province : northeast : China > Heilongjiang
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  Asia's longest international river. Dissolved by the river named after a large number of black humus color. Shilka River north out of the source in northern Mongolia, the eastern foot of Kent, the South China Daxinganling source Argun a western slope. After merging the two sources said the Heilongjiang river flows into the Pacific Ocean to the Sea of Okhotsk in Russia. 4370 km long. Drainage area of 1.84 million km (about 48 China%). Argun and the River, the middle segment (Ussuri River) were the natural border river between China and Russia. Jiangkuan depth, almost all navigable. Rich fishery resources, rich in sturgeon fish, salmon.
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hēi lóng jiāng
  China's northern province. An area of 460,000 square kilometers, population 35.43 million (1990), the provincial capital Harbin. Forest resources, accounting for about 1 / 4 of the Daqing oil field is the first major oil field in China, Qiqihar Heavy Machinery and rolling stock for the main industrial area, Songnen Plain province's major agricultural regions, sugar beet, flax production in the first in the country
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  Asian rivers, into the Sea of Okhotsk basin across China, Russia, Mongolia, the three length of 4350 km, watershed 1.843 million square km, ice up to 6 months. Heilongjiang River north to the boundary with Russia
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黑龙江 旅游
黑龙江 旅游
黑龙江 旅游
  Heilongjiang Tourism complaints Tel: Heilongjiang Province Tel :0451 -87010055 travel complaints
  National Tourist Complaint Phone :010-65275315 Best Travel Time of Heilongjiang: Heilongjiang Province is located in the east coast of mid-latitude Eurasia, is a continental monsoon climate, the province from south to north, according to the temperature indicator can be divided in the temperate and cold temperate; from east to west, according to aridity index can be divided into sub areas, sub-humid and semi-arid areas.
  Its main features are: the winter cold and dry, hot and rainy in summer, spring and autumn climate variability. Average annual rainfall 589.6 mm. The annual average temperature 1.3 ° c, on temperature up to 38-48 ° c.
  Spring (3 to 5 months) prone to drought and strong winds, temperatures rise faster and volatile, heating or cooling time of up to 10 ° c or so. 50-80 mm average rainfall season, only about 15% of the year.
  Summer (6 to 8 months) hot and humid and rainy. July average temperature of 19-20 ° c, the maximum temperature of 38 ° c. Average precipitation of 200 ~ 400 mm, accounting for 60% -70% year. Because rainfall concentrated between storms, prone to floods, therefore, need the summer flood control, waterlogging.
  Fall (9 ~ 11 months) less rainfall on average 50-100 mm. Diurnal temperature amplitude larger. Average temperature in September is generally 10 ° c, 10 over North region has to 0 ° c, in the southern region 2-4 ° c. Prone to frost in autumn.
  Winter (12 February the following year) long and cold and dry, snow covered the earth. January average temperature of minus 15 ° c-minus 30 ° c, the minimum temperature was of minus 52.3 ° c. Seasonal precipitation is only 11-20 mm, representing about 5% of annual precipitation in winter should prevent wind and thunderstorms. Folk Festivals in Heilongjiang: Heilongjiang Province, where a lot of seasonal activities, as this is one of the areas inhabited by minority nationalities, different peoples have different customs, different cultures, different seasonal activities. However, the largest and most influential festival activities in Heilongjiang Province and Harbin Ice and Snow Skiing.
  Heilongjiang Skiing Festival, held once a year, is scheduled for the Dec. 5 to the January 5 next year for one month, visitors to the Heilongjiang if at this time, you can go to a ski race on the field, enjoy the snow and ice the sport.
  Harbin Ice and Snow Festival is also held at this time, visitors can go to Harbin to see the Ice, snow scenery and enjoy the snow variety show, you can also participate in a lot of ice and snow entertainment. Map of the city in Heilongjiang: Heilongjiang remind: cold temperate climate in Heilongjiang
  Heilongjiang referred to as black. The provincial capital Harbin. Located in the Jiangbei region's most north. Area of 46 square kilometers. West is Plain, was in the Sanjiang Plain, northeast, north, southeast of the mountain. Is a cold temperate humid half of a temperate monsoon climate.
  Long and cold winter, short and cool summer, the temperature difference between north and south, north and even long winter without a summer. Summer should be summer and therefore, should see the snow in winter, Huan Ice, the ice and snow sports. January average temperature of -31 to -15 ℃, extreme minimum temperature of 52.3 ℃ (Mohe February 13, 1969). July is 18-23 ℃, frost-free period is only 3-4 months, the average annual rainfall 300-700 mm.
  Bogey Man kill a dog
  Bogey Man kill a dog to eat dog meat and the use of fur sticking does not wear a hat. Man engaged in hunting because the dog is indispensable "assistant", also used in winter sledge pulled by dogs, has become an important "production data", as well as housekeeping and impart information on the role of the military.
  According to legend, the early uprising Nurhachu, pressing harder and harder because of the pursuing soldiers, was out in the reeds where soldiers surrounded the fire lit, thanks to a dog's hair soaked with his body, save the overworked asleep Noor Huggins. Therefore, there is King Manchu custom of dogs, usually well-fed dog, dog dead buried, they do not beat the dog kill a dog, do not eat dog meat, dogs do not wear fur hats, not sticking mattress shop, stranger wearing a dog fur hats into the Manchu family, the owner will be unhappy. However, the Ministry of Manchu Hada no such taboos, customs and from the Department of Nuerhachi, Dongling District of Shenyang City's survey of the tomb after it.
  Manchu various gift
  Heilongjiang Manchu ancient history has been "quiet demeanor of the etiquette of the family." The performance of traditional rituals Manchu clothing, food, play, home, words, lines, lift, just all aspects of very particular, single greeting etiquette is to be seen.
  In various gift, the most common is probably the ceremony, and squatting to play thousands of security ceremony. "Playing thousands of" is the ancient ritual Jin era, continued into the Qing Dynasty still in use. The action is, the first sleeve to sleeve Shan arrow head down and left knee bent, right leg after the bend, tilting the head and upper body to bend forward, close left hand, right hand down, mouth, said, "asked the adults to xx." Shouli who bend over, reach both hands, palms up that salute. "Squatting security" is the way to salute a woman in Qing Dynasty. Salute when the legs parallel to the stand, shake hands with the left put in the waist, knees slightly bent into a squat-shaped, mouth, said, "asked the adults to xx." Married women in the morning and evening and say hello to her mother met the guests, were performed this ceremony.
  Heilongjiang Food: Heilongjiang Province is located in Xinjiang, is the lowest of the provinces of climate, to develop the human food flavor salty Heilongjiang features. Heilongjiang is the localization of traditional cuisine and innovative dishes dishes, flavor of the national cuisine and professional cooking meals consisting of large dishes, and with Feast, all the sheep seats, seats tofu, dumplings dinner, ice Banquet. Heilongjiang cuisine is characterized by "reclaiming wide variety of seasonings; salty sweet and sour, color Weixiang shape; soup double good, Sauvignon Kouzhong."
  Heilongjiang dishes are perfect cooking techniques, to burst, fried, leavened, baked, rinse, stew, steam, boil for a short, good at cooking. Representative dishes include braised salmon, pickled vegetable powder, the four northeast stew (catfish stew of eggplant, pork stew vermicelli, pickled cabbage stew of white meat, chicken mushroom stew), braised Luk Mei, dragon soup. Harbin snacks relatively well-known sausage, pine nuts Tripe, old Dingfeng pastries.
  Heilongjiang shopping: all the major tourist cities in Heilongjiang Province for shopping malls, many shops, such as Harbin Qiulin Company, Harbin First Department Store, Harbin, commercial buildings, Songlei building, hang markets and so on. In these stores you can buy a lot of visitors inexpensive leather goods (leather, fur hats, shoes) and other local native products, the famous Northeast Specialty ginseng, deer horn and other treasures can be in these stores to be buy low price. Communications: Air
  Heilongjiang existing Harbin, Qiqihar, Mudanjiang, Jiamusi four civilian airports, of which Harbin Taiping International Airport is one of eight civil aviation airport, has become the second largest international airport in Northeast.
  Harbin International Airport has regular flights to Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai, Nanjing, Qingdao, Wenzhou, Xiamen, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Shenyang, Dalian, Xi'an, more than thirty large, medium and tourist city. In addition, the Russian Far East, flying to Prague Weiss Tymoshenko, Khabarovsk, Vladivostok, Seoul, South Korea and Japan, Niigata flights.
  China's Heilongjiang province, one of the earliest construction of the railway, transport by rail as the backbone, Russia forces after the invasion of northeast China, in Heilongjiang Province in 1897 began to build the first railway - the North Manchurian Railway (now known as Bin Sui and Binzhou railway .)
  26 of the province's railways, dry branch in Harbin, Qiqihar, Mudanjiang, Jiamusi four economic centers as the axis of the surrounding radiation, and through international and domestic trunk route add-Russia, North Korea, the United Jilin, Liaoning and Inner Mongolia.
  Among them, Bin Sui, and Binzhou Railway and the Trans-Siberian railway connecting Russia, male (and Dan) Figure (s) Railway similarities with North Korea. Beijing-Harbin, pull Bin, flush, pass to, male Figure 5 railway lines connecting with the national railway. The province's railway mileage of 5,121 kilometers, ranking the highest in the country.
  Heilongjiang Province, the existing national highway 7, highway mileage 46,617 km, ranking the fifth place. Highway has been completed "Daqing - Harbin - Mudanjiang - Suifenhe", "102 State Road provincial boundaries - Harbin - Jiamusi - Hegang" 2, Daqing - Qiqihar, Jiamusi - with the river, 102 State Road Province sector - the highway is under construction in Changchun. Then, from Harbin, Qiqihar, or take the highway by the same river can reach the capital of Beijing.
  Water transport
  Heilongjiang Province, rich in water resources, ranking the highest in the three northeastern provinces, the province's inland navigable mileage of 4696 kilometers, the existing 9 Direct passenger flights to the Songhua River, Heilongjiang, Wusuli as the backbone to Harbin and Hong Kong as the hub of Jiamusi waterway network throughout the whole territory.
  Among them, the Songhua River in Heilongjiang province, water transportation routes Route navigable from May to November each year; route is located in the most northern part of Heilongjiang, in the same river, and Khabarovsk (Khabarovsk) and the Songhua and Ussuri phase; Wusu Sino-Russian border river in the river route to route, frozen in winter.
  Heilongjiang stay: the main tourist cities in Heilongjiang Province, Harbin City, in particular, good accommodation, can with some other famous tourist cities in China in comparison. City high-middle and low hotels many, more famous as a horse Diego Corbin Hall, International Hotel, Bei Yuan Hotel, Gloria Plaza Hotel, Heilongjiang Province, ethnic restaurants, in addition, Qiqihar Crane City Hotel, Far East Mansion, also have reached a very high standard.
  Heilongjiang Entertainment: major tourist cities in Heilongjiang Province, a place for visitors to a lot of fun, the provincial capital Harbin, known as "Oriental Paris", "Eastern Little Moscow", "North Little Shanghai" reputation, many of the city's cabaret, bowling alley, sauna, beauty center offers a full range of entertainment can be good service. Comparison of Heilongjiang Province, famous places such as famous clubs, entertainment centers and other place for the East Bowling.
  Heilongjiang winter snow and ice across the province have a lot of entertainment, visitors can skate, skiing, winter swimming, ice and other winter sports fan to choose for themselves in the sport.
  In addition, the Tourism Bureau of Heilongjiang Province, Hegang predict, due to the Jewish customs and natural nude beach park built, the island will become the city's most famous tourist attractions the charm. Jewish style garden area of 1,000 square meters, the park introduces the history and customs of the Jewish nation, as well as a variety of dance performances. Two sections of natural beach nude men and women separated, visitors can be naked in the bath and enjoy the fun back to nature.
  Abbreviations: Black
  Location: My highest latitude provinces bordering with the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region and Jilin Province, Heilongjiang and the Ussuri River border with Russia.
  Climate: Heilongjiang Province is located in the east coast of mid-latitude Eurasia, is a continental monsoon climate, the winter cold and dry, hot and rainy in summer, spring and autumn climate variability. The annual average temperature 1 ℃, annual range of temperature up to 38-48 ℃.
  Area: 453,900 square kilometers.
  Population: 38,168,000
  Nationalities: Han, Manchu, Korean, Hui, Mongolian, Daur, Xibe, Oroqen, Hezhen, Ewenki and Kirgiz nationalities.
  Capital: Harbin
  Zoning: Daxinganling region under the jurisdiction of Harbin, Qiqihar City, Hegang, Shuangyashan City, Jixi City, Daqing City, Yichun City, Mudanjiang, Jiamusi City, Qitaihe City, Heihe City, Suihua City in an area , 12 prefecture-level cities, 46 counties, 19 county-level city, a county.
  Heilongjiang is China's most northeastern province. As early as three to four million years ago during the Paleolithic, there is human activity here. Qin Dynasty, where the distribution of the Sushen, drain speechless and East Wu in the ancestors of three ethnic lines. 2,000 years BC, the Emperor Shun Xian Ruo Hu Shi Shi Sushen flint. Sushen pour in the Han Dynasty, said Lou, Wei said Wuji, Tang said the stockings kneepad, said the Jurchen Jin Dynasty, said before the Manchurian Qing Dynasty. Heilongjiang is the first local government to establish the husband the late Warring States Period more than country. Shiwei Tang Dudufu _set_, black and Bohai Dudufu Dudufu. Khitan off the Bohai Sea, the once built Dongdan country. Ning Fu Jin Dynasty capital in Council (now the city of Heilongjiang Province A White City). Moved the capital to Yanjing (including Beijing), in Heilongjiang province belongs to the Yuan Dynasty Kaiyuan Road, Liaoyang, water Dada way. Ming Dynasty _set_ up slave children in the Northeast Division Douzhihuishi dry, jurisdiction 384 Wei, 24. Let 宁古塔昂邦 Zhang Jing Qing, after transfer of Jilin, Jilin renamed General, and the addition of Heilongjiang General, respectively, the vast areas under the jurisdiction of Heilongjiang River. 80 17th century, the Qing government made Jaxa Battle against the aggression and arrogance of Russia, signed the "Treaty of Nerchinsk" to determine the eastern Sino-Russian border. Mid-19th century, Russia forced the Qing government to sign the "Sino-Russian Treaty of Ai Hui" and "Sino-Russian Treaty of Beijing," cuts off in Heilongjiang, north east of the Ussuri River more than 100 million square kilometers of land. 1931, "Incident", Heilongjiang Province, the Japanese imperialist occupation. After the victory in 1945, with Heilongjiang, Nen, Songjiang, Hejiang, five provinces in Mudanjiang, Heilongjiang together soon, Songjiang provinces. 1954 merger of Heilongjiang Province, the provincial capital located in Harbin City.
  Heilongjiang province Manchu, Korean, Hui, Mongolian, Daur, Xibe, Oroqen, Hezhen, Ewenki, Kirgiz 10 native peoples, the Chinese nation in the history of the promotion of integration and development, defense of the motherland made a special contribution. Back in Northern and Southern Dynasties, Xianbei Daxing'anling out to establish the Northern Wei regime in the Central Plains, leaving the Yungang, Longmen and other art treasures. Jin Song destruction of the corrupt regime in the Central Plains and Heilongjiang regions to promote economic and cultural exchanges. Ming and Qing Dynasties, Shae Nan invasion, is the Daur people Kange the first shot fired first. 1931, "Incident", the Japanese imperialist invasion of Northeast China, Heilongjiang River Bridge War were first carried out. A total of 11 Northeast Anti-Japanese Allied Army, in addition to one or two full of troops in the south, there are nine military activities in Heilongjiang, a heavy blow to the Japanese aggressors. After the victory, under the leadership of the CPC Heilongjiang is the first full province, Harbin City, under the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party's first city. Heilongjiang people of all bandits eliminated nearly 70,000, to consolidate the revolutionary base areas, but also send their own children for nearly 70 million people, to participate in the PLA, and a large number of food, clothing and military supplies to the front line, support the liberation of the whole Northeast, the liberation of all of China. After the founding of the PRC, Heilongjiang Province, has gradually become an important building of grain, coal, oil, forestry and machinery industry base. Especially since the reform and opening up, has become an open border zone, border trade has great development, the province's economy has increased rapidly. Heilongjiang in China's northernmost territory, the highest latitude of the provinces in China, there used to be called "Great Northern Wilderness", and now has the earth-shaking changes. In this magical land, a large rolling, Xiaoxing'anling; have Woyeqianli Songnen plain; a magnificent Heilongjiang, Ussuri, Songhua, Nen waters; a scenic Lake, Wudalianchi ; There are lush natural pastures, these are all pieces of paint a beautiful picture. This piece of over 450,000 square kilometers of land, there are stretches over 2800 kilometers of the water sector and more than 200 kilometers of land border between China and Russia boundary line. Runs through the West Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Daxinganling and adjacent to each other to fall back on the southwest and Jilin Province. Heilongjiang Province is the Northern Wei Dynasty and the Liao, Jin, the birthplace of the Qing Dynasty. Over the years, at least, Hezhen, Oroqen, Ewenki and other ethnic minorities living in this northern area. Raw, rough, magic, it is Mother Nature created a spectacular style of Heilongjiang. Go to Heilongjiang, the most attractive places of entertainment than many of the snow, visitors can choose their own skating, skiing, winter swimming, ice and other winter sports fan. For Heilongjiang, there is an ancient legend, long ago, the river a white dragon coiled, often stir up trouble, so that the river flooding, barren fields, making the sparsely populated northeast. With families at this time, gave birth to a child with a black dragon tail, found that he is a monster, get rid of the child, in the river, the child met a lonely old man, then living with him. Gradually, children grow up, know that the bank has to do mischief White Dragon, White Dragon requested to yield, after several days and nights of hard work, finally defeated the White Dragon, Black Dragon people are the end to thank the children, we put Heilongjiang River is called Article.
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Rivers Overview
  Name: Heilongjiang Heilongjiang River
  Length: 5498 km
  The average flow rate: 10,800 cubic meters / second
  Basin Area: 1,855,000 sq km
  Source: Mongolia Kent Mountains
  Injection: Tatar Strait
  Flows through the country: Mongolia, Russia, China
  Zip Code: 150000
  Code: 0451
  Also known as Amur River (Amur River); also for Hei-lung Chiang or Heilong Jiang, Mongolian for Kharamuren.
  East river. Southeast Siberia and China to form part of the boundary between. Originated in Northeast China, Inner Mongolia, north of the border between Siberia and generally eastward along this border, and flows to the southeast city of Khabarovsk in Siberia (Khabarovsk), and then turn toward the northeast from there flow to, into Tartar dressed leather Strait, Siberia and the library will be separated from the island leaves; is the longest river in North Asia.
  Upstream of two sources: the source Shilka North River (the source of Onon River) in northern Mongolia, the eastern foot of Kent; South Source Kelulunhe - Argun, the source was divided into three, including a Hailar River Originating in China and the west of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region of ancient teeth from the foothills of Daxinganling. Southern and northern ancient sources in the Mohe in West Village until after confluence of Heilongjiang, said. Ya-east along the winding river junction accepted, bureya River, Songhua River, Ussuri River and other major tributaries, and finally into the Sea of Okhotsk in Russia. Total length of 5498 km (source Kelulunhe to the estuary from the south), watershed area 1,843,000 square kilometers. Long river in China and 3474 km, watershed area of about 887,000 square kilometers, accounting for 48.1% of watershed. Source from the confluence of Heilongjiang from the north and south to Khabarovsk (Khabarovsk) confluence of Heilongjiang and Wusuli only for China and Russia border river. Since the city of Los Ancient Village to the upper reaches of Heihe, 900 km long; Heihe City to the mouth of the Ussuri River, 950 km long; Ussuri River Estuary following a long 970 km. Heilongjiang River water rich. River annual runoff of 346.5 billion cubic meters. Uneven seasonal distribution of precipitation in each of 4 warm-season precipitation in October accounted for 90% to 93%, of which 6 to 8 months to 60% to 70%. November into the winter dry season, precipitation in winter are in the form of snow fall. Thickness of the surface snow at 20 to 50 cm, to be the spring air temperatures rise, melting of snow to recharge rivers, the river rise the formation of spring flood. Thus, the seasonal distribution of river runoff is: spring accounted for 10% to 27%, 50% in summer and autumn, 20% to 30%, 4% in winter. River annual runoff change is large, wet years, dry year runoff runoff is about 3.5 ~ 4.0 times. Theoretical reserves of hydropower resources 11.53 million kilowatts, of which 6.6 million kilowatts Songhua River, River 3.04 million kilowatts. Possible to develop water resources of more than 500 kilowatts installed capacity of power plant 312, installed capacity of 10.96 million kilowatts, the annual volume of 34.3 billion kilowatts hours of electricity. Jiangkuan depth, since the Mohe River below the Ussuri River below and Xingkai ships are passable. Ice for up to 6 months. River Neisen Lin and gold, coal and other mineral resources, production of fish, especially salmon and sturgeon fish, the most famous.
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Natural features
  (1) terrain. Heilongjiang begins Shilka the confluence of the Argun River and from the mouth of 2,824 kilometers (1,755 miles). Shilka River originates inland 547 km (340 miles) more than beyond sound fruit of the Siberian (Ingoda) Mongolia's Onon River and the confluence of the River. Argun rises in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region of China, from its confluence with the River Shilka about 1,609 kilometers (1,000 miles). The river basin area of about 1,855,000 square kilometers (716,200 square miles), including many rivers and lakes. Main tributaries of Siberia Results Ya (Zeya) River, bureya River and the Amu Gong (Amgun) River and the Songhua River in China and the Chinese border between East and Siberia, Ussuri rivers.
  Heilongjiang habits will be divided into upper, middle and lower reaches 3. Upper reaches of the Argun River and began Shilka confluence, and finally end Ya mouth (in the Siberian city of Blagoveshchensk), about 880 km (550 miles). Accor Middle River extends from the junction of Khabarovsk, about 960 kilometers (600 miles). From Khabarovsk, downstream to the estuary, also about 960 km long.
  Upstream through dense larch forest cover Daxing'anling Mountains and the Pine Ridge Armagh Zhaer sheltered valley between the hills. Alba economy in Siberia A Connaught (Albazino) around, mountains to separate the river into the open plateau. Ya River middle reaches into Results - bureya River Basin. Left valley slope and the plain integration, it is imperceptible, while the right slope and adjacent Xiaoxing'anling. It further along a narrow channel through the canyon like Mountains, dramatic increase in the depth and speed. In the low downstream, the river flowing between the two sides overflowed into a vast swamp ho, channels cut off from the ground, studded with lakes and reservoirs; bed multi-branch, waterways become very wide.
  Lenin in Siberia Si Keye (Leninskoye) near the largest tributary of Songhua River in Heilongjiang to yellow, full of water spilled into the sediment, in the Khabarovsk near the Ussuri River confluence with them. As these water import, Heilongjiang diffuse natural tidal flooding in the valley flat moor. Into a tributary of the river bed, Gangcha, the old river bed, islands, sandbanks and headland of the maze. In Khabarovsk, Heilongjiang is only 370 km from the Sea of Japan coast (230 miles), but changes in the flow after being Xihuo Te mountains, the north, 966 kilometers (600 miles) was injected into the sea.
  (2) climate. The watershed ─ ─ monsoon wind from continents and oceans with the seasonal transition. Winter, from Siberia to the cold, dry air to bring fine dry weather, accompanied by strong cream. In summer, warm, moist sea breeze mainly brought heavy rain to raise the water level in River and its major tributaries.
  Autumn is warm and dry. January average temperature in southern -24 ℃ (-11 ℉), the north is -33 ℃ (-27 ℉). July average temperature in the south (Blagoveshchensk) to 21 ℃ (70 ℉), the north is about 18 ℃ (64 ℉). Uneven rainfall in the basin, the largest coastal zones, each 600 to 900 mm (24 to 36 inches) in between.
  (3) Hydrology. Rivers, mainly by summer monsoon rains to land supply. Rain quickly into the river to form a 5 to 10 months during the flood period. The average flow of about 10,900 cubic meters / second (385,000 cubic feet / second). Winter, near Khabarovsk, the flow reduced to 148 to 199 cubic meters / second (5,300 ~ 7,100 cubic feet / second); 1897 years recorded the highest flow than 39,200 cubic meters / second (1,400,000 cubic feet / seconds).
  Heilongjiang began to freeze half of October. Frozen in early November the upstream and downstream frozen in the second half of November. Downstream, at the end of April thaw, the upper reaches thaw in early May. River ice jams often occur at the emergency bay, temporarily raise the water level up to 15 meters (50 feet). 1 year brings the river approximately 2,000 ten thousand tons of sediments.
  (4) plants. Many parts of the basin in the taiga vegetation zone. Especially in peat areas, larch is the dominant tree species in some areas than dry pine, spruce and fir. In the south of the large, Mountains, see broad-leaved forest and broad-leaved coniferous forest, oak forest in Mongolia (Quercus mongolica), mainly pine and larch.
  (5) animals. Abundant fish in the basin. About 100 species of fish downstream, upstream about 60 species, even more than the Volga River and the Danube rivers in Europe for a class. About 25 or 30 species with commercial value. Heilongjiang is a characteristic of a large number of fish in the sea and development, in order to avoid being there in summer the river water level rapidly changing damage.
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Name Origin
黑龙江 名称由来
  Due to the river with humus and more color black name. In ancient literature, Heilongjiang has black, Weak water, Wuhuan River, and many do not, said the 13th century into the book "History of the Liao," the first time, "Heilongjiang" to refer to this river. Full voice "Sahalian Ural", which "Sahalian" means "black", "Hurrah," meaning "water." Mongolian called "Hala Mu Lian." Russian Music "Amur" or "Mama" (Amure), as most of the world the name of national identity.
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River History
  Heilongjiang River Valley as early as the late Tang Dynasty China had classified a large inland territory of China, became the territory of the Liao, Yuan once again to be included within the Chinese territory, as the Yuan River. Since 1858 has been identified as the unequal treaties China Aihui after the signing of the treaty, most of Heilongjiang became the border between China and Russia. Power Allied Forces in 1900 when the Chinese entered the Russian ground troops to protect the railway across the Heilongjiang and Russia, _set_ fire to part of the Qing Dynasty was Aihui city, and created Blagoveshchensk tragedy, Qing border about 40 km depth. The near end of the war, and formerly under the jurisdiction of the Qing government to force Tuen Jiangdong Sixty-four occupation.
  Since the founding of the PRC, the Soviet Union and the PRC has been the basic boundaries of Heilongjiang, put aside the dispute over sovereignty of land along the coast. Treasure Island incident, but since the worsening Sino-Soviet relations, the two armies marched along the Amur, leading to the critical situation in the region of Heilongjiang. After 80 years since the 20th century, has eased.
  Republic of China and the Russian Federation in the 20th century to the early 21st century the age of 90 have been identified towards the eastern end of the border. China abandoned by Russia since the mid-19th century made a lot of land claims of sovereignty and sovereign controversial Tuen Jiangdong Sixty-four, to the line of actual control border - the border of Heilongjiang as the main divide. Have been identified to complete the current boundary.
  70 years of the 20th century, with the reform and opening up in China continue to strengthen, Heilongjiang Province, a large number of trade agreements signed with Russia, and Heihe, Suifenhe City and several cities and Russia Blagoveshchensk, Khabarovsk and other cross border trade and the Far East city turned into the city, which also has a Suifenhe and other places convenient to the international railway travel. Promote the use of complementary resources in Heilongjiang River Basin regional economic development.
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Tourism Resources
  1, the largest tributary of Songhua River in Heilongjiang, northeast China's main artery, itself has two main tributaries. One is from Mt Tianchi the second Songhua River, the other is from the Nen River Daxinganling, two tributaries converge Zhaoyuan County in Heilongjiang Province, said before the Songhua River, off to the northeast to the same flow into the Heilongjiang River County. Length of one thousand eight hundred and forty kilometers, drainage area of 54 square kilometers.
  Songhua River Basin within the overlapping mountains, covered with virgin forest, accumulate in the Mountains, Mountains, Changbai Mountains, such as wood, a total of one billion cubic meters, is China's largest forest area. Is also extremely rich mineral reserves, in addition to the main coal, there are gold, copper, iron and so on. Songhua River Basin fertile land, rich in soy, corn, sorghum and wheat. In addition, flax, cotton, tobacco, apples and beets are also good quality. Songhua River in northeast China is a large freshwater fish farm, the annual production of carp, Qing, sturgeon, fish, Hucho, up to forty million kg or more.
  Songhua River winter climate, sometimes down to minus thirty degrees Celsius, freezing of up to five months. But in the fullness of a hydropower plant that never freezes, reportedly because the river flows through the power plant due to high water temperature. This is a warm current of the river entrainment, and constantly emerging round of steam, condensation on the shore of the Stir, pine needles, the formation of clusters, a string of crystal jade's Ice, Long Beach suddenly became ten exquisitely carved, Yushu bank branches the world. This is the famous "hanging tree" wonders.
  2, the source from the south of Heilongjiang Argun River and the confluence of the North shilka from the source, the source of Heilongjiang Luoguhe more than 200 km long section of the river, the deepest 12 meters, the shallow 1 m along the cross-strait peaceful beautiful scenery. Luoguhe is the source of the first village in Heilongjiang name of the village, the existing farm 36, has over 90 years of history.
  3, Mohe County is located in the northernmost country, because the summer solstice season craft up to 19 hours of the day, also known as the "city that never sleeps."
  Mohe County of Heilongjiang Arctic Village, by rolling, rolling to fall back on the mountain, arranged in orderly Mongonia premises. Constant stream of visitors all year round here at home and abroad, especially after the summer solstice every year, Mohe County held "Summer Solstice Festival", visitors even more crowds, away, because they can not only visit the "North frontier guard", "Shenzhou very monument," "Wild Poppy Garden", "the most northern one," and many other attractions, but also through the magic of the "day" of the night, who will be fortunate enough to see the northern lights that shine heaven and earth, Yi Cai magical golden scene.
  According to historical records, in 1889, the Qing government had _set_ inn gold mining in the North, the legendary gold was adopted for the Empress Dowager Cixi used rouge with foreigners, "Rouge Valley" hence the name. Searching for visitors, apart from this visit to Cuba, can be used with the original screen of gold, to experience the fun of old handmade gold and gold mining to see the modern ships operating in the grand spectacle.
  Daxinganling in the northern region of Heilongjiang, a border town - the town of Mohe, the highest in China's far north, known as "China's North Pole Village," said. Here, we can see an amazing astronomical landscape - the Northern Lights. Therefore, the Mohe town is also known as "city that never sleeps."
  Mohe is located in the north latitude 53 ° south bank of the Sino-Russian border in Heilongjiang River, the perennial cold as winter, summer is only about half a month, but the maximum temperature 20 ℃, only about 10 ℃ at night, and day and night is short, up to 19 hours day above. Summer, if you're lucky, can see the northern lights in the Arctic village turned out in style. This is the only way to appreciate the brilliance of heaven and earth, exotic magnificent "Northern Lights" place. Winter's "Arctic Village"
  Faction vast Xuehai, ice, A thousand Piao's northern landscape, speeding horse-drawn sleigh, unique taste, all that tourists linger. 82 kilometers west of the Los Mohe ancient village, is the third largest river in China - the source of the Heilongjiang. There, visitors can not only visit the source of the mother river of Northeast; also along an ancient "Golden Road", looking for those hard and tenacious gold digger flash footprint.
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Major cities along the coast
  Heilongjiang River
  South Bank (in)
  Mohe County
  Heihe City
  With the River City
  Huma County
  Xunke County
  Jiayin County
  Fuyuan City
  Rao Hexian
  Jiamusi City
  North Shore (Russia)
  Khabarovsk (Khabarovsk) (the original Chinese name Khabarovsk)
  Next 列宁斯克耶
  Komsomolsk (Komsomolsk-na-Amure)
  Nikolaevsk (Nikolayevsk-na-Amure) (former known as Temple of China, the mouth of the Amur, the county under the jurisdiction of the 俄尼古拉耶夫 Minsk)
  Blagoveshchensk (Blagoveshchensk) (the original Chinese name Blagoveshchensk, Amur, the state capital)
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Overview of Heilongjiang Province
  Heilongjiang Province, referred to as black. The provincial capital Harbin. Sushen in ancient times as the Han to pour Lou, husband room. Tang is the Bohai Sea States, the Liao and Jin as Tokyo, Beijing to two (Road), owned by Liaoyang executive secretariat Yuan, Ming is dry all Division Jurchen slave children. Qing in 1671 along the shore fortification of Heilongjiang, Heilongjiang city name, post Heilongjiang Province.
  Planning of the 12 province-level cities and 1 region, 17 county-level cities, 51 counties, 1 autonomous county.
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  Formation of the Heilongjiang provincial
  After the Qing Dynasty unified the whole country, strengthening the "Xing land" - the rule of Northeast China, Mukden Explorer _set_ to rule. Russia forces to resist the invasion of Heilongjiang River Basin, 1652, the Qing court sent Mailer Zhang Jing shuaibing stationed Ningguta (now Hailin County) where the following year was promoted to Angbang Zhang Jing. Thus, Ningguta, Mukden coexistence of two Angbang Zhang Jing, the Northeast region was divided into two major military garrison area, namely the two administrative regions. 1662, renamed the "guarding the place, etc. Ningguta General", referred to Ningguta general. Heilongjiang is located in this area within the General Ningguta. Where both the highest military generals Executive, District Chief Executive is the highest place.
  1858 and 1860, Russia adopted the unequal "Aihui Russia Peace Treaty" and "Sino-Russian Treaty of Beijing," forced Gezhan Heilongjiang, north east of the Ussuri River more than 100 million square kilometers of land, the Heilongjiang Province and greatly reduced the administrative region of Jilin Province.
  1907 (dynasty, thirty-three years) in April, the Qing government to reform the administrative system of the Northeast Waste general, _set_ the governor, as a province long. Implementation of provincial, government, and county systems. In the province under the government supervision over the establishment of road that region. Heilongjiang provinces in the original with three (Aihui Bingbei Road, Hulun Bingbei Road, Hing Bingbei Road), 7 House (Hulan, Suihua, Longjiang, Helen, Nen River, Heihe, group of people coast), 6 Hall, a State, 7 County. At that time and now is under the jurisdiction of Jilin Province Heilongjiang Province were the two (at the northwest road sub Xunbing Harbin Road and prepared the city at Sanxing preparation Road Northeast Road sub Xunbing), 7 House (Twin Cities , Pennsylvania, the five permanent members, ylang ylang, Mishan, Riverside, Ning), 3 room, 1 states, 7 counties.
  After the founding of the Republic of China, Qing Dynasty followed the provinces of Heilongjiang Province, Road, and county system, comprises the Longjiang, Sui Lan, Heihe 3. After the addition of Hulun Road, for a total of 4, 21 counties, 6 of rule by Council. Was now under the jurisdiction of Jilin Province Heilongjiang Province are in Riverside, ylang ylang 2, 18 counties. 1930, 42 county jurisdiction of Heilongjiang Province, and 11 of rule by Council. This was part of Jilin Province, Heilongjiang Province, there are 22 counties.
  After the October Revolution of 1917, the Chinese government to gradually recover in the East, "dependencies" administrative sovereignty. In 1920 the region as the "Eastern Province, in particular areas." 1922 Northeast District, the _set_ting up of the Chief Executive, East Province, in particular, to unify the supervision of the police restraint in the region, diplomatic, and judicial organs. May 1924, the Beijing government approved the special areas independent of the Eastern Province, Heilongjiang and Jilin provinces outside the region to become a Special Administrative Region and the provincial side by side.
  Occupied Northeast China, Japan and the puppet government the implementation of provincial and county (city) secondary system. From the Northeast in 1934 the implementation of "divide and rule" policy, the growing number of provincial, regional planning small. The eve of the fall of Manchukuo, the northeastern region is divided into 15 provinces and 1 special city, Heilongjiang province which has in this Longjiang, Riverside, Three Rivers, Heihe, North Safety, Dongan 6 provinces, under the jurisdiction of Harbin, Qiqihar, Mudanjiang, Jiamusi, Dongan 5 cities, 74 counties, 3 flag.
  After the war, in August 1946, the Northeast provinces administrative _set_ up joint offices in Harbin, Northeast China is the highest executive body, later renamed Northeast Executive Committee. Under the leadership of the Executive Committee in the Northeast, the implementation of provincial (special city) and county (city) two administrative system.
  Heilongjiang Province in the Northeast region and the national liberation of the earlier, from November 1945 to May 1946, in this Heilongjiang Province has _set_ up a democratic government in 5 provinces and 1 municipality, namely, Heilongjiang, Nenjiang Hejiang, Suining, Songjiang Provincial and Harbin Municipal Government 5. October 1946, is _set_ to change Suining Province Mudanjiang area, directly under the Executive Committee in the northeast. In the same year in November, was renamed the special city of Harbin. February 1947 to September, Heilongjiang Province, Nen 2 Nen has been merged into the United Provinces of Heilongjiang, referred to as black soft province. In the same year in August, Mudanjiang area revoked, the establishment of Mudanjiang province, in July 1947 revoked the province, under the jurisdiction of regional cooperation were incorporated into the river, 2 of Songjiang Province. May 1949, together with the Songjiang Sheng Jiang Province, merged the new Songjiang Xing, Nen Province and Heilongjiang Province, Heilongjiang Province, the new merged. Meanwhile, the Harbin Songjiang Xing to municipalities. Heilongjiang provinces comprises the 5 Matsue city (Harbin, Qiqihar, Jiamusi, Mudanjiang, Xingshan), 71 counties, 2 mine (Jixi, Shuangyashan), 2 flag. War of Liberation, was established in the area of Heilongjiang province-level administrative regions, in addition to the Heihe area, but there is not a long time.
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  Heilongjiang Province, lying roughly north-west, north and south-east high, northeast, southwest low; mainly by mountains, plateaus, plains and water composition. A southwest to northeast northwest Daxinganling mountains, north northwest to southeast of the small mountain Mountains, southeast of a northeast southwest direction Zhangguangcailing, Laoye, Wandashan, land accounted for about 24.7% of the total area of the province; altitude of 300 meters above the hilly areas account for about 35.8% of the province; the northeastern part of the Sanjiang Plain, West Plain, is the largest part of the Northeast Plain, the plain accounts for 37.0% of the total area of the province, altitude 50 --- 200 meters.
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  Heilongjiang Province, an area of 473,000 square kilometers of total land (including Jiagedaqi and Chung Ling District), accounting for 4.9% of the total land area. Agricultural land area of 39,502,000 hectares, accounting for the province's total land area of 83.5%. L48.4 million hectares of land for construction, the province accounted for 3.1% of the total land area. 6.309 million hectares of unused land, the province accounted for 13.3% of the total land area. L l87.1 million hectares of agricultural land, accounting for 30% of agricultural land; garden 60,000 ha, accounting for 0.2%; woodland 24.403 million hectares, accounting for 61.8%; grassland 2.224 million hectares, accounting for 5 .6%; other agricultural land 945,000 ha, accounting for 2.4%. Land for construction of residential and industrial land ll5.8 million hectares, accounting for 78%; transport land ll. 80,000 ha, accounting for 7.9%; water conservancy land 208,000 ha, accounting for 14.1%. 4.584 million hectares of unused land, accounting for 72.7%; other unused land l72.54 million hectares, accounting for 27.3%. Compared with the previous year, in 2006 the province's arable land, residential and industrial land, transport and land use area increased, woodland, orchard, pasture, other agricultural land, unused land, other land area has decreased. The province's arable land on steep slopes greater than 25 degrees in 1.9 million hectares, the province accounted for 0.2% of the total area of arable land, lower than the national average. The province's per capita arable land area of 0.31 hectares (4.6 acres Hop / person), compared with the previous year, the per capita arable land area increased slightly.
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  Heilongjiang Province is located east of the Eurasian continent, the Pacific West Bank, China's northeast, the climate is temperate continental monsoon climate. From l961-1990 of 30 years, the average situation, the province's annual average temperature in a 5 ℃ ~ 5. C, reduced from south to north, roughly the Nen River, Yichun line to 0. C contour. Accumulated temperature ≥ 10C between the 18000C ~ 28000C, plain latitude for each increase of 1, accumulated temperature decrease of 100. C or so; mountains rise l00 per meter, accumulated reducing I00. C ~ 170. C. The average frost-free period between the province l00 ~ 150 days between the south and east between 140 to 150 days. Most of the early frost occurred late in September, late frost in April to the beginning of the end of May. Annual precipitation ranging from 400mm ~ 650mm more than the province between the central mountains and more, followed by eastern, western and northern less. Within a year, growing season, the total annual precipitation is about 83% to 94%. Precipitation is relatively stable, particularly in smaller variability in summer, usually 21% to 35%. More annual sunshine hours across the province in 2400 to 2800 hours, in which the growing season when the total number of sunshine hours 44% to 48%, less the East West and more. The province's rich resources of solar radiation, and the Yangtze River rather, the annual total solar radiation in the 44 × 108 ~ 50 × 108 joules / square meters. Temporal and spatial distribution of solar radiation is less southern and more northern summer the most, least in winter, growing season accounted for the total radiation of 55% to 60%. More than the annual average wind speed of 2 to 4 m / s, the maximum wind speed in spring, most days of the southwest wind, wind energy resources.
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Economic development
  Year 2008 to achieve GDP (GDP) 8310.0 billion yuan, ranking the 17 provinces, autonomous regions, over the previous year at constant prices increased by 11.8%, 11.6% more than five consecutive years of growth, the overall economy continued in the more high-growth platforms. Among them, the primary industry 108.91 billion yuan, an increase of 8.2%; the secondary industry 436.59 billion yuan, up 12.1%; the tertiary industry was 285.5 billion yuan, an increase of 12.4%. Three industries constitute 13.1:52.5:34.4. The first, second and tertiary industries contributed to the GDP growth rate was 7.8%, 55.7% and 36.5%. Per capita GDP 21,727 yuan, an increase of 11.7%.
  Further optimize the layout of economic development. Harbin-Daqing-Qiqihar Industrial Corridor whole project area of industrial output value of 29.64 billion yuan, an increase of 37.6%; create profits of 4.65 billion yuan, an increase of 92.1%. Last year's investment in fixed as_set_s investment 11.78 billion yuan, increase the number of new projects 241, 251 new enterprises entering the zone, the new production company 182. Base in eastern coal mining and construction area to play a full electric power, coal chemical industry, metallurgy, building materials, biological engineering, industrial strength, adhere to the new road to industrialization. Northeast Asia Economic and Trade Development Zone, actively push forward regional economic and trade cooperation and build for the Northeast Asia Economic and Trade Eurasian radiation zone. Size Mountains ecological function protected areas to accelerate the development of specialized industries, eco-industry and other alternative industry, optimize the industrial structure, accelerate infrastructure construction, to form a pattern of ecological and economic-based industries. Two Plain Agricultural Comprehensive Development Experimental Zone prominence to agricultural infrastructure construction, agricultural restructuring, enlarge and strengthen the livestock industry, and vigorously promote agricultural standardization, mass production and industrialization, and strive to build sales of more than hundreds of billions of leading enterprises in clusters , create a group of well-known brands. Northland scenery tourism development and construction of development zones have a positive international, regional and market more competitive tourist products and brands. Mu Sui Dong Ha processing zone trade with Russia to upgrade internal strategy of opening up gradually accelerate. Concentration of high-tech industry development zones play an enhanced combined effect of high-tech, service outsourcing, animation base the development of positive progress.
  Re-harvest grain production. Sown area of 10,988,000 hectares of food crops throughout the year, an increase of 1.5%; grain output 42.25 million tons, a record high. The four major food crops production: production of 15.18 million tons of rice, maize 18.22 million tons, 895,000 tons of wheat, soybeans 6.205 million tons. The economy increases and decreases in crop yields, sugar beet 2.6 million tons, up 22.1%; tobacco production 77,000 tons, an increase of 12.4%; fruit 594,000 tons, up 14.7%; vegetables 10.579 million tons, unchanged from the previous year; 15 million tons of flax , down 3.0%; oil 365,000 tons, down 26%.
  Rapid growth in livestock production. At the end of cows, pigs, sheep and poultry on hand were 2,212,000, 17,880,000, 10,184,000 and 166,933,000, respectively, up 21.9% over the previous year, 35.6%, 24.2% and 33.4%. Annual meat, eggs, milk production was 3,033,000 tons, 1,093,000 tons, 5,815,000 tons, respectively, an increase of 28.4%, 15.3% and 21.6%. Aquatic products 356,000 tons, an increase of 3.9%.
  Green food industry continues to expand. At the end of 1500 the province's green food certification number, 300 more than last year, an increase of 25.0%; green area of 5170 acres planted, up 10.5%, maintaining the nation.
  Remarkable achievements of rural labor transfer. 500 million annual transfer of rural labor force, labor income realized 26.3 billion, respectively, an increase of 3.5% and 21.2%.
  Industrial economy has maintained rapid growth. Annual large-scale industrial enterprises (the main business income of 500 million yuan, the same below) the added value of 344.48 billion yuan, up 13.1% over the previous year, more than 13% for six consecutive years of growth remain. Among them, the added value of state-owned and state holding enterprises 283.73 billion yuan, up 12.9%; collective enterprises added value of 4.75 billion yuan, up 12.2%; added value of 282.12 billion yuan joint-stock enterprises, an increase of 13.0%. Given a lighter look heavy, light industrial added value 42.16 billion yuan, up 13.8%; heavy industry 302.32 billion yuan, an increase of 13.0%. From the enterprise scale, large and medium enterprises added value of 304.08 billion yuan, up 13.0%; small businesses added value of 40.4 billion, an increase of 13.9%.
  Continue to place significant increase industrial efficiency. Whole scale of local industry 35.15 billion yuan in profits and taxes, up 32.5% over the previous year, profit 17.59 billion yuan, up 29.9%. 160.1 overall efficiency index of local industry, increase of 16.9 points. Scale industrial enterprises realized profits of 203.01 billion yuan, up 13.8%, of which 143.7 billion yuan profits, an increase of 12.0%. Industrial economic efficiency index 351.6, an increase of 10.5 points.
  Prominent supporting role in the four leading industries. Annual equipment, petrochemical, energy and food such as the four leading industries of industrial output value of 654.09 billion yuan, accounting for 89.1% of above-scale industries; pre-tax profits, profit was 193.9 billion yuan, 138.99 billion yuan, accounting for 95.5% and 96.7 %.
  Fixed As_set_s:
  Fixed as_set_ investment returns decline. Urban projects put into operation throughout the year 5559, a decrease of 445; 72.1% rate of completion of the project, down 8.2 percentage points. Add 226.69 billion yuan in fixed as_set_s, an increase of 19.1%; Rate of Fixed As_set_s 67.3%, down 5.3 percentage points. Completion of various types of housing area of 37,953,000 square meters, down 0.6%; completion rate of 48.0%, down 6.9 percentage points.
  Domestic Trade:
  In 2008 total retail sales of social consumer goods 283.86 billion yuan, an increase of 21.8% for seven consecutive years of double-digit growth is the highest increase since 1997. See sub-urban and rural areas, urban retail sales 252.67 billion yuan, up 22.0%; in rural areas (counties or less) consumer goods retail sales of 31.19 billion yuan, an increase of 20.2%. From the industry perspective, retail sales of wholesale and retail trade industry 244.57 billion yuan, up 21.7%; accommodation and catering industry retail sales of 35.14 billion yuan, up 23.7%; other sectors was 4.15 billion yuan, up 10.1%.
  External Economy:
  Use of foreign capital to maintain rapid growth. Year's actual use of foreign capital 2.66 billion, an increase of 22.5%. Among them, 2.55 billion U.S. dollars of foreign direct investment, an increase of 22.2%.
  The scale of economic and technological cooperation was widening. Year of foreign contracted projects and labor cooperation turnover $ 813,310,000, an increase of 18.6%. Laborers outside the end of 7174, down 25.9%.
  Transport, post and telecommunications and tourism:
  2008 mode of transport of cargo turnover 137.51 billion tons km, an increase of 6.0%. Among them, Railway 100.65 billion tons-kilometers, up 5.3%; Road, 31.83 billion tons-kilometers, up 9.8%; water transport 1.5 billion tons-kilometers, up 10.7%; air 040 million tons-kilometers, up 20.4%; pipe 3.49 billion tons km, down 5.7%. Last year's turnover of 60.8 billion passenger kilometers, increased by 7.7% over the previous year. Among them, 22.07 billion person-km railway, up 4.8%; Highway 34,220,000,000 kilometers, up 9.0%; Water 040 million person-kilometers, up 12.8%; Airlines 4.47 billion person-kilometers, up by 12.6%.
  At the end of civilian cars in the province is 1,415,000, an increase of 14.5%, of which 925,000 private cars, an increase of 18.3%. 503,000 civilian car ownership, an increase of 23.3%, of which 373,000 private cars, an increase of 30.0%.
  Posts and telecommunications is growing rapidly. Last year's total business volume of 60.11 billion yuan of Posts and Telecommunications, an increase of 17.2%. Among them, the telecom business volume 56.87 billion yuan, up 17.6%; postal business volume of 3.24 billion yuan, an increase of 11.0%. At the end of the province's long-distance optical cable lines 40,482 km total length; Board with a total capacity of 8.23 million switch. At the end of fixed telephone subscribers 10,261,000, down 7.7%, with the urban 7,905,000, down 5.6% in rural areas 2.356 million, down 14.2%; mobile phone users 16.408 million, an increase of 13.2%. The province's telephone penetration rate was 69.7%, 2.6 percentage points over the previous year. Internet users 3,065,000, an increase of 2.5%, of which 2.382 million broadband households, an increase of 13.9%.
  Further accelerate the development of tourism. Year received a total of domestic and foreign tourists, 85.53 million passengers, an increase of 28.5%; to achieve 56.3 billion total tourism revenue, an increase of 31.0%. Among them, received 83.53 million domestic tourists trips, an increase of 28.2%, domestic tourism revenue 50.2 billion yuan, up 32.0%; received 2.01 million international tourists trips, an increase of 41.9%, and create international tourism foreign exchange income $ 870,000,000, an increase of 35.4% .
  Fiscal and financial:
  The local fiscal revenue in 2008 76.71 billion yuan, up 32.4% over the previous year, which the general budget revenue 57.84 billion yuan, an increase of 31.2%. The main taxes, the domestic VAT 12.94 billion yuan, up 22.2%; sales tax 9.99 billion yuan, up 16.4%; corporate income tax of 4.6 billion yuan, up 50.3%; personal income 2.22 billion yuan, an increase of 9.3%. Local fiscal expenditure 171.77 billion yuan, an increase of 29.6%, of which 154.23 billion yuan general budget expenditures, an increase of 29.9%. Urban and rural community services, forestry, water services, and other key education and health care spending increased by 42.5%, 39.9%, 28.4% and 24.6%.
  Financial operations were stable. Deposits of financial institutions at the end of 899.38 billion yuan (RMB), increased 143.44 billion yuan over the beginning. Among them, the company deposits 209.26 billion yuan, increasing 14.27 billion yuan; savings deposits of 554.51 billion yuan, increased 106.69 billion yuan. Outstanding loans of financial institutions 453.26 billion yuan, increasing 70.54 billion yuan over the beginning. Short-term loans 215.13 billion yuan, increasing 23.36 billion yuan; long-term loan balance of 195.32 billion yuan, increasing 28.84 billion yuan. Total annual net money invested 14.93 billion yuan.
  Stock market continued steady growth. End of the year a total of 41 domestic and overseas listed companies, 42 listed stocks. 2008, 3 companies listed abroad, to achieve the financing starting 3.5 billion.
  Insurance industry developed rapidly. Annual premium income of 25.12 billion yuan, an increase of 61.5%, of which 4.8 billion yuan of property insurance income, an increase of 40.1%; life insurance income of 20.32 billion yuan, up 72.2%; health insurance and accident insurance income of 1.24 billion yuan, increase of 19.2%. Annual award amounts 10.3 billion yuan, an increase of 25.4%, including property insurance claim paid 3.29 billion yuan, up 111.9%; life insurance claim paid 6.59 billion yuan, an increase of 4.1%; health insurance and accident insurance claim paid 430 million yuan , an increase of 25.9%.
  Education and Science and Technology:
  Science and technology to achieve new results. The end of the province has 719 research and development institutions engaged in technological activities of 11.5 million, of which 8 million scientists and engineers. Technology Expenditures 11.71 billion yuan the year, an increase of 25.9%, of which research and development (R & D) expenditure 7.26 billion yuan, an increase of 20%, R & D expenditure is equivalent to 0.87% of GDP. Annual total of 1,319 major scientific and technological achievements, including 206 basic theoretical results; applications and technological achievements 1000; Soft 113 results. Processing of patent applications for 8351, an increase of 15.3%; granted patents 4574, an increase of 6.3%. Technology contracts were signed in the year 1709 were, turnover 4.17 billion yuan, up 19.2%.
  Comprehensive technical service capabilities further enhanced. The end of the province's total of 52 product quality inspection institutions, product quality, system certification body 3. 206 authorized measurement inspection institutions, which enforced compulsory inspection of measuring instruments 103,000 pieces of Taiwan. The province has forecast service and transmission site 56, the satellite cloud map receiving stations 12; 43 seismic stations, seismic telemetry station 37.
  Culture, Health and Sports:
  Culture, news, publishing, and radio and television work continued to progress. The end of the province's total of 84 performing arts groups, cultural centers, 131, 101 public libraries, museums 54. Radio coverage rate of 98.6%; television comprehensive population coverage rate of 98.8%. 4.362 million cable TV subscribers, 385,000 more than last year; cable digital TV users 428,000, increase of 19.9 million. Archives of the province's total of 198, has opened 144 rolls of various types of files. 899.6 million the year were published in newspapers, publishing magazines 42,490,000, 88,690,000 books published (Zhang).
  Health services further strengthened. The end of the province's total of 8747 health institutions, including hospitals, clinics 1922. Number of Hospital Beds 129,000, including hospitals, clinics beds 119,000. 18.1 million health workers, including practicing physicians and 7.8 million people practicing physician assistant; 5.6 million registered nurses. Disease prevention and control centers (epidemic prevention stations) 210 health workers, 0.7 million people. 170 hygiene supervision and inspection agencies and health personnel, 0.4 million people. The province's total of 960 township hospitals, 15,000 beds and health personnel, 1.8 million people. New rural cooperative medical coverage 1425 million rural population, the actual participation of farmers in rural cooperative medical care 1351.2 million, an increase of 3.0%.
  Sports even better. Whole province athletes won 41 world championship. Adults in the country to get 145 game medals, 104 silver and 120 bronze medals. Sports competitions will be held throughout the year 179, the number of 9 million people in the meet, a total of 356 million people in the province to achieve "national standards for physical training."
  Population, people's lives and social security:
  Maintain a low population growth. According to sample surveys, the annual birth rate 7.91%. Mortality 5.68%. Natural population growth rate of 2.23%. . The total resident population of the province in late 3825.0 million, of which 50.5% were male, women accounted for 49.5%.
  Urban and rural incomes increased. Annual per capita disposable income of urban residents 11,581 yuan, an increase of 13%; urban residents per capita consumption expenditure of 8623 yuan, an increase of 14.7%. Per capita net income of rural residents 4856 yuan, up 17.5%; rural residents per capita living expenses 3,844.7 yuan, an increase of 23.3%. Engel coefficient was 36.3% urban; rural Engel coefficient was 33.0%. Urban per capita housing area of 23.95 square meters, an increase of 0.65 square meters; rural per capita housing area of 21.7 square meters, increased by 0.2 square meters.
  Increasingly improved social security system. At the end of the province participated in basic pension insurance 859.5 million, up 4% over the previous year, of which 583.5 million workers, an increase of 1.7%; retirees 276 million, an increase of 9.1%. Participate in unemployment insurance 467.2 million, an increase of 0.7%. The basic health insurance 788.3 million, an increase of 2.8%, of which 572.3 million workers, an increase of 1.9%; retirees 216 million, an increase of 5.1%. Urban residents received minimum living security number 150.9 million, an increase of 3.4%.
  Social welfare and healthy development. At the end of the province's social welfare institutions of various types of adoption up to 48,300 beds, adoption workers 4.43 million; a variety of urban community service facilities in 2271, where integrated community service centers 494. Welfare lottery sales of 2.13 billion yuan the year; direct the community to donate 890 million yuan.
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Natural Resources
  Biological resources:
  Heilongjiang Province, ranking first in terms of land, total cultivated land area and reserve resources can be developed over a tenth of the country in both the per capita cultivated land per capita arable land and farmers, the national average is about 3 times. 9.905 million ha of existing cultivated land across the province, the soil organic matter content higher than the rest of the country, soil, chernozem and meadow soils, etc. more than 60% of arable land, is a world famous one of the three black belt. Heilongjiang Province is rich in soy, wheat, corn, potato, rice and other food crops and sugar beet, flax, tobacco and other cash crops.
  The province of about 4.33 million ha area of grassland, grass good quality, nutritional value, for the development of animal husbandry. In which three sheep Songnen grass pasture is one of the world.
  Mineral Resources:
  The province has 132 species found in various minerals, accounting for 234 kinds of minerals have been found to 56.4%. Has identified 81 kinds of mineral reserves, mineral resources, the country's total reserves have been identified species (223 species) of 36.3%. In which five kinds of energy minerals, ferrous metal ores, 3 species of ll kinds of nonferrous metals, precious minerals, 6 species of rare, rare earth, mineral dispersed elements, 8 species of non-metallic mineral metallurgical auxiliary materials, 7 species of non-metallic mineral seven kinds of chemical raw materials, building materials and 32 other non-metallic mineral, water and gas mineral 2. Reserve is among the first in the country there are 10 species, namely: oil, crystalline graphite, pigment yellow clay, feldspar, cast stone basalt, basalt rock wool, volcanic ash, cement with marble, sillimanite, rhenium ore; ranking No. 2 there are two kinds, namely: glass marble, pumice; ranked No. 3 in 6 kinds, namely: selenium ore, perlite, quartz glass, ceramic clay, limestone dust system, peat; the top 10 accounted for 42 mineral species. The province of iron, antimony, nickel, cobalt, boron, fluorite, asbestos, phosphate rock, pyrite, potassium and other poor geological conditions, low levels of resource availability, lack of self-sufficiency rate. Mineral Resources of Heilongjiang Province, is characterized by a full range of total reserves are abundant, but the low level of development, low level of the market. The mining province of Heilongjiang Province, but the mining development is uneven, mainly oil, natural gas, coal, gold and minerals for the development of some key non-metallic materials, other mineral resources are widely distributed and relatively concentrated. Oil and natural gas mainly in the area of Daqing Basin (with China's largest oilfield, Daqing oil field.), Located in the eastern coal Hegang, Shuangyashan, Qitaihe and Jixi and other places, non-ferrous metals, ferrous metals are mainly distributed in the Nen River , Yichun and Harbin area, gold mining in large and small Mountains and Yichun, Jiamusi, Mudanjiang and other regions, non-metallic mineral mainly in eastern and central.
  Forest resources:
  The total area of the province's forestry management 31.75 million hectares, accounting for the province's land area of 2 / 3. An area of 20.07 million hectares of forested land, total standing stock 1.5 billion cubic meters, the forest coverage rate reached 43.6%, forest area, total forest and timber production rank the nation, is the country's most important and largest state-owned forest timber production base. More than 100 species of forest trees, the use of more than 30 high-value species. Heilongjiang province is one of the largest forestry, forestry ecological position is very important. Natural resources are the main forest resources in Heilongjiang Province, mainly in the size of the Mountains and the Changbai Mountains, and Wanda.
  Heilongjiang Province is the country's important industrial base in energy, is one of the main coal transferred out of the province. In addition, the electricity and gas also play an important role. Before the founding of New China, Jingbo Lake in Heilongjiang only one station. For decades, the development of water power plant with the same time. To 1999 in the province the size of power plants, nearly 200 MW of total installed capacity of nearly million. The province's hydropower generation capacity of 1.4 billion megawatt-hours. Harbin Harbin Gas Chemical Corporation owned by the gas works, gas 1.89 million cubic meters of Nissan, the total size of the construction as "the best in Asia."
  Water resources:
  Heilongjiang Province, Heilongjiang, Songhua, Ussuri and Suifenhe four major river systems, there Xingkai, Lake, Lake and Wudalianchi four chain lakes and dotted with bubbles larger marsh. Drainage area of 50 square kilometers in the province's rivers have l 918 above article mean annual surface water resources across the province to 68.6 billion cubic meters, average annual groundwater resource of 29.744 billion cubic meters, less the amount of double counting between l73 .14 billion cubic meters, the province's average annual water volume of 81.03 billion cubic meters, 2160 cubic meters of water per capita are lower than the national average. Average annual precipitation in 2006, the province is 523.0 millimeters deep, equivalent to 237.857 billion cubic meters of water, 4.3% more than the previous year, less than the mean 2.O%, the level of water year. The province's average annual runoff for the l32.4 mm, equivalent to 60.224 billion cubic meters of water, than E young l.6%, less than the mean l2.2%. Groundwater resources of the province for the l71.59 billion cubic meters, hilly ground water resource of ll9.51 billion cubic meters, hilly and plain areas of double counting the amount of 11.85 billion cubic meters of groundwater resource of the province 27.925 billion cubic meters. Groundwater resources and the amount of double counting of surface water resources l25.69 billion cubic meters, the province's total of 72.793 billion cubic meters of water resources. The province's total water consumption was 28.623 billion cubic meters, of which water l71.82 billion cubic meters of surface water, groundwater consumption 11.441 billion cubic meters.
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Tourism Resources
  Ice and snow tourist resources: in most parts of Heilongjiang Province in the temperate zone, large mountain of snow in winter, snow and long (120 days), snow quality, suitable for ski tourism. Resources are mainly concentrated in four major ski areas: Harbin City, Yichun City, Mudanjiang City and Daxinganling region. Ice and snow play mainly in Harbin, Mudanjiang, Qiqihar City and other cities.
  Summer tourism resources: Heilongjiang Province cool in summer, many rivers and lakes and vast forest is a good place for summer.
  Wetland Tourism Resources: Heilongjiang province Zhalong Wetland Nature Reserve, Daqing Daqing when Chennai Longfeng wetlands and wetlands. Is a good place for summer tourism.
  Border Tourism Resources: Heilongjiang Province and Russia's borders more than 3,000 kilometers of border line, in which 2300 km boundary river; has 25 open ports, of which 17 have become the 15 shore, Suifenhe, Heihe City, East County, Fuyuan County border entry and exit of tourists among the top four.
  Historical monuments and folk cultural resources: Heilongjiang Province to retain a long history of human cultural remains, such as Angangxi to open stream sites and sites of the Tang Dynasty Longquan to Beijing Bohai State government sites, Jin Huining Prefecture sites. Mainly by agriculture Manchu, Korean, living Hezhe fishing to hunting to animal husbandry Oroqen and dominated Mongolian, Daur, these ethnic minorities to retain the unique folk north style, became important in Heilongjiang Province Tourism Resources.
  Tourist cities in China: Heilongjiang province in China Excellent Tourism City 9, that is, Harbin, Qiqihar, Mudanjiang, Jiamusi, Daqing City, Yichun City, Arab City, Suifenhe City, Hulin City, Iron Force City.
  Key cultural relics protection unit: Heilongjiang Province, 227 key cultural relics protection units, including 15 national key cultural relics protection units, 212 provincial-level key protection units.
  Nature: l5 National Nature Reserve in Heilongjiang province, provincial level nature reserves 35. Scenic spots and forest parks: Heilongjiang Province, a famous scenic spots, 34, of which national key scenic spots 2, that the Five Jingpohu; 32 provincial-level scenic spots, the Sun Island, Moon Island, Morningstar Island, Xingkai Lake, Lotus Lake, Erlongshan, Momoyama and so on. The province has 96 forest parks, 54 national forest parks, 42 provincial level. Forest Park, the famous five business National Forest Park, National Forest Park in Harbin, Ning Crater National Park, Mudanjiang National Forest Park.
  Historical and cultural city with patriotism education bases: historical and cultural city in Heilongjiang Province, 6, in which a state-level historical and cultural cities, Harbin is a national historical and cultural city, is the first national outstanding tourist city, there are a variety of construction on behalf of the world style building nearly Office, known as "Oriental Paris", "Oriental Moscow" said; provincial-level historical and cultural city of five, including Qiqihar City, Ningan Shi, Yilan County, A City, Hulan District, etc. the provincial level historical and cultural city. Northeast Martyrs Memorial Hall, the Japanese invading army troops evidence seventh Trinity Gallery, Hulin fort museum, history museum Aihui, Daqing is the Iron Man Memorial hundreds of patriotic education base.
  Geopark: 15 Geopark in Heilongjiang Province, where l a world geological park, national geological park 5 (Wudalianchi both the world geological park, also a national geological park), the provincial geological parks 9.
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Environmental Protection
  In 2006, the Environmental Protection intensified. Total employees at the end of 4447 the province's environmental protection system of people, at all levels of environmental monitoring stations 106. 285 smoke control areas into a total area of 1139.7 square kilometers; built area of 238 noise standards, compliance area of 911.3 square kilometers. 8 cities met Grade II air quality standards; 2 urban air quality to meet three criteria. Songhua River Basin comprehensive management included in the national "Eleventh Five-Year Plan", the main pollution control projects started.
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Administrative Division
黑龙江 行政区划
黑龙江 行政区划
  Road, Nangang District, Harbin Daoli Xiangfang area outside the area North Pine City CA Hulan District A two-city Shangzhi Founder Wuchang County, Yilan County, Mulan Tonghe Yanshou Bin Bayan
  Jianhua District, Qiqihar City, Tie Feng District Longsha District District Angangxi District Fulaerji Daur Mehlis mountain area roller Nehe City Keshan Ke Dongxian Gannan County Rich County Taylor County Longjiang County Baiquan Yian
  Mudanjiang Aimin District, Yangming District, Dong An district in Xi'an area Suifenhe Hailin City, East County Linkou Muling Ning'an
  Xiangyang District, Jiamusi Jiamusi forward suburban area east with the River City area Fujin County, Fuyuan County Tangyuan Huachuan County Huanan County
  Longfeng District, Daqing City Saertu Honggang District Ranghulu District Datong District Zhaozhou Xian Zhaoyuan County Lindian Mongol Autonomous County
  Comb area Jixi Hengshan Road area pear drop zone area Chengzihe Hulin mountain area Mishan Jidong County Ma
  Shuangyashan Sifangtai Jianshan District Yeongdong area of friendship County District Baoshan District Jixian Baoqing Rao Hexian
  Yichun District, Yichun City, West District Nancha-friendly area on Green Zone Green Crest District Five U.S. Camp Creek area Jinshantun Tangwanghe Wumahe Ridge area with Red Star area Wuyiling
  Jiayin County Shangganling Tieli City
  Qitaihe emerging area of Peach Mountain River District Boli Xian Eggplant
  Xiangyang District Hegang Xing Mountain Nanshan District, Hung Yen District, workers and peasants, Dongshan District Luobei Sui Binxian
  Wudalianchi Bei'an Aihui District of Heihe City, County Sunwu County Nenjiang County xunke
  Forest City, North Suihua Hailun Wangkui Anda Zhaodong Lanxi Xian Qing Gangxian Qing'an County Mingshui Xian Sui Lengxian
  Daxinganling region Mohe County Huma River County District Ling District Jiagedaqi call Central Forest
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Current provincial leaders
  Ji Bingxuan Heilongjiang Provincial Party Secretary
  Heilongjiang governor Li gauntlet
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  Heilong Jiang
  Heilong Jiang
  Heilongjiang tributaries of about 200 bar. The larger are the Songhua, Ussuri, Results Ya River, bureya River. The largest tributary of Songhua River in Heilongjiang, Songhua River from the mouth of Heavenly Lake to the length of 1657 km, watershed area of 55 thousand square kilometers. Another tributary of the Ussuri River, 905 km long, drainage area of 187,000 square kilometers.
  Overview of Heilongjiang River from the Luo River Village to the ancient elegance of Heihe River near the upstream end, about 900 kilometers; from the junction to the Ussuri River estuary for the elegant middle estuary, about 1,000 km; from the Ussuri River estuary into the sea as the following to the River, about 950 km.
  ① upstream river walk through the gorge, the valley is not deep cut. Old Village to the south coast from Los amount of Moore River tributary estuary, steep cliffs, narrow river, fast-flowing; from the following places Moore River estuary, water becomes deeper, the valley gradually open, and the emergence of small beaches, some of reach of partakers fork phenomenon. River is generally 400 to 1000 meters, the dry season normally around 1.2 meters deep, can pass 300 to 10,000 tons of shipping. Mostly rocky riverbed sediment or gravel. Showed a U shaped bed, with an average gradient of 0.2 ‰, dates back to Argun, all river vessels can pass.
  Heilongjiang River is located in climate and hydrological boreal and temperate, with distinct monsoon climate. Heilongjiang is the main water supply, snow melt water supply, supplemented by the river, all the rainwater runoff accounts for about 75 ~ 80% recharge, snowmelt water supplies account for about 15 to 20%, groundwater recharge accounted for 5 to 8%.
  Most distributed in Heilongjiang River Forest area, less soil erosion, river sediment average of 0.1 kg / cubic meters, only the Yangtze River 1 / 4, Yellow 1 / 300, is the little river of silt content one.
  More uniform distribution of Heilongjiang tributaries, except the flood season, the water calm, the water level stable. The source of runoff north and south about 275 billion cubic meters, which accounted for 54.2% of the North sources, the South accounted for 45.8% of the source. Ya _set_tled in the middle reaches of Heilongjiang River to accept about 59.7 billion cubic meters, bureya River 31.9 billion cubic meters, about 79.85 billion cubic meters Songhua, Ussuri 63 billion cubic meters of annual runoff, thus, the average annual runoff of the main stream about 272 billion cubic meters, accounting for annual average runoff of the total 78.6%.
  Basin annual precipitation of about 400 to 600 mm, increasing from upstream to downstream, mountain more than plain. Uneven distribution of rainfall season. 4 to 10 accounted for the total monthly rainfall of 90 ~ 93%, of which 6 ~ August 60 ~ 70% concentration, and heavy rainstorms. River spring flood flows is not large, but a few years, the maximum flow can also be more than the average annual flow of 3 to 5 times the summer flood flow, flood peak high, long duration, the flow can exceed the average annual flow of 5 to 10 times. Affected by heavy rain or long-term Yin Yu, 8,9 flood occurred in January
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English Expression
  1. n.:  Heilongjiang,  the Heilongjiang River,  Heilongjiang (Heilungkiang) province
French Expression
  1. v.  Heilongjiang ( Province )
Black, Heilongjiang Province
Heilongjiang Subdistrict
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