County : China > Fujian > Fuzhou City > Pingtan County
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Pingtan County
  Code: 350 400 Code: 350 128 Code: 0591
  Pinyin: Píng Tán Xiàn English translation: Pingtan Xian another name: Lan
  Pingtan County in Fujian Province in the eastern waters, the sea southeast of Fuzhou City, east of Taiwan Strait, the Strait of West waterfront altar, on the south near South Island, north white dog Islands, Hai Tan from the Island, nearly 126 islands and a reef composition, the main island of Hai Tan island is the fifth largest island. Geographical coordinates of latitude 25 ° 16'-25 ° 44 ', longitude 119 ° 32'-120 ° 10'. Land area of ​​371.1 square kilometers, sea area of ​​2164 square kilometers. Population of 38 million (2006). Fuzhou, Fujian dialect common words.
  County jurisdiction seven towns, eight townships: Lake Town, Su-ao Township, water town, former town, North town house, Plain Township, Aodong Town, White Green Township, Yutouxiang, large training village, Lu Yang Township, the Xiang, Dong Xiang Township, Lan urban and rural areas, rural South China Sea. There are 200 committees, administrative villages. Cities and towns in Lake County.
  Low-lying territory, the central slightly higher, mainly plain terrain to the sea plot, north and south with isolated hills, winding coast. A natural freshwater lake thirty-six feet. Annual precipitation is 1196.2 mm, average annual temperature of 19.5 ℃. Major mineral resources are granite, quartz sand. County Road by the Mother House and the province's highways crossing. Ushiyama fisheries for the province's three major fishing grounds. Pier 35 in size, the main fishing port with Australia before the water. Island attractions are national forest parks, scenic spots Hai Tan. South Ridge Village, the first Neolithic shell mounds, Tian Mei Jiang Jiyun tomb of the provincial key cultural relics protection units.
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Pingtan Overview
  Pingtan referred to as Lan, commonly known as Hai Tan, also known as seamounts. Code: 350 400; Code: 0591; code: 350 128.
  Pingtan County, known as "Thousand Keys County," said the famous fishing grounds. Located in the eastern sea border province, the main island by the altar to the sea 126 islands. Land area of ​​371.91 square kilometers, sea area of ​​6064 square kilometers, household population of 392,000 (2009), in Lake County towns, traffic Fuqing Fujian dialect words. The main island sea island land area of ​​267.13 square kilometers altar, is the largest island in Fujian Province, China's fifth-largest island, to brief the hub of the Taiwan Strait from Taiwan, only 68 nautical miles from Taiwan Pingtan is the nearest mainland island county, the form part of the nature of land o. terrain dominated by granite hills. Lake in south-central of 36 feet, the largest natural freshwater lake in Fujian Province. Subtropical marine monsoon climate.
  Pingtan Originally known as "Hai Tan," South Ridge Village "shell mound site of the first culture" is the earliest a Neolithic site in Fujian Province. 7000 years ago the ancestors on the altar in the sea island breeding habitat. Qin and Han is a central Fujian County, Hueiji County, Hou Guan Du Wei, Jin Jinan, when an original Fengxian County, Sui Min County is, Tang is Changle County, Wanan, five generations later is Fuqing County (state) and Qing Jiaqing three years (1798) re-established in February Pingtan Hall, is Fuzhou government. Republic three years (1912) October 14, Hall County home waste, is Fuzhou government. September 16, 1949, Pingtan throughout liberation. September 23, Pingtan County government was established, has attached Minhou area, Jinjiang area, Putian area. In April 1983, has classified Fuzhou.
  Pingtan Dragon Head Beach
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  Stratigraphic section Pingtan Dragon Head Beach
  Pingtan in Fujian Wuyi - Dai Yunlong fold belt east of the coastal zone, that is, southeast Fujian coastal metamorphic belt, west of the volcano off the bend with Fujian, east rift zone coastal, southeast coast of China China is a land of ancient geological part of the region.
  In the Mesozoic ago, Fujian coastal uplift for the area, since the post-Mesozoic Jurassic Yanshan movement, the occurrence of intense faulting and large-scale volcanic eruption and magmatic intrusion. Subjected to intense tectonic stress as squeezing and twisting the role of L-band rock generally produce ductile deformation or fracture zones, or break with cleavage, and Changle - Zhaoan fault and so on. The late dykes and magmatic hydrothermal activity, most of the metamorphic belt and the fracture is acidic, mafic dikes or penetration into the silicon filling the role of consolidation with silicification and stable. West of Taiwan's "coastal break" roughly 50 meters along the Fujian coastal isobath and with vertical or oblique to the north west and near east-west fracture, is caused by winding coast, harbors, peninsulas, islands, an important factor in development. Large-scale eruption and magma intrusion associated with intense faulting, to shape the pattern of the late Yanshan movement, to determine the basis of Pingtan geological, geomorphological and mineral distribution profile. Cenozoic Tertiary crustal movement (ie, the Himalayan movement, referred to as the Himalayan movement), and the impact of Quaternary ice ages of the world, has led to a series of land and sea lift movement. Down movement of the basic features are: uplift of the inheritance-based recovery, a section of the _set_tlement or relatively stable; differences in lifting activities, ranging from large, fast rate; to Bamboo Island ports - the county seat for the uplift center, and lots of other uplift or subsidence into undulating wave-like structure forms; down the magnitude and rate differences reflect differences in structural faults and fault blocks. To the early Holocene, Pingtan reefs still decline because of transgression, but only slightly, but Yang Lu Po Po and Seven Mile area as well as by the impact of fault, down the most intense, sea plot - wind up to 40 active layer thickness meters. From the mid-Holocene, Pingtan coast to rise mainly to the relocation of the coastline, the island area is expanding, the prototype of the entire island of Pingtan basically completed. This time, XXXVI where the foot of the ancient lake on the rise due to the Gulf port for the Bay lagoon formed by sediment deposition. Nearly 2,000 years, Lu Yang Po in the form of slowly rising plain. As the crust continued uplift, Pingtan territory still retains six sea marine terraces and three positive bands, the former thirty-six feet especially around the lake, the latter mainly MARINE plain.
  Mountain Section of General Construction Pingtan Aodong
  Pingtan geological structure to the main faults, is a Chinese construction system.
  On the regional structure, located in Wuyi Pingtan - Long wearing double-folded with a cloud east of the southeast Fujian coastal metamorphic belt, East and with the adjacent _set_tlement of the Taiwan Strait. Through satellite remote sensing information processing that Pingtan geological background is Pingtan - Dongshan thrust - thrust belt, the basal Devonian rocks and by the former Indo-China - early Yanshan tectonic layer, by the early to late Yanshan large-scale structure - the transformation of magmatic activity, the formation of the late Yanshan tectonic and volcanic-based pattern of faults, to become more complete with granite as the main tectonic blocks.
  In addition to the big island of Pingtan practice the construction of lines, in which relatively large-scale regional fracture of the plains - and Pingtan Island alpine fault rupture east of the Marina. These secondary faults are developed in Yanshan lava and granite, and almost parallel to the way Spread.
  Plain - Alpine fault of the fault exposed in the northern plains Pingtan Island, after Haitan Strait to Fuqing mountain area, broken in groups, the surface shows that the length of 5 to 10 km with a total of up to 36 km. Visible in the plains near the two north-east 40 degrees parallel to the fault outcrop, in the middle Quaternary cover, tend to northwest, dip 60 to 80 degrees. Since the late Yanshan formed this fault, the activity occurred on several occasions, but stopped in the late Pleistocene events and access to basic erosion weathering period.
  Pingtan roughly east of the fault rupture along the coastal Fujian coastal 50 m isobath distribution, the overall trend north-east, south east orientation, steep angle, the number was en echelon arrangement of the pressure-shear rupture with a total length greater than 400 km, width about 12 km. Fracture formed in the late Yanshan, there is still significant in the Himalayan activities to Quaternary faulting has been weakened. South of the fault location, the occurrence of strong earthquakes on several occasions, indicating that the fracture is the most important earthquake rupture along the coast of Fujian.
  Pingtan fairy well
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Social environment
  Pingtan exempted seven towns eight townships, 203 administrative villages (neighborhood), with a total population of nearly 400,000. Resource-rich, with 1.6 billion tons of quartz sand, 800 million cubic meters of granite, 409 kilometers of coastline, 283 natural number 10 Hong Kong and Macao as well as a natural deep water harbor; eight major scenic spots by the State Council as national key scenic spots; East Macao and Hong Kong for the country a fishing port and berthing points table round. Mother Temple is the ro-ro ferry terminal around the clock out of the island, as well as South Africa and Hong Kong and Taiwan round berthing point, bamboo and other more well-known Hong Kong Island, the economic development of the port in good condition.
  In 2004, the county's GDP 3.966 billion yuan, up 13.1 percent over the previous year; total fiscal revenue 135.99 million yuan, up 20.4%; local fiscal revenue 101.71 million yuan, up 18.8%; agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery output value 2.344 billion yuan to pay , 10.9; industrial output value of 652 million yuan, an increase of 19%; scale industrial output value 300 million yuan, up 34.9%; grain output 24200 tons, an increase of 17.7%; aquatic production 316,000 tons, an increase of 4.1% ; exports $ 5,050,000, an increase of 25.9%; investment in fixed as_set_s 911 million yuan, up 25.1%; total retail sales of 1.442 billion yuan of social consumer goods, an increase of 7.4%; rural per capita net income 3880 yuan, an increase of 10%, natural population growth rate control in 6.07%.
  In 2004, only the maritime industry of private capital investment and real estate nearly 20 billion yuan. In 2004, the new development of large deep-water cages 21 anti-wave group, the highest in the province; factory new developments in two abalone, abalone hatchery development to 40, the annual total of 60 million seedlings; high-priority species Green U.S. export base for the development of onion yield species to 200 hectares; mountain eco-geese comprehensive agricultural development, daffodils growing base of projects to achieve new progress. That year, plain, white blue, Lan city and other towns to implement four land management and treatment projects, an area of ​​more than acres. "Going out" strategy, full use of international resources, the development of deep-sea fishing, new fishing boat 4, a total of 49 ocean-going vessels. Meanwhile, the complete renovation of 274.33 hectares of coastal protection forest; of 36 villages water projects. Tunnel construction industry to grow, according to statistics, Pingtan membership accounts for the tunnel construction contract in three-quarters share of the country, and annual output value of 40 billion yuan. Tunnel Engineering Corporation Fujian Province which have been completed shareholding reform of 2004, output value of 1.57 billion yuan, up 29.8% over the previous year; Horizon Construction Co., the output value of 396 million yuan, an increase of 21.9%. In 2004, the shipping industry is developing rapidly, invest 800 million yuan, the new 7 550,000 tons load ships on international routes; invest 875 million yuan to add 70 domestic flights ship 350,000 tons load. The county has more than 800 types of carrier vessels, capacity more than 1.5 million tons, ranking first in the province. Urban area of ​​seven square kilometers from 1998 expanded to 10.5 square kilometers. In 2004, the new section of East Street, Yongsan, in the Lake branch and Xikang, and transformation Wanshun wash cloth Creek Road and bridge, the county vocational school complex building and county libraries built and put into use, the county stadium, complete and comprehensive reform Crest open to the public sewage treatment plant, Chengguan Forest Park and a number of small items of preparatory work smoothly. The rapid development of real estate, completed 23 real estate companies invest 223 million yuan that year, an increase of 75%. Happy ocean two reclamation project area 813.33 hectares, most of the clams into the country's seedling seed cultivation base, has completed an investment of 67 million yuan, annual output will reach 50 million yuan; two warring highway opened to traffic. Meanwhile, the county hospital ward building and emergency medical system, the county Center for Disease Control Building, the county courts building, the former Eastern Australian water supply projects, Aodong water supply projects, water supply projects and other projects first satellite has been completed or are stepping up construction. Social security system initially built, nearly 2 million people enjoy the urban and rural low, 9.267 million yuan was issued to protect gold. In 2004, the Straits Bridge, registered investment capital of 5 million project has been submitted to the State Development and Reform Commission for approval. National Development and Reform Commission expert group on-site project evaluation, the basic agreement Pingtan Strait Bridge program. Then invested 20.6 million yuan to build traffic in the construction of land-island terminal 8; invested 129 million yuan building roads around the island 3. Also complete the construction of 106.13 km cement road risk, including the rural road network 43 99.6 km, high-quality highway mileage largest in history.
  In 2004, the island's port construction plan, which can be built ten thousand tons bit above the port has 10 more. Building international port with the conditions, especially the coastal Fujian province's roads and starting major ports, the terminal program, build port Pingtan advantage is more prominent. Australia is planning construction of the East Central Fishing Port and million-ton deep-water terminals, to form the eastern Taiwan economic and trade cooperation, industrial processing zones and bonded warehouses, north-west extension and Panasonic Hong Kong, Hong Kong dollars, Changle Airport constitutes a port industrial zone. Water, electricity, communications and other infrastructure appropriate to improve the island's environmental quality has gradually optimized.
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Administrative Division
  Fuzhou, Fujian Province, counties, Lake County People's Government in the town, the county exempted seven towns, eight townships: Lake Town, Su-ao Township, water town, former town, North town house, Plain Township, Aodong Town, White Green Township, Yutouxiang, large training Township, Ocean Township Lu, the Xiang, Dong Xiang Township, Lan urban and rural areas, rural South China Sea. There are 200 committees, administrative villages.
  Lake Town
  Area of ​​12 sq km Population 4.69 million (end 2004) code 350 128 100
  Department of the county seat, the county's political, economic and cultural center. Jurisdiction of eight communities, four administrative villages, 87 Village Street, 56 groups of villagers: ~ 001_ Yuanmen neighborhood, ~ 002_ Youying neighborhood, neighborhood dragon ~ 003_, ~ 004_ City East neighborhood, ~ 005_ Red Hill neighborhood, ~ 006_ Plover Cove neighborhood, in the Po ~ 007_ neighborhood, ~ 008_ Black Hill neighborhood, ~ 201_ north of the village, south of ~ 202_ Village ~ 203_ villages, ~ 204_ North Gate Village.
  Su-ao Township
  Area of ​​17.3 sq km Population 40,000 (2004) code 350 128 101
  Pingtan County in the northwest. Jurisdiction over 18 administrative villages, 49 villages: ~ 201_ Suao Village, Village ~ 202_ door bell, ~ 203_ leading village ~ 204_ hongqicun, Su-ao ~ 205_ next village, the village ~ 206_ fighting Quebec , ~ 207_ Wu Minemura, ~ 208_ Peace Village, Friendship Village ~ 209_, 210_ Wuyicun ~, ~ 211_ Doumen Village, ~ 212_ Zixiacun, ~ 213_ Qi Fu Estate, South Village ~ 214_ , ~ 215_ democratic village ~ 216_ see O Village ~ 217_ advanced village, ~ 218_ West Village.
  Town water
  A land area of ​​47 square kilometers, sea area of ​​1500 square kilometers and population, 5 million people (2004) code 350 128 102
  Pingtan County in the north. Jurisdiction over 26 administrative villages, 71 villages: ~ 201_ water village, village of ~ 202_ households, ~ 203_ sand Mei, ~ 204_ stone wedge water village, ~ 205_ Jun village, ~ 206_ Island fishing village - 207 _ North Port Village, the village gate ~ 208_, ~ 209_ pit Kitamura, ~ 210_ Xiecuocun, ~ 211_ five village courtyard, ~ 212_ mold mirror Village ~ 213_ loose Xincuocun, ~ 214_ Pine Village, ~ 215_ New Village, ~ 216_ courtyard Village ~ 217_ Tai O Village, West Village, 218_ ~, ~ 219_ hillside village, Yu-fan ~ 220_ village ~ 221_ Dongmei Village, ~ 222 _ village under the field house, five-star village - 223_, 224_ Harbour Village ~, ~ 225_ Songnan village ~ 226_ after Tamura.
  , Former Town
  Area of ​​28.3 square km Population 4.28 million (2004) code 350 128 103
  Pingtan Island in the east, three facing the sea. Jurisdiction over 21 administrative villages: ~ 201_, former village, ~ 202_ East O Village ~ 203_ Ridge before the village, Longshan Village 204_ ~, ~ 205_ official Jiang Village, North Village, Long ~ 206_, 207_ jade ~ Road Village ~ 208_ Yuk House Village ~ 209_ the well village, village of ~ 210_ light, ~ 211_ Guangyu Village, ~ 212_ Orchid Village ~ 213_ on Tseng, ~ 214_ Long Village, 215 _ stone wedge angle at the end of the village, the village ~ 216_ advance, ~ 217_ East Star Village ~ 218_ in a village, the village reported ~ 219_ stone wedge, ~ 220_ Dongguang Village ~ 221_ Nam Lai Village.
  North Town Houses
  A land area of ​​58.5 square km Population 3.8 million (2004) code 350 128 104
  Sea Island is located in south-central altar, the Mother Temple pier is the gateway out of the island Pingtan. Jurisdiction over 19 administrative villages, 74 villages: ~ 201_ Husi Village, ~ 202_ Northern Village, Cheung village house 203_ ~, ~ 204_ Australia Mei, ~ 205_ works in the village, the village across the sea ~ 206_, ~ 207 _ build the first village, ~ 208_ Red Hill, Red Village ~ 209_, 210_ North Xincuocun ~, ~ 211_ village on the village, ~ 212_ Mother Miyamura, ~ 213_ Lushan Village ~ 214_ Lee Hill Village, ~ 215_-day village, village-based old house 216_ ~, ~ 217_ village of the United States, ~ 218_ Hunan Village ~ 219_ Kat fishing village.
  Plains town
  Area of ​​23.68 sq km Population 2.6 million (2004) code 350 128 105
  Center is located north of the island of Hai Tan. Jurisdiction over 14 administrative villages: ~ 201_ Plain Village, Village ~ 202_ sword, ~ 203_ Rong village, ~ 204_ Shangpan Village ~ 205_ Hongwei Village, ~ 206_ Feng Mei, ~ 207_ Hill was Mei, ~ 208_ Wufeng Village, ~ 209_ prairie village, village of River ~ 210_, 211_ Wu Fung House Village ~, ~ 212_ when Sheng Village, Village ~ 213_ half, ~ 214_ tile pit village .
  Area of ​​23.7 square km Population 3.14 million (2004) code 350 128 106
  Pingtan island in the southern tip of the Bulge Hai Tan. Jurisdiction over 15 administrative villages, 45 villages: ~ 201_ new ridge village, the village network ~ 202_ Ao, ~ 203_ Sunningdale Village ~ 204_ Hai village, ~ 205_ Jianmin Village ~ 206_ Xianxiacun , ~ 207_ Aomi Village ~ 208_ East Village, East Village, 209_ ~, ~ 210_ Jian-xing Village, ~ 211_ Bridge Kam Tau Village, Fishing Village ~ 212_, ~ 213_ top view of the village green, ~ 214_ that the money is fertile village, ~ 215_ Dafucun.
  Bai Qing Xiang
  Area of ​​6.7 square km Population 2.03 million (2004) code 350 128 200
  Sea Island is located northwest of the altar, three facing the sea. Jurisdiction over 10 administrative villages: ~ 201_ Qingfeng Village, ~ 202_ Baishengcun, ~ 203_ Baisha village, ~ 204_ Toyota Village ~ 205_ Dai Minemura, ~ 206_ Yutang village ~ 207_ Dr. Kang Village ~ 208_ Guocai Village ~ 209_ Nanpancun, accounting for ~ 210_ East Village.
  Area of ​​12.5 square km Population 1.6 million (2004) code 350 128 201
  Located in the northwest Haitan Strait, located in Changle, Fuqing, Pingtan three counties (cities) the junction of the sea. Consists of seven islands and 40 reefs composed of jurisdiction over 10 administrative villages, 16 villages: ~ 201_ East Pearl Village, Island Village ~ 202_ music, ~ 203_ Island North Village, after the party ~ 204_ village, ~ 205 _ east of your village, ~ 206_ Tokyo Village ~ 207_ Tin Village, ~ 208_ Yuyao Village ~ 209_ Wang Hamamura, ~ 210_ Island Village.
  Large rural practice
  Area of ​​13 sq km Population 8962 people (2004) code 350 128 202
  Pingtan County in the northwest of the island by large and small training practice islands. Exempted nine administrative villages, 22 villages: ~ 201_ Li Village, ~ 202_ West Reef Village Reef Village ~ 203_ show, ~ 204_ East Reef Village - 205_ limit fishing village, the village held March ~ 206_, ~ 207_ homes Ren Miyamura, ~ 208_ Rui Yeung Village, East Village around ~ 209_.
  Lu Yang Xiang
  Area of ​​31.81 sq km Population 6800 people (2004) code 350 128 203
  Hai Tan Island in the abdomen, is a town where an establishment. Exempted seven administrative villages: ~ 201_-Ocean Village, North Village, Lu ~ 202_, 203_ loess Tun ~, ~ 204_ Matui village, west of Liu Village ~ 205_, 206_ deer village of ~, ~ 207_ large Yuan village.
  In Xiang
  Area of ​​19.45 sq km Population 2.25 million (2004) code 350 128 204
  Pingtan County in the middle of the north. Jurisdiction over 11 administrative villages, two groups of villagers directly: ~ 201_ in the village of, ~ 202_ crown village, ~ 203_ Lake Village, Queensland - 204_ Village, Village ~ 205_ large, ~ 206_ Fung House Village, ~ 207_ South Village, ~ 208_ medium-sized village, ~ 209_ Korea Xincuocun, ~ 210_ Yantian Village, ~ 211_ Lu Village.
  Xiang Xiang Dong
  Area of ​​4.46 square kilometers, more than 10,000 population (2004) code 350 128 205
  Pingtan County in north-east salient, surrounded by the sea. Jurisdiction over 8 administrative villages: ~ 201_ Aodi village, east village 202_ ~, ~ 203_ Austar village, east village 204_ ~, ~
  205_ Limulus Kitamura, ~ 206_ Dongxia Village, Lake Village, 207_ ~, ~ 208_ South Village.
  Lan urban and rural
  Area of ​​34.2 square km Population 2.3 million (2004) code 350 128 206
  Pingtan County in the middle, located in the suburbs. Jurisdiction over 13 administrative villages, 46 villages: ~ 201_ is Wangcun, on the village of ~ 202_, 203_ New Bridge ~, ~ 204_ Xia Yu village, ~ 205_ White Village, East Village ~ 206_ flow , ~ 207_ Dongyucun, ~ 208_ new doors Village ~ 209_ Shangyangcun, ~ 210_ Ha Yeung Village, ~ 211_ alum Island Village ~ 212_ in the Village, the Village ~ 213_.
  South Township
  Area of ​​10.2 square km Population 1.01 million (2004) code 350 128 207
  Fisheries in the southernmost island of Pingtan County township, mainly by the pond, grass islands and 28 islands. Exempted seven administrative villages: ~ 201_ Chencuocun, ~ 202_ Lin Au Village - 203_ Simon Village, ~ 204_ Jiang Mei, after the Hang ~ 205_, 206_ northern village of ~, ~ 207_ South Nakamura.
  First, Lake Town
  Tan Hai Tan Island cities and towns in Central, East and Australia before the town border, west ocean tide Island Village, Baoshan south, north and adjacent to County State-owned forest area of ​​10.26 square kilometers, an area of ​​3115 mu of cultivated land, forest land area of ​​1402 acres. In 1995, under the jurisdiction of six neighborhood committees, four village committees, 8568 (including agricultural households 2134), population 4.14 million (of which agricultural population is 9284 people). Qing Emperor Yongzheng nine (1731) Deputy Administrative Department's site in April of this land, the ancient county government agencies are located on this site is the county's political, economic and cultural center.
  Qing Emperor Yongzheng eight years (1730), all of its territory is a waiting area. 15 years of the Republic (1926) is the first area; Republic established 20 years Lake town, is still an area; Republic of 31 August withdrawn RSD, directly under the county government; Republic of 32 October to _set_ up township, Lake Togo into Lake towns. After the founding of the People's Republic, is located directly under the Lake County cities and towns, February 1950, is a four zone; 1956 directly under the county government; August 1958, Lake City and east into Lake Lake City branch. July 1961 separation of East Lake, located Lake City communes. Lake City in June 1970 with Hearts farm commune merged, renamed the Red communes, September 1978 Lake City complex, said the people's communes. April 1980, the city is divided into Lan county towns and communes, in September 1982 was renamed Lake town government.
  In time, the lake water transport is more developed urban areas, focusing on the development of industry, commerce, handicrafts developed. After the founding of the People's Republic, dominated by agriculture, in Sha Po land afforestation, reclamation of arable land has become an important grain-producing county area. Grain output 1390 tons in 1961, accounting for 11.7% of total county. Total output of 4725 tons in 1978, accounting for 18.8% of total county. Eastward with the county since 1980, large tracts of arable land is occupied, the economic development focus to rural enterprises and commercial industry, has established mechanical and electrical, chemical, building materials, food processing, and nearly 40 joint ventures, the town is Pingtan electromechanical plant in deep water pumps for the self-developed patented products sold throughout the country. 1990 with the development of tourism, the rapid rise of the tertiary industry, especially on hotel hotels, restaurants as the main content of the service, has witnessed rapid development, a total of more than 100. By 1995, the town rural social output value of 52.04 million yuan, industrial and agricultural output value of 20.13 million yuan (at 1990 constant prices, the same below), of which the industrial output value 15.98 million yuan, trade, catering industry output value of 18.04 million yuan.
  Within the town has the county's largest fair trade and goods distribution center. There is one area Pingtan, Chengguan schools, vocational secondary schools and four primary schools. County cultural centers built, radio stations, television is poor turntable, weather, Xinhua bookstores, theaters, stadiums, hospitals and other cultural and sports health facilities. Dragon head east county sandy beach and forest parks, has become an important tourist Pingtan County resort area, received a large number of tourists every year.
  Second, the Su-ao Township
  Hai Tan Su-ao Township is located in the northwest end of the island, the East and the plains adjacent to the west across the sea and Fuqing City, south sea altar Strait, across the North Island to practice with the big confrontation. The total area of ​​20.4 square kilometers, cultivated 7501 acres, 5178 acres of forest land, 18,450 acres of tidal flats. In 1995, under the jurisdiction of 18 administrative villages, 47 villages, 7748, 3.49 million people. Su-ao Township site in the village, 18 km away from the county.
  In the first year, is Su-ao Township area, in addition to Bell Park is a show outside the door, the rest are Doumen; Republic of China for 15 years is a three-zone; Republic of 20 June, is a three-town district under the Sanmin and Xinmin Township; Republic of China 26 years is a three-zone under the Tuku, Su-ao UNPROFOR; Republic of 28 September is a three-zone complex and Xinmin Township Sanmin Township; Republic of 31 August withdrawal RSD, Sanmin Township and Xinmin Township merged Su Australian town; Republic of 32 October, the first satellite into the Su-ao Township. September 1949 and is a three-zone; March 1956 _set_ Suao area; April 1958 Su-ao Township, located in August to Suao brigade, is a branch Pingtan communes plain; the Soviet Union established in July 1961 Australia communes; resumed in October 1984 Su-ao Township.
  Su-ao Township winding coastline, the formation of many natural Australian population, the larger a Su-ao, bell subglottic Australia, see Australia and so on. Suao is a natural haven. Song Jiayou four years (1059), based Inspection Division, or in the door at the bell, or stationed in Suao, management passing ships at sea, sea patrol. Shaoxing years, Su-ao and pine forest, Southern Japan and said Sanzhai. Qantas tube station is equipped with the Soviet Union, for the Pingtan to Fuqing and Changle Panasonic Ke Huochuan Haikou starting points, is a county bus terminal, the county agricultural and fisheries production is also an important transfer station.
  O Village area of ​​the beach to see the weathered rock over the sea, "half-foreign Shifan" is the rare sea of ​​granite columns, is one of the ten ancient Pingtan, linguists Ming Chen was the first known as the "wonders" attract a large number of tourist-friendly.
  III, former town
  Hai Tan, former town located in the southeast salient, east of the Taiwan Strait, and the straight line distance of 68 sea miles of Taiwan Island, south of the altar South Bay, near the northwestern town with the lake area of ​​28.39 square kilometers. 6876 acres of farmland, woodland 6304 acres, 3300 acres of beach. In 1995, under the jurisdiction of 21 administrative villages, 48 ​​villages, 9306, 4.09 million people. Town site in Australia before the village, away from the Chengguan 10 km.
  In the first year, are Cao Bang District, a total of 45 villages. Republic of 20 years, is an area under the Lake Togo. Is a Republican district for 26 years under the East Australian town. 1949 and September 16, is an area under the Lake Togo. East Lake in 1961 to establish people's communes. Withdrawn in September 1984 formed the commune to _set_ up People's Government of Togo Lake, Australia in December changed its name to the former People's Government.
  Ushiyama, former Town area has fishing, rich big fish, octopus and crab, are the largest fishing grounds in Fujian Province. Australia to fall back on Guanyin Town, is a natural harbor, is also an important fishing port Pingtan County, the development of aquaculture has advantages, and has a 500-ton deep water wharf. In January 1979, the State Council approved the Goddess of Mercy Australian fishing vessel berthing point for Taiwan to become an important window for cross-strait exchanges.
  The main town in fisheries, fishing, aquaculture and seafood processing are the three pillars of the town's economy. After 90 years, to develop the processing industry and the Dragon sand beach backed by the first tourist services. Under construction Shaoxiong Mountain Zone. Industrial and agricultural output value in 1995 reached 85.42 million yuan town, including fisheries output value 62.14 million yuan.
  Fourth, the North Town house
  Town house located in the North Sea island of south-central altar, south, north, east, respectively, and Aodong Township, Lan urban and rural, border, former town, west across the sea and Fuqing small Shandong. Town area of ​​50.89 square kilometers, of which 9705 acres of farmland, 20,684 acres of forest, 13,050 acres of shallow shoals. In 1995, under the jurisdiction of 18 administrative villages, 73 villages, 7242, 3.49 million people. Town site is located north Xincuocun, 7 km from the county seat.
  In the first year, belongs to Ao network area, the North Sea area, the village area. Republic of 20 years, county jurisdiction area inside 5 15 townships, five districts are under the revival of village, Tan Nango. Republican 26 years, is two areas under the Hunan, Beicuo UNPROFOR. September 16, 1949 and after, is a Second District, District Office North station house, _set_ up in March 1958, Husi Township, Aodong people into the branch in August, 1961, re-established Beicuo communes. Revocation of the commune in 1984, the establishment of Beicuo People's Government. 1992 revocation of Beicuo Township, the establishment Beicuo town.
  North northwest of the town house, the eastern shallow beach area, farming has a long history; the west, southwest rich shellfish. After 1961, Bamboo Island seawall mouth filling, the northwest and gradually developed into an integrated farming area. Reclamation in Hong Kong after the 1973 fire, the south into a shallow sea salt.
  Beicuo town convenient transportation. Bamboo Island in Hong Kong, Hong Kong is the Mother Temple Pingtan contacts with the major inland port. Mother Gong Kanai built 5,000-ton bulk cargo terminal, has been turned into second-class port. As the wide beach, the rapid development of aquaculture. Bamboo Island, Mother Gong, Ji fishing, Little Bay, South Australia, etc. have turned into after the breeding base, more than 6,000 fish cage. There are township and chemical plants, eel farm, stone plate plant of a small salt 3, carriers more than 30 ships, more than 1,000 tonnage. 1995 industrial and agricultural output value 41.48 million yuan town.
  Town territory Nanzhai Hill, pictographic rocks because of many, was the State Department as a national key scenic spots, start beefing Huanshan 1994. Thirty-six foot Lake is the province's largest natural freshwater lake in the quiet, the county is an important ecological reserve.
  Fifth, the town water
  Water town located northeast of the island of Hai Tan salient, northeast and east-xiang island across the sea, east of the Taiwan Strait, adjacent to the West and in the Xiang, Lan urban and rural areas bordering the south, with a total area of ​​33.05 square kilometers, there are 12,262 acres of farmland , 5100 acres of beach. 15,460 acres of woodland. In 1995, under the jurisdiction of 25 administrative villages, 47 villages, 12,229, 4.88 million people. Town, village water site located away from town 9 km.
  In the first year, roughly the original pit water town North administrative region. 20 years of Republican township is located Pincha Second District; Republic of 26 January under the Beiyuan, Junshan establishment of UNPROFOR; Republic of 28 September re-established Pincha Township; Republic of 31 August withdrawn RSD, Pincha Township Chiang Kai-shek into town. September 1949 and grouped running water, lakes, Chun-shan, Yu-fan and other townships, is one area; 1952 is a six districts; 1956 into the floor area; April 1958 dismantling and rural, divided town water, Junshan Township; year in August is a water bureau; 1961 water communes; September 1984 to restore water village. December 1994 revocation of rural water and establish water town.
  Clear before the water is a fish distribution center. Qing Emperor Kangxi was a flood way. Water is the agricultural area west of the town, east of the county focus on fishing. 1950s to early 1960s, the main fisheries production to offshore fishing, aquaculture less, are not highly mechanized fishing, fishing 595, 3343 tonnage, more non-motorized boats. Grain output 2067 tons in 1963, accounting for 14.1% of total county; fisheries production 7603 tons, accounting for 23.3% of the county. The mid-1960s to late 1970s, agricultural production has been strengthened, drought row of fishing capacity continues to increase. Gradually increase the degree of mechanization of fisheries and fishery production began to develop out to sea, and to develop other domestic fisheries. In 1978 agricultural output value 14.17 million yuan, of which fisheries production value of 9.08 million yuan. Grain output 2953 tons, 11,000 tons of total fisheries production. After 80 years in the development of agriculture and fisheries production, while other rapid economic development. Implementation of aquaculture fishery production, fishing and processing a combination of policy, to develop offshore fishing and ocean fishing, the rapid development of beach culture, breeding oysters, clams, kelp, seaweed, mussels, etc. Seafood processing industry based in the town, the rapid development of village-run enterprises, products into the international market, over 10 kinds of export products, as Pingtan important export base. In 1995, the town has a fishing boat 524, 1.34 million tons, has formed three acres of farming film, aquaculture area of ​​2800 acres, town and village enterprises 101, exports more than 40. Town rural social output value of 319 million, industrial and agricultural output value of 146 million yuan (1990 constant price), including: fisheries output value 54.5 million yuan, total industrial output value 82.37 million yuan. Acquisition value of exports accounted for 80 percent of the county's exports. Fisheries production 41,300 tons, accounting for 26.6% of total county.
  Town territory Junshan, princes Hill and "fairy well" as a tourist attraction.
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History and Culture
  According to Pingtan Plain Township South Ridge Village, the first Neolithic shell mound site excavations, research, Pingtan far there are six or seven years ago human activities. According to the Republic "Pingtan County" drawing "the world benefit patients gun book", "Fuzhou Prefecture": Don is Wrangler, the Song Dynasty, home monitoring, animal husbandry, soon removed, allowing the Islanders farming, and troops stationed there. Song Jiayou four years (1059) in the bell the door (this is a Su-ao Township) is located Inspection Division, in charge of maritime patrol. Hongwu years, to prepare for pirates harassment, forced migration Islanders mainland, resulting in businesses deserted island, devastated. Since then, because of several "no sea", "Evacuation." Five years until the Qing Emperor Yongzheng (1727) after the lifting of the ban, fisheries and maritime transport began to recover. Qing Xianfeng (1851 - 1861) after Pingtan become one of the main ports of trade with Taiwan, Fujian Province. After some time, relative social stability, fishing, agriculture, salt, and other industries have developed commercial, cultural, educational gradually Hing. However, long-term failure Pingtan independent institution, stationed themselves only on solid history against the government, _set_ to take tax card, for economic and cultural construction investment is minimal, thus, has not been able to change the Pingtan behind the closed state.
  In the first year (1912) Pingtan County approved the construction, the current situation unrest, bandits tangled hair, with the spread of plague, the public is difficult to live and work. Especially after the outbreak of Sino-Japanese War, Japanese troops and the puppet repeatedly overrun Pingtan, snatching robberies, murders, leading businesses die, times of hardship. After the outbreak of the war of liberation, Pingtan and trouble, until September 16, 1949 liberation of the whole territory.
  Language and cultural assessment, then
  In time, few artists Pingtan assessment, then, into the island is more than rap, Fuzhou, Fuqing, etc. artists. After the founding of the People's Republic, organizational assessment, then artists County Cultural Center, take the string of rural villages, touring rap. Fall of 1950, the county held its first amateur artists representatives will, if artists were invited to participate in assessment. September 1953, the first area of ​​assessment, then with the land reform hegemony artists, art of the assessment, then dissolve slide show of publicity, popular with the masses.
  "Cultural Revolution" period, the assessment, then art has been cold, because no book can be said that most members of assessment, then changed from his industry. In May 1979, the county Department of Cultural Affairs held assessment, then, about the book, Ze singing artists forum to exchange creative, performance experience. In June, founded Pingtan assessment, then Ze singing Association, 36 members, including assessment, then 12 artists. In October 1980, Yu Changren assessment, then the creation of this historical theme, "Assault on the clock tower," to participate in Putian, then turn at the assessment, access to script writing awards, Wang XM by Performance Award. November 1983, the county Department of Cultural Affairs invited the provincial assessment, then the famous artist Wu Lotte, forest trees, leaves child prodigy performed until Pingtan county assessment, then Ze assessment, then singing member associations to learn from.
  90 years, if Art is difficult to comment on a place in the art scene, often in the rap performance assessment, then members of only 2 to 4 people. In 1995, the annual performance of less than 10 games, the audience less than a few thousand people.
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Pingtan Sand Sculpture Festival
  03-05 Pingtan successfully hosted the 3rd International Sand Sculpture Festival. Sand Sculpture Festival has invited the United States, Canada and nearly 10 countries and regions, hand sand sculpture created Terracotta Warriors, Great Wall beacon towers, Mount Olympus of Statue of Zeus, the pyramids of Egypt, Luo Side Island Colossus and Sun, Yue Fei, Zheng success. Sand Sculpture Festival also held a variety show, carnival, beer, sand sculpture, sand sculpture show, body painting, ethnic customs performance, large-scale kite flying, sand sculptures photography contest, the Southern Shaolin Wushu Challenge Cup, the first elite male model trials in Fujian Province, Fujian Province, the first lady beach competition, fashion shows and other forms, combining entertainment and watch the supporting activities. Attracted a large number of overseas travelers.
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  Dragon Head Beach
  Thirty-six foot Lake
  Chongtai Sunrise
  Sea arch tide
  Tile Oz
  Refers to the moving stone
  Nanzhai Stone Forest
  Tomb of the Ryukyu country Fuma
  Neolithic 3
  Pai Yang
  Fairy well
  Mount Royal Highness
  General Hill
  Hai Tan god
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  Minerals are granite, quartz sand, alum, yellow iron, copper, kaolin, etc., granite reserves of about 800 million cubic meters, full of rare black, dark green, sesame and other varieties; reserves of 1 billion tons of quartz sand, silicon content up to 96% above. Aquatic animals are fish, shrimp, crabs and other 679 kinds, including 242 kinds of marine fish, sea water shrimp, crab 73 kinds, sea mollusks (shellfish) 169 species, 266 kinds of biological drift. There are butterflies native dry white sand, shell carving Pingtan, Pingtan shrimp, Tong Island stone wedge, seaweed and so on.
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Economic and social
  2008 annual GDP 5.256 billion yuan, up 10.4%; agricultural output value 3.242 billion yuan, up 2.4 percent; total fiscal revenue 236 million yuan, an increase of 21.5%; local revenue 175 million yuan, an increase of 25.7%; exports completion of $ 1.5 million, down 82.0%; actual use of foreign capital $ 5,000,000, an increase of 11.1%; total fixed as_set_ investment 1.579 billion yuan, an increase of 127.7%; urban residents per capita disposable income 13,000 yuan, up 22.3 percent; rural per capita net income 4871 yuan, up 11.3 percent; the consumer price index of 104.3%; natural population growth rate in 8.0 ‰ or less.
  Industry. Industrial output for the first time over 10 billion yuan of 1.017 billion yuan, of which large-scale industrial output value reached 633 million yuan, an increase of 34.8%. Pingtan Park Jinshan Industrial Zone, enterprises above designated size reached 7, the output value of the county's large-scale industrial production value of 20.1%. Large-scale shipbuilding, wind, sand and gravel processing, aquatic products processing industry has become an important industrial economy Pingtan support large-scale industrial output value of the county's 57.2%. Key industrial projects progressing smoothly, the Yangtze River Australia two 10 kilowatts of wind power projects put into operation (two months) power generation capacity of 88 million kwh, the output value of 42.06 million yuan; ambitious shipyard construction; Jintan recreational Rubber Engineering Materials completed part of the plant construction company, began installing equipment.
  Agriculture. Increase agricultural restructuring and accelerate the development of modern agriculture. Annual crops sown 13,500 hectares, 05,700 hectares of grain sown area, yield 26,500 tons, unchanged from the previous year. Major animal disease prevention and control of solid and effective, the county immunization rate of 100% concentrated. Aquaculture continued to develop steadily catching support structure was further optimized, aquatic production 308,600 tons, of which aquaculture production of 162,000 tons, up 6.6 percent, output of 183,000 tons of marine fishing, down 3.0%, adjusted to capture the mix of support 53:47 New anti-wave deep cage 4, a total of 43 groups. The continuous development of high-priority breeding species, the development of the county abalone hatcheries to 70, the annual abalone 71 million. Fujian Province, started construction haitanensis Yuanzhong Chang; aquatic finishing enterprise development to nine, the county processed aquatic products amounted to 71,000 tons. Improving rural infrastructure, built Qingfeng two fishing port and former Australian Violet, South North Building, 2 three fishing ports. Implementation of the national debt coastal shelterbelt renovation 333.33 hectares. Innovative ecological forest management and protection mechanism, the county rate of 32.9% forest green, invested heavily in thirty-six feet to the lake water to govern, and built Su-ao, the floor, two water expansion project, the completion of the primary water supply project 27, benefit 3.2 million people. Promote comprehensive clean-up operations in rural homes, rural hospitals to transform and enhance the orderly construction of township cultural stations spread. Implementation Aodong, Australia before Beicuo, Lu Yang four towns comprehensive agricultural development projects, investment of nearly $ 10 million benefit from an area of ​​400 hectares of farmland water conservancy facilities projects; accredited testing and help 76 villages, screening identified 10 villages as a focus on helping the first model village.
  Tertiary industry. Development "," Ten Thousand Villages "Marketing Project Development Plan" and "Logistics Development Plan", the community gradually improved the layout of a small supermarket. Annual sales of commercial real estate area of ​​241,900 square meters, an increase of 25.7%. West Street route building materials has taken shape. Comprehensive management of tourist attractions by the Provincial Department of Construction and acceptance, and exempt status by the Ministry of Construction; complete Pai-yang area 7000 square meters of earthwork and tourist parking lot concrete road construction wiring; Pingtan tourists throughout the year to more than 200,000 people, tourism business income of nearly $ 100 million.
  Social undertakings. Promotion of technological innovation, the implementation of a long bamboo razor clam abalone and the proliferation of artificial discharge test project achieved significant results. Sustained and healthy development of education at all levels, to further improve school conditions in rural areas, distance education projects through the provincial inspection, education passed the provincial, city, "the county supervisors' assessment, comprehensive assessment of the college entrance examination in the city, 8 counties (cities) ranked No. 2, there are five secondary schools were commended. Public health services towards effective, safe, cheap and direction of change, three community health services and rural health service network to accelerate development. The healthy development of cultural undertakings, the county library was named the top ten provincial library; Minju "September is no disaster," "Fuzhou woman" were given Chinese Theatre Prize Silver and Bronze. Investment of more than 160 million National Fitness Center put into use, the thirteenth Pingtan membership athletes won four gold medals on the Provincial Games, county Eighth Games a complete success. The continuous development of radio and television broadcasting, to complete 19 "more than 20 villages," Radio and Television "village" project and 65 villages cable network transformation, and the county radio and television satellite receiving ground tone star project. Successfully passed the provincial population and family planning family planning sampling and mid-end assessment, the county's population was born in the stable level of 12 ‰, the policy in line with rate of 86.71%. Complete Pingtan second national agricultural census and sample survey population.
  Social security. Urban and rural medical assistance for needy families Waste policy is fully implemented, more than 100 million in disaster relief arrangements to help them solve production difficulties in life, helping nearly 780 low-income families out of poverty. Start implementation of the seven villages 200 600 people live "for the benefit of projects." County's registered urban unemployment rate 1.82% less than 2030 people employed in urban areas, transfer of rural surplus labor force 5,200, 135 re-employment of laid-off unemployed people. Implementation of the new rural cooperative medical care system, insured 25.4 million farmers, accounting for 82.8% of the total rural population. Rural students receiving compulsory education for the exemption of all tuition and fees, a total of 10.4 million yuan-free, benefiting 37,400 students. Subsidies to poor families of disabled children into college study 29 to support funding of 4.3 million. Disabled employment security payments levied 587,500 yuan. Subsistence allowances for rural people with disabilities to solve, complete cataract surgery 160 cases. 2536 to 1608 to reach poor people with disabilities basic subsistence level, put 480,000 yuan for the 26 poverty-stricken rural poor people with disabilities have no housing, dangerous new family housing renovation. Protection object specification standards for affordable housing, start low-rent housing system. Governance "table pollution", such as the construction of food safety project of rectifying and standardizing market economic order solid progress. Food security, complete the 3534 tons of food stock rotation task. Invested $ 5 million for thirty-six foot lake ecological construction. Let people drink, "safe water." Create a "safe Pingtan" successful.
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  Stratigraphic section Pingtan Dragon Head Beach
  Pingtan in Fujian Wuyi - Dai Yunlong fold belt east of the coastal zone, that is, southeast Fujian coastal metamorphic belt, west of the volcano off the bend with Fujian, east rift zone coastal, southeast coast of China China is a land of ancient geological part of the region.
  In the Mesozoic ago, Fujian coastal uplift for the area, since the post-Mesozoic Jurassic Yanshan movement, the occurrence of intense faulting and large-scale volcanic eruption and magmatic intrusion. Subjected to intense tectonic stress as squeezing and twisting the role of L-band rock generally produce ductile deformation or fracture zones, or break with cleavage, and Changle - Zhaoan fault and so on. The late dykes and magmatic hydrothermal activity, most of the metamorphic belt and the fracture is acidic, mafic dikes or penetration into the silicon filling the role of consolidation with silicification and stable. West of Taiwan's "coastal break" roughly 50 meters along the Fujian coastal isobath and with vertical or oblique to the north west and near east-west fracture, is caused by winding coast, harbors, peninsulas, islands, an important factor in development. Large-scale eruption and magma intrusion associated with intense faulting, to shape the pattern of the late Yanshan movement, to determine the basis of Pingtan geological, geomorphological and mineral distribution profile. Cenozoic Tertiary crustal movement (ie, the Himalayan movement, referred to as the Himalayan movement), and the impact of Quaternary ice ages of the world, has led to a series of land and sea lift movement. Down movement of the basic features are: uplift of the inheritance-based recovery, a section of the _set_tlement or relatively stable; differences in lifting activities, ranging from large, fast rate; to Bamboo Island ports - the county seat for the uplift center, and lots of other uplift or subsidence into undulating wave-like structure forms; down the magnitude and rate differences reflect differences in structural faults and fault blocks. To the early Holocene, Pingtan reefs still decline because of transgression, but only slightly, but Yang Lu Po Po and Seven Mile area as well as by the impact of fault, down the most intense, sea plot - wind up to 40 active layer thickness meters. From the mid-Holocene, Pingtan coast to rise mainly to the relocation of the coastline, the island area is expanding, the prototype of the entire island of Pingtan basically completed. This time, XXXVI where the foot of the ancient lake on the rise due to the Gulf port for the Bay lagoon formed by sediment deposition. Nearly 2,000 years, Lu Yang Po in the form of slowly rising plain. As the crust continued uplift, Pingtan territory still retains six sea marine terraces and three positive bands, the former thirty-six feet especially around the lake, the latter mainly MARINE plain.
  Mountain Section of General Construction Pingtan Aodong
  Pingtan geological structure to the main faults, is a Chinese construction system.
  On the regional structure, located in Wuyi Pingtan - Long wearing double-folded with a cloud east of the southeast Fujian coastal metamorphic belt, East and with the adjacent _set_tlement of the Taiwan Strait. Through satellite remote sensing information processing that Pingtan geological background is Pingtan - Dongshan thrust - thrust belt, the basal Devonian rocks and by the former Indo-China - early Yanshan tectonic layer, by the early to late Yanshan large-scale structure - the transformation of magmatic activity, the formation of the late Yanshan tectonic and volcanic-based pattern of faults, to become more complete with granite as the main tectonic blocks.
  In addition to the big island of Pingtan practice the construction of lines, in which relatively large-scale regional fracture of the plains - and Pingtan Island alpine fault rupture east of the Marina. These secondary faults are developed in Yanshan lava and granite, and almost parallel to the way Spread.
  Plain - Alpine fault of the fault exposed in the northern plains Pingtan Island, after Haitan Strait to Fuqing mountain area, broken in groups, the surface shows that the length of 5 to 10 km with a total of up to 36 km. Visible in the plains near the two north-east 40 degrees parallel to the fault outcrop, in the middle Quaternary cover, tend to northwest, dip 60 to 80 degrees. Since the late Yanshan formed this fault, the activity occurred on several occasions, but stopped in the late Pleistocene events and access to basic erosion weathering period.
  Pingtan roughly east of the fault rupture along the coastal Fujian coastal 50 m isobath distribution, the overall trend north-east, south east orientation, steep angle, the number was en echelon arrangement of the pressure-shear rupture with a total length greater than 400 km, width about 12 km. Fracture formed in the late Yanshan, there is still significant in the Himalayan activities to Quaternary faulting has been weakened. South of the fault location, the occurrence of strong earthquakes on several occasions, indicating that the fracture is the most important earthquake rupture along the coast of Fujian.
  Formed by the product's identification of fault activity, faulting Pingtan's update to the late Quaternary in the main, that is about 12 to 27 million years ago there have been significant activity to the Holocene (1.0 years) tend to stable.
  IV deposits
  First, the quartz sand
  County area of ​​82.3309 square kilometers of sand. As the waves, the wind's natural sorting, grain moderate, white quartz grains, 96% silicon content, particles 0.1 to 0.8 mm, as the electronics industry and the construction of important raw materials. The county has proven reserves of about 1.6 billion tons of quartz sand. There are two main types, namely sand and salt water sand. Water distribution in the intertidal sand of the coastal region, an area of ​​21.1881 square kilometers. The causes of freshwater sand into the sea by sand and wind plot of sand accumulation are two kinds of aeolian sand and more sand covering the upper part of the plot in the sea. County placer are more concentrated, mainly north of Lu Yang Po, eastern water - dragon head south of Seven Mile and Po - Western Australia. This three piece placer placer county distribution area accounted for 93% or more.
  Lu Yang Pu District, located in the Placer Lu Yang Po Plain, northeast from the Yangtze River mouth, Xi Nanda on Haitan Strait, an area of ​​30.23 square kilometers, the total area of ​​the county placer 43.6%. Placer and wide, deep ledge, large reserves, the deepest 30 meters. Thickness: Bamboo Island standard sand mines area of ​​10 meters, 12 meters in Lousha mine, the inside of the Yangtze River Australia 35 meters. According to the mining sector is estimated Bamboo Island - Australia sand reserves of 299.28 million tons Yangtze River, Bamboo Island sand area of ​​the original reserves of 9.57 million tons of sand, sand reserves in Lousha area of ​​the original 92.32 million tons.
  Qili Po - Western Australia placer area is located south of the island of Hai Tan, area 10.4196 square kilometers, accounting for 12.66% of the total area placer county. As the tidal deposition, coupled towards the southeast, by the southeast wind effect, the inside of rapid accumulation of aeolian sands, freshwater sand Seven Mile Po has been extended to 36 feet south shore. Western Australia is one o. southern sand bar, the northern section of a height of 2 meters above the sand dike.
  Pingtan fairy well
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  Pingtan another name Lan. Island the main island of the sea due to moderate a forum flat rock, commonly known as "Pingtan", called Hai Tan, Tang Dynasty Wrangler field. Song fell to the Mongols prison, is Fuqing County. Nineteen years of Qing Emperor Kangxi (1680) Fuqing County, mouth destroy the town to aid the East Side town of Hai Tan, two years (1683) shift in the town of Pingtan (now Lake City), Yongzheng eight years (1730) Let s Deputy, Jiaqing three years (1798) _set_ Pingtan Haiphong Department, is Fuzhou government. First year (1912) _set_ Pingtan, after an East Road, Fujian sea lanes.
  May 5, 1949 Pingtan County guerrilla liberation and the establishment of county government, withdraw in July, with the PLO on September 16 to recover Pingtan. 1950 is Minhou area, Jinjiang area in 1956, 1959, is Minhou area (1971 Minhou area called Putian). 1983 was placed under the jurisdiction of Fuzhou.
  25 years of the Republic (1936) designated three areas, 33 years Republic of RSD revoked under the township, designated as 1946 Lake City, the town and Chiang Su-2, Longquan, center, Lake South, 5 rural revival.
  Implementation of people's communes in 1958, 1961, designated as 12 communes, in 1983 designated 14 communes. Real separation of the executive agency in 1984, the communes were replaced by the township (town), a total of three 12 rural towns, after having changed the two rural towns, 10 rural town located 5.
  In 1997, Pingtan 321.4 square kilometers land area, including beach 44.5 square kilometers, population 362,000, jurisdiction over 5 towns 10 Township: Lake Town, Su-ao Township, water town, former town, North Houses Town, Lantau the first rural, large rural practice, White Green Township, Plain Township, Ocean Township Lu, the Xiang, Lan urban and rural, Aodong Township, South Township, East Xiang Township, in Lake County towns.
  In 2000, the revocation of Plain Township, the establishment of the plains town; revocation Aodong Township, the establishment Aodong Town. The end of 2000, the town Pingtan jurisdiction 7 8 Township: Lake Town, Su-ao Township, the former town of Australia, North town house, town water, town of Plains, Aodong Town, Lan urban and rural areas, the Xiang, White Green Township, South Township , Yutouxiang, large training Township, East Xiang Township, Ocean Township Lu, eight neighborhood committees, 192 administrative villages. According to the fifth census data, the total population of 371,922 people, including: Lake town 65 728 people, Su-ao Township 31053 people, water town 47 231 people, former town of 39,975 people, 31,026 people north town house, town of 22,257 people Plains, Aodong town of 29,857 people, white and green township 16 628 people, Yutouxiang 15,130 people, big people practicing Township 6043, 5292 Lu Yang village people, people in Louxiang 20587, 9264 East-xiang village people, urban and rural areas 22 512 person Lan, South China Sea town 9339 people
  In 2003, Pingtan exempted seven towns, eight townships: Lake Town, Su-ao Township, the former town of Australia, North town house, town water, town of Plains, Aodong Town, Lan urban and rural areas, the Xiang, Bai Qing Xiang , South Township, Yutouxiang, large training Township, East Xiang Township, Ocean Township Lu. End of 2003, household population 38.61 million people, including non-agricultural population of 5.82 million.
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English Expression
  1. n.:  Pingtan County
Related Phrases
toponomyFujian ProvinceFuzhou city Municipal
Administrative villagesculturekindergarten
cultural centrePingtanPingtan Synthesis experiment District
Containing Phrases
general records of a countyPingtan County HospitalPingtan County cultural centre
Pingtan County Traditional Chinese Medicine HospitalPingtan County Experiment Elementary SchoolPingtan County Chengdong Middle School
Pingtan County area just outside city gate Middle SchoolPingtan County third Middle SchoolPingtan County chiefly Middle School
Pingtan county Tiandong guesthousePingtan County East China Sea RestaurantPingtan county area just outside city gate kindergarten
Pingtan county beach kindergartenPingtan county Wind-force cropland guesthouseshell work Craft factory
Pingtan County hygiene preventoriumPingtan county Hengrong Grand HotelPingtan county Gold Mountain Hotel
Pingtan county hygiene preventorium secondly clinicPingtan County Chemical fibre textile Parts FactoryPingtan county Chow Light Doctor of traditional chinese medicine medicine clinic
Pingtan county Dermatopathy Clap Prevention and cure courtyardFujian province Pingtan County Halls of ivy Enrol new students delegate meeting OfficeFujian Province Agriculture broadcast television school Pingtan County Branch School
Pingtan County Technology development And Talents exchange service centre
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