autonomous prefecture : China > Hubei > enshitujiazumiaozuzizhi Township
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  Enshi Tujia and Miao Autonomous Prefecture Tourist Complaint Phone: Enshi complaints Tel :0718 -8222770 Tourism
  Hubei Province Tel :027 -87124701 Tourist Complaint
  State Tourism Tel :010-65275315 Complaint Enshi Tujia and Miao Autonomous Prefecture of the best travel time: Enshi Tujia and Miao Autonomous Prefecture of mountainous monsoon climate, summer heat and winter less cold, fog, rainfall.
  The terrain, elevation above sea level and the poor, an average elevation of 1,000 meters in Enshi about the maximum over three thousand meters, the lowest over sixty meters, folk known as "low mountains known as Valley, alpine Hearthside," "ten different days, different customs Barry "the proverb. Temperature decreases with elevation, altitude 300-1800 m average temperature in the region of between 17.4-7.8 ℃, long  yung group 0? 00 meters below the region more than 18 ℃, 1800 meters above the alpine region of less than 7.8 ℃, the vertical differences are significant, the annual minimum temperature in January, the highest in July.
  Note that, due to more rain in Enshi Prefecture, fog, rain and heat the same period, so often travel here for several days because of bad weather affecting the tour, the best attendance, Enshi travel to avoid the rainy season, and prior to better understand what local weather conditions. The best season to travel is in Enshi in April and May.
  Enshi Tujia and Miao Autonomous Prefecture of Folk Festivals: daughter will be in Minority unique festival, an annual event, held in different places have different dates, some three days of lunar month, some 12 July, some 15 August. Among them, Grottoes town July 12th annual Lunar New Year's "daughters" have been preserved since ancient times.
  "My daughter will be" generally associated with rural market, which is a large _set_ of Tujia people, all kinds of customs collection in one. Every time the girls were waiting for the arrival of loved one will be in the "daughter will be" _set_ up a stall selling a variety of local products, small group of children who are pretending to buy things, once they see favorite girl, guy asking about the price went up children shopping, the two sides began bargaining, if the small group of children was the girl fancy, the price will become low, similar to the last two to the nearby jungle Xiangcheng love for each table. If the small group of children is not phase, the price is getting higher and higher, he will get the picture to leave and re-find the ideal person.
  Mainly live in Enshi Tujia and Miao Autonomous Prefecture of Tujia and Miao Autonomous Prefecture of Hunan, also in Sichuan also have a distribution of a population of more than 570 million people, Tujia self-proclaimed "complete Zika", meaning "native people" . 2000 years ago, they _set_tled in today's Hunan and Hubei Province area, along with other local minority known as the "Wuling Man." Song after the Tujia single is called "soil Ding." After the founding, officially named the Tujia. Tujia language is Sino-Tibetan Tibeto-Burman, due to the long mixed with the Han people, they will use early in the Han language and text.
  Tujia people in the Costume and Chong Shangjian Park, before the multi-purpose self-organization from Tujia dyed homespun cloth made. Men by wearing black or blue, women clothes there, "deer in Lotus," "downtown Mei Magpie" and "Shuangfeng sun," and other festive designs.
  Tujia to rice, the staple food corn, wheat, sweet potato, potato as a staple food, vegetables fresh and diverse, rich in vegetables and poultry meat are generally hot and sour taste.
  Appendix: Tips
  Xilankapu - Enshi Tujia girl get married, must bring Xilankapu as a wedding gift. This is a tapestry of Tujia in Tujia language, the "West" is the meaning of bedding, "Cap" means flower, so "Xilankapu" is the Tujia flower bedding. Tujia girls are hand woven belt when his marriage Xilankapu, their first in wood, cloth woven on the loom is good, then in the above cross-stitch embroidery. Xilankapu pattern patterns rich, vivid colors, with some ornamental value.
  Enshi Tujia and Miao Autonomous Prefecture city map: Enshi Tujia and Miao Autonomous Prefecture reminded: As more rain in Enshi Prefecture, fog, rain and heat the same period, so often travel here for several days because of bad weather affecting the tour, so to travel the Enshi good to avoid the rainy season, and prior to better understand what the local weather conditions.
  Enshi Tujia and Miao Autonomous Prefecture of delicacies: Enshi due to its special geographical environment, so the local spicy Sichuan food special features of both a Xiaoxiang salty style. Particularly the local Tujia and Miao characteristics rather snacks is to attract a lot of visitors, such as the "Princess", co-residue, bacon, potatoes and dried.
  This is not "My Fair Princess" in the "Princess" yo, this "princess" is the first mixed with chili steamed out of the other ingredients. Enshi street in front of your little restaurants everywhere, there are many small steamed in each on a steamer, which is what steamer "Princess" was. "Princess" there are many varieties, Princess of beef, mutton, chattered, pork princess, princess, etc. broth.
  Slag aggregate
  Is actually a small pot, which put some dregs, peanut residue, minced meat and other base material, together with pork, beef or mutton and other raw materials to form a variety of flavors, the general cost of 7,8 million per person to be able to eat a residue together, whether eating a pot of several people, all in accordance with the head of charge. Residue at the same time eating together also with a few small dishes cold dish, such as peanuts, cold dishes, tofu, etc. These cold dishes are also offered as a gift along with the combined residue.
  One of the characteristics of local bacon, you can stall or small restaurant taste. When the customer a good _select_ion of meat, the owner or stall on the first guests to pick up the meat into the coal stove burning, burning Zizi direct flow of oil, and then put a base of water thrown into the bubble to go, then let's clean the ball wipe the hard surface of the meat, and pretty soon, a piece of fresh meat, bacon yellow skin on the schedule.
  Enshi Tujia and Miao Autonomous Prefecture of shopping: Jade Crafts hundred Crane
  Crane jade hundred years ago, dating back 436 million formation of fossils, the main stem of biological structure of crinoids, corals and other paleontology, minerals are calcite, quartz, feldspar and so on. Quality is superior to all kinds of marble, the fossil clear texture, novel, unique, shallow marine biological reproduction of the natural ecology of the United States, is rare in the world of new varieties. Crane hundred ancient jade crafts elegant, _set_ Sciences and Arts in one, had participated in Canton Fair Gold Medal, _select_ in Yugoslavia in May 1988 International Exposition, much domestic and foreign merchants and customers welcome and all ages. The main technical varieties of stone, square stone, boulders, jade animal, jade mirror, jade and so on.
  As a Tujia brocade. In the Tujia language, the "West" is a "blanket" means, "Cap" is the "flower" means. Xilankapu blanket flower is the Tujia people, the process has a certain value, especially Tujia favorite daughter, known as the "flower of the Tujia." Tujia customs in accordance with the past, Tujia girl get married, when the cross-stitch embroidery to weaving, production design beautiful "Xilankapu." Xilankapu pattern is characterized by: patterns rich and full, bright, or are based on the daily life, or are based on the natural scenery, variegated, life-like, with a clear Tujia style.
  Maoba paint
  Lacquer for the domestic brands, Zhinong, Wei Xiang, bright color, less water content, dry good, strong grasp of wood is ideal for arts and crafts furniture and paint, with excellent anti-corrosion, anti-acid properties. Paint for the paint with hair lacquer dam, technology skills, do not change color, shiny, beautiful clean. In recent years, Arts and Crafts Factory Qingjiang paint paint used for coating Maoba copied a lot of the Warring States period unearthed, and the original are very similar, highly praised by domestic and foreign tourists, be called art.
  Icheon Coptis
  Enshi rich herbs, mainly Icheon berberine, kiln return, board the party, Angelica, bladder, bulb of fritillary, pseudo-ginseng, etc., Icheon Coptis the most famous. Coptis cold, bitter, with diarrhea inflammatory detoxification, heat dampness of the functions, attending high fever, irritability, chest tightness, vomiting, diarrhea and dysentery. Cool spring and late summer in Icheon City, autumn early winter cold, Yuan abundant sunshine lesser Huang Liansheng long provided a unique natural conditions. Coptis Icheon cultivated more than 300 years of history, is the important producer of berberine.
  Yi Tea
  Also called "Easy Red Kung Fu tea." Black tea produced here should be far away in the Ming Dynasty to the "Queen of Tea" known in the UK, the 17th century, black tea that should be exported to Russia, the United Kingdom. Tight end of the cable should be black is beautiful, the colors run zeu reconcile, the aroma of pure lasting, strong taste of alcohol, is black tea to share.
  Enriched tea
  Enshi Prefecture is rich in selenium resources, enabling the human body selenium, selenium elements in the tea not only taste good, with good drinking value, and treat, prevent many diseases, longevity, has some medical value.
  Produced in Hefeng, also known as "pearl vegetables, edible and medicinal with a double value. Shape for the dark green of small particles, rich in protein, starch and algae, the body must be of 7 amino acids.
  In addition to these items purchased, the Enshi Autonomous Prefecture, there is a new breed products, candles, gem chopsticks and other ethnic specialties handicrafts and other persimmons Padang.
  Enshi Tujia and Miao Autonomous Prefecture of Transportation: Aviation
  Enshi flights to the province mainly through Wuhan and Yichang, Chongqing province, leading only, models are "Win seven."
  Xu Jia Ping Enshi far from the city airport, take a taxi from the city center to less than 10 yuan.
  Flights flying to Wuhan, the capital of two classes a day, time of 08:40 and 15:30, tickets 530 and takes 1 hour and 20 minutes.
  Every Monday, there are four flights to Yichang, 13:40, 300 fare, takes 40 minutes.
  Monday, four flights to Chongqing at 10:00, tickets 420, takes 1 hour.
  Ticket agent points are located in 43 Aviation Road, Enshi city hotel and air in the urban area Qingjiang Wuyang Avenue 4, second floor front of the hotel Qingjiang travel agency.
  Enshi Autonomous Prefecture is located in the east and west of the junction, the traffic mileage of 8155 kilometers across the state, there are two national highway, 11 provincial highway, and more across the mountains, steep roads.
  Terminal is located in Enshi Qingjiang sister Wuyang Avenue West bridge at first, there is sent to Wuhan, Yichang, Xiangfan, Jingzhou, and counties within the state and in the provinces such as Chongqing, Guangzhou, Wenzhou frequency. In addition, in the Qingjiang Wuyang Avenue 4, service station hotel also sent to the counties within the state long-distance car.
  Enshi to Wuhan, Yichang, a number of classes per day. To the ordinary sleeper fare of Wuhan 100, plus 50 air-conditioned sleeper, full time-consuming 18 hours; to Yichang ordinary sleeper 60, took 12 hours. Counties to the state water start the car, basically filled to open.
  In addition to ordinary vehicles, Yichang, Enshi terminal also sent to the car, car is Beverly, took only 6 hours, the car price 580 yuan, 145 yuan fare individual / person, filled with four grid, the number of If not then the default amount of votes the person assessed by the car.
  Local Transportation
  Enshi Taxis are cheap, starting at only 3 yuan, 2 km after the additional 1 yuan per kilometer, mostly Alto and Charade models.
  Also known locally as "numb" (a small motor tricycle) the car street, as long as within the city limits, be charged 2 yuan.
  Enshi Tujia and Miao Autonomous Prefecture of Accommodation: Enshi city smaller, but all the low level of hotels, guest houses more, stay more convenient. Recommend visitors to stay Qingjiang old hotel, the parking lot entrance is the Bus Terminal, travel, and find out messages more convenient.
  Old hotel is located in Enshi City Qingjiang Wuyang Avenue Four, two 70 per standard room, single standard room 60.
  Dongfeng Road, Enshi City is located on the new building of Qing are three-star hotel, the facilities good, two standard room 180.
  In addition, Enshi there are many small hotels and guest houses, clean, with TV watching, you can hot baths, about 15 yuan per bed.
  Enshi Tujia and Miao Autonomous Prefecture of entertainment: a look at the local Enshi Tujia customs show. This shows to four courses of Tujia the main line, interspersed with folk songs and dance Tujia, the entire show takes about 60 minutes. Four courses are Tujia crane food, children soak vegetables, soup and licking food and wine rape, and its mellow flavor fascinating nation. During the folk song solo, duet and small chorus pronounce; Dances children, lotus ring for children, and Yu, are also showing strong public sentiment at home soil.
  Code: 0718
  Zip Code: 445000
  Location: Enshi Autonomous Prefecture is located in the Sichuan Basin, between the Jianghan Plain, an eastward extension of the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau, most of the whole territory is mountainous, with an average altitude of 1,000 meters.
  Zoning: under the jurisdiction of cities and Hefeng Enshi and Icheon, built before, Padang, Xianfeng, Laifeng, Xuan-en and six counties.
  Bus from the northern mountains of the southern branch ---- fate Wushan Mountains in the southeast and in the subordinate branch of Miao ---- Wuling, Mountains of western North Extension Lou ---- Qi Yue Mountains and other parts of the three major mountain ranges of the mountains. Three mountain terrain across the state is utmost, showing the north, northwest and south-east high, and gradually to the south and relatively low tilt state. The basic characteristics of landscape are: step-like landforms.
  Intermittent due to the new tectonic movement, the impact of activities, large areas of uplift of a mountain, local fault, sedimentary formation of multi-level planation surface and the mountain valleys rift basin. In addition to the Northeast within a small area above 3,000 meters above sea level mountain, the five-planation of varying size, and there is one to two valley terraces. Showed significant landforms. Karst landform, mountain valley dotted. The state of carbonate rocks (limestone, dolomite), carbonate rocks exposed by the state's warm and rainy climate, karst landforms, rock bud, cave, funnel, Yu Gu, underground stream everywhere.
  State Formation in the Republic of the fixed domain 25 years (1936). States began to spring for the Palestinian child; Tang is owned by the state in Badong County, the state Qingjiang County facilities, built before the county; Song is owned by the state in Badong County, the state Qingjiang County facilities, built before the county and Chenzhou, rich state, Gaozhou, Dingzhou ; yuan is owned by the state in Badong county, state facilities built before the county, the southern ethnic minority areas chieftain system; Ming is Kuizhou Jianshi County, Badong County, owned by the state, the state health facilities to make military and civilian command of the Division; Yongzheng change the chieftain owned thirteen years flow, home southern government facilities under its jurisdiction Well, declared to, salty, Lee five counties; Republic of China 17 years to 24 years, parts of the state border is Pakistan has owned Xing, Hunan, Hubei, Hunan, Hubei, Sichuan and Guizhou and the Soviet side, and the establishment of Suai political organization; November 6, 1949 liberation of Enshi County, Hubei Province, Enshi Administrative Region of the establishment, jurisdiction over 8 counties: the Enshi County, Lichuan County, Jianshi County, Badong County, Xuan'en, Laifeng, Xianfeng, Hefeng; August 19, 1983, the State Council approved the revocation of Enshi prefecture, the establishment of Tujia and Miao Autonomous Prefecture; April 1993 Tujia and Miao Autonomous Prefecture was renamed as the Enshi Tujia and Miao Autonomous Prefecture has jurisdiction over six counties and two cities of a zone.
  Enshi Tujia and Miao Autonomous Prefecture of Enshi full name, located in southwest Hubei Province, is the youngest of the Prefecture. Live here Tujia, Miao and Han, Dong and other 27 ethnic groups. Caused by the mountains surrounded by beautiful natural scenery of Enshi and unique folk customs are preserved intact.
  Enshi beauty lies in the natural landscape and ethnic customs, tourists do not have to stick line, you can claim whatever to play, so often found at any good scenery.
  Landscape to Enshi picturesque landscapes and bizarre Qidong different acupoint, the main attractions are Qingjiang, Dragon Cave, Fish Wood Village, large wells temples, forests Xingdoushan, toast King City, Tujia Waving Tong, shuttle Stone Forest, etc. Step Ya. In addition, the Diaojiaolou Tujia, Dong's Boasting, the daughter will be in July, when the Weeding hard drums, a funeral Saer He jump, jump and Yu auspicious time, are displayed with colorful Enshi style.
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  Located in the southwest of Hubei Province, Chongqing City, adjacent to the west and north, south Hunan province. Jurisdiction Enshi, Icheon City and Padang II, Laifeng, Xianfeng, construction began, Hefeng, Xuan-en and six counties. Enshi Autonomous Prefecture is. An area of 24,000 square kilometers. End of 2007, a population of about 391 million, of which about 45% of the Han nationality, accounting for about 46% of the Tujia, Miao about 6.5%. Pakistan in the Spring and Autumn. Enshi area established in 1949. Established in 1970, Enshi area. _Set_ in 1983, Tujia and Miao Autonomous Prefecture. April 1993 its current name. Nanshan is a western Hubei, the mountains known as the original.
  Minerals are mainly iron, phosphorus, coal, gold, selenium and so on. Many deep valleys, karst depression and so on. Abundant water resources. Common crops include: corn, rice, wheat, potato and other economic crops include: tea, planting medicinal herbs. Primary forest in Hubei Province, there are many rare plants and animals, Icheon is the hometown of Metasequoia. Native and medicinal resources Itabashi Codonopsis, dam paint, chicken berberine, Grottoes Angelica and so on. Of keeping the traffic has become the center of the state road network. Textiles, coal, machinery, pharmaceutical, leather and other industries. Buddhist relics are to impatiens, the Yangtze River Three Gorges, Dragon Cave, gold-dong.
  Enshi En Shi City
  Enshi City, Hubei Province, People's Republic of Chinese name
  English name
  En Shi City, Hubei Province, People's Republic of China
  【Location】 Enshi City is located in an area southwest of Hubei Province. Enshi Tujia and Miao Autonomous Prefecture for the capital. Area of 3967 square km.
  Ethnic population】 【end of 2007, the city's population of 79 million.
  Topography, climate】 【bus from the northern mountains of the southern branch ---- fate Wushan Mountains in the southeast and in the subordinate branch of Miao ---- Wuling, Mountains Lou western part of the northern extension of the mountains ---- Qi Yue three major mountain ranges such as the mountain. Three mountain terrain across the state is utmost, showing the north, northwest and south-east high, and gradually to the south and relatively low tilt state. The basic characteristics of landscape are: step-like landforms. Intermittent due to the new tectonic movement, the impact of activities, large areas of uplift of a mountain, local fault, sedimentary formation of multi-level planation surface and the mountain valleys rift basin. In addition to the Northeast within a small area of an altitude of 3,000 meters above the mountain, but generally show the altitude of 2000 ,1500 ---- ---- 1700 m 1000 m 1300 m ,1200 ,900 ---- ---- 800 meters 700 ---- 500 m, etc., ranging from five planation surface area, and there are one to two valley terraces. Showed significant landforms. Karst landform, mountain valley dotted. The state of carbonate rocks (limestone, dolomite) 54.4% of the total area, carbonate rocks exposed by the state warm and rainy climate, karst landforms, rock bud, cave, funnel, Yu Gu, underground stream everywhere .
  【PC】 Municipal People's Government resident in the small ferry streets. Zip Code: 445000. Administrative division code: 432400. Code: 0718. Pinyin: Enshi Shi.
  Enshi City, Hubei Province is located southwest of the hinterland, in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River to the south of Qingjiang, is embedded in West Nanshan a shining pearl, because it has a rare selenium resources world as the "world's selenium are." China's world record of Enshi City Council _select_ed the world's first city of the candidate mineral selenium in a world record. Land area of 3967 square km city, jurisdiction over 10 townships, three towns and 3 district offices and 172 administrative villages, 34 neighborhood committees. The total population of 78 million, of which Tujia, Miao, Dong and other ethnic minorities accounted for 38%. 1998 was listed as an open city, Hubei Province is one of nine historical and cultural city, is now the Enshi Tujia and Miao Autonomous Prefecture is located.
  Enshi City is a magical land. The city bears a rare selenium resources world, enriched black shale outcrop area of about 850 square kilometers, with reserves of up to 25 million tons, up more than 8000 mg Se / kg. Affected by the formation of a large rock Se Se region, food, oil, herbs, forage grass and fodder, animal products and mineral water, the selenium content in the world. This is more than 70% of the world's people with selenium areas of the Gospel, but also for selenium and selenium deposits in product development and utilization to provide a broad prospect. Enshi City is a fertile land. A musk deer, monkey face Eagle, Golden Pheasant and other 40 kinds of protected animals above the provincial level. A variety of 2000 kinds of medicinal plants, enjoy the "natural botanical garden", "Central Drug Storehouse" name, which the party board, kiln return, Purple Magnolia oil and other valuable medicines for the world unique. Here is the "E Xilin Hai", "natural oxygen bar", the city's forest coverage rate of 65%, per capita forest area of nearly 5 acres. Within rivers, rich water resources can be developed in 63 million kw of installed capacity, currently only 13% use of tremendous potential for development. Development of karst topography region improved more than 30 million combined with soil, Miao, Dong and other ethnic minorities and children of the heritage and customs, and unique to Enshi Tourism has become the ring of the Three Gorges, Zhangjiajie Tourism Zone of the important part. "Qingjiang drift" as the "Divine in the first drift"; "shuttle Shuibuya Stone" has become a major tourist attraction at the provincial level; earth home "her daughter would" be called "Oriental Valentine's Day"; "Saerhe", "Nuo play "and so is the academic culture as Treasure. Enshi City by the United Nations as the world's most livable in the world.
  Enshi City
  Enshi City is an opportunity to look to the land. Here is the minority areas, enjoy full autonomous rights, there has been incorporated into the overall development of areas west of the country. Along with a new round of poverty relief and support efforts to increase ethnic minority areas, as the country's western development strategy implementation and a large number of national projects under construction, Enshi City, will radiate a harmonious prosperity of the new look!
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Geographical Features
恩施土家族苗族自治州 地理特征
  Bus from the northern mountains of the southern branch ---- fate Wushan Mountains in the southeast and in the subordinate branch of Miao ---- Wuling, Mountains of western North Extension Lou ---- Qi Yue Mountains and other parts of the three major mountain ranges of the mountains. Three mountain terrain across the state is utmost, showing the north, northwest and south-east high, and gradually to the south and relatively low tilt state. The basic characteristics of landscape are: step-like landforms. Intermittent due to the new tectonic movement, the impact of activities, large areas of uplift of a mountain, local fault, sedimentary formation of multi-level planation surface and the mountain valleys rift basin. In addition to the Northeast within a small area above 3,000 meters above sea level mountains, but generally show the altitude of 2000 ,1500 ---- ---- 1,700 m 1,000 m 1,300 m ,1200 ,900 ---- ---- 800 meters 700 ---- 500 meters, etc., ranging from five planation surface area, and there are one to two valley terraces. Showed significant landforms. Karst landform, mountain valley dotted. The state of carbonate rocks (limestone, dolomite) 54.4% of the total area, carbonate rocks exposed by the state warm and rainy climate, karst landforms, rock bud, cave, funnel, Yu Gu, underground stream everywhere .
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Climate Resources
  Enshi moist subtropical monsoon climate. The general features are: less cold in winter, summer, according to the amount of fog, humid all year round, abundant precipitation, rain and heat over the same period. But the complex terrain, terrain height and the poor, but also showing a very significant regional differences of climate vertical.
  Heat, temperature decreases with increasing terrain, the average temperature, low mountains 16.3 ℃, the second mountain 13.4 ℃, alpine 7.8 ℃; annual precipitation, southeastern 1100-1300 mm, 1000-1900 mm in the northwest, central 1400-1600 mm; annual average sunshine, 1300 hours of low mountains, two mountains 1200-1350 hours and 1000-1350 hours Mountain; frost-free period, the low mountains 238-348 days, 237-264 days of the second mountain, mountains 170-233 days; relative humidity, low Hill 82%, 85% of the second mountain, mountains 82%.
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World selenium are
  "Enshi Autonomous Prefecture of rock, soil, animal and plant selenium accumulation reached the highest in the world," more than 70% of the world's human selenium region has brought the gospel. Selenium and selenium deposits in product development and utilization of a bright future. Not only that, hidden in underground mineral-rich, with all kinds of proven reserve of 70 kinds of mineral resources, mineral 314. 10 billion tons of iron ore, coal mines 200 million tons, pyrite, carbon stone, refractory clay, natural gas, coal, ranking first in the province. 1.4 billion tons of phosphate rock, Hefeng cursory phosphate phosphate rock is one of the four. Also a large number of stored Baihe Yu, chrysanthemum stone, black jade and other fossils, high quality marble, reefs and other scarce resources.
  Currently, the state focuses on the development of species. Selenium is a market demand of types.
  1,1991 Comprehensive Development of selenium enriched vegetable protein products, health products, enriched tea, selenium mineral water, enriched smoke.
  2, special food resources: water shield, Osmunda, bracken, kidney beans, Mount taro, sphaeroides, Feng Jiang, Ming together, yam and other rare species, Watterson home and abroad.
  3, within the state of Enshi City, built before the county, Xuan'en other places are rich in selenium mineral water resources. Spring Se 0.014-0.02myt, and contains strontium, zinc, calcium, magnesium, germanium and other beneficial elements dozen. The independence of the world's rare selenium deposits, the content of the maximum 85PPM, ranked first in the world.
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Enshi Resources
  Land resources
  The state's total land area of 2,406,100 hectares, according to the national uniform land use classification for the 11 level class, 49 second class. According to the 2002 land census data, the state is indeed an area of 262.11 thousand hectares of arable land, an area of 1407.23 thousand hectares of forest land and unused land 439.89 thousand hectares, 32.7 thousand hectares of water area. Per capita arable land area of 1.03 acres.
  Water Resources
  Rich in water reserves throughout the state, development and utilization of potential, a total of more than 60 rivers and streams, with a total drainage area of 21,801 square kilometers. Total 29.98 billion cubic meters of water resources, water resources, reserves that 5.09 million kilowatts theory, can be developed 3,491,000 kilowatts, accounting for 10.6% of the province, state karst strong, underground rivers and underground stream and more abundant water, type fracture-karst water reserves of 6.4 billion cubic meters, accounting for 21.4% of total water resources in the state.
  The famous Dam: Shuibuya hub Dalongtan Project
  Mineral Resources
  Forest Resources
  Domain is particularly rich in forest resources in the state, a total of 171 species families, 645 genera and 1264 kinds. Joe, 60 families in which a large wooden, 114 genera, 249 species; shrubs 32 families, 89 genera, 228 species, accounting for about one-seventh of species. Higher economic value of more than 300. A key state protection of rare species of water bin, dove, bald bin, Padang glauca, calyx bell trees, light leaves involucrata, Cercidiphyllum, incense trees, Du Zhong Yinxing more than 40 species, accounting for the province included in the national 90% of species protection. Vast area suitable for afforestation, a total land suitable for afforestation area of 1,502,500 hectares, about the state of the total area of 61.99%. The state has an area of 1,063,100 ha forest land, forest coverage is 48.4%.
  Tourism Resources
  State the domain of natural and bright, especially on "male, odd, show, quiet, dangerous," said the world. Enshi main tourist attractions: Patong Beach Shennongxi Dragon Cave Yumuzhai Qingjiang break big stars Doosan Construction Enshi wells Grand Canyon shuttle Shuibuya Shuibuya Stone Forest, Forest Park, the original camp Xianfeng pingba
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  Statewide total number of 1,119,900, with a total population of 381.79 million, of which male population of 199.52 million, 182.27 million female population, the sex ratio was 109.46; 3.39 million births in 2003, the birth rate 8.80 ‰, 1.95 million deaths , the mortality rate 5.06 ‰, the natural population growth rate of 3.74 ‰.
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Administrative Division
  Enshi City
  ---- China, Enshi City selenium are. Located in the southwest of Hubei Province, Middle and Upper Reaches, home province of one of nine historical and cultural city. Is the state capital of Enshi city, land area of 3976 square kilometers, the jurisdiction of 16 villages, towns, street offices, the total population of 77 million, Tujia, Miao and Dong ethnic minorities accounted for 38.49% mainly. After half a century of excellence struggle, has now written a glorious history since the founding of the page.
  Agricultural economy to industrial development phase, from traditional agriculture to science and technology in agriculture, agricultural conversion efficiency, the initial formation of "one village one product"; industrial and commercial progress in the reform, and gradually form a wide range, highlight the characteristics of industrial and commercial enterprises with high export-oriented system; economy further optimize the development environment, through the construction of infrastructure, the city increased bulky, bright, and beautiful, the basic skeleton of the formation of medium-sized cities; increase investment, based on local resources, competitive industries, superior products, and vigorously promote the industry investment, project investment, with business investment, principal investment, the owners investment, online investment in the new pattern.
  Known as the Silver said the Icheon Icheon City, Hubei ranks "West Gate", east of Enshi, Xianfeng, west Wanzhou, Qianjiang, provincial border length of 350 kilometers, land area of 4612 square kilometers, with a total population of 830,000, of which Tujia, Miao and other ethnic minorities accounted for 46% of keeping the state's largest and most populous county-level city known for.
  Icheon City is not only the world's best folk song "Dragon Boat Melody" home, but also the land of the Bachu and cultural crossroads. The magic in this beautiful hot spot, Taotao Qingjiang pour out from here, which run soil fertility 3.8 million seedlings and children, has accumulated a long history, ancient folk heavy affectionate. Rich cultural resources together into a tourist area, is the most abundant tourism resources in Enshi county-level city. With the continuous progress of reform and opening up, the private economy, industrialization, industrialization, rapid urbanization.
  Kim Chu Jianshi known, is located in the northern mountainous areas in Southwest, east of Padang, west Enshi City, south Hefeng, North and Chongqing phase, the layout area of 2659 square km. Sons and daughters of all ethnic groups in the county 51 million under the leadership of county government seize the western development, the provision in the state independence River Drive, pay close attention to "network" construction and implementation of a generous, and made remarkable achievements, encouraging outlook of urban and rural change, a strong impetus to poverty alleviation and development and well-off a new round of construction, speed up the county economy, "one of the main three" process, so that truly the beginning of the gold that has built on the basis of economic strength, and then hop a new level.
  Badong County
  Stationed at the northern gate of the bank of Yangtze River, Badong County ---- a new city, capital of northeast Habitat Enshi Prefecture, east Xingshan, Zigui, Changyang, south Wufeng, Hefeng, the county began construction of the west, north Shennongjia. The total area of 3219 square kilometers, population 485,000. Gorges, migrants relocation, the great development of the city, services, the Three Gorges, construction of new Padang, Padang, which is made by the people for national key projects of the enormous sacrifice and dedication, but also created a new image of the city of Padang, a vast new city stands in the beautiful Yangtze River shore. Gradually complete the construction of urban infrastructure. Cultural tourism city, the city Tujia customs, architecture Expo City, Port City Features trade show in the world.
  Famous Chinese "four legs", one of the origin ---- Xuan'en, located in Hubei Province down south, an area of 2740 square km territory, jurisdiction 3, 6 town town, population 34 million, of which Tujia and Miao, Dong-based The ethnic minorities account for 66.4%.
  Xuan'en not only known to the world's rich in tourism resources, the territory of Kung River, Youshui River, the three major scenic spots such as the Seven Sisters Mountain. And the rich history of ethnic customs and legends accompanied by beautiful, magical and magnificent natural landscape of the human landscape of proportionality, as early as 1980 National ham competitions will be held in Hangzhou, one stroke to win the Xuan'en Zhejiang Jinhua ham and ham, and Yunnan ham , Jiangsu, China Rugao ham be famous, called "Four out legs."
  No single par with the emperor, known as Emperor Xianfeng, is the old revolutionary base areas, He Long, Ren Bishi, Guan Ying, Xiao Ke, Wang Zhen, Xiang British generals such as 174 left in the Western Hubei and the immortal revolutionary base record. Land area of 2550 square kilometers, with a total population of 36.48 million people, Tujia and Miao ethnic minority mainly 17 84.95% of the total population.
  Since the reform and development, county government led by people of all the county, and vigorously promote the unity and hard work, self reliance, pioneering, pioneers of the Xianfeng spirit, focusing on the development west of the country, a new round of poverty alleviation and development and into the National region, particularly in support of major opportunities, the development as top priority, highlighting the economic construction as the center of the county to speed up the pace of the strategic adjustment of economic construction and social undertakings, rapid and healthy development.
  Xianfeng city with each passing day, the city _set_ border trade, cultural tourism city, the city soil Miao customs, ecological garden city in one of the "Chu Tianming Star City" has begun to take shape.
  Phoenix coming to the title of Laifeng, located in the hinterland of Wuling Mountains, Hubei Province, southwest of living down. Western south, west in east. Land area of 1339 square kilometers, with a total population of 30.7 million people, Tujia, Miao and other ethnic minorities 16, 59% of the total population.
  Laifeng industrious and brave people cast a glorious page in the history of economic development in the face of the new century, new opportunities, Laifeng people and the most beautiful _set_ depicting the latest blueprint.
  Laifeng county government led by people of the county as "the county through science and education" strategy, vigorously improve the quality and achieve sustainable economic development. County efforts to develop national basic education, vigorously develop vocational and technical education, popularize nine-year compulsory education, training personnel and the application of a large number of reserve forces, as the banner for the whole state.
  "Crane around the ridges, Castle Peak with Crane Dance" and was the name of Hefeng County, Hubei is located in the southwest border, east of Chu, West Thanks Sichuan, north of the Three Gorges, Zhangjiajie south, the territory of an area of 2892 square kilometers, the county population of 21.59 million, accounting for 71.06% of the minority population.
  Anti-British national hero Chen Liansheng Hefeng home ---- a long history, outstanding people, national culture has a long history. Red base areas, has more than 3,000 children's blood is Hefeng this magical land, the land revolution, is the area West of Hunan, Hubei, Hunan, Hubei, central revolutionary base side, second home of Marshal He Long.
  Since reform and opening, Hefeng people to continually update our ideas, forge ahead, relying on landscape resources, development of special economic, and gradually worked out a privatization, better educated and outward-looking economic development path of national characteristics. Hefeng people have confidence in the 10 years through hard work, into its tea in Enshi county, county water, medicine of the county, earning large agricultural county, eco-agriculture counties, phosphate county, among the mountainous province county economy as well.
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Tobacco Kingdom
  Tobacco is a pillar industry, is also an important economic source of financial income. Enshi tobacco as the economic and social development played an important role.
  Stability of the state's tobacco growing area about 40 thousand hectares, the acquisition of more than the amount of 75,000 tons, accounting for the acquisition of Hubei Province, the average annual amount of tobacco 50%, and direct economic income of farmers reached 377 million, to achieve tobacco product tax 83.56 million yuan.
  In order to meet market demand, tobacco production in Enshi Prefecture in order to improve the quality of the core, market-oriented, smoke in the science and technology "three shift" to make vigorous efforts to achieve a variety of seeds, planting standardization, regionalization of production layout .
  At present, the rational distribution, key town 64 tobacco, burley key town 30. More than 1 million mu of which 23 rural technology demonstration. Science and technology demonstration over 500 acres of township 35, more than 1,000 acres of 75 science and technology demonstration villages, more than 100 acres of Science and Technology Demonstration Unit 794, 5 acres more than 23,540 science and technology demonstration households.
  The production of flue-cured tobacco in Enshi and "clouds" comparable to the quality of burley tobacco ranks first in China. Products are exported to Europe, Africa, Southeast Asia, more than 20 countries and regions, is a national production base of the four major tobacco.
  Currently, Enshi the Philippines the world's largest tobacco group British company, BAT Tobacco Group Company and the Shanghai Cooperation Office of the domestic base for joint research in science and technology, technical cooperation to further strengthen tobacco base, improve the quality of tobacco play an important role.
  Tobacco work, it is imperative to speed up industrial restructuring and technological transformation of cigarettes, tobacco industry group to adapt to the development of the country situation, do a good job Icheon 40 million TEUs cigarette factory extension reform, the Icheon sake of the state cigarette factory cigarette industry leader to cultivate, the implementation of the reorganization of as_set_s and take the Group (the company) of development.
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Central Storehouse
  More abundant resources of medicinal plants, as many as 2,080 varieties of species, "chicken Coptis" production in the forefront of the country, "board of the party," good quality, for export. "Purple Oil Magnolia", is a national treasure. Codonopsis, angelica, berberine, Tianma, Fritillaria, Eucommia ulmoides, Magnolia officinalis, Phellodendron, Dan, Pinellia, Silver Flower, Lily, tongue type of grass and other herbs, "Compendium of Materia Medica" also contained more than the number of its name, the turnover champion in the province. Board of the party, especially China, Fritillaria, chicken Coptis, Magnolia purple oil, furnace return, Tianma, Dan, Radix, Panax japonicus, a bowl of river water, the head of a precious beads and dozens of traditional Chinese medicine material, large amount of high quality, long renowned at home and abroad.
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Education in
  The state of existing full-time undergraduate universities and public vocational college each one:
  Hubei Institute for Nationalities (
  Enshi Vocational and Technical College (
  Cities and counties are also the number 2 high school 4, basically the lack of all high school teachers, high school classes in all the large number of other cities and counties in Hubei Province is relatively scarce educational resources.
  Primary, secondary and basic education reform is still under construction!
  Enshi City junior high school now are: Wuyang School, a small ferry National School, College School, Qingjiang Foreign Languages Institute.
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English Expression
  1. :  enshitujiazumiaozuzizhi Township
Enshi clay blood Miao, enshi, enshizhou
Related Phrases
compulsory educationAct
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