc, granite, marble, perlite and other minerals, including quartz ore Ganxi area, abundant reserves, shallow, the ore body exposed, suitable for industrial scale open pit mining. Is located in Guangdong, Fujian and Jiangxi high, medium and hot water with the edge of hundreds of hot springs at the existing hot water drilling than 20. The maximum temperature of 82 ℃ (hot spring), and 88 ℃ (drilling). To more than 60 ℃ below, about 86% of the total. Hot Springs 718.6 liters per second total flow, average flow of water from the borehole total 151.4 liters per second. Spring distribution to the most southern Jiangxi Ganzhongnan dense, 627% of the total, hot water hole also more concentrated in the area, about 64% or so. Mainly in central Jiangxi Gannan region of Suichuan, on the still, the whole South, An Yuan, fortress and other 21 counties, Jiangxi, East Linchuan, Chongren other 9 counties, northeastern Jiangxi Dexing of 4 counties, Jiangxi Northwest's stars, Wuning, drums, Jing'an, 14 counties and cities. Jiangxi underground water, mineral water chemical type is relatively simple to slightly mineralized (<1 g / liter) of sodium or calcium bicarbonate water, accounting for more than 80% of the total, time for the weak mineralization (1 to 3 g / l) of sodium bicarbonate or calcium sulfate water. Fluoride ions and soluble silica content is relatively high, were 2 to 13 and 40 ~ 110 mg / liter. Water quality analysis has been made in the hot springs and water holes, 30 multiple meets drinking water standards, the remaining fluorine, manganese, iron, arsenic and other ions exceeded; more than 40 suitable for irrigation, the rest is water and fluorine, arsenic, chlorine compounds such as excessive; 30 places appropriate for aquaculture, the rest is fluorine, copper, sulfur, zinc, arsenic, mercury or lead exceeded; over 70 can be used for medical mineral water, of which 50 various water fluoride (Wuning the soup, on the still warm Tang Deng), silicon water near 30 (Suichuan soup Lake, Nan Fung tail soup, etc.), while radium water (Wuning of hot water, bronze drums Wen Tang, etc.), carbonated water (Xunwu the hanging rows of God, Ganzhou Qingshuitang, etc.), radon water (Tsung-jen Tangxi, Ruijin salt water, etc.), light warm water (Leping the Longtan, etc.) and uranium, manganese, lithium, iodine, bromine, strontium, boron and hydrogen sulfide, water and other several places.
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Jiangxi Celebrity
  Lu Shan Taoist leader of the Warring States to Qin Xu Xun Zhenjun
  Wu Rui
  Xu Zhi
  Jin dynasty
  Tao, Tao Kan, Xu Xun
  Sui Dynasty
  Lin Shihong
  Tang Dynasty
  Qi Wu potential to Hu, Wang Chen Bai, Zheng Gu
  Five Dynasties and Ten States
  Dong Yuan
  Pastoral poet Tao Song
  Wang and Ouyang Xiu, Zeng, Yan Shu, Similarities, Huang, Liu Chang, Kui, Yang Wanli, Zhu Xi, Jiuyuan, Wen Tianxiang, Beijing boring, Annual Whereabouts, Liu Guo, Zhang Qian, Mai
  Yuan Dynasty
  Yu Ji, Jie servant Adams, Wang Taiyuan, Zhou Deqing
  Ming Dynasty
  Solution Jin, Sung, Tang, Yang Shiqi, Huang Zicheng, state clock, Tan Lun, Yan Song, Deng Zilong, Wei Liang-fu, Wang ding
  Qing Dynasty
  Wei Xi, Zhu Da, Pengyuan Rui, Jiang Shiquan, represented, Chen Zhen, Jiang Yong
  Republic of China
  Li Lieh-chun, Zhang Xun, fen, Fang Zhimin, like Yin Chen, Mei Ru-ao, tao, when the public Cai, Liu Zhi, Xiong-hui, Huang, Gui Yongqing, Ouyang not even
  Zeng Qinghong, Wu, Wang Dongxing, Yu Qiuli, Xiao Hua, Lai Chuan Chu, Chen Qihan, Liangxing Chu, Zhang Guohua, Yinke, Fu, Gu, Yuan, Ang Lee, Ouyang, Xu Deheng, Adherence, Cheng Mao-Yun Luo Lungi, Huang Qiu Yuen, Cheng Baoyi, Yang Wei Yi, Huang Si, Chen Zhen, Duan Yongping
  Film and television industry
  Chen, Deng Jianguo, Yang Yuying, Liu Tao, Deng Chao, Min Chun Xiao, Luo Qi, Tan Fang Bing, Shi Lan, Yuen Tai, Chen Chong, Gao Xixi, Cheng ago, Wen Qing, Huang
  Xiedong Na, Lu Yan
  Xu Yanmei, Tong Fei, David Xiong, Peng Bo, Yang Wenjun, Wu Jing Yu, High Magnolia, Hanbin, Jin Ziwei
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Jiangxi dialect
  Gan access most areas of Jiangxi Province, but also access some parts of Hakka, Wu, Hui language and Mandarin.
  Gan: called as servant language. Sino-Tibetan languages are Chinese, mainly used for most of Jiangxi, Hunan, eastern, southwestern Anhui and other places. About the number of users using a population of about 51,480,000, is the seven major dialect of Chinese. Jiangxi Province Jiangxi dialect access more than 60 counties. Including Nanchang, Jingdezhen (City), Yichun and Pingxiang, Fuzhou, counties and cities in the three areas Jinggangshan: Nanchang, Xinjian, Anyi, Jing'an, Fengxin, high security, Yifeng, drums (some people think that passing the Hakka dialect), the high, Wanzai, Fenyi, Xinyu, Qingjiang, Harvest, Jinxian, Dongxiang, Linchuan, Jinxi, capital Creek, South City, Lichuan, Chongren, Yihuang, Lok, Fung, Kwong-cheong, the new dry , Three Gorges, Yongfeng, Kyrgyzstan water, Jian, Taihe, Yongxin, Lotus, Anfu Ningkang, Suichuan, Wan-an; Shangrao, most of the two regions in Jiujiang County: Poyang, Yugan, years, Yingtan, Guixi, Yu Jiang, Yiyang, Hengfeng, Yanshan, Leping, Yongxiu, Dean, stars, all Chang, Hukou, Penzer, Wuning, Xiushui; Ganzhou, the fortress, Ning Du, and rejuvenating the country, in all , Ruijin, Huichang other counties also use the Gan dialect of the township.
  Hakka: In Jiangxi, the Hakka dialect spoken in addition to the main area of Ganzhou City, Xinfeng town other than southern Jiangxi.
  Wu: In Jiangxi, the Wu dialect spoken in the major urban areas Shangrao, Shangrao, Yushan, Kwong Fung and other counties.
  Hui dialect: in Jiangxi, the emblem of the main language spoken in Fuliang, Dexing City, Wuyuan three counties.
  Mandarin: In Jiangxi, the major Mandarin spoken in Jiujiang City, Ruichang City, Jiujiang County (Jianghuai Mandarin), and Ganzhou District, Xinfeng Town (Southwestern Mandarin).
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The current leadership
江西 现任领导
  Secretary of the CPC Jiangxi Provincial Committee: Su Rong
  Jiangxi Provincial People's Congress Standing Committee Director: Su Rong
  Governor of Jiangxi Provincial People's Government: Wu Xinxiong
  CPPCC Jiangxi Provincial Committee Chairman: Fu Kecheng
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Economic data
  Economic development in 2006 data:
  GDP of 461.88 billion yuan
  Per capita GDP of 10,679 yuan
  Total fiscal revenue 51.81 billion yuan
  Local fiscal revenue 30.53 billion yuan
  Total fixed as_set_ investment 268.32 billion yuan
  Total retail sales of social consumer goods reached 142.8 billion yuan
  Total imports and exports $ 6,190,000,000
  2.81 billion of foreign capital actually used
  60.5 million trips overseas visitors
  Total tourism income of 39.09 billion yuan
  Financial institutions, the balance of 521.4 billion yuan renminbi deposits
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江西 交通运输
  The rapid development of air transport in Jiangxi. At present, the formation of a Nanchang axis, from north to south, to Jiujiang, camphor, Taihe, Jian, Jingdezhen, Ganzhou connecting the province and across the country and Hong Kong's air transport network, in addition to Nanchang Changbei International Airport, the Jiangxi There Jiujiang, Ganzhou, Jingdezhen and Jinggangshan 4 Airport.
  Yichun Moon Mountain Airport on July 26, 2009 formal foundation, in May 2011 to complete all of the equipment installation engineering test flight in July, officially opened to traffic on August 1, the opening of the airport construction means that air transport is no longer Ganxi is blank. Shangrao Sanqingshan Airport has started construction in 2009.
  Water transport
  Developed water transport in Jiangxi, Jiujiang is an important river ports, waterways two vertical and two horizontal lines to form the pattern: letter Jiang Gan River and the two vertical, two horizontal Yangtze River and the Changjiang to the province navigable mileage of 4937 kilometers.
  License plate number
  Jiangxi (Gan), Gan A Nanchang, Jiangxi B Ganzhou, Jiangxi, C Yichun, Jiangxi, D Jian, Gan E Shangrao, Jiangxi, F Fuzhou, Jiangxi G Jiujiang, Jiangxi H Jingdezhen, Jiangxi J Pingxiang, Jiangxi K Xinyu, Jiangxi L Yingtan City O Gan within the police car, directly under the provincial government of Jiangxi M
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Jiangxi Telecom
  As of 2005, telecommunications services in Jiangxi province's total 24.3 billion, up 27.1%. Add Bureau throughout the year with the switch 1.6 million, with a total capacity of 10.82 million; added 1.27 million mobile phone users. Computer Internet subscribers reached 3.17 million, increasing 1.47 million. The province's telephone penetration rate of 37.9 / per person.
  Jiangxi province as of 2005 there were 12 radio stations, 15 short-wave radio transmitting and radio population coverage 93.22%, an increase of 0.32 percentage points; TV 12, TV transmitter 347, TV population coverage rate of 95.44%, 0.54 percentage points over the previous year.
  Jiangxi TV Channel
  Major TV channels: 1. Jiangxi TV 2. Jiangxi City Channel 3. Jiangxi Finance Channel 4. Jiangxi TV Channel 5. Jiangxi Public Channel 6. Jiangxi Children Family Channel 7. Jiangxi Red Classics Channel
  In addition the municipalities and districts have their own TV channels.
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江西 土特产品
江西 土特产品
  Jingdezhen porcelain specialty scenery:
  High security yuba, noodles, the Jingdezhen porcelain, Nanchang Huang poultry duck, Lushan fragrant, Taihe Wuji, the Concentration, Wanzai Lily flour, Yichun tea oil, South jujube cake, Harvest frozen Mitang, rejuvenating Shugan, Jiangxi South Orange, Anfu ham, duck blood, Lotus, Nam duck, Yifeng bamboo, Wuyuan Lung Mei Yan, Qinghua Wu wine, filling the heart of sugar Ashida, years Kongmy, rib Yushan Yan, Po Hu White Lotus, Leping Tao Su, Yi Feng Min bamboo shoots, Pohu whitebait, and Hukou lees fish, lobster sauce, rice wine, rice cakes, Gefen, Ge films tea, dried rice noodles, bamboo shoots and so on.
  Nanchang fried, cold powder, tea cake, Jiujiang, Iraqi government face, chicken juice cents fish roll, rice Fen Zhengrou, rice, papaya jelly, stuffed melon rings, fried beef, broth soaked cake, Shangrao chicken, Shangrao winter tempeh, Yifeng Dumplings, rice paste fruit, fermented fruit, gray fried twisted dough sticks package pockmarked fruit, fruit lamp, hanging berries, dried pumpkin, eggplant dry, dry chili, grapefruit skin dry, Yanshan iron powder, broth, more peanut flavor, rice fish enzyme tofu, Fuzhou offal meal, Fuzhou Caigeng and so on.
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Jiangxi Archaeology
  Xin Gan Shang Dynasty unearthed bronze: two-tailed tiger Jiangxi V birds brilliant ancient civilization. Archaeological discoveries in recent years to the city commercial camphor cultural sites and Wu Xin Gan Shang tomb excavation of the most important proof of business culture reached Jiangxi. However, the new dry tomb unearthed bronze look, a large number of bronzes have a strong local color, pure copper Shang Dynasty ritual minority. Jiangxi bronze handicraft manufacturing, has formed a relatively complete system. Copper Ridge Copper Shang Ruichang excavation site and found the shaft tunnel, various mining tools, including dressing complete with a wooden chute Ju Yi, China and the world's oldest mining sites. Bronze culture in Jiangxi in the history of ancient China occupies an important position.
  De Song Xianchun Decade (1274) 329 Zhou tomb unearthed silk, clothing, including yarn, crepe, Yee, damask, silk, Romania and other varieties, focused on textile technology reflects the superb level of the Song Dynasty, is currently See the most abundant small number of archaeological discoveries of ancient silk. Jinxian Li Du Town Hall discovered the invisible shochu workshop sites, formation clear,'s clear that a number of particular use in tank fermentation Yuan distilled wine cellar, wine cellar and the cellar of the break within the excavated ground tiles, are relics of the Song, so you can identify the invisible Church shochu Lidu workshop is the first time that the production of distilled spirits in the workshop sites.
  Jiangxi Province also has a remarkable archaeological discovery of the tomb of the Ming Dynasty Military Governors of the excavation. Have been excavated, Nanchang Ning Xian Wang Zhu Quan, Ningkang Wang Zhu Jin Jun and Feng Fei, Ning Jing Wang Wu Fei Tomb, Poyang Huai Jing Wang Zhu and Zhan building plot tomb, South City benefits Duan Zhu Yu Bin, the benefits of fixed Wang Zhu Hou Ye and Wan Fei, Peng Fei, Zhu Yi Yin Yi Xuan Wang and Li Fei, Sun Princess Tomb, the benefits given by the wood and Huang Fei Wang Zhu, Princess tomb. Although the Ming Dynasty Military Governors no real power in politics, but they are voracious on the property, tomb luxury, many funerary objects of gold and silver jewels, is the study of the Ming Dynasty costumes and crafts of the primary data.
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Buddhist Encyclopedia
  Jiangxi】 【(names) Matsu number also. There are two great disciples of the Sixth Patriarch Hui Neng: A trip for the youth of the original thinking, two for the Huai Nan Yue. Green Plains Fasi in Hunan, Jiangxi Nanyue of the disciples, Zen of-sheng, began in the Second Division of the cloud. Jiangxi name Road to name but known as Matsu, Ma, to vibration Road, Jiangxi, Jiangxi and number. Kaiyuan in Tang Dynasty monk practices Zen in Hengyue to, and obtaining the heart of India. Trace the beginning of Buddhist self Yang Ling moved to Linchuan, Kang Gonggong mountain views to the south. Dali in the name of the bell Ling Li Kaiyuan Temple, the four scholars gathered. Sadamoto four-year silence. Yuan and the posthumous The Lonely Zen master. See Chuandeng recorded six.
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English Expression
  1. n.:  Jiangxi,  Jiangxi province, China
French Expression
  1. n.  Jiangxi ( Province )
Jiangxi, Jiangxi Province
Jiangxi Neighborhood
Jiangxi Town
Jiangxi Subdistrict
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