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  England (in English: England), United Kingdom (UK), the composition of countries, England is in the southeast of the island of Great Britain, Scotland, south east Wales, Britain's largest and most populous, most economically developed a part. Historically, between England and Scotland, Hadrian's Wall is for the community. The name originated from England, "Anglo-man" (Angles), its original name "Engla-lond" means "land of the Anglo people" who came to this place after following the Celtics, is a Germanic people.
  Main article: History of England
  England's four main areas of the United Kingdom, the largest and most populous in the place. The reason why there is such a division of the district, dating back to the 5th century when the Anglo - Saxon arrival. And England in the political unification is from the 10th century began. Before the 10th century until England's history is difficult and the entire history of Britain's separated.
  Rolling terrain in most parts of England, the northern and more mountainous. The main rivers include the Thames and the Severn River, Severn River which is the longest river in Britain. Major cities including London, Manchester, Liverpool, Newcastle and Birmingham. Near Dover, the Channel Tunnel to France, Britain and connected across the strait. Britain has 1,098 islands.
  Administrative Division
  England today, there are four different levels of administrative divisions, namely, the regional (Region) level, county (County) level, district (District) level with the parish (Parish) level. Each level of administrative division and according to local geographical and cultural characteristics of different categories.
  Regional-level administrative
  Including more special status, including Greater London, England was divided into a total of nine government-level regional (Government Office Region), the regional and then administered one or more county-level administrative divisions. Although England does not have any election of regional use of partition, but was used as in England on behalf of the European Parliament by way of seats.
  Greater London
  North East England
  North West England
  Yorkshire - Humber
  West Midlands
  East Midlands
  East of England
  South West England
  South East England
  County Administrative Region
  County-level administrative regions of England there are four:
  Honorary County (Ceremonial county): A representative of the British royal family, but no real power of the sheriff (Lord Lieutenant) resident, only the geographical term, coordinated within the Home Affairs and a few other features. Non-urban counties and surrounding a single management area (for more than one) combined to form a range of honorary county, city gun range is equivalent to an honorary county directly. A total of 48.
  City County (Metropolitan county): distributed in densely populated areas, a total of 6.
  Non-metropolitan counties (Non-metropolitan county, also known as Shire county): distributed in the more dilute the local population, many of which is a continuation of traditional Cornwall England. 35 non-metropolitan county has a County Council 34, the only exception is Berkshire.
  Unitary authority (Unitary authority): 1990's introduction of the administrative units, much smaller area than the county, status, lower than the county level, but have their own parliament. Interestingly, Cornwall, Isles of Scilly Isles of Scilly local council is neither Parliament nor the County Council district councils, sui generis.
  Greater London: Greater London with other parts of England administrative divisions completely different way, under the Greater London area there are two different county-level administrative regions, namely the City of London (City of London) and the 32 London Borough (London boroughs) . Administrative characteristics, and the Greater London area of ​​these county-level administrative region in fact can be considered as a single management area types.
  District administrative
  District (district) is the third-level administrative divisions of England units, and sometimes part of these administrative units may have a borough (Borough), city status (city status) or the Royal Borough (royal borough) status.
  Metropolitan Area (Metropolitan district): metropolitan area is the sub-county administrative divisions will usually have the autonomy and the metropolitan area have the status of the town. When a county was abolished when the County Council, District Councils will be under the direct successor to autonomy, and become a single management zone similar to the administrative units.
  Non-metropolitan areas (Non-metropolitan district): non-metropolitan areas will be non-administrative divisions of the county's secondary. Usually non-metropolitan areas of the County Council will be sharing its parent autonomy, but it works with the city is different.
  Parish-level administrative
  Home Parish (Civil parish, or referred to as parish) is the lowest order of the administrative units of England. Parish has its own rules of procedure unit, known as the Metropolitan Council (parish council), but if a parish has the right to vote less than 200 the number of citizens who may be a more streamlined parishes to organize the meeting (parish meeting) to replace it. Although most of them have _set_ up by the Diocese of religious origins, but today as the administrative divisions of the parish, the Church of England had its origins are no longer relevant.
  Major Cities
  Kingston upon Hull
  English Literature
  Sir Thomas Browne
  John Milton
  William Shakespeare
  Jane Austen
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英格兰 概况
  England (England), a translation of "English." United Kingdom (UK), the main part of the territory, so accustomed to the term also refers to the United Kingdom of England. England is in the southeast of the island of Great Britain, Scotland, south east Wales, including the Isle of Wight, Scilly Isles and the coast of the island, an area of ​​about 13 million square kilometers. The UK's largest and most populous, most economically developed part. History, with Scotland to Hadrian's Wall for the sector. The name originated from England, "Anglo - Saxon" (Anglo-Saxon) shorthand, they are following the Vikings and the Celts came to the place after the Germanic peoples. Population of 4,684.5 million (1983), concentrated 83% of British population. The average population density of 359 persons per square kilometer, is one of the world's most densely populated areas. 80% of urban population. Pennines of England longitudinal location in northern and central, with an average altitude of 200-500 meters, the mountains on both sides of coal and iron resources. Southeast undulating plains. Warm and humid climate. The main rivers are the Thames, Severn and the Trent River. British major industrial, agricultural areas. Important industries include coal mining, steel, machinery, oil refining, chemicals, textiles, medicine and so on. Both sides of the Pennines Coalfield near the old industrial areas in and around London for the new industrial zones, oil refining and petrochemical emphasis in the coastal ports. Important agricultural and livestock products are wheat, barley, sugar beets, potatoes, vegetables and cattle, pigs and so on. As the main farming area in southeastern England. Important port cities and the London, Birmingham, Liverpool, Manchester, Sheffield, Leeds, Southampton and Plymouth, and so on.
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  "Britain" The word comes from the Greek and Latin, and ultimately may be traced back to Celtic. Although the use of "prehistoric" to measure the scale, the Celtics also later came to the British Isles (before that had been created that civilization, such as construction sites and Avebury stone circle Stonehenge Such well-known historical sites), but the written record of the history of the British, after all, about the Celtics from the beginning. "Celtic," the term often used to distinguish fairly common to the early inhabitants of the British Isles and later the Anglo - Saxon invaders.
  1066 occurred on the last successful invasion of England. Duke William of Normandy defeated in the Battle of Hastings, the British, the Normans from France and others to _set_tle. In the ensuing three centuries, the French became the language of nobility, the legal structure of the English Channel by the other side of the passage of the impact that a social structure to some extent also affected.
  While in England, Wales, often within the sphere of influence, but has been a Celtic fortress. However, in 1282 Lu Ai Lin Wangzi killed after Edward I launched a campaign and win, to put England under the rule of Wales. Welsh national sentiment continues to rise, early 15th century uprising led by Irving Ge Linde will illustrate this point. 1536 and 1542 a joint decree to England and Wales in the administrative, political and legal system as a whole.
  Had lived in Scotland most of the Picts. 6th century AD, the Scots from Ireland _set_tled in today's Argyll area. Midlothian home to England, while Wales will continue to go north to the British people Strathclyde. 9th century, to unite all regions of Scotland against the Vikings. Throughout the Middle Ages, when England's monarchy has been a powerful threat to the independence of Scotland.
  1169 Henry II of England to launch the invasion of Ireland. English pope Adrian IV, Henry II granted the powers of the supreme ruler, because he was anxious to complete obedience to Rome, the Church of Ireland. Most parts of Ireland, fell to the Anglo - Norman powerful hands, but little in the Middle Ages in England, this direct exercise of jurisdiction.
  Tudor monarchs, several interventions tend to be much stronger in Ireland. In the reign of Elizabeth I, the Irish rebels launched a series of battles. 'Resistance movement concentrated in the northern province of Ulster, in 1607 the leaders of the resistance movement failed and fled into the Ulster immigrants from Scotland and England inhabited area.
  As the English Civil War (1642 ~ 1652), Ireland uprising broke out several times, but have been suppressed by Cromwell. James II deposed in 1688, after dark, the war between England and Ireland, is continued. Most of the 18th century the fragile peace. 18th century, the British Government has made various efforts to seek stability. In 1782, the Irish Parliament (established in the Middle Ages) to obtain legislative autonomy; not in the Constitution and the Great Britain the only link is the Government of the Kingdom. However, the Council only represented a few Anglo - Irish privileged class, Catholics were excluded. An uprising occurred in 1798, but without success; 1801, Ireland and Great Britain combined as one.
  Channel Islands and Isle of Man does not form part of the United Kingdom, but with the United Kingdom has a special relationship. Channel Islands in the 10th century and 11th century when he was part of the Duchy of Normandy. Isle of Man has been nominally in 1266 before the exercise of sovereignty by Norway to end before 1765 directly from the Government of the Kingdom jurisdiction. Today, the Channel Islands and Isle of Man has its own legislature and legal system, where the British Government is responsible for defense and international relations matters
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  Official language: English
  Capital: London
  Area: Total 130,395 km ²
  Population: A total of 50.1 million (2004)
  Population density: 384/km ²
  Currency: GBP (£) (GBP)
  Time zone: UTC / GMT

  National Anthem: God Save the Queen (God Save the Queen); (such as the reign of a male monarch, the national anthem to God Save the King)
  Flower: rose (red / white)
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Administrative Division
  In addition to outside Greater London, England was divided into the following administrative areas:
  North East England
  North West England
  Yorkshire and the Humber
  In the West of England
  In the East of England
  East of England
  South West England
  South East England
  Administrative Region: 34 counties, urban counties 6 (autonomous regions and 36), 47 autonomous municipalities (cities markers 10, marked a gun)
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  Cumbria has 16 magnificent mountains and sparkling lakes, beautiful scenery inspired unparalleled inspiration for many writers, Wordsworth, Wainwright and Beatrix Potter are in this beautiful poems and articles written.
  Cumbria in England is the best place for walking and climbing, the United Kingdom only five peaks over 900m wide at this. The beauty of a newly opened trail along Hadrian's Wall snakes across, this construction of the Romans in Britain the most important historical sites is rated as a World Heritage Site.
  There are also many high quality hotels, hotel and award-winning restaurants provide you with food and service, which was awarded up to 66 AA Ro_set_te. Too numerous to mention also very famous specialty, such as succulent Cumberland sausage, Kendal Mint Cake and Grasmere gingerbread and so on.
  ■ Special Offers - Attractions a. Windermere (Windermere Lake Cruises) b. Mount Castel Castle village in the mountains c. Lei Jide
  ■ annual flash point: Keswick Film Festival Ulverston Hiking Festival Commercial Food Festival Classic Car Rally 赛坎布里亚
  Boolean Cede
  Boolean Cede at Lake Center, Hubei end of Windermere, is the jewel in the Lake District. Variety of local activities to the surrounding areas the traffic is very convenient. The unique natural scenery town to meet all the needs of tourists - many stores sell walkers and climbers needed equipment, there are many restaurants and bars.
  Ambleside is rich in historical and cultural heritage, the town built a Roman fort - Fort Jia Lawa, the site of Water Head of Timberland in the ancient battlefield, a small town in the Lake District has always been demonstrated to have important status. Britain's smallest house - the seventeenth century and Ambleside Bridge House Museum, in the form of a lively and interesting so that visitors understand the local people's living conditions. Gill waterfall near Stoke another masterpiece of nature, very spectacular. This is ideal for hiking position, from the mountains to the surrounding countryside and the magnificent very convenient. Quiet, visitors can walk along the lake, or take the boat on the lake, very comfortable.
  ■ Featured - Adrian Ansang attractions based glass workshop a. b. c. Football Amit House Museum Photo Archive d. e. Sitagexiao Garden Mountain Lodge
  ■ flash point of the year: March: Ambleside Daffodil and Spring Flower Show in July: Festival August Deng Cao Ambleside: Ambleside Summer Flower Show and Crafts Fair November: Santa Cruise
  Thriving town located in Bowness Lake Windermere, the town of many attractions, there is quality accommodation, as well as the colorful shops and charming scenery.
  From Bowness looking ahead, across the sparkling lake to the distant mountains handsome, see the Lake District's most beautiful scenery. Here have a variety of recreational activities, from golf, walking, horse riding to water skiing and sailing, as you smooth play. If you love the leisure tourists can also go sightseeing to savor.
  A tree-lined street leading to the picturesque trail fifteenth century St Martin's Church, this lakeside town by tourists from around the world loved, especially the charming scenery of the lake Bowness Bay . Provide a variety of styles, where the lake cruise, visitors can rent a wooden rowing boat, or board the steamer, in-depth visits to England's longest lake.
  ■ Special Offers - Attractions World of Fairy Tales Beatrix Potter a. b. c. Windermere Steamboat Museum, Windermere Lake Cruises d. e. Brock Hall Lake District Visitor Centre at Blackwell - Amazon Handicraft Centre f. g. reptile world, St Martin's parish church
  ■ flash point of the year: May: Windermere steamboat and ship model competitions in May: Wednesday Windermere
  Jazz night trip to Lake Windermere and the buffet
  July: Competition and the Steamboat Museum old motorboat boat show August: Windermere steamboat and ship model competitions August: Windermere Lions Club Friendship Festival
  Lake Windermere is located in the heart of town, away from the lake only a mile of the same name, surrounded by beautiful countryside and surrounded by wilderness, is small but full of infinite charm of the Lake District town. Town accommodation very good, both comfortable and warm all the family hotels and guest houses, there are luxury hotels, is the ideal place to relax and unwind.
  Here is the water sports center and a paradise for climbers, while the lack of interest in adventure sports tourists can choose to go shopping or take a rest in the bar and restaurant. Local attractions include the Lake District Visitor Centre, Brock Hall, and the Windermere Steamboat Museum. Walk can do what, or stroll the lake, climbing wilderness is a good choice. Many types of outdoor sports such as swimming, canoeing, water skiing and sailing and so on.
  ■ Special Offers - Attractions a. Lakes Visitor Center Brock Hall
  Hurd Hall b. c. Lakes Riding Garden
  ■ flash point of the year: July: National Archaeology Day October: steamboat race speed record
  Arne Cede
  Arne Cede at the southernmost lake in the designated Outstanding Natural Beauty. Surrounded by low limestone hills, plains and deciduous swamp forest.
  Here a former fishing port has retained many of the characteristics of past, the beautiful pier and port areas is not only appreciate the beautiful scenery of Morecambe Bay the best place, but also its past glory Arne Cede permanent memorial. Village south Fort built in the fifteenth century tower, once used against the Scots came to the robbery. Arne Cede and nearby villages in the area between Silver Dyer ideal hiking. Visitors can climb the 阿恩塞德诺 Special lush mountains, overlooking Morecambe Bay and the Lake District mountains of the stunning views.
  ■ Special Offers - special attractions a. 阿恩塞德诺 Silver Hill b. Carbondale, Leighton Moss RSPB Nature Reserve
  ■ flash point of the year: June: Arne Cede public marina, guided hiking Morecambe Bay
  Lakeside at the southern tip of Lake Windermere, with stunning natural scenery and great attractions.
  Lake Windermere is England's longest lake, the beauty of its richly varied as the southern tip of Lakeside has created all kinds of interesting attractions, from the steam train to otters, and Lakeside and Harvard Siwei Special tourist area attracting numerous visitors.
  Stott Park Bobbin mills, Windermere Lake Cruises, Aquarium of the Lakes, and the Lakeside and Harvard Siwei Te railway is worth visiting attractions.
  ■ Featured - Windermere Lake Cruises Attractions a. b. Aquarium of the Lakes
  Alton Lake
  Alton Lake is the gateway to the Lake District National Park's southern gate, is both one of England's best inland waters, but also the ideal starting point for exploring the surrounding area.
  Alton Lake is a paradise for water sports enthusiasts, ideal for sailing, boating, or relaxing in the peaceful boating lake. Can be reached by car and boat. Marina is in style next to Nicholas Everett Park, the park has children's park, to allow sale of alcohol in restaurants, various entertainment facilities and bandstand. Frequently throughout the summer activities, also in April to 9 months powerboat race held every Thursday evening.
  Carlton Marshes Nature Reserve is near the wildlife park, a kingfisher, warehouse , grass snakes and other animals. Either close contact with wild animals, or to express nostalgia, or to achieve dream of relaxing time, Alton Lake Resort is your ideal place.
  ■ Featured - Alton Lake attractions a. b. c. Nicholas Everett Park, the Lowestoft Museum Broad House
  d. Carlton Marshes Nature Reserve, Lake District National Park e.
  ■ flash point of the year: May: Open June sailing: old motorboat race in September: Broadland Youth Regatta
  Romantic air flying
  Every time you take a Virgin Atlantic flight or use the services of other partners, can access to the Flying Club mileage. Triple Flying Club membership levels are available, including the red card, Silver and Gold members will enjoy preferential treatment with the level of the promotion. These benefits include special discounts and attractive, respect still offers, special fares, as well as counters to check in and enjoy the airport's VIP lounge clubs.
  Flying Club via the Internet, the use of online account using the service, allowing you to enjoy the unique convenience. The procedure is simple to join flying club, and membership can be three different ways - online, phone or application forms, application forms can be Shanghai in Virgin Atlantic Virgin Atlantic offices and airport counters on request.
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Major Cities
  Brad 夫德
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England - the team
  The birth of the country as football and soccer global promoter, England has been enthusiastic, but it is actually not many honors, only at home on the 1966 FIFA World Cup ™ to obtain the sole winner of a major tournament .
  The summer of 2006 - from Baobimoer (Bobby Moore) held up for almost 40 years Gold Cup Jules Rimet, the forthcoming visit to Germany, England is still one of the favorites, although it has easily won the qualifying competition, but the final qualifying course not smooth sailing. Eriksson (Sven-Goran Eriksson) team 2-2 draw with Austria in the first game after winning six games straight victory, until September 7, 2005 embarrassing 0-1 defeat Northern Ireland. Plus one month before the 1-4 friendly defeat in Denmark, England's strength can not help worrying, however, Eriksson's team to Austria and Poland home winning streak record response to people's questions, which also ensures England team for ten games, eight wins and one loss record sit tight in the top spot in Group 6. From the first time in 1950, the Brazilian World Cup appearance date, there have been England FIFA World Cup ™ 11 to enter the final laps. But that glory in 1966, they go the farthest in the final stages of a should be in 1990 semifinals, when they lost on penalties against the former Federal Republic of Germany. Four years ago, in Korea / Japan World Cup, who is the fifth stop at the quarter-finals, in virtue of Owen (Michael Owen) after a 1-2 goal lead lost to Brazil. Two years later they hosted the European Cup in Portugal because of penalties to be eliminated once again lost to the host, but the 18-year-old Wayne Rooney (Wayne Rooney), turned out to have brought them some comfort. Now, the talented 20-year-old striker has become a national team of the Star of Hope. Rooney is not the only world-class talented offensive player, Michael Owen, David Beckham midfield triangle (David Beckham), Gerrard (Steven Gerrard) and Frank Lampard (Frank Lampard) is also proud of the team capital. On defense, England is also very strong. In the guard position, in addition to Ferdinand (Rio Ferdinand) or Campbell (Sol Campbell), Terry (John Terry) is also a strong contender.
  Established 1863
  Subsidiary 1905
  Number 11 in the World Cup (1950, 1954, 1958, 1962, 1966, 1970, 1982, 1986, 1990, 1998, 2002)
  Winning the World Cup champion (1966)
  No intercontinental champion
  Other facts
  England, the cradle of the modern game, the first time in 1950, took part in the FIFA World Cup. Although the start of the first Chilean to win, but they lost to the United States and Spain, in the first round went home. In 1954, England lost in the quarter-finals in Uruguay; in 1962, they lost the final on the same level of world champions Brazil.
  The glory of England in 1966 FIFA World Cup come, when they are hosts. In the final stage after a 4-2 victory over Germany, the inventor of the first and only football once won the world championship. Geoff Hurst (Geoff Hurst) had a hat-trick in the game by 1 point.
  Since then, England entered the semi-finals at most. In 1990, they entered the semi-finals, but was eventually champion Germany to a penalty shoot-out.
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The difference between England and Scotland
  In terms of race and history, said Scotland and England are not the same thing. Scottish and Irish ancestors, like the Celtics, said from the ancient Celtic civilization and language, this language is the official language in Scotland today. In 843 AD, a king of Scotland completed the reunification of the various tribes of Scotland to establish a true sense of the Kingdom of Scotland. At that time, Anglo-Saxon Britain was still hit the southern island of wild boar.
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  (Wang Yongze)
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English Expression
  1. n.:  england
French Expression
  1. n.  Angleterre
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England moralnew England
England teamEngland East
open embroidery on white linen, etcthe North of England
Miss Englandmidland
englishwomanengland northeast
england saladEast weald
england southwestengland northwest
england southeastengland doomsday
england longbowengland Team song
england Bankengland balladry
England Damaoengland Lac
England NvzuNew england Ridge Ridge
england kingdomEnglish county
england civil warEngland football
england kingengland tournament
england caringcenter England East
northeast englandwest weald
center England westengland impression
england remnantEngland Of injury
University of New EnglandMerry England
the North CountryNew England College
new England overturnnew England whelk
England Long ArcherNew england Sanchu
england sheepdogengland all cake
England FA CupEngland ceremony Auction
england Division A soccer teamengland World Cup
west England Universityenglish throb
That's ... for you ! englandEngland Kuanrenjian
english zoneengland nation team
england Deputy teamengland chief justice
England The seven states--chin, chu, yen, chao, han, wei and chi--of the warring signengland flack
to the north of Englandthe governor of the Bankof England
the MidlandsNorth-countryman
hengeengland suffolk
We on campaign englandJul of new England
England football everengland administrative divisions
new England Black Grousenew England cottontail
England football tournamentEngland champion tournament
england _Set_e houndengland mark chaser
Years England Europe cupEngland football guide
england football baasnew England loyalist
robert England moralengland Football college
England Community Dunsaiyear England World Cup
devonshireNew England Institute of Technology
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new England corn bisqueNew england loyalist team
England football Alliance cupnew England medicine periodical
england boosterengland Football Club
New england long surf clam bisqueLake land
Land of the Rosecroft
Domesday Bookthe Border(s)
the curse of ScotlandBirmingham center England University
england football baasEngland Attorney occupation of Derive
England and Scotland balladryEngland commonwealth Protector off
england football baasEngland Pleasant virtue Zhiyou Chinese meeting
England football Champion tournamentEngland football A grade tournament
England football B tournamentyear England World Cup
England Football ultra- tournamentengland Rice Salty pig bouillon
Henry II Curmantle england kingEngland Haoqingxing fleet aircraft carrier
Edward V englandYears England Europe cup
England DegubaoEngland football tournament System
New england Head long surf clam bisqueThe british isles england Regional District
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a person of (no) importance Philosopher And England General jurisprudence person of dialogLegislation occupation And Constitutionality with England take
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England team Number one football Divine Burgeon Equation Wayne Rooney memoirEngland team Number one football Divine burgeon equation
Classification details
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