europe > Western Europe
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  That European regions and the western Atlantic Ocean near the island. Including the United Kingdom, Ireland, the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, France and Monaco.
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No. 2
  Western Europe, that Britain, France, Ireland, Monaco, Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg
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No. 3
  In addition to the broad sense refers to European countries other than Eastern European countries
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No. 4
  Western Europe. Geographically confined to the Atlantic Ocean to the western regions of Europe and nearby islands, including the UK, Ireland, the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, France and Monaco. Commonly referred to as Western Europe, except Eastern Europe refers to all European countries.
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  Western Europe. Geography of western Europe Western Europe is the Atlantic region and nearby islands. From the administrative area, including the United Kingdom, Ireland, the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, France. Area of 930,000 square kilometers. Population of over 141 million (1958). Mainly plain terrain, time for the plateau; mountainous area of small, mainly in the British northwest and southeast France. The world's busiest shipping channels and the Strait of Dover Strait English stream, and the Rhine, Seine, Loire, Thames and other rivers. Most areas of the temperate climate, is located in the westerly wind belt, the climate mild and humid, rainfall abundant and evenly. Is the earliest of modern science and technology development areas, is the world's most economically developed regions, has a developed industry, agriculture and foreign trade. Coal, oil, natural gas, iron, potassium and other minerals. Important harbor are London, Liverpool (UK), Marseille (France), Brussels (ratio), Rotterdam, Amsterdam (Netherlands) and so on. London, Paris, Rotterdam, Antwerp, Brussels, Marseille and other famous cities. Apart from Monaco, the other six countries are the European Economic Community member states. Refers to the broad Western Europe all the capitalist countries of Europe. In western Europe, central and north. Area of about 500 million square kilometers, population over 500 million (1988). The tallest in Europe lie in the southern Alps, the backbone stretching east to the Carpathian Mountains, extending to the southeast, where the narrow g Alps, Apennines, extending southward to the southwest extension of the Pyrenees. Scandinavian Peninsula in northern Scandinavian mountains. Mainly distributed in central plains. Many volcanic earthquakes in southern and Iceland. Mediterranean is a subtropical dry summer and wet winter climate, most of the remaining area is a temperate humid climate. Coal, iron, oil and other mineral deposits. Most countries developed capitalist countries, industry, agriculture, foreign trade and transport are very well developed, the formation of the European Economic Community as the center of the economic system. European Economic Community member states are France, Britain, Germany, Italy, Belgium, the Netherlands, Ireland, Luxembourg, Greece, Spain, Portugal and Denmark.
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Natural environment
  (1) position range
  The western half of Europe, north of the Arctic Ocean, west Atlantic, south of the Mediterranean, divided into Northern Europe, Western Europe, Central Europe, Southern Europe in four parts. Refers to the east coast of North West Europe
  Line to the Black Sea to the west of Europe, parts of the West Bank, the area of small, but many countries, the coastline is very tortuous.
  (2) winding coastline
  One of the world's most tortuous Island, more than the peninsula, islands and bays. Mainly northern Scandinavian Peninsula, the south Balkans, the Apennines, Iberia, the main island of the British Isles and Iceland are the main inland sea is the northern Baltic Sea, south of the Mediterranean Sea, southeast of the Black Sea, the edge of the sea with the North Sea, Bay of Biscay is the famous bay.
  (3) terrain
  Plain-based, the lowest average elevation of one of the world's continents
  Plain: North Sea, Baltic Sea, the Rhine plains east of Boulder to Xixi Ou plain
  Mountains: Mountains in northern Scandinavia, the southern Alps, Browning highest peak in this area
  By the impact of glaciers: lakes and more - "thousand lakes" fjord coast of Finland - Norway coastal
  Plain was undulating - Bode plain lakes scattered on both sides of the Alps.
  (4) by the Atlantic climate impact
  Features: warm and humid maritime significant features (mild in winter, cool in summer, daily temperature and annual range less uniform seasonal distribution of precipitation throughout the year), from west to east gradually from ocean aptitude continental climate transition.
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Geographical environment
  In most parts of latitude at latitude 35 ° ~ 60 ° between a temperate climate
  Distribution of the Atlantic Ocean west sea, the mainland profile twists and turns of the inland sea
  Terrain in central plains, mountains, moist air from east to west conducive to further inland marine
  After the North Atlantic warm ocean currents, temperature of the humidifier to play the role of coastal areas
  Located in the westerly atmospheric circulation, the prevailing westerly winds transport warm air to the Atlantic Ocean to the inland
  Something different: the west temperate climate, temperate continental climate in eastern
  North-South differences; northern polar climate, Mediterranean climate in southern
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Climate and Agriculture
  ①, temperate maritime climate - mild in winter, cooler in summer, even seasonal distribution of precipitation, moist air, cloud the larger, more rainy days, sunshine less - is not conducive to crop growth, but for juicy grass growth - the development of animal husbandry
  ②, Mediterranean climate - dry summer and winter rain (rain and heat in different period) - subtropical fruit production areas, rich in citrus, lemon, fig, grape, olive
  ③, agricultural production - land, labor have less - on the mechanization and modernization of agricultural biotechnology are very seriously - as the secondary production sector of European agriculture. High levels of integration and intensification of agriculture and animal husbandry as an important feature. The main planting wheat, corn, potatoes, vegetables, fruits, sugar beet, sunflower, flax, etc., wheat production accounts for about 50% of world production, barley, oats about 60% or more. Horticulture industry is developed, the main producing grapes and apples. Livestock keeping pigs, cattle, sheep based.
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Rivers and lakes
  ①, river hydrology characteristics:
  Climate, topography ------- ------- hydrological characteristics determine the area of many rivers, dense river network, river with plenty of water, the water level change is small, smooth flow, river low, long distance navigation, a knot Ice Age.
  ②, major rivers:
  Most of the rivers flowing through the country - the Danube: Germany, Austria (Vienna), Slovakia, Hungary (Budapest), g, Southern (Belgrade), Bulgaria, Romania, Ukraine - into the Black Sea - River at latitude 45 degrees north, longitude 30 degrees
  The world's busiest shipping rivers - the Rhine: Switzerland, France and Germany (Ruhr area, Frankfurt), Netherlands - into the North Sea - River flows through the industrial and agricultural developed and densely populated areas, shipping facilities
  Seine, France - Paris
  Thames - London
  Elbe, Germany - Hamburg (Germany's largest port)
  ③, the main canal
  Danube --- Rhine Canal
  Kiel Canal
  ④, Eurotunnel
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States and residents
  (1) countries and regions: the Vatican has the smallest country in the world
  (2) residents: the white race-based, densely populated areas and industrial zones along the distribution of coal, slightly "cross" natural population growth rate lower, Hungary zero growth or negative growth.
  (3) in economically developed areas: development of foreign trade, with Germany ranking first.
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  Developed areas in the capitalist economy, foreign trade development, animal husbandry an important role in agriculture, the EU is a major international economic entity. Britain is the world's first industrialized countries, industry in the national economy is dominated by both light and heavy industries.
  France is the industry and agriculture have developed countries, the largest country in western Europe. Germany is a modern industrial highly developed countries, western Europe's most populous nation, most powerful nations of the European economy, European neighbors than any other country, highest in the world trade volume.
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Industrial Distribution
  The world famous industrial agglomerations, was "ten" type distribution
  Poland, UK --------------------
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  A variety of natural conditions; the history of a splendid culture; around the unique local customs
  The main tourist places: Athens, Greece, Taiwan, Pakistan Agricultural temple; the Coliseum in ancient Rome and Venice; Vienna, Austria, "Music"; Oslo, Norway fjords and the midnight sun; Rotterdam flowers, windmills, reclaiming land from lakes project; Switzerland Geneva Lake, watch workshops, ski mountaineering; beautiful beaches along the Mediterranean coast of Spain, bullfighting competitions; France, the Eiffel Tower, Arc de Triomphe, the Louvre, Versailles Palace, the Fashion Week; London, Buckingham Palace, site of Greenwich Observatory, the British Museum, Marx cemetery
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Major countries
  United Kingdom
  (1) island in Western Europe
  Full name: "United Kingdom", referred to as "United Kingdom"
  Territory: includes the island of Great Britain and Ireland, north-east. Great Britain is divided into England, Scotland, Wales, three parts, of which England is the political and economic center region
  (2) the industrialized countries first
  The formation of the first industrial revolution textile Manchester and Birmingham iron and steel industry (coal origin). World War II, there's cars, planes, electronics industry award in London and around the central England, southern Scotland, the oil processing industry in the North Sea coast, crude oil Zigeiyouyu
  (3) Agriculture
  West - not suitable for growing food crops, dairy farming industry developed: more rain, less sunshine, a good juicy grass growth.
  South East - areas with a concentration farming (wheat, barley): Some little precipitation, sunny, high temperatures, longer growing season.
  (4) Capital London
  Two sides across the River Thames in London, the largest city and port. Was the famous fog (valley ten ten coal dust rain), and now most of the coal-fired plant to use oil, gas or electricity, the fog had rare.
  (1) Natural Environment
  The largest country in western Europe, lying southeast to the northwest low hills north west plains, mountains south of the eastern plateau (the Alps, central highlands, Lorraine plateau), north of the famous Paris Basin, the Seine flows through Paris Basin, into the English Channel, to facilitate the shipping of water rich
  (2) industry, agriculture is a developed economy
  Paris Basin, France's most important industrial areas, agricultural areas.
  Favorable conditions for agriculture: mainly plain and hilly terrain, mild and humid climate, fertile soil; the Government to encourage agricultural development policies; highly mechanized and modernized.
  Distribution of crops: wheat in the Paris Basin and the northern distribution of the high plains; the southwest and the Mediterranean horticulture industry is developed, grapes; livestock, mainly in the southwest hills area. The world's major food producer and exporter.
  Mineral: Lille Coal Mine - North; Lorraine iron ore - Northeast
  Coal, oil shortage, vigorously develop hydropower and nuclear power, nuclear power share of 70%
  (3) major cities
  Capital - Paris - the country's largest city, national political, economic, cultural, transportation, financial center, world-renowned center of fashion and cosmetics, the world-famous tourist destination, the Seine flows through.
  Mediterranean - Marseille (port), Dunkerque (sea-based iron and steel industry)
  (1) European continent, "crossroads", the area most neighboring countries (9)
  (2) differences between northern and southern terrain: topography of the south than in the north, a ladder-like.
  North of the North German Plain, the terrain is flat, low temperatures, the main development of animal husbandry, extensive management;
  Broad mountain valley in central, suitable farming and grazing;
  Plateau and the Alps in southern Bavaria, widely Busen Lin and grassland
  (3) The developed industrial
  Modern industrial highly developed countries. Europe's largest economy, highest in the world trade volume
  Advantage: the rich coal and convenient sea and land transportation, strong technological strength, adequate water
  Negative: oil, iron ore, nonferrous metals imported products half of dependence on international markets
  Distribution: Rhine - Ruhr Area: Essen, Duisburg is the center, around the south of Munich, the development of aerospace, aircraft, microelectronics
  Distribution: a more balanced distribution of industrial development from north to south
  Rise and Fall of the Ruhr area
  1. Regional advantages
  ① abundant coal resources
  ② from the iron ore near, close to the Lorraine iron ore district of northeastern France
  ③ plenty of water
  ④ convenient water and land transportation: the crossroads of Central European land transport, facilitate and direct ocean river
  ⑤ broad market
  2. Decline
  ① single production structure: focus on coal, steel, electricity, machinery, coal, steel is the foundation
  ② Status of decline in coal energy: oil, natural gas, widely used, so reducing the proportion of coal, new technologies, reduce coal consumption steel
  ③ global steel surplus: production increases, the economic crisis and widespread use of alternatives, the use of reduced
  ④ the impact of the new technological revolution: the traditional forms of production and organization not meet the requirements of the times, shortage of land, environmental pollution
  3. Comprehensive Treatment
  ① development of new industries and the tertiary industry, transformation of coal, iron and steel industry, and promote diversification of economic structure. Decrease in the number scale, the migration to new technology-based SMEs well.
  ② to adjust industrial layout, to ensure balanced development of various industries: such as increased concentration of iron and steel industry to the west, some of the blast furnace was built to the Dutch coast
  ③ Development of traffic, improve the transportation network: There are Germany's most dense network of railways and highways, shipping heavy, half of the transport of iron ore
  ④ eliminate pollution, beautify the environment: pollution control, establish and improve the recovery and pollution treatment system and afforestation
  (4) major cities
  Berlin: Germany's capital, located in the east, is the largest city
  Hamburg: Elbe River, the largest shipbuilding center and port city
  Frankfurt: Germany's largest airports, rail hubs and chemical industrial city, the world's major financial centers (the European Union Bank) where
  Munich: South Centre, the beer capital
  Italy in southern Europe. Territory dominated by the Apennine peninsula, including Sicily and Sardinia, the two islands.
  (1) terrain. The majority of the Italian Mountain area, mainly the Apennines, the northern edge of the Alps, the territory of volcanoes (such as the famous Mount Vesuvius). Alps south of the fertile Po Valley.
  (2) climate types and characteristics. Northern temperate continental climate, summer heat and winter cold, the temperature difference between years; the rest of the Mediterranean climate, hot dry summer, mild and rainy winter.
  (3) river. Major rivers as the Po River and its tributaries, the southern slope rises in the Alps, water rich.
  (4) industrial production. Industrial development, but the distribution is uneven, mainly concentrated in the north of Milan, Turin, Genoa's triangular industrial area. Turin automotive industry developed, is an important chemical industrial base in Milan, Genoa shipbuilding industry has a long history. In the southern coastal city of Taranto, the establishment of a large steel mill. (Beijing Anton School)
  (5) agricultural production. Agricultural products produced in the Po plain accounts for more than half of the country, the main agricultural products are wheat, corn, rice and silk and so on.
  (6) major cities. Rome is the capital city of the world. Venice is the famous "water city"
  Located in northern Eurasia and northern Russia, across Europe and Asia, the west by the Baltic Sea, east Pacific, north of the Arctic Ocean. Area of 1 710 square meters, is the largest country in the world. Russia, about 1.5 million people, more than 100 nationalities, Russians accounted for 81% of the population.
  (1) terrain. Russia, a vast flat plain terrain to the main plateau area as well. Low-lying east to the west. Ural Mountains are the main, the Caucasus Mountains and the mountainous border of Siberia. East European Plain, west of the Ural Mountains, east, the West Siberian Plain Central Siberian Plateau and the East Siberian mountains.
  (2) climate. Russia's vast territory, the climate are quite different. Russia most of the area is a temperate continental climate with long, cold winter, short summer, and warm, in a larger temperature difference. Arctic Ocean north of the coast is a polar climate, cold temperature throughout the year. Western European Plain, the impact of the Atlantic westerly flow, the more moderate climate. Siberia by the tremendous impact of polar cold air in winter is very cold. Black Sea coast enjoys a Mediterranean climate.
  (3) rivers, lakes. Russia rivers and lakes. The main rivers are: the Volga River, is Europe's first river, water ranks first in Europe, of great significance in shipping. Yenisei River originates in the southern mountains to the north into the Arctic Ocean, abundant water resources. There is also the Ob River and the Lena River also into the Arctic Ocean. Lake Baikal in southern Siberia, the maximum water depth of 1600 meters, is the world's deepest lake; the Black Sea is the world's largest salt water lake.
  (4) resources. Russia is rich in minerals, forests and water resources, natural resources, a high degree of self-sufficiency. Minerals in coal, oil, natural gas, iron ore, non-ferrous metal reserves ranking first in the world.
  (5) industrial production. Russia's industrial base is better, the main industrial sectors include iron and steel, machinery, chemical, aerospace and nuclear industries. Russian industry is mainly distributed in parts of Europe, there to Moscow as the center of the industrial districts and industrial areas as the center of St. Petersburg, are iron and steel, machinery, textile-based comprehensive industrial zone; east, the Urals industrial zones on the steel mechanical-based heavy industry; before heading east, the new industrial zone in Siberia, is the main heavy industry and military industry of the new industrial zone.
  (6) agricultural production. Agricultural instability. Major agricultural products are wheat, sugar beet, potato, sunflower, flax, etc.. Need to import large quantities of grain. Eastern Europe, the Volga River Basin and the plains of the Don River south of the main agricultural zone.
  (7) Traffic and cities. To the main rail. East of the famous Trans-Siberian Railway. Rivers are frozen inside a long, navigation and short. Moscow, the country's largest city. St. Petersburg, the harbor, the country's second largest city. Vladivostok (Vladivostok) is the Pacific coast ports. For the coastal ice-free Arctic Ocean Murmansk. Irkutsk railway hub.
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English Expression
  1. n.:  Western Europe
French Expression
  1. n.  Europe occidentale, Europe de l'Ouest
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