city district : China > Heilongjiang > Jixi > Jiguan District
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Jiguan Qu District
  鸡冠区面积144平方千米,人口33万(2004年)。邮编:158100。代码:230302。拼音:Jiguan Qu。
  下辖7个街道、2个乡。 街道办事处:向阳街道、南山街道、立新街道、东风街道、红军路街道、西鸡西街道、西山街道。 乡:红星乡、西郊乡。
  鸡冠区,以境内鸡冠山得名。鸡冠山一带,清末,放荒垦殖形成屯落,隶属密山府管辖。中华民国初期,有辽阳人于鸡冠山以西垦殖建屯,隶属密山县管辖。1921年后,隶属第六区第五保。随着煤田的开发,人口聚集,工商业逐渐发展起来。东北沦陷后,初为鸡冠山保,后改设鸡西街。1941年9月,于鸡西街设置鸡宁县,改鸡西街为鸡宁街。1945年“九三”抗日战争胜利后,1946年5月,设置城关区。1948年4月,将城关区周围农村区域划出,增设鸡冠区。1949年7月,改隶鸡西县。1950年7月,将城关区、鸡冠区分别改称第一区和第二区。 1956年1月,将第一区改称鸡西镇;同年5月,撤销第二区,分设城子河乡和梁家街乡。1957 年3月,正式撤销鸡西镇,设立鸡西市鸡冠区,并辖红星、梁家街、城子河3个乡。1958年9月,撤销红星、梁家街、城子河乡,成立红星、东风人民公社。1964年12月,将城子河办事处和红星公社划归鸡冠区管辖。1970年10月,将城子河办事处划出,设立城子河区。
  1992年,鸡冠区 鸡西市管辖的市辖区。位于市境东部,鸡冠山西麓。东与鸡东县毗邻,南、西两面与恒山区接壤,西北与滴道区相连,东北以穆棱河与城子河区隔河相望。为鸡西市区中心,市政府和矿务局驻地。全区总面积144.2平方公里,共辖向阳、西鸡西、南山、立新、东风、红军路、西山等7个街道办事处和两个乡。1992年末全区总人口27万人,其中非农业人口23.5万人;满族、朝鲜族、回族、蒙古族等少数民族人口约占 5%。区政府驻地兴国路。
  2000年,鸡冠区辖7个街道、2个乡:向阳街道、南山街道、立新街道、东风街道、红军路街道、西鸡西街道、西山街道、红星乡、西郊乡。 根据第五次人口普查数据:全区总人口336078人,其中:红军路街道 29181人、西山街道 59419人、南山街道 57422人、向阳街道 42064人、东风街道 63990人、西鸡西街道 36176人、立新街道 6182人、西郊乡 18771人、红星乡 22873人。
English Expression
  1. n.:  Jiguan District
Containing Phrases
Chicken a place where a sentence of death was carried in the capital of ancient china cockscomb District HospitalChicken a place where a sentence of death was carried in the capital of ancient china Jiguan district Finance guesthouseChicken a place where a sentence of death was carried in the capital of ancient china cockscomb District Sanitary and antiepidemic Station
Chicken a place where a sentence of death was carried in the capital of ancient china Jiguan district dog ignore RestaurantChicken a place where a sentence of death was carried in the capital of ancient china Jiguan district Guangyuan RestaurantChicken a place where a sentence of death was carried in the capital of ancient china Jiguan district Yanbinchun Restaurant
Chicken a place where a sentence of death was carried in the capital of ancient china Jiguan district Xiaoyouxian RestaurantChicken a place where a sentence of death was carried in the capital of ancient china Jiguan district red flags RestaurantChicken a place where a sentence of death was carried in the capital of ancient china Jiguan district The Red Army Road Restaurant
Chicken a place where a sentence of death was carried in the capital of ancient china Jiguan district Palace of the Dragon King HotelChicken a place where a sentence of death was carried in the capital of ancient china Jiguan district (of a nation, dynasty, etc.) strong and prosperous Hosiery Job departmentChicken a place where a sentence of death was carried in the capital of ancient china Jiguan District Diet service Conservancy east Restaurant
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