特立尼達和多巴哥共和國(英語:Republic of Trinidad and Tobago,港臺通常直接簡稱其作“千裏達”)是一個位於中美洲加勒比海南部、緊鄰於委內瑞拉外海的島國。全國由兩個主要大島——特立尼達島與多巴哥島,以及另外21個較小島嶼組成,其中全國大部分的人口均集中在特立尼達島之上。二戰過後,全球掀起一股殖民地解放浪潮,而原屬英國殖民地的諸多加勒比海地區(包括特立尼達島與多巴哥島)也在1958年時組建成西印度群島聯邦來為日後的民族獨立作準備;不久,該聯邦便在牙買加退出的情況下逐漸瓦解,而特立尼達島與多巴哥島也於1962年宣佈獨立以合組為一個國傢,並在1976年成為英聯邦的一員。
位於特立尼達島西岸的海港城市西班牙港是該共和國的首都。該城目前也是美洲自由貿易區(Free Trade Area of the Americas,FTAA)常設代表處總部預定地的候選名單裏,排名順位最優先的城市,在中南美洲的經濟圈裏占有頗重要的地位。
The Republic of Trinidad and Tobago (pronounced /ˈtrɪnɨdæd ən təˈbeɪɡoʊ/) is an archipelagic state in the southern Caribbean, lying northeast of the South American country of Venezuela and south of Grenada in the Lesser Antilles. It shares maritime boundaries with other nations including Barbados to the northeast, Guyana to the southeast, and Venezuela to the south and west.
The country covers an area of 5,128 square kilometres (1,980 sq mi) and consists of two main islands, Trinidad and Tobago, and numerous smaller landforms. Trinidad is the larger and more populous of the main islands; Tobago is much smaller, comprising about 6% of the total area and 4% of the entire population which is estimated at 1.3 million (2005). The nation lies outside the hurricane belt.
Unlike most of the English-speaking Caribbean, Trinidad and Tobago's economy is primarily industrial, with an emphasis on petroleum and petrochemicals. Trinidad and Tobago is known for its Carnival and was the birthplace of steelpan, calypso, soca, and limbo.